970 resultados para Homogeneous fluids


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We show that the projected Gross-Pitaevskii equation (PGPE) can be mapped exactly onto Hamilton's equations of motion for classical position and momentum variables. Making use of this mapping, we adapt techniques developed in statistical mechanics to calculate the temperature and chemical potential of a classical Bose field in the microcanonical ensemble. We apply the method to simulations of the PGPE, which can be used to represent the highly occupied modes of Bose condensed gases at finite temperature. The method is rigorous, valid beyond the realms of perturbation theory, and agrees with an earlier method of temperature measurement for the same system. Using this method we show that the critical temperature for condensation in a homogeneous Bose gas on a lattice with a uv cutoff increases with the interaction strength. We discuss how to determine the temperature shift for the Bose gas in the continuum limit using this type of calculation, and obtain a result in agreement with more sophisticated Monte Carlo simulations. We also consider the behavior of the specific heat.


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This paper presents a detailed analysis of adsorption of supercritical fluids on nonporous graphitized thermal carbon black. Two methods are employed in the analysis. One is the molecular layer structure theory (MLST), proposed recently by our group, and the other is the grand canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC) simulation. They were applied to describe the adsorption of argon, krypton, methane, ethylene, and sulfur hexafluoride on graphitized thermal carbon black. It was found that the MLST describes all the experimental data at various temperatures well. Results from GCMC simulations describe well the data at low pressure but show some deviations at higher pressures for all the adsorbates tested. The question of negative surface excess is also discussed in this paper.


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Multicellular tumor spheroids (MCTS) are used as organotypic models of normal and solid tumor tissue. Traditional techniques for generating MCTS, such as growth on nonadherent surfaces, in suspension, or on scaffolds, have a number of drawbacks, including the need for manual selection to achieve a homogeneous population and the use of nonphysiological matrix compounds. In this study we describe a mild method for the generation of MCTS, in which individual spheroids form in hanging drops suspended from a microtiter plate. The method has been successfully applied to a broad range of cell lines and shows nearly 100% efficiency (i.e., one spheroid per drop). Using the hepatoma cell line, HepG2, the hanging drop method generated well-rounded MCTS with a narrow size distribution (coefficient of variation [CV] 10% to 15%, compared with 40% to 60% for growth on nonadherent surfaces). Structural analysis of HepG2 and a mammary gland adenocarcinoma cell line, MCF-7, composed spheroids, revealed highly organized, three-dimensional, tissue-like structures with an extensive extracellular matrix. The hanging drop method represents an attractive alternative for MCTS production, because it is mild, can be applied to a wide variety of cell lines, and can produce spheroids of a homogeneous size without the need for sieving or manual selection. The method has applications for basic studies of physiology and metabolism, tumor biology, toxicology, cellular organization, and the development of bioartificial tissue. (C) 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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REE analyses were performed on authigenic illitic clay. minerals from Late Permian mudrocks, sandstones and bentonites from the Bowen Basin (Australia). The mixed-layer illite-smectite exhibit REE patterns with an obvious fractionation of the HREE from the LREE and MREE, which is an apparent function of degree of illitization reaction. The highly illitic (R greater than or equal to 3) illite-smectite from the northern Bowen Basin show a depletion of LREE relative to the less illitic (R=0 and 1) clays. In contrast, an enrichment of HREE for the illite-rich clays relative to less. illitic clays is evident for the southern Bowen Basin samples. The North American Shale Composite-normalized (La/Lu)(sn) ratios show negative correlations with the illite content in illite-smectite and positive correlations with the delta(18)O values of the clays for both the northern and southern Bowen Basin samples. These correlations indicate that the increasing depletion of LREE in hydrothermal fluids is a function of increasing water/rock ratios in the northern Bowen Basin. Good negative correlations between (La/Lu)(sn) ratios and illite content in illite-smectite from the southern Bowen Basin suggest the involvement of fluids with higher alkalinity and higher pH in low water/ rock ratio conditions. Increasing HREE enrichment with delta(18)O decrease indicates the effect of increasing temperature at low water/rock ratios in the southern Bowen Basin. Results of the present study confirm the conclusions of some earlier studies suggesting that REE in illitic clay minerals are mobile and fractionated during illitization and that this fact should be considered in studies of sedimentary processes and in identifying provenance. Moreover, our results show that REE systematic of illitic clay minerals can be applied as an useful technique to gain information about physico-chemical conditions during thermal and fluid flow events in certain sedimentary basins. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present here a tractable theory of transport of simple fluids in cylindrical nanopores, which is applicable over a wide range of densities and pore sizes. In the Henry law low-density region the theory considers the trajectories of molecules oscillating between diffuse wall collisions, while at higher densities beyond this region the contribution from viscous flow becomes significant and is included through our recent approach utilizing a local average density model. The model is validated by means of equilibrium as well nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations of supercritical methane transport in cylindrical silica pores over a wide range of temperature, density, and pore size. The model for the Henry law region is exact and found to yield an excellent match with simulations at all conditions, including the single-file region of very small pore size where it is shown to provide the density-independent collective transport coefficient. It is also shown that in the absence of dispersive interactions the model reduces to the classical Knudsen result, but in the presence of such interactions the latter model drastically overpredicts the transport coefficient. For larger micropores beyond the single-file region the transport coefficient is reduced at high density because of intermolecular interactions and hindrance to particle crossings leading to a large decrease in surface slip that is not well represented by the model. However, for mesopores the transport coefficient increases monotonically with density, over the range studied, and is very well predicted by the theory, though at very high density the contribution from surface slip is slightly overpredicted. It is also seen that the concept of activated diffusion, commonly associated with diffusion in small pores, is fundamentally invalid for smooth pores, and the apparent activation energy is not simply related to the minimum pore potential or the adsorption energy as generally assumed. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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NPT and NVT Monte Carlo simulations are applied to models for methane and water to predict the PVT behaviour of these fluids over a wide range of temperatures and pressures. The potential models examined in this paper have previously been presented in the literature with their specific parameters optimised to fit phase coexistence data. The exponential-6 potential for methane gives generally good prediction of PVT behaviour over the full range of temperature and pressures studied with the only significant deviation from experimental data seen at high temperatures and pressures. The NSPCE water model shows very poor prediction of PVT behaviour, particularly at dense conditions. To improve this. the charge separation in the NSPCE model is varied with density. Improvements for vapour and liquid phase PVT predictions are achieved with this variation. No improvement was found in the prediction of the oxygen-oxygen radial distribution by varying charge separation under dense phase conditions. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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It is a common approximation in the modeling of adsorption in microporous carbons to treat the pores as slit pores, whose walls are considered to consist of an infinite number of graphitic layers. In practice, such an approximation is appropriate as long as the number of graphitic layers in the wall is greater than three. However, it is understood that pore walls in microporous carbons commonly consist of three or fewer layers. As well as affecting the solid-fluid interaction within a pore, such narrow walls permit the interaction of fluid molecules through the wall, with consequences for the adsorption characteristics. We consider the effect that a distributed pore-wall thickness model can have on transport properties. At low density we find that the only significant deviation in the transport properties from the infinite pore-wall thickness model occurs in pores with single-layer walls. For a model of activated carbons with a distribution of pore widths and pore-wall thicknesses, the transport properties are generally insensitive to the effects of finite walls, in terms of both the solid-fluid interaction within a pore and fluid-fluid interaction through the pore walls.


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Let T be a partial latin square and L be a latin square with T subset of L. We say that T is a latin trade if there exists a partial latin square T' with T' boolean AND T = theta such that (LT) U T' is a latin square. A k-homogeneous latin trade is one which intersects each row, each column and each entry either 0 or k times. In this paper, we construct 3-homogeneous latin trades from hexagonal packings of the plane with circles. We show that 3-homogeneous latin trades of size 3 m exist for each m >= 3. This paper discusses existence results for latin trades and provides a glueing construction which is subsequently used to construct all latin trades of finite order greater than three. Crown Copyright (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A rapid method has been developed for the quantification of the prototypic cyclotide kalata B I in water and plasma utilizing matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. The unusual structure of the cyclotides means that they do not ionise as readily as linear peptides and as a result of their low ionisation efficiency, traditional LC/MS analyses were not able to reach the levels of detection required for the quantification of cyclotides in plasma for pharmacokinetic studies. MALDI-TOF-MS analysis showed linearity (R-2 > 0.99) in the concentration range 0.05-10 mu g/mL with a limit of detection of 0.05 mu g/mL (9 fmol) in plasma. This paper highlights the applicability of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry for the rapid and sensitive quantification of peptides in biological samples without the need for extensive extraction procedures. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.