798 resultados para Homens na educação infantil


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Este trabalho utiliza uma base de dados ainda não explorada na literatura de economia da educação para investigar o impacto do ensino técnico sobre variáveis de mercado de trabalho. Os dados, estruturadas em painel, permitem utilizar diferenças em diferenças com efeito fixo do indivíduo aliado com variáveis instrumentais para lidar com os tradicionais problemas de endogeneidade nesse tipo de trabalho. As Estimações são realizadas para diversas subamostras para captar eventuais efeitos heterogêneos. Os resultados apontam que há impacto, notadamente sobre ocupação (principalmente entre as mulheres) e salários (com maior intensidade entre os homens).


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Módulo 3


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Este relatório sobre o estágio pedagógico realizado na disciplina Educação Física (EF), lecionada na Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva (EBSAAS), pretendeu demonstrar o caminho seguido pelo professor estagiário na sua abordagem inicial ao contexto escolar, bem como evidenciar as intencionalidades existentes nas diversas tomadas de decisão requeridas durante este processo pedagógico. As funções desempenhadas permitiram desenvolver a capacidade de sistematizar o conhecimento tratado e produzido durante o estágio pedagógico, sustentado no conhecimento científico e articulado com as restantes atividades curriculares e extracurriculares para fomentar a formação eclética dos alunos. O relatório está estruturado de forma a enquadrar contextualmente a EBSAAS de modo a apropriar o currículo e a ação pedagógica do professor às necessidades e limitações existentes. Neste âmbito, foi necessário diagnosticar, prescrever e avaliar as diversas situações do contexto, tais como os objetivos preconizados pelo Programa Nacional de Educação Física (PNEF), o sistema de avaliação em vigor, o sistema de rotatividade das instalações, os materiais didáticos disponíveis, as oportunidades de desenvolvimento a explorar na escola, as necessidades a colmatar na mesma e as características dos alunos pertencentes à turma do professor estagiário. Dominando este conjunto de variáveis, o docente estagiário preparou-se para adotar uma gestão, do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, consentânea com os desafios emergentes da realidade onde estava inserido. Com o intuito de aprimorar a referida preparação, a assistência às aulas do professor estagiário e do professor experiente permitiram desenvolver o processo de ensino-aprendizagem de forma mais sustentada, eficaz e consciente no que se refere às intencionalidades da ação pedagógica no processo de transformação dos alunos. Neste estágio pedagógico foram desenvolvidas duas atividades de natureza científico-pedagógica, uma individual e a outra coletiva. Para além destas, foram realizadas uma atividade de integração no meio e uma atividade de intervenção na comunidade escolar, cujos enquadramentos tiveram o propósito de dar resposta às necessidades resultantes da prática pedagógica. Com esta prática de estágio foi possível dominar um conjunto de instrumentos e métodos de investigação que ajudaram a desenvolver uma ação pedagógica mais eficaz e ponderada, e a operacionalizar um suporte teórico que orientasse futuramente em ações pedagógicas posteriores. A diversidade de funções durante esta prática de estágio fez desencadear um conjunto de capacidades ao nível da gestão do tempo disponível para o desenvolvimento adequado e eficaz do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, beneficiando assim os alunos ao nível dos ganhos em aprendizagem. Centrado nas aprendizagens dos alunos e no contributo que estas trariam ao nível da sua transformação enquanto Homens, o professor estagiário expôs-se a zonas de desafio que maximizassem a preconização do seu ideal.


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O desenvolvimento das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) têm revolucionado a sociedade contemporânea, a escola nesse contexto é chamada a incorporar esses recursos não de forma acrítica ou como recurso auxiliar de ensino, mas como potencializador da construção do conhecimento. O Governo brasileiro através de políticas públicas educacionais vêm disseminando o uso das TIC nas escolas através de programas a exemplo do PROINFO e PROUCA, este último visa a distribuição de laptops educacionais na modalidade 1-1 às crianças. Essa pesquisa visa compreender as práticas pedagógicas na perspectiva de sua consideração como sendo ou não efetiva na melhoria objetivada enquanto inovação pedagógica e promoção do protagonismo infanto juvenil. Para tanto, foi necessário verificar se a utilização desse dispositivo móvel tem contribuído para a construção do conhecimento a ponto de permitir considerar as práticas pedagógicas como inovação pedagógica. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa de cunho etnográfico com análise de conteúdo, utilizando-se entrevistas com 10 professores e 30 alunos e observações participantes, fundamentada na abordagem Construcionista de Seymour Papert, base de sustentação teórica para a análise dos resultados. O estudo evidenciou, categorias, como: construção do conhecimento, mudança de prática, dificuldades e limitações, motivação e fascínio, mobilidade, acesso a internet, habilidades, autonomia, colaboração e autoria, através das quais foi possível compreender o objeto, como uma potencialidade, visto que, a persistência e a busca alternativa se fizeram presentes na superação gradativa das limitações e entraves que se mostraram no decorrer da pesquisa.


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Este relatório pretende aglomerar um conjunto de ideias, deduções, resultados, vivências e balanços de experiências que são o reflexo das aprendizagens que o Estágio Pedagógico proporcionou. O mesmo foi realizado na Escola Básica dos 2º e 3º Ciclos Dr. Horácio Bento de Gouveia, no ano letivo 2011-2012. Serão aqui expressos os problemas e dificuldades encontrados, os processos e estratégias criados para os resolver e as competências adquiridas nesse mesmo processo. O Estágio Pedagógico, que surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário, encontra-se estruturado por três grandes campos de ação, um de caráter curricular, outro de complemento curricular e ainda um de natureza Científico-Pedagógica. A citação que se encontra no início do documento pode aparentar estar desconetada do âmbito aqui abordado, contudo devemos frisar que todo o estágio se encontra mergulhado numa lógica global em que procuramos romper com alguns esquemas pré-concebidos tentando não dar respostas imediatas, mas potenciando capacidades nos nossos alunos para que possam responder de forma adequada aos problemas, (im)previsíveis, do futuro que se avizinha. Para tal, procurou-se também trabalhar numa conduta docente que estabeleceu objetivos a desenvolver e montou/adequou estratégias mobilizando assim os recursos necessários à produção do capital educação, no seu sentido mais geral. Os Desportos de Adaptação ao Meio (DAM), foram um dos grandes intervenientes em toda a nossa atividade docente. Sempre que pertinente, foram utilizados para potenciar aquilo que entendemos como fulcral na educação dos nossos jovens, a capacidade de se adaptarem a um contexto instável/variável. Tentou-se também ultrapassar algumas das barreiras existentes no que concerne a capacidades e competências docentes, bem como relativamente aos espaços e materiais necessários à abordagem das vi matérias de ensino por nós enquadradas nesta que é uma das categorias do Modelo Taxonómico de Análise das Atividades Desportivas de Almada, Fernando, Lopes, Vicente & Vitória (2008). O estágio foi, no fundo, um laboratório no qual testamos estratégias de intervenção para que, enquanto futuros docentes, possamos trabalhar nas diversas frentes de batalha com que o ensino se debate. A atividade docente não é então restrita às aulas nem se isola na relação professor aluno. É sim um todo maior que engloba o conhecer e compreender a escola, a sua comunidade educativa e as estruturas que a compõem, a capacidade de se relacionar com os pais, alunos, outros professores e funcionários, a capacidade de aprender com os colegas docentes da mesma e de outras áreas, contribuindo também para a sua formação utilizando o que conhecemos e/ou dominamos e por fim o planear a intervenção letiva e adequá-la às especificidades de cada aluno. Um trabalho que requer não só capacidades e competências ímpares como também apela à vontade íntima de valorizar a nossa área, a Educação Física, e transformar, os sujeitos com que nos deparamos nas nossas turmas - os Homens do futuro - de uma forma positiva.


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Quando refletimos sobre o conceito escola, pensamos no futuro, visto estarmos perante os homens e mulheres que terão a responsabilidade de edificar o horizonte da nossa sociedade e, inevitavelmente, da escola atual. Assim, a escola, em parceria com a sociedade, tem como objetivo orientar as crianças e jovens, transformando-os em seres sociais, éticos, críticos, inovadores, tecnológicos, criativos e morais. Para o efeito, é fundamental que os alunos reconheçam essas mesmas caraterísticas na comunidade escolar. A elaboração do presente relatório visa a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. No fundo, reflete um conjunto de experiências e aventuras vivenciadas no desenrolar da intervenção pedagógica, no contexto do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e da Educação Pré-Escolar, que decorreu na Escola Básica do 1.º Ciclo com Pré-Escolar de Santa Cruz. Com o intuito de promover uma pedagogia participativa, construtivista e democrática, o Relatório de Estágio congrega um conjunto de pressupostos teóricos que fundamentaram a práxis e que, de certo modo, contribuíram para a construção de aprendizagens significativas. Ao longo do corpus do trabalho surgiram duas questões relacionadas com o trabalho cooperativo e, recorrendo à metodologia de investigação-ação, procurou-se refletir sobre as mesmas e promover mudanças no ambiente educativo, sem nunca olvidar que as crianças constituem a essência do processo de ensino/aprendizagem. O objetivo principal era proporcionar-lhes um espaço, dentro e fora da sala de aula, onde a liberdade, a autonomia e a responsabilização representassem os pressupostos máximos da prática pedagógica, pois só assim é possível tomar consciência da complexidade de que se reveste o ato educativo, assumindo-a. Deste modo, são edificadas algumas das problemáticas que fazem parte do quotidiano das escolas e da sua comunidade, que são alvo de reflexão, já que poderão configurar-se pertinentes para a investigação e debates futuros.


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A ação educativa figurada neste relatório estabelece a sua centralidade na prática desenvolvida em contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar e de Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, em duas escolas públicas da Região Autónoma da Madeira. Neste relatório, a dimensão teórica certifica um conjunto de questões científicas de exímia importância para a intervenção pedagógica efetuada, fundamentada numa perspetiva sócio humanística, que permite descortinar a escola como um lugar propício à criação de relações sociais por meio de aprendizagens mais ativas, autónomas e participativas. No âmbito da natureza metodológica, as práticas educativas confinaram na investigaçãoação o seu percurso de intervenção, com recurso a instrumentos e técnicas de recolha de dados, suscetíveis de traduzirem aquilo que na prática foi nitidamente impossível de assegurar apenas através da observação não intencional. Foi neste contexto metodológico que surgiram os princípios pedagógicos que sustentaram a prática nas valências de EPE e de 1.º CEB. Os estágios desenvolvidos requereram um enquadramento socioeducativo quer do meio, quer das salas e das crianças, traçando os seus interesses e necessidades como elementos fundamentais de intervenção. Assim, o estágio na EPE pretendeu a estimulação da criatividade e da imaginação por meio da literatura infantil, a descoberta do corpo e a transmissão de sentimentos. Por sua vez, a prática desenvolvida em contexto de 1.º CEB agregou nas principais áreas curriculares o seu ponto de partida para descobertas mais livres, exploratórias e autónomas centradas no campo da literacia, do raciocínio lógicomatemático e da descoberta científica.


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The inter-subjectivity is the answer in the search for the solution of complex problems, which concerns interfaces of knowledge, respecting their borders. This paradigm is essential in the author's work. So, the search on screen is based on this perspective, by using inter-subject groups of work conduced by professionals of Computer Science, Social Communication, Architecture and Urbanism, Pedagogy, Psicopegagogy, Nutritional Science, Endocrinology, Occupational Therapy and Nursing, it was also part of this group an 8 year old child, daughter of one of the professional who took part of the group. This thesis aims to present the course of investigation developed, analyzing the action of inter-subject Occupational Therapy and Nutrition on the promotion of learning nutritional concepts through educative-nutritional games in order to prevent child's obesity in an educative context. The research was analytic, interventionist and almost experimental. It took place in a public school in Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil, between August and December 2004. It was selected a sample non-probabilistic, by convenience, of 200 children, born from 1994 to 1996. It was selected almost nonprobabilistically, by convenience, 200 children born between 1994 and 1996. To analyze the results it was used a triangulation, associated by quantitative and qualitative approaches. The basis collect happened through games specially manufactured to these research- video-games, board games, memory games, puzzles, scramble, searching words and iterative basics. There were semi-structured interviews, direct and structured observations and focus in-groups. It was noticed the efficiency of educativenutritional games in the learning process, which lead to a changing of attitude towards the eating choices. These games gave similar results in relation to the compared variations preferences, experience and attitudes, theses attitudes were observed through the game; and the categories to compare the possibility of learning by playing, the fantasy in the learning process, learning concepts of nutritional education and the need of help in the learning process (mediation). It was proved that educativenutritional games could be used to teach nutritional concepts, in an inter-subjective action of Occupational Therapy and Nutrition in schools. The simultaneous application of these games lead to the optimization of child s learning process. It should be emphasized the need of studies about the adaptation of tools used in a child s Nutritional Education, with the help of inter-subjective action. Because just one subject, in a fractionated way can give an answer to complex problems and help to a change of the reality with effectiveness and resolution


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Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the central nervous system, most frequently characterized by abnormal electrical impulses in the brain. It is the oldest recorded neurological disease and has been surrounded by myths, mistaken beliefs and preconceptions. Three professionals work with epileptic patients on a daily basis: teachers, physical educators and physicians . This study aimed to analyze and compare the level of knowledge, preconceptions and attitudes of undergraduate students in the courses of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine, future professionals who will deal with epileptic patients. This descriptive observational study was conducted with 286 university undergraduates of both sexes (women 99/34.6% and men 187/65.4%) from the first to fourth year of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine courses at the Universidade Estadual Rio Grande do Norte (UERN), with mean age of 23 years. A validated and adapted 17-question questionnaire, divided into nine knowledge-based questions, five related to preconceptions and three on attitudes, was applied. Results allowed elaboration of a manuscript entitled Comparative Analysis of Knowledge, Attitude and Preconceptions in University Undergraduates of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine Courses in Relation to Epilepsy. The findings of this article show that knowledge of epilepsy in the three groups is very satisfactory. The low level of preconception indicates that educational or clarifying information is being transmitted, albeit by television, a layman s information vehicle, which has undoubtedly contributed to reducing the stigma of epilepsy through educational information. Results also suggest a lack of knowledge on how to act during a seizure, especially in education professionals. Although there are limitations in our sample, the relevance and contribution of this study is to call attention to the importance and need for these future professionals to be informed and learn correct attitudes with respect to epilepsy during their academic formation. This is essential at a time when the disease is being brought out of the shadows. This research was supported by the Office of the Dean of Teaching, and Deans of Pedagogy, Physical Education and Medicine at UERN. The research was made possible by the multidisciplinary interaction among a physical educator, child neurologist and statistician, all contributing to achieving the aims set out here


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The focus of this thesis is the discussion of stories from the fairy tales genre in reading classes of Children´s Literature. Its main purpose is to investigate the argumentative action in the mediation pedagogic process.The evidence from this study is that the argumentative action is a fundamental component of teacher´s mediation as far as story discussion is concerned. The concept of mediation in this thesis comes from principles of interacionist Psychology articulated with THE theory of argumentation. It is understood that argumentative action is a process that objectives to obtain and to intensify the interlocuter´s adhesion through speech. The analysis of the story discussion activity is based on Psycholinguistic, particularly on the study of prevision ability; on the Theory of reception with special reference to the theory of the aesthetic effect, which considers the reader´s reactions and reader´s replies to the text; and on sociocognitive conflict study highlighting conflicts modalities brought up by the discussion of texts. The corpus analysed is composed by discussion episodes of stories from reading classes of Children´s Literature realized through participative observation.The subjects were children aged five-six years old from a public pre-school located in Natal-RN, Brazil. The study highlights mediation acts of argumentative nature such as direct question; illustrations from the book; rereading that were used by the teacher-researcher in story discussion. Among its conclusions it is revealed that argumentative action in stories discussion favors and intensifies the agreement of children´s to the activity. It increases the interaction between text and reader; it favours children´s organization and explicitation of their thoughts. The analysed material shows children´s exposing their ability to argue when having adequade scaffolding by an argumentative mediator the teacher


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The present study is about an etnographic research based on the Theory of Social Representation and its complementary approach, the Theory of Central Core based on the bourdiesianos concepts of field and habitus , concerning that these concepts, articulated to the constructed social representation, may contribute to the study of social identities. Its aim is to acknowledge which identity references community health agents (CHA), agents from Community Health Agent Program (CHAP) and Family Health Program (FHP) from João Pessoa PB and which social representation is constructed by them towards health education. The study had the participation of 119 CHAs, from which 90,3 % were female and 9,7% were male. Since the identity is also built by the representation of others towards the group, 63 professionals of the FHP group (16 nurses, 16 nursing assistents, 12 doctors, 9 dentists, 6 dentistry office assistents, 4 coordinators, 1 psicologist and 1 receptionist) and 1 nurse from CHAP took part of the study, oficial documents from the Health Ministry were analyzed, verbal information from its representatives were also taken into consideration, as well as reports from the many benefitiaries of the CHA, CHAP and FHP. For data collecting, we used the combination of (a) Direct Observation and Participant Observation of the functioning micro-areas of the CHA at the Family Health Units, and the Union of the Agents; (b) Free-Association of words and expressions to stimulate the CHA , Health Education and Health ; (c) Questionnaire; (d) Interviews. The interviews were submitted to a thematic analysis of its topic. The free-association was analyzed taking in consideration the vèrgesiana proposal (a combination of the frequency and average order of evocation) which treatment enabled the identification of the central and peripheral systems of social representation towards health education and the community health agent. A test of central refutation, associated to the analysis of the indicated evocations as the most important, provided empirical evidence of social representation towards health education as orientation , prevention and hygiene , as well as the identity of CHA as supervisor , friend , help , important , and the link between the community and the Family Health Staff. Other professionals from CHAP, FHP and the Health Ministry share all of these representational contents, especially the concepts of friend and link , also shared by the community. A habitus towards the community health agents was identified, as a representation based on trust and friendship, which gives the professional a great importance towards the daily inconsistencies faced by the community


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Under the aegis of the third diocese bishop of Caicó, Dom Manuel Tavares de Araújo, the Broadcasting Station of Rural Education of that city was founded, in May 1 s" 1963 with the ideal of being then an educational city, preferentially for youths and adults, rural meu and women of the arca of Seridó in Rio Grande do Norte state. In the year of its 40th birthday (2003), we began the investigation of that radio station choosing as study object its educational and formative programming, in the inc1usion of the first fifteen years of its existence (1963-1978), period that reaches the official inauguration of the Radio Station and the end of the bishopric of its fOllllder as Bishop of Caicó. Elucidating and showing Man's formative ideaIs longed by that Catholic educational broadcasting station, underlying to its radiophonic programming, such as the idealization for it reached, is the objective of this Doctorate work. It was considered pertinent to discover the guidelines that historically have permeated the Social Doçtrine of the Catholic Church addressing its aggiornamento, especially in what concerns to the employment of the modern ways of communication for the distance with the aim of evangelizing and educating. In arder to understand the ideaIs of the investigated educational Radio, we have delimited the research to the thematic Catholic Church, means of social communication and base education. In face of the study object and the aim to be reached it was appealed, methodologically, to the notion of cultural action present in Certeau (1995), and to the understanding of educational formation backgrounded fIam the modern thinkers that discuss it. Such frame references have allowed us to analyze in a wider spectrum tl)e programming broadcasted on the air by the sound wavys of that educ(itional Çatholic Radio, as well as, the very acts of cultural idealizations that has orientated it in its foundations. The thesis here defended is that. the Radio, at procJaiming itself as a broadcasting station of rural education directed preferably to the rural sertanejo countrymen, without neglecting its admitted ends, has surpassed them in its overall range. It was identified an articulate approach of its programmatic modules with the guid,elines emanateq from the Catholic Teaching about the use of the. means of social communication. At conceiving, establishin,g and executing an ec1ectic programmatic and div,ersified grating, the Rural Radio of Caicó has transcended to a strict human-Christian formation to request the development of the human, spiritual and cQrporaldimensions, jointly. With suchprogramming, it addressed to the seridoenses as real meu and women inserted in the "sertanej.o" environment with effective structural and existential problems of alI types, induding the hunger, the thirst, the syndical organization, the cQoperativism, the colIective modero work and the absence of universalizing school education. Its radiophonic transmissions, I}lled by the demands of an enlarged, open, dialogic and responsible communication, wheneIllbracing dedicated modules to religious and catechetical emissions, to the entertainment, to the radiojoumalism, to the country root culture, and to the school education of b se for the modality of the School and of the radiophonic classes, subsumed to ideaIs that longed for the formation of a multifaceted and pluridimensional sertanejo Man; of men and women that, without abjuring the Catholicism, were able to understand, to dialogued and to live together with the general demands of a society in progressive mutation, whose economical, social, cultural and educational demands it IDade themselves to be felt through the sertão potiguar of the Serido region, equal way of the intemationalized world


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For the development of this research the following general objective has been formulated, indicator of the process of inquiry: To discuss the relation between the attitudinal and the sportive contents presented in the proposal of Curricular Lines for the Physical Education of Young and Adults in Brazil. According to the corporeity and the ludicity, questioning the formation of the professional of Physical Education and delineating the perspective for a sport andragogy that values the Being and the Life. From this general objective, the following objectives, which had given greater specificity to the investigative process, were defined: 1. To create the theoretical context from the corporeity/ludicity axis, articulating transversally sportive knowledge, aiming to contribute for a sport Andragogy; 2. To analyze the objectives proposed for the Physical Education of Young and Adults according to an elaborated theoretical reference and to the testimonies of the egresses of 2005 of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 3. To interpret the relation between attitudinal and educative content from the academic reality lived by the egresses of the Physical Education course of the UFRN. 4. To understand the most urgent necessities of sustained formation of the egresses of 2005 for satisfactory performance with the Physical Education of Young and Adults. 5. To propose perspectives for the construction of a sport Andragogy from the corporeity/ludicity axis. In attendance to the nature of this research and as form of guiding ourselves in this epistemological adventure, the following ones had been basically and theoretically estimated. 1. Corporeity is a radiant focus, prime and main of educational criteria; 2. The task of the education must be carried through with men and not for men; 3. Man must only play with the beauty and with the beauty he only must play. ; 4. The sportive education must be based on esthetic and fair play. The adopted research approach is of a qualitative nature, using the interview procedure with a group consisting of twelve egresses of the Physical Education Course of the UFRN of the year of 2005.2 After the discussion of the results on the attitudinal objectives and content for the Physical Education for Adults and Young, the study shows nine themes presented by the investigated group as priorities for their sustained formation, aiming at the performance of the professional of Physical Education with the EJA: inclusive experiences; leisure and quality of life; relationships; body and personal care; social values; self esteem; sportive phenomenon; EJA training; attitudinal contents. As a contribution to the construction of knowledge for a Andragogy of Sports, the study presents a metaphorical structure called Galaxy of Knowledge righteous Glamor of integrating nine elements inspired by the Ode to the Sport of Pierre de Coubertin: life, beauty, justice, daring, honesty, joy; Fertility; progress; peace. At the heart of the structure of knowledge is righteous install a system that articulates five principles ludopoiético epistemological function of connecting with the righteous knowledge of the sport that must integrate the content attitudinal proposed for Fitness for Youth and Adults in order to facilitate the realization of their objectives proposed for this method of teaching


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Lima Barreto has built an educational conception of women in his fictional productions despite nuances inciting scholars to debate his writings and label him as misogynist and philogynist. Thus, the objective of this study is to comprehend, through signs present in his literary works, how women used to be educated in early twentieth century to accomplish the historical differences in gender relations. The main reason for this extract is the periodicity of his publications that started in 1900 by means of chronicles in newspapers and ended in 1922 after his death. For this, we identified codes and rules forged in the social processes to be assimilated by children through diverse institutions, aiming to incite the production of behaviors and social practices represented by the existence men and women in an ever changing society. Gender relations are analyzed within a society for their configuration concept by Nobert Elias (1970) as interdependence bonds among individuals. An investigative method proposed by Ginzburg (1989) was the most adequate to conduct the research on the work of Lima Barreto because it enables us to reconstruct the education concept for women. The dramas and novels analyzed point out the construction of categories such as women education, family, love and seduction revealing the engagement of Lima Barreto with the social problems of the period investigated. It was concluded that gender differentiation has come from family education which kept men and women in opposing sides giving them a marriage perspective that, after consummated, would bring frustration to women causing them to adopt confronting practices against domination strategies through celibacy or adultery. This research constitutes a reflection based on determined representations like justice, respect and duties that were the ideas defended by Lima Barreto in his writings, concerning both broader situations in social life and particular gender relations


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Pythagoras was one of the most important pre-Socratic thinkers, and the movement he founded, Pythagoreanism, influenced a whole thought later in religion and science. Iamblichus, an important Neoplatonic and Neopythagorean philosopher of the third century AD, produced one of the most important biographies of Pythagoras in his work Life of Pythagoras. In it he portrays the life of Pythagoras and provides information on Pythagoreanism, such as the Pythagorean religious community which resembled the cult of mysteries; the Pythagorean involvement in political affairs and in the government in southern Italy, the use of music by the Pythagoreans (means of purification of healing, use of theoretical study), the Pythagorean ethic (Pythagorean friendship and loyalty, temperance, self-control, inner balance); justice; and the attack on the Pythagoreans. Also in this biography, Iamblichus, almost seven hundred years after the termination of the Pythagorean School, established a catalog list with the names of two hundred and eighteen men and sixteen women, supposedly Pythagoreans of different nationalities. Based on this biography, a question was raised: to what extent and in what ways, can the Pythagoreans quoted by Iamblichus really be classified as Pythagoreans? We will take as guiding elements to search for answers to our central problem the following general objectives: to identify, whenever possible, which of the men and women listed in the Iamblichus catalog may be deemed Pythagorean and specific; (a) to describe the mystery religions; (b) to reflect on the similarities between the cult of mysteries and the Pythagorean School; (c) to develop criteria to define what is being a Pythagorean; (d) to define a Pythagorean; (e) to identify, if possible, through names, places of birth, life, thoughts, work, lifestyle, generation, etc.., each of the men and women listed by Iamblichus; (f) to highlight who, in the catalog, could really be considered Pythagorean, or adjusting to one or more criteria established in c, or also to the provisions of item d. To realize these goals, we conducted a literature review based on ancient sources that discuss the Pythagoreanism, especially Iamblichus (1986), Plato (2000), Aristotle (2009), as well as modern scholars of the Pythagorean movement, Cameron (1938), Burnet (1955), Burkert (1972), Barnes (1997), Gorman (n.d.), Guthrie (1988), Khan (1999), Mattéi (2000), Kirk, Raven and Shofield (2005), Fossa and Gorman (n.d.) (2010). The results of our survey show that, despite little or no availability of information on the names of alleged Pythagoreans listed by Iamblichus, if we apply the criteria and the definition set by us of what comes to be a Pythagorean to some names for which we have evidence, it is possible to assume that Iamblichus produced a list which included some Pythagoreans