987 resultados para Hermit crab


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper describes a population of Aegla longirostri from Ibicui-Mirim River, Itaara, Rio Grande do Sul State, Brazil, evaluating the size at onset of sexual maturity, relative growth, mean size, size-frequency distribution, sex ratio, ovigerous-rate, and recruitment. Samples were collected monthly from September 1996 to August 1997. Sex, carapace length (CL), cheliped length (ChL), abdomen width (AW), and front width (FW) were recorded for each crab. A total of 586 specimens were collected (277 males, 244 females, and 65 unsexed juveniles). The smallest specimen was 1.5 mm CL and the largest male was 23.8 mm CL. The relative growth analysis and the Mature software showed that the size at onset of sexual maturity was 13.7 mm CL in males and 10.7 mm CL in females. Females were smaller than males and were more abundant in adult classes, whereas males were more representative in juvenile classes. The sex ratio did not differ from 1:1 throughout the collecting period. Recruitment was observed throughout the entire sampling period, but it was higher in the winter months (from June to August). However, ovigerous females were present in spring and summer (from January to April). This population seemed to be at equilibrium during the study period. Recently, this area has been changed because of the construction of a reservoir, and a new study is required to evaluate the present condition of this population of A. longirostri.


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Crab fecundity is widely known to vary proportionally to female size, but the female's nutritional state also has an important effect on egg production. This study evaluates intraspecific variability of reproductive output by monthly sampling Uca vocator populations from the Itapanhau, Indaia, and Itamambuca mangroves on the southeastern coast of Brazil. The presence of ovigerous crabs, their carapace width (CW) and their number of eggs were recorded. Additionally, the productivity of the mangroves and the content of organic matter of the sediments were analysed in order to estimate food availability in each locality. Size-specific fecundity relationships were obtained for each population and compared among the three populations. Ovigerous females from Itamambuca are the largest and their fecundities are also the highest among the populations studied. These results probably are associated with the favourable environmental conditions in Itamambuca, as this is a young mangrove with a high productivity level.


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A comparison of the cheliped's weight in two species of the genus Callinectes was accomplished. The species C. danae e C. ornatus were collected by two otter trawl in Ubatuba bay (23 degrees 26' S and 45 degrees 02' W). The allometric constants obtained from the regression adjusted to a power function (Y = aX(b)) were analyzed. These species presented different allometry degrees for each sex considered. The relation Pe x PC presented positive allometry for sex of both species, but male presented higher positive allometry than female. C. danae presented higher positive allometry for chelipeds than C. ornatus. We suggest here that C. danae could be indicated to be submitted to grow out in ponds since it reaches higher size and bigger chelipeds.


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Megalopae were reared in the laboratory to the 7(th) crab stage. The megalopa and 1(st) crab stage are described and juvenile development was studied with emphasis on pleopodal differentiation. The megalopal phase, is easily identified, and shares with those of other Grapsinae and Plagusiinae big size, the presence of many natatory setae, and a series of conspicuous teeth on the inner margin of the dactyli from the 2(nd) to 4(th) walking leg. These features are regarded as adaptive for settlement in a wave-swept environment, such as the rocky marine intertidal where most of those species live. Fast development of juvenile pleopods is another characteristic of these subfamilies. In Pachygrapsus transversus, the sexes can be distinguished from the 2(nd) crab stage. Gonopod differentiation in males and the basic segmentation of all four pleopod pairs in females are already concluded at the 5(th) instar. A review of the available information indicated that settlement of large megalopae and fast juvenile development, preceding a precocious sexual maturity, are trends in Grapsinae and Plagusiinae. on the other hand, the Sesarminae pass through a more extensive juvenile instar sequence and presumably a delayed maturity.


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A bruchyuran crab assemblage from eight transacts at a non-consolidated sublittoral site in Ubatuba Bay was studied on a monthly basis from September 1995 to August 1996. Data about number of individuals of 50 species found and other information such as distribution of the dominant crabs are reported. The family Majidae was represented by 13 species, followed by Xanthidae (13), Portunidae (10), Leucosiidae (5), Calaphidae (2), Dromiidae (2), Parthenopidae (2), Goneplacidae (1), Pinnotharidne (1), and Ocvpodidae (1). The brachyuran taxocoenosis was dominated by Callinectes ornatus (60.4%), Callinectes danae (18.8%), and Hepatus pudibundus (7.7%). representing together 86.9% of the total number of collected brachyurans. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index ranged from 1.10 to 2.06 between transects, and from 1.33 to 2.22 between months, depending more on equitability than on richness.


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The reproductive cycle and recruitment period of a ghost crab population from Ubatuba, São Paulo, Brazil were investigated by means of examining the developmental stages of gonads of breeding crabs and the ingress of young recruits to the studied population. Monthly collections over a one-year period were carried out during nocturnal low-tide periods at Vermelha beach. The morphology of the abdomen and pleopods was used for sex determination. All captured crabs were measured for carapace width and dissected for the determination of the development stage of the gonads. A total of 582 specimens was captured: 271 males, 241 females, and 70 juveniles. Size ranged from 8.5 to 37.5 mm for males, from 9.5 to 39.2 mm for females, and from 5.8 to 12 mm for early juveniles. Median size of males and females did not differ statistically. The frequency of ovigerous females was markedly low. The onset of sexual maturity in females is achieved at around 23 mm of carapace width. Mature females with advanced gonad stages were not recorded from May to September. Recruitment of young was highest during summer, but the presence of early and late juvenile specimens throughout the year indicates that continuous recruitment is taking place in the studied population.


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Stenocionops furcatus is a spider crab found in the western Atlantic, from Georgia, USA to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on sand, coral, rocks or mud bottoms from the intertidal zone to 180 m. We describe all laboratory-reared larval stages of S. furcatus obtained from the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil, and compare our data with existing larval descriptions for the genus and other mithracids. The larval development of S. furcatus consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. The durations of the first and second zoeal stage were similar to4 and 5 days respectively, the megalopa appearing 10-18 days after hatching. Our results show that the zoeae of S. furcatus differ from those of other Mithracidae by possessing four setae on the proximal lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, instead of five, and by the presence of mid-dorsal setae on the third abdominal somite in the second zoeal stage, which are lacking in other mithracids. Larval descriptions for Stenocionops in two previous publications were attributed to the subspecies S. furcatus coelatus from the Caribbean. Larvae from Brazilian waters closely resemble one of these accounts, suggesting that this taxon extends beyond the West Indies and that the other description represents larvae of S. furcatus furcatus. Additional morphological details, not available previously, are provided.


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The larval development of the spider crab Epialtus bituberculatus H. Milne Edwards which Lives on rocky shores with algae such as Sargassum and Hypneia, is described. Larvae were obtained from ovigerous females collected in Ubatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil. Rearing was carried out at 24 +/- 1 degreesC, with an average salinity of 35 parts per thousand. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. Zoeal development was completed in 9.5 days. Analysis indicated that zoeae of E. bituberculatus are very similar to those of E. brasiliensis Dana and Acanthonyx scutiformis (Dana). Differences noted between these species pertain to the setation of the carapace, maxillule and second maxilliped. The main morphological features useful for identification are presented together with a summary of features that characterize larvae of majid subfamilies in Brazil. A key for the identification of southwestern Atlantic majid zoeae to the family level is provided.


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All larval stages and the first crab instar of Paradasygyius depressus (Bell) were obtained in laboratory culture. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages, followed by the megalopa. Each larval stage is described in detail. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each stage was 4--7 (4.5 +/- 0.7), 4-5 (4.5 +/- 0.5), and 7 days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 11 +/- 1 and 15 days after hatching, respectively. A phylogenetic analysis of 21 genera of Majidae is provided based on 34 zoeal and three megalopal characters. The phylogenetic analysis resulted in four equally parsimonious trees 173 steps long (CI = 0.66, RI = 0.71, and RC = 0.47) supporting the monophyly of Oregoniinae, Majinae, and Inachinae (with the exclusion of Macrocheira de Haan incertae sedis). Based on general agreement of sister-group hypotheses, we provide sets of larval characters that define Oregoniinae, Majinae, and Inachinae. Our phylogenetic hypothesis suggests that Oregoniinae is the most basal clade within the Majidae, and Majinae and the clade (Epialtus H. Milne Edwards + Inachinae [excluding Macrocheira incertae sedis]) are sister taxa. Within Inachinae, all trees suggest that Inachus Weber and Macropodia Leach are sister taxa nested as the most derived clade, followed by Achaeus Leach, Pyromaia Stimpson, Paradasygyius Garth, Anasimus A. Milne-Edwards, and the most basal Stenorhynchus Lamarck. The sister-group relationships of the clade (Pisa Leach (Taliepus A. Milne-Edwards + Libinia Leach)), Mithrax Latreille and Microphrys H. Milne Edwards remained unresolved.


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The objective of this study is to investigate the patterns of shell utilization in Petrochirus diogenes in the Ubatuba region, SP, Brazil. Hermit crabs were obtained from 1993 to 1996 with the aid of a shrimp fishery boat equipped with two double-rigged trawling nets. Shells were identified and weighed, and their maximum aperture width was measured. Hermit crabs were weighed, and their shield length was recorded. A total of 634 P. diogenes specimens, occupying shells of 12 gastropod species, was obtained. The shells of Tonna galea, Zidona dufresnei and Strombus pugilis were the most frequently occupied, the first marked by its larger aperture width and lower average weight. Small hermit crabs inhabited a wide variety of gastropod shells due to their higher availability. However, the utilization of T. galea shells became predominant as the crabs attained larger sizes. Differences in weight and aperture width are known to encourage certain shell utilization patterns and may affect growth and reproduction of hermit crabs.


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Apiomithrax violaceus (A. Milne Edwards, 1868 ) is a pisid majoid crab occurring in tropical and subtropical coastal waters of the eastern and western South Atlantic. Larval development consists of two zoeal stages and a megalopa. Beginning with the first zoea, the duration of each larval stage at 24degreesC was 3-8 (5+/-1), 3-5 (4+/-0.5) and 9-15 (11+/-2) days, the megalopa and first crab instar appearing 9-11 (10+/-1) and 20-27 (23+/-2) days after hatching, respectively. Larval characters agree with those proposed for the Majoidea, in having nine or more setae on the scaphognathite in the first zoea and well-developed pleopods in the second zoea. However, larvae of A . violaceus do not fit larval pisid features. Zoeal stages differ from most other Pisidae in having lateral spines, a long rostral spine extending beyond the antenna, two spines per telson fork and a dorsolateral process on the third abdominal somite. The megalopa differs in having a spine dorsally on the carapace and on the basial segment of the second pereiopod. Two characters that are potentially unique to Apiomithrax include a zoeal antenna with an exopod that is much longer than the protopod, and a rostral spine that is longer than the dorsal spine. These characters should facilitate the identification of this taxon and could also be useful for phylogenetic studies. A review of larvae of 28 species among 14 genera indicated that there is no apparent single larval character that differentiates the Pisidae, with more limited phylogenetic analyses suggesting that this is a paraphyletic group. Apiomithrax , Eurynolambrus , Pisoides , Rochinia and Scyra have the most divergent morphological characters within the family. The analysis and inclusion of additional taxa is likely to shed more light on the sister-group relationships of the Pisidae. However, based on the extent of morphological interspecific variability of known larvae it is likely that the group, as presently defined by adult morphology, is not monophyletic.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)