889 resultados para Hong Sangsoo


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Neurofuzzy modelling systems combine fuzzy logic with quantitative artificial neural networks via a concept of fuzzification by using a fuzzy membership function usually based on B-splines and algebraic operators for inference, etc. The paper introduces a neurofuzzy model construction algorithm using Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions as basis functions. The new network maintains most of the properties of the B-spline expansion based neurofuzzy system, such as the non-negativity of the basis functions, and unity of support but with the additional advantages of structural parsimony and Delaunay input space partitioning, avoiding the inherent computational problems of lattice networks. This new modelling network is based on the idea that an input vector can be mapped into barycentric co-ordinates with respect to a set of predetermined knots as vertices of a polygon (a set of tiled Delaunay triangles) over the input space. The network is expressed as the Bezier-Bernstein polynomial function of barycentric co-ordinates of the input vector. An inverse de Casteljau procedure using backpropagation is developed to obtain the input vector's barycentric co-ordinates that form the basis functions. Extension of the Bezier-Bernstein neurofuzzy algorithm to n-dimensional inputs is discussed followed by numerical examples to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new data based modelling approach.


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This paper introduces a new neurofuzzy model construction algorithm for nonlinear dynamic systems based upon basis functions that are Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions. This paper is generalized in that it copes with n-dimensional inputs by utilising an additive decomposition construction to overcome the curse of dimensionality associated with high n. This new construction algorithm also introduces univariate Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions for the completeness of the generalized procedure. Like the B-spline expansion based neurofuzzy systems, Bezier-Bernstein polynomial function based neurofuzzy networks hold desirable properties such as nonnegativity of the basis functions, unity of support, and interpretability of basis function as fuzzy membership functions, moreover with the additional advantages of structural parsimony and Delaunay input space partition, essentially overcoming the curse of dimensionality associated with conventional fuzzy and RBF networks. This new modeling network is based on additive decomposition approach together with two separate basis function formation approaches for both univariate and bivariate Bezier-Bernstein polynomial functions used in model construction. The overall network weights are then learnt using conventional least squares methods. Numerical examples are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new data based modeling approach.


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This paper presents a controller design scheme for a priori unknown non-linear dynamical processes that are identified via an operating point neurofuzzy system from process data. Based on a neurofuzzy design and model construction algorithm (NeuDec) for a non-linear dynamical process, a neurofuzzy state-space model of controllable form is initially constructed. The control scheme based on closed-loop pole assignment is then utilized to ensure the time invariance and linearization of the state equations so that the system stability can be guaranteed under some mild assumptions, even in the presence of modelling error. The proposed approach requires a known state vector for the application of pole assignment state feedback. For this purpose, a generalized Kalman filtering algorithm with coloured noise is developed on the basis of the neurofuzzy state-space model to obtain an optimal state vector estimation. The derived controller is applied in typical output tracking problems by minimizing the tracking error. Simulation examples are included to demonstrate the operation and effectiveness of the new approach.


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A new state estimator algorithm is based on a neurofuzzy network and the Kalman filter algorithm. The major contribution of the paper is recognition of a bias problem in the parameter estimation of the state-space model and the introduction of a simple, effective prefiltering method to achieve unbiased parameter estimates in the state-space model, which will then be applied for state estimation using the Kalman filtering algorithm. Fundamental to this method is a simple prefiltering procedure using a nonlinear principal component analysis method based on the neurofuzzy basis set. This prefiltering can be performed without prior system structure knowledge. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach.


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A new parameter-estimation algorithm, which minimises the cross-validated prediction error for linear-in-the-parameter models, is proposed, based on stacked regression and an evolutionary algorithm. It is initially shown that cross-validation is very important for prediction in linear-in-the-parameter models using a criterion called the mean dispersion error (MDE). Stacked regression, which can be regarded as a sophisticated type of cross-validation, is then introduced based on an evolutionary algorithm, to produce a new parameter-estimation algorithm, which preserves the parsimony of a concise model structure that is determined using the forward orthogonal least-squares (OLS) algorithm. The PRESS prediction errors are used for cross-validation, and the sunspot and Canadian lynx time series are used to demonstrate the new algorithms.


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A predictability index was defined as the ratio of the variance of the optimal prediction to the variance of the original time series by Granger and Anderson (1976) and Bhansali (1989). A new simplified algorithm for estimating the predictability index is introduced and the new estimator is shown to be a simple and effective tool in applications of predictability ranking and as an aid in the preliminary analysis of time series. The relationship between the predictability index and the position of the poles and lag p of a time series which can be modelled as an AR(p) model are also investigated. The effectiveness of the algorithm is demonstrated using numerical examples including an application to stock prices.


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A new structure of Radial Basis Function (RBF) neural network called the Dual-orthogonal RBF Network (DRBF) is introduced for nonlinear time series prediction. The hidden nodes of a conventional RBF network compare the Euclidean distance between the network input vector and the centres, and the node responses are radially symmetrical. But in time series prediction where the system input vectors are lagged system outputs, which are usually highly correlated, the Euclidean distance measure may not be appropriate. The DRBF network modifies the distance metric by introducing a classification function which is based on the estimation data set. Training the DRBF networks consists of two stages. Learning the classification related basis functions and the important input nodes, followed by selecting the regressors and learning the weights of the hidden nodes. In both cases, a forward Orthogonal Least Squares (OLS) selection procedure is applied, initially to select the important input nodes and then to select the important centres. Simulation results of single-step and multi-step ahead predictions over a test data set are included to demonstrate the effectiveness of the new approach.


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A fast backward elimination algorithm is introduced based on a QR decomposition and Givens transformations to prune radial-basis-function networks. Nodes are sequentially removed using an increment of error variance criterion. The procedure is terminated by using a prediction risk criterion so as to obtain a model structure with good generalisation properties. The algorithm can be used to postprocess radial basis centres selected using a k-means routine and, in this mode, it provides a hybrid supervised centre selection approach.


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Associative memory networks such as Radial Basis Functions, Neurofuzzy and Fuzzy Logic used for modelling nonlinear processes suffer from the curse of dimensionality (COD), in that as the input dimension increases the parameterization, computation cost, training data requirements, etc. increase exponentially. Here a new algorithm is introduced for the construction of a Delaunay input space partitioned optimal piecewise locally linear models to overcome the COD as well as generate locally linear models directly amenable to linear control and estimation algorithms. The training of the model is configured as a new mixture of experts network with a new fast decision rule derived using convex set theory. A very fast simulated reannealing (VFSR) algorithm is utilized to search a global optimal solution of the Delaunay input space partition. A benchmark non-linear time series is used to demonstrate the new approach.