999 resultados para Hemoglobinopatias - Diagnóstico de laboratório
Observations were carried out on the reproductive behavior of Synthesiomyia nudiseta females. The results of the biological parameters were: pre-oviposition period (15.5 ± 4.7 days), oviposition period (25.4 ± 14.7 days), number of eggs per oviposition (95.9 ± 18.4) rate of ovipositant females (97.5%), number of ovipositions (5.31 ± 3.2), number of eggs per females (509.7 ± 324.9), rate of hatching (68.0 ± 19.0), female longevity (53.2 ± 14.7 days), reproductive potential (67.4%) and reproductive investiment (4.1).
Post-embryonic Development of Ophyra aenescens (Wiedemann, 1830) (Diptera: Muscidae), in Different Diets, under Laboratory Conditions - The performance of various diets (bovine meat, fish- sardine, shrimp, dog faeces, and banana) in Ophyra aenescens development was evaluated. The biology was studied in an incubator (BOD) at 27±1oC and 80±10% of RH. The developmental time from larvae to adult, the developmental time and viability of larvae and pupae, the weight of pupae as well as the sex ratio of the emerging adults were also determined. Beef and shrimp were the more efficient diets for rearing O. aenescens.
Estudi retrospectiu de les troballes ecogràfiques abdominals en 37 bebés menors de 5 mesos amb icterícia colestásica amb revisió de les dades clíniques, patológiques i d´imatge desde l´any 2000 al 2010. L´ecografia es l´estudi d´imatge inicial i es imprescindible distinguir entre les dues entitats més freqüents: atresia de vies biliars i hepatitis neonatal idiopàtica. Les troballes referides a la vesícula, arteria hepàtica i a les característiques del fetge van ser estadísticamente significatives. La valoració conjunta de les mateixes demostra que l´ecografia abdominal és una eina imprescindible per el diagnóstic de l´atresia de vies biliars.
Evaluar la utilidad de 75SeHCAT como prueba de primera línea en el diagnóstica en el síndrome diarreico crónico (SDC). Se estudiaron prospectivamente 47 pacientes. En todos se midió la retención abdominal a los 7 días post-administración 75SeHCAT (RA7). Los pacientes con prueba alterada se evaluo la respuesta a la resincolestiramina y se realizó un nuevo test a los 3 meses. çEn nuestro estudio se objetivo que la medición de la RA7 de 75SeHCAT permite un diagnóstico precoz de la malabsorción de sales biliares en el 42.5 % de pacientes con SDC.
La citologia anal és un mètode sensible en el despistatge de la neoplàsia de canal anal i similar a la biòpsia dirigida mitjançant rectoscopi i tinció amb àcid acètic al 5%, sobretot en lesions d’alt grau de malignitat; a més de ser una prova adequada en el seguiment d’aquestes lesions. Els pacients VIH homes que tenen sexe amb altres homes tenen major incidència i prevalència de virus papiloma humà i major nombre d’anormalitats en la mucosa del canal anal que els VIH negatius.
L'objectiu de l'estudi ha estat conèixer l'etiologia,característiques clíniques, tractament i evolució dels pacients diagnosticats de bronquiectàsies i controlats en el Servei de Pneumologia de l'H Llàtzer. Des de gener 2003 fins juny 2009 s'identifiquen 48 pacients, amb edat mitjana de 60 a. i predomini de dones. L'etiologia més freqüent va ser la post-infecciosa i P. aeruginosa el germen més habitual. El patró ventilatori dominant va ser el obstructiu. Després de 45 mesos de seguiment no es va apreciar deteriorament de la funció pulmonar, probablement relacionat amb el tractament antibiòtic i antiinflamatori en la colonització / infecció bronquial crònica. Paraules clau: bronquiectàsies, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Tomografia computada (TC) de tòrax.
R. brethesi is a sylvatic species from the Amazon region; it has been incriminated as responsible for the transmission of Chagas disease in collectors of piaçaba in this region. The aim of present study was to investigate the efficiency of these insects as potential vectors of Trypanosoma cruzi. Aspects related with feeding and defecation patterns, life time, and mortality had been observed in each instar of R. brethesi. We use 5th instar nymphs to get adults virgins, after the moulting 3 groups with 6 females and 2 males each were created to obtain eggs. After hatching, 1st instar nymphs had been weighed and kept in bottles until the next moult. Insects were fed once a week in mice. Results showed that the average period of incubation was 17 days, the number of blood meal was increasing from the 1st to the 5th instar nymph with 7 (average) to become adult, a significative numbers of the defecations occurring immediately after the bloodmeals. The total percentual of mortality was 16%. This results suggests that this species presents a good exploitation of blood meals and a brief nymphal development in laboratory conditions reflecting its behavior in sylvatic environments.
Background: Most of the studies on sychological distress in Spain have been conducted in small geographical areas or specific population groups. However, there are no studies that provide representative data for each Autonomous Community (AC). The objectives of this paper are to determine, both in Spain and in the AC, the prevalence of psychological distress, diagnosis, use of psychoactive medication, social support and self-perceived health, as well as to study the association between psychological distress and the rest of the variables. Methods: Cross-sectional study, using data from the 2006 National Health Survey, that was completed by 29,478 persons. Variables studied: sociodemographics, psychological distress (GHQ-12), self-perceived health, mental disorder diagnosis, functional social support (Duke) and use and prescription of psychoactive medication. Results: The prevalence of psychological distress in Spain was 20,1%; the highest prevalence was found in Canary Islands (28,2%) and the lowest in La Rioja (12,2%). Among those who presented psychological distress, 62,4% had never received a mental disorder diagnosis, and 71,6% had not used psychoactive medication in the last year. The highest prevalences of non-diagnosed cases (81,8%) and cases non-treated with psychoactive medication (83,1%) were found in La Rioja, whereas the lowest prevalences were found in Asturias. Eight percent of the persons who presented psychological distress had low social support and 63,8% reported bad self-perceived health. Conclusions: Psychological distress is a prevalent phenomenon, and more than half of the persons who suffer it receive neither a diagnosis nor psychoactive medication. Moreover, there are considerable differences between the AC.
Dentigerous cyst is one of the most prevalent types of odontogenic cyst and is associated with crown of an unerupted or developing tooth. Dentigerous cysts associated with supernumerary teeth are rare and estimated to constitute 5-6% of all dentigerous cysts. The vast majority, about 90%, are associated with a maxillary mesiodens. The purpose of this article to report the case of an 14-year-old a teenager with a dentigerous cyst associated with an impacted anterior maxillary supernumerary tooth, its dental management and literature review.
En la port.: Dirección General de Planificación e Innovación Sanitaria, Servicio de Conciertos Sanitarios
Como estudiantes de Ciencias Ambientales se nos dio la posibilidad de realizar un estudio en una universidad de Estelí (Nicaragua), concretamente en la Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria de Estelí (FAREM-Estelí). Durante nuestra estancia en Nicaragua realizamos un estudio de la situación actual de los residuos sólidos, el agua y la energía en la FAREM. También diseñamos un conjunto de propuestas de mejora en la gestión ambiental para solucionar el problema de los residuos sólidos y conseguir una reducción en el consumo de agua y energía en el centro. Los objetivos generales de este proyecto han sido: realizar un diagnóstico ambiental de la Facultad Regional Multidisciplinaria-Estelí y elaborar propuestas de mejora en la gestión ambiental
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública, Inclusión y Calidad de Vida de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social
El estudio consiste en un Diagnóstico socioambiental de la Comunidad Huarpe de Huanacache y un Plan de ambientalización con acciones destinadas a mejorar la calidad de vida de los pobladores. Surge a partir de la propuesta de la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo de participar en el proyecto “Ordenamiento del territorio, turismo y educación desde el paradigma del desarrollo sostenible”
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
En Cub.: Metodología para calcular la duración probable por patologías con variables individuales.