764 resultados para Hospitalized


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La conciliación de medicamentos es la adecuada combinación de conocimientos y evidencias científicas de las reacciones, interacciones y necesidades de los pacientes, constituye en esencial el buen uso de los medicamentos. Objetivo general: Establecer la conciliación de medicamentos e identificar los tipos de discrepancias existentes al ingreso, durante la hospitalización y al alta en las pacientes del área de ginecología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso. Cuenca, durante los meses noviembre – diciembre 2015. Metodología: Se diseñó un estudio descriptivo, con un población de 200 pacientes hospitalizadas en el área de ginecología del Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso, durante 2 meses del 2015, recolectamos los datos mediante un formulario de dos etapas para la conciliación, a partir de las prescripciones de la historia clínica y entrevista a las pacientes, los que fueron ingresados en el software SPSS 15.0 para su tabulación, análisis, y presentación en tablas. Resultados: Se encontró 161 errores de conciliación y 42 discrepancias justificadas, en promedio 1,87discrepancias no justificadas por paciente. El error de conciliación más frecuente al ingreso corresponde a diferente dosis, vía y frecuencia de administración con un 84,6%, durante la hospitalización y al alta, correspondió a prescripciones incompletas con el 40% y 60,3% respectivamente. Conclusiones: La frecuencia con la que se realiza la conciliación de medicamentos en el Hospital Vicente Corral Moscoso fue del 15%. El 52% de pacientes están expuestos a riesgo por discordancias en las prescripciones, de ellos 43% son errores en la conciliación y un 9 % son discordancias justificadas


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SA HealthPlus, one of nine national Australian coordinated care trials, addressed chronic illness care by testing whether coordinated care would improve health outcomes at the cost of usual care. SA HealthPlus compared a generic model of coordinated care for 3,115 intervention patients with the usual care for 1,488 controls. Service coordinators and the behavioral and care-planning approach were new. The health status (SF-36) in six of eight projects improved, and those patients who had been hospitalized in the year immediately preceding the trial were the most likely to save on costs. A mid-trial review found that health benefits from coordinated care depended more on patients' self-management than the severity of their illness, a factor leading to the Flinders Model of Self-Management Support.


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AIM: The aim of this study was to examine the decision-making of nursing students during team based simulations on patient deterioration to determine the sources of information, the types of decisions made and the influences underpinning their decisions.

BACKGROUND: Missed, misinterpreted or mismanaged physiological signs of deterioration in hospitalized patients lead to costly serious adverse events. Not surprisingly, an increased focus on clinical education and graduate nurse work readiness has resulted.

DESIGN: A descriptive exploratory design.

METHODS: Clinical simulation laboratories in three Australian universities were used to run team based simulations with a patient actor. A convenience sample of 97 final-year nursing students completed simulations, with three students forming a team. Four teams from each university were randomly selected for detailed analysis. Cued recall during video review of team based simulation exercises to elicit descriptions of individual and team based decision-making and reflections on performance were audio-recorded post simulation (2012) and transcribed.

RESULTS: Students recalled 11 types of decisions, including: information seeking; patient assessment; diagnostic; intervention/treatment; evaluation; escalation; prediction; planning; collaboration; communication and reflective. Patient distress, uncertainty and a lack of knowledge were frequently recalled influences on decisions.

CONCLUSIONS: Incomplete information, premature diagnosis and a failure to consider alternatives when caring for patients is likely to lead to poor quality decisions. All health professionals have a responsibility in recognizing and responding to clinical deterioration within their scope of practice. A typology of nursing students' decision-making in teams, in this context, highlights the importance of individual knowledge, leadership and communication.


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BACKGROUND: There are limited published data reporting Australian hospitalized elders' vulnerability to functional decline to guide best practice interventions. The objectives of this study were to describe the prevalence of vulnerability to functional decline and explore profiles of vulnerability related to the performance of physical activity in a representative group of elders in a single centre in Victoria, Australia.

METHODS: A cross-sectional survey of patients aged ≥ 70 years (Mean age 82.4, SD 7 years) admitted to a general medical ward of an Australian tertiary-referral metropolitan public hospital from March 2010 to March 2011 (n = 526). Patients were screened using the Vulnerable Elders Survey (VES-13). Distinct typologies of physical difficulties were identified using latent class analysis.

RESULTS: Most elders scored ≥3/10 on the VES-13 and were rated vulnerable to functional decline (n = 480, 89.5 %). Four distinct classes of physical difficulty were identified: 1) Elders with higher physical functioning (n = 114, 21.7 %); 2) Ambulant elders with diminished strength (n = 24, 4.6 %); 3) Elders with impaired mobility, strength and ability to stoop (n = 267, 50.8 %) and 4) Elders with extensive physical impairment (n = 121, 23 %) Vulnerable elders were distributed through all classes.

CONCLUSIONS: Older general medicine patients in Victoria, Australia, are highly vulnerable to functional decline. We identified four distinct patterns of physical difficulties associated with vulnerability to functional decline that can inform health service planning, delivery and education.


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Travail dirigé présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en sciences infirmières, option expertise-conseil


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers


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L’exacerbation de la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées hospitalisées est fréquente. Le traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) est une condition médicale associée à un état de stress et d’hypercatabolisme particulièrement élevé (Cook, 2008) qui rend la personne âgée encore plus vulnérable. De plus, les recommandations en vigueur pour l’apport protéique (0,8 g/kg) semblent insuffisantes pour freiner la perte de masse musculaire qui conduit à la sarcopénie. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’un supplément protéino-énergétique sur les performances physiques de la personne âgée traumatisée crânienne en réadaptation, plus spécifiquement sur la distance de marche, la force de préhension, ainsi que le test du « Time up and go » (TUG). Vingtquatre sujets, âgés de 65 à 94 ans (14 hommes) ont consenti à participer à cette étude randomisée contrôlée à double-aveugle dans un centre de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive à Montréal. L’intervention consistait à ingérer un supplément nutritionnel (230 kcal, 15 g protéines, 25 g glucides) ou un placebo immédiatement après le traitement régulier de physiothérapie (45 à 60 minutes, 4 à 5 fois par semaine). Aucune différence significative n’a été trouvée dans les caractéristiques de base des 2 groupes. Une amélioration significative a été trouvée dans le groupe supplément pour le test du TUG. Notre étude d’intervention est la première en nutrition en sol québécois dans les Centres de réadaptation. La consommation d’un supplément chez la personne âgée durant le traitement de physiothérapie est une mesure simple et facile à introduire dans un contexte clinique. Même en l’absence de gains significatifs sur l’ensemble des mesures physiques, le supplément nutritionnel permet d’augmenter les apports caloriques et protéiques, ce qui peut contribuer à optimiser l’état nutritionnel. La littérature documente largement les impacts négatifs de la malnutrition et toute mesure pouvant contribuer à diminuer la prévalence de cette dernière ne peut donc qu’être positive.


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Travail dirigé présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de maîtrise en sciences infirmières, option expertise-conseil


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Rapport de stage présenté à la Faculté des sciences infirmières en vue de l’obtention du grade de Maître ès sciences (M. Sc.) en sciences infirmières option expertise-conseil en soins infirmiers


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L’exacerbation de la perte d’autonomie des personnes âgées hospitalisées est fréquente. Le traumatisme craniocérébral (TCC) est une condition médicale associée à un état de stress et d’hypercatabolisme particulièrement élevé (Cook, 2008) qui rend la personne âgée encore plus vulnérable. De plus, les recommandations en vigueur pour l’apport protéique (0,8 g/kg) semblent insuffisantes pour freiner la perte de masse musculaire qui conduit à la sarcopénie. L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer l’impact d’un supplément protéino-énergétique sur les performances physiques de la personne âgée traumatisée crânienne en réadaptation, plus spécifiquement sur la distance de marche, la force de préhension, ainsi que le test du « Time up and go » (TUG). Vingtquatre sujets, âgés de 65 à 94 ans (14 hommes) ont consenti à participer à cette étude randomisée contrôlée à double-aveugle dans un centre de réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive à Montréal. L’intervention consistait à ingérer un supplément nutritionnel (230 kcal, 15 g protéines, 25 g glucides) ou un placebo immédiatement après le traitement régulier de physiothérapie (45 à 60 minutes, 4 à 5 fois par semaine). Aucune différence significative n’a été trouvée dans les caractéristiques de base des 2 groupes. Une amélioration significative a été trouvée dans le groupe supplément pour le test du TUG. Notre étude d’intervention est la première en nutrition en sol québécois dans les Centres de réadaptation. La consommation d’un supplément chez la personne âgée durant le traitement de physiothérapie est une mesure simple et facile à introduire dans un contexte clinique. Même en l’absence de gains significatifs sur l’ensemble des mesures physiques, le supplément nutritionnel permet d’augmenter les apports caloriques et protéiques, ce qui peut contribuer à optimiser l’état nutritionnel. La littérature documente largement les impacts négatifs de la malnutrition et toute mesure pouvant contribuer à diminuer la prévalence de cette dernière ne peut donc qu’être positive.


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Objective: Given the inaccessibility of indirect calorimetry, intensive care units generally use predictive equations or recommendations that are established by international societies to determine energy expenditure. The aim of the present study was to compare the energy expenditure of critically ill patients, as determined using indirect calorimetry, to the values obtained using the Harris-Benedict equation. Methods: A retrospective observational study was conducted at the Intensive Care Unit 1 of the Centro Hospitalar do Porto. The energy requirements of hospitalized critically ill patients as determined using indirect calorimetry were assessed between January 2003 and April 2012. The accuracy (± 10% difference between the measured and estimated values), the mean differences and the limits of agreement were determined for the studied equations. Results: Eighty-five patients were assessed using 288 indirect calorimetry measurements. The following energy requirement values were obtained for the different methods: 1,753.98±391.13 kcal/ day (24.48 ± 5.95 kcal/kg/day) for indirect calorimetry and 1,504.11 ± 266.99 kcal/day (20.72±2.43 kcal/kg/day) for the HarrisBenedict equation. The equation had a precision of 31.76% with a mean difference of -259.86 kcal/day and limits of agreement between -858.84 and 339.12 kcal/day. Sex (p=0.023), temperature (p=0.009) and body mass index (p< 0.001) were found to significantly affect energy expenditure Conclusion: The Harris-Benedict equation is inaccurate and tends to underestimate energy expenditure. In addition, the Harris-Benedict equation is associated with significant differences between the predicted and true energy expenditure at an individual level


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.


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Dyspnea is a common and disabling symptom of respiratory and heart diseases, which is growing in incidence. During hospital admission, breathlessness is under-diagnosed and under-treated, although there are treatments available for controlling the symptom. We have developed a tailored implementation strategy directed to medical staff to promote the application of these pharmacological and non-pharmacological tools in dealing with dyspnea. The primary aim is to decrease the rate of patients that do not receive an adequate relief of dyspnea. This is a four-stage quasi-experimental study. The intervention consists in two teaching talks that will be taught in Cardiology and Respiratory Medicine Departments. The contents will be prepared by Palliative Care specialists, based on available tools for management of dyspnea and patients' needs. A cross-sectional study of dyspnea in hospitalized patients will be performed before and after the intervention to ascertain an improvement in dyspnea intensity due to changes in medical practices. The last phase consists in the creation of consensus protocols for dyspnea management based in our experience. The results of this study are expected to be of great value and may change clinical practice in the near future and promote a changing for the better of dyspnea care.


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First year follow-up after heart transplantation requires invasive tests. Although patients used to be hospitalized for this purpose, ambulatory invasive procedures now offer the possibility of outpatient follow-up. The feasibility and security of this strategy is unknown. From 2007 we transitioned to outpatient follow-up. We have retrospectively reviewed the clinical course of the outpatient group (2007 to 2014) and an inpatient group (2000–2006). Basal characteristics, hospital stay, infections, rejection episodes and vascular complications were evaluated. 87 patients had Inpatient Follow-up (IF) and 98 Outpatient Follow-up (OF). Basal characteristics were similar, with significant differences in immunosuppression (tacrolimus IF 44.8% vs. OF 90.8%, and mycophenolate IF 86.2% vs OF 100%, both p values < 0.001) and age (IF 52 ± 11.5 years vs. OF 56.1 ± 11 years, p = 0.016). In the OF group more clinical visits were performed (IF 10 vs. OF 13, p < 0.001) while hospital stay was lower (IF 23 days vs. OF 3 days, p < 0.001). The rate of infection, rejection, and vascular complications was similar. No difference was found in 1-year mortality (IF 2.3% vs. 1.0%, p = 0.60). First year post-cardiac transplantation outpatient follow-up seems to be feasible and safe in terms of infection, rejection, vascular complications and mortality.


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BACKGROUND: Psychological comorbidities are associated with poor outcome and increased healthcare utilization in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, a model of care addressing the biopsychosocial dimension of disease is not routinely applied in IBD. This review describes the development of such a model and the effects of its implementation in a hospital-based cohort of patients with IBD. METHODS: Three different approaches were used: 1) collecting baseline epidemiological data on mental health comorbidities; 2) raising awareness of and targeting mental health problems; 3) examining the effects of the model implementation. RESULTS: High rates of anxiety and depressive symptoms (36% and 13%, respectively) that are maintained over time were identified in IBD patients presenting at a metropolitan teaching hospital. Patients with documented psychological comorbidities were more likely to be hospitalized than those without (odds ratio [OR] = 4.13, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.25, 13.61). Improvements in disease activity, anxiety, depression, quality of life, and coping have been noted when cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was provided to patients. A drop in the use of opiates (P = 0.037) and hospitalization rates (from 48% to 30%) in IBD patients has been noted as a result of introduction of the changed model of care. In addition, the mean total cost of inpatient care was lower for IBD patients than controls (US$12,857.48 [US$15,236.79] vs. US$ 30,467.78 [US$ 53,760.20], P = 0.005). CONCLUSION: Our data to date suggest that an integrated model of care for patients with IBD may yield superior long-term outcomes in terms of medication use and hospitalization rates and reduce healthcare costs.