981 resultados para Hermogenes, 2nd cent.
Alexandre Oliveira Almeida, Emerson Contreira Mossolin, and Joaldo Rocha Luz (2010) Reproductive biology of the freshwater shrimp Atya scabra (Leach, 1815) (Crustacea: Atyidae) in Ilheus, Bahia, Brazil. Zoological Studies 49(2): 243-252. Reproduction and population aspects of the freshwater shrimp Atya scabra in the Santana River, city of Ilheus, state of Bahia, Brazil, were studied from Apr. 2004 to May 2005. During these 14 mo, 3752 individuals were captured, with a sex ratio of 1.01 males for each female. The total number of individuals caught per month ranged 80-532. Males were generally larger than females. The smallest female found (5.40 mm in carapace length and 29.03 mm in total length) was ovigerous, which indicates that only adult individuals were caught. Ovigerous females were found every month, which indicates continuous reproduction and a high index of reproductive activity during the year. The highest reproduction indices were observed in May (94.3%) and Oct. (98.6%) 2004, and Mar. (93.7%) 2005. Fecundity ranged 870-8907 eggs, with a mean of 3811 (+/- 1992.87) eggs per female. The size of the females and their fecundity were positively correlated. The distribution of individuals in length classes by month showed that representatives of smaller classes occurred throughout almost the entire study period. This indicates a constant input of individuals into the population, which corroborates the characterization of the reproductive period as being continuous, and explains the large numbers of ovigerous females found each month. The 2nd abdominal segment is proportionally larger in females than in males, in width, height, and pleural length: these female secondary characteristics are related to an increased incubation area for eggs. http://zoolstud.sinica.edu.tw/Journals/49.2/243.pdf
Objectives: To evaluate the effect of a radio and newspaper campaign encouraging Italian-speaking women aged 50-69 years to attend a population-based mammography screening program. Methods: A series of radio scripts and newspaper advertisements ran weekly in the Italian-language media over two, four-week periods. Monthly mammography screens were analysed to determine if numbers of Italian-speaking women in the program increased during the two campaign periods, using interrupted time series regression analysis. A survey of Italian-speaking women attending BreastScreen NSW during the campaign period (n=240) investigated whether individuals had heard or seen the advertisements. Results: There was no statistically significant difference in the number of initial or subsequent mammograms in Italian-speaking women between the campaign periods and the period prior to (or after) the campaign. Twenty per cent of respondents cited the Italian media campaign as a prompt to attend. Fifty per cent had heard the radio ad and 30% had seen the newspaper ad encouraging Italian-speaking women to attend BSNSW. The most common prompt to attend was the BSNSW invitation letter, followed by information or recommendation from a GP. Conclusion: Radio and newspaper advertisements developed for the Italian community did not significantly increase attendance to BSNSW. Implications: Measures of program effectiveness based on self-report may not correspond to aggregate screening behaviour. The development of the media campaign in conjunction with the Italian community, and the provision of appropriate levels of resourcing, did not ensure the media campaign's success.
The aim of this investigation was to describe the occurrence of bradycardia during the early postoperative period of liver transplantation in children. We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of 79 children with end-stage liver diseases who underwent liver transplantation. All children experienced >= 1 episode of a cardiac rate below the 2nd percentile of a 1-hour minimum duration, which was considered to be bradycardia. Patients <24 months were compared with older ones. The overall incidence of bradycardia was 37% (n = 31), including 25 patients who displayed bradycardia until postoperative day 3. In all cases, the electrocardiogram was normal, showing sinus rhythm. A comparison of the groups demonstrated an increased incidence of bradycardia among patients <24 months of age (P = .03). In all patients, there were no hemodynamic consequences; the cardiac rate returned to normal uneventfully. The explanations for bradycardia could not be applied to these patients because none of them had any volume change or electrolyte disturbances; liver function tests were not seriously altered. The mechanisms of this postoperative complications are unclear.
Local inflammation is crucial for T cell mediated rejection of skin graft expressing foreign antigen
Most of the skin grafts from (K14hGH.FVB C57BL/6) F1 mice, which express foreign antigen (human growth hormone, hGH) in skin keratinocytes driven by keratin 14 promoter, were spontaneously rejected by syngeneic wild type F1 recipients and hGH-specific immune responses such as antibody and hGHspecific T cells were generated in these recipients. Interestingly, a 2nd F1 hGH-expressing skin graft was rejected by graft primed recipients, but was not rejected from such recipients if CD4+ or CD8+ T cells were depleted prior to the placement of the 2nd graft. Surprisingly, this 2nd graft retained healthy even after CD4+ or CD8+ T cells were allowed to recover so that the animal could reject a freshly placed 3rd F1 hGH-expressing graft. Furthermore, inflammatory response induced by topical treatment with imiquimod could lead to the rejection of some well-healed 2nd grafts. This result indicates that both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are required for the rejection and the ability of effector T cells to reject a graft is determined by local factors in the graft which are presumably determined by inflammation induced by surgery or imiquimod treatment. Taken together, our results suggest that in addition to CD4+ and CD8+ T cells, local environmental factors induced by inflammation are also crucial for effector T cell functions leading to graft destruction. The understanding of these local factors will lead to more effective immunotherapy for established, epithelial cancer in the future.
The number of Brazilian women living with HIV has increased significantly in past years, rendering studies of their particular care demands including psychiatric issues. This study measures the prevalence of major depression, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders, in a sample of 120 women living with HIV in treatment at a reference centre in So Paulo. Socio-demographic variables, HIV-related clinical and laboratory data, including CD4+ cell counts and HIV plasma viral loads, as well as psychosocial features (intimate relationships, disclosure of HIV serostatus, partner`s serostatus and patient`s emotional and financial support) were investigated as factors potentially associated with depression. The prevalence of major depression at the time of evaluation was 25.8% (95% CI 18.2-33.4%). Clinical status (p = 0.002), lack of emotional support (p = 0.02), use of antidepressants (p = 0.028) and length of time since HIV diagnosis (p = 0.05) were associated with major depression in univariate analysis. In multivariate multiple-regression model, HIV clinical status, lack of emotional support and higher plasma viral loads were associated with depression. Sixty per cent of the women have a major depression diagnosis during lifetime. We conclude that major depression is highly prevalent among women living with HIV, but it is still underdiagnosed and undertreated.
Comorbidity from tegumentary leishmaniasis and AIDS is poorly characterized. To describe a series of patients coinfected with Leishmania and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Clinical records from patients were analysed by demographic data, clinical manifestations, diagnoses, treatments and outcomes. Fifteen cases of AIDS/tegumentary leishmaniasis were found. The diagnosis of leishmaniasis was confirmed by the detection of Leishmania amastigotes or antigens from the cutaneous or mucosal lesions. The mean CD4+ T-cell count was 84 cells mm(-3) (range 8-258) and all patients were classified as having AIDS according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A wide range of manifestations was found, varying from a single ulcer to multiple and polymorphic lesions. Mucosal lesions were present in 80% and cutaneous lesions in 73% of patients (53% with mucocutaneous form), disseminated lesions in 60% and genital lesions in 27% of patients. All patients received anti-Leishmania therapy and 53% showed relapses. Sixty-seven per cent received highly active antiretroviral therapy but showed no difference in outcomes and relapses compared with those not using medication. Forty per cent died during the study period. In these patients, the anti-Leishmania antibody and Montenegro skin test were useful in the diagnosis of leishmaniasis, probably because leishmaniasis preceded immunosuppression due to HIV infection. Clinical manifestations of tegumentary leishmaniasis in HIV-infected patients are diverse. Our data emphasize possible unusual manifestations of this disease in HIV-infected patients, particularly in severely immunosuppressed cases (< 200 CD4+ cells mm(-3)).
Aims: To investigate whether anterior thalamic nucleus (AN) lesions are protective against spontaneous recurrent seizures in the chronic phase of the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Methods: Two groups of rats were treated with bilateral AN radiofrequency thalamotomies or sham surgery 2 weeks after pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus. After the lesions, animals were videotaped from the 2nd to the 8th week after status epilepticus (total 180 h). Results: During the 6 weeks of observation, no differences in the frequency of spontaneous seizures were found between animals that had bilateral AN lesions (n = 26; 3.1 +/- 0.6 seizures per animal) and controls (n = 25; 3.0 +/- 0.6 seizures per animal; p = 0.8). Conclusions: We conclude that AN thalamotomies were not effective in reducing the frequency of seizures during the chronic phase of the pilocarpine model of epilepsy. Copyright (C) 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel
We sought to evaluate this ""response-to-injury"" hypothesis of atherosclerosis by studying the interaction between systolic blood pressure (SBP) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) in predicting the presence of coronary artery calcification (CAC) in asymptomatic men. We Studied 526 men (46 +/- 7 years of age) referred for electron-beam tomography (EBT) exam. The prevalence of CAC was determined across LDL-C tertiles (low: <115 mg/dl; middle: 115-139 mg/dl high: >= 140 mg/dl) within tertiles of SBP (low: <121 mmHg; middle: 121-130 mmHg; high: >= 131 mmHg). CAC was found in 220 (42%) men. There was no linear trend in the presence of CAC across LDL-C tertiles in the low (p = 0.6 for trend) and middle (p = 0.3 for trend) SBP tertile groups, respectively. In contrast, there was a significant trend for increasing CAC with increasing LDL-C (1st: 44%; 2nd: 49%; 3rd: 83%; p < 0.0001 for trend) in the high SBP tertile group. In multivariate logistic analyses (adjusting for age, smoking, triglyceride levels, HDL-cholesterol levels, body mass index, and fasting glucose levels), the odds ratio for any CAC associated with increasing LDL-C was significantly higher in those with highest SBP levels, whereas no such relationship was observed among men with SBP in the lower two tertiles. An interaction term (LDL-C x SBP) incorporated in the multivariate analyses was statistically significant (p = 0.038). The finding of an interaction between SBP and LDL-C relation to CAC in asymptomatic men support the response-to-injury model of atherogenesis. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lung cancer remains the most common cause of cancer-related mortality in Scotland, accounting for 28.9% of all cancer deaths in 2007. Current guidelines recommend assessment of patient fitness and operability by a multidisciplinary team when selecting management options. Two of the most important prognostic markers are the stage of disease and ECOG performance status. In 1996, the International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) launched a worldwide TNM staging project to create international databases that would be used to continue the excellent efforts of Dr. Cliff Mountain, who pioneered this approach to lung cancer staging in 1973. Successive iterations of tumor, nodule, metastasis (TNM) staging for lung cancer have addressed shortcomings identified by the oncology community. Similarly, the IASLC recognized that it is important that further revisions continue to be made to ensure that the international staging system for lung cancer remains fit for its purpose. The last work of the International Staging Committee (ISC) was the conduct of the study that informed the seventh edition of the international staging system for lung cancer, in 2010. This review of image and staging in non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), includes a summary of the different noninvasive tests currently available for staging non small cell lung cancer.
A sample of 312 heroin users was interviewed on their injection of methadone syrup. Methadone injecting was widespread, with 52% of subjects having injected methadone syrup, 29% in the preceding six months. Males and females were equally likely to report methadone injecting. Forty per cent Of current methadone injectors reported weekly or more frequent methadone injecting over the preceding six months. A history of methadone injecting was;associated with abscesses and infections in injection sites, having been diagnosed with a venous thrombosis and a history of heroin overdose. Current methadone injectors were in poorer general health, had more injection-related symptoms, higher levels of psychological distress, were more likely to have recently passed on used injecting equipment and to have recently committed criminal acts. Implications for the reduction in the prevalence of methadone injecting and associated harm are discussed.
SETTING: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the third leading cause of death among adults in Brazil. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the mortality and hospitalisation trends in Brazil caused by COPD during the period 1996-2008. DESIGN: We used the health official statistics system to obtain data about mortality (1996-2008) and morbidity (1998-2008) due to COPD and all respiratory diseases (tuberculosis: codes A15-16; lung cancer: code C34, and all diseases coded from J40 to 47 in the 10th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases) as the underlying cause, in persons aged 45-74 years. We used the Joinpoint Regression Program log-linear model using Poisson regression that creates a Monte Carlo permutation test to identify points where trend lines change significantly in magnitude/direction to verify peaks and trends. RESULTS: The annual per cent change in age-adjusted death rates due to COPD declined by 2.7% in men (95%CI -3.6 to -1.8) and -2.0% (95%CI -2.9 to -1.0) in women; and due to all respiratory causes it declined by -1.7% (95%CI 2.4 to -1.0) in men and -1.1% (95%CI -1.8 to -0.3) in women. Although hospitalisation rates for COPD are declining, the hospital admission fatality rate increased in both sexes. CONCLUSION: COPD is still a leading cause of mortality in Brazil despite the observed decline in the mortality/hospitalisation rates for both sexes.
Background Stroke mortality rates in Brazil are the highest in the Americas. Deaths from cerebrovascular disease surpass coronary heart disease. Aim To verify stroke mortality rates and morbidity in an area of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance. Methods We used the World Health Organization Stepwise Approach to Stroke Surveillance structure of stroke surveillance. The hospital-based data comprised fatal and nonfatal stroke (Step 1). We gathered stroke-related mortality data in the community using World Health Organization questionnaires (Step 2). The questionnaire determining stroke prevalence was activated door to door in a family-health-programme neighbourhood (Step 3). Results A total of 682 patients 18 years and above, including 472 incident cases, presented with cerebrovascular disease and were enrolled in Step 1 during April-May 2009. Cerebral infarction (84 center dot 3%) and first-ever stroke (85 center dot 2%) were the most frequent. In Step 2, 256 deaths from stroke were identified during 2006-2007. Forty-four per cent of deaths were classified as unspecified stroke, 1/3 as ischaemic stroke, and 1/4 due to haemorrhagic subtype. In Step 3, 577 subjects over 35 years old were evaluated at home, and 244 cases of stroke survival were diagnosed via a questionnaire, validated by a board-certified neurologist. The population demographic characteristics were similar in the three steps, except in terms of age and gender. Conclusion By including data from all settings, World Health Organization stroke surveillance can provide data to help plan future resources that meet the needs of the public-health system.
The same questions about diet were asked in two community-based surveys conducted in the Hunter Region of New South Wales in 1983 and 1994. There were substantial changes in diet over the period; for example, the proportion of respondents who reported using low-fat or skim milk increased from 25 per cent to 51 per cent, the proportion eating meat fewer than five times a week doubled from 21 per cent to 42 per cent and the proportion eating fewer than three eggs per week increased from 55 per cent to 80 per cent. In both surveys, women reported eating a healthier diet than men, and older people and those of higher socioeconomic status reported better diets than younger people or people with less education or lower status occupations. The surprising finding was that over the 11-year period the changes in patterns of food consumption were remarkably similar across all strata of the population. The conclusions are that wide-spread dietary change is possible. However, the changes in the last decade related mainly to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease; similar behavioural changes to reduce the risk of diet-related cancer are required.
This study of breast cancer survival is based on analysis of five-year relative survival of 38 362 cases of invasive breast cancer in New South Wales (NSW) women, incident between 1972 and 1991, with follow-up to 1992, using data from the population-based NSW Central Cancer Registry. Survival was ascertained by matching the registry file of breast cancers against NSW death certificates from 1972 to 1992, mainly by automated probabilistic linkage. Absolute survival of cases was compared with expected survival of age- and period-matched NSW women. Proportional hazard regression analysis was used for examination of the effects on excess mortality of age, period of diagnosis and degree of spread at diagnosis. Relative survival at five years increased from 70 per cent in 1972-1976 to 77 per cent in 1987-1991. Survival improved during the 1970s and in the late 1980s. Regression analysis suggested that part of the improved survival in the late 1980s was due to lesser degree of spread at diagnosis, whereas the improved survival during the 1970s may have been due to treatment. Survival was better for those aged 40-49 years (RR = 0.86) and worse for those aged greater than or equal to 70 years (RR = 1.22) compared with the referent group (60-69 years). Excess mortality was much less for those with invasive localised disease than those with regional spread (RR = 3.1) or metastatic cancer (RR = 15.5) at diagnosis. For the most recent period (1987-1991), relative five-year survival was 90, 70 and 18 per cent, respectively, for the three degree-of-spread categories.