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The study is a three-armed randomized controlled trial comparing values for heart rate variability (HRV), a measure of cardiovascular health, throughout a yoga intervention of breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy. Patients attended either a yoga (n=45), stretch, (n=46), or control (n=42) condition 3 times per week for 6 weeks of radiation. Electrocardiograms (ECGs) were conducted on each participant to provide the values necessary for HRV analysis. Analyses focused on examining scores for those participants with HRV baseline values considered to be below the cutoff point for healthy HRV levels, defined by the authors as below the cutpoint of 68 ms. From the entire sample of 133 with available baselines, 26 yogis, 26 stretchers, and 23 controls were determined to be “pathologic” in terms of HRV, and selected for follow-up analysis at 3 weeks and then again at 6 weeks. Though no statistically significant differences were found between either group means at each timepoint or group change score means, the yoga group had consistently higher mean score and mean change scores. These findings are suggestive and indicate the need to refine the use of ECGs and HRV analysis programs to more accurately and comprehensively assess the effects of yoga on cardiovascular health in cancer patients.^


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The U.S. Air Force assesses Active Duty Air Force (ADAF) health annually using the Air Force Web-based Preventative Health Assessment (AF WebPHA). The assessment is based on a self-administered survey used to determine the overall Air Force health and readiness, as well as, the individual health of each airman. Individual survey responses as well as groups of responses generate further computer generated assessment and result in a classification of 'Critical', 'Priority', or 'Routine', depending on the need and urgency for further evaluation by a health care provider. The importance of the 'Priority' and 'Critical' classifications is to provide timely intervention to prevent or limit unfavorable outcomes that may threaten an airman. Though the USAF has been transitioning from a paper form to the online WebPHA survey for the last three years it was not made mandatory for all airmen until 2009. The survey covers many health aspects including family history, tobacco use, exercise, alcohol use, and mental health. ^ Military stressors such as deployment, change of station, and the trauma of war can aggravate and intensify the common baseline worries experienced by the general population and place airmen at additional risks for mental health concerns and illness. This study assesses the effectiveness of the AF WebPHA mental health screening questions in predicting a mental health disorder diagnosis according to International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) codes generated by physicians or their surrogates. In order to assess the sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value of the AF WebPHA as a screening tool for mental health, survey results were compared to ascertain if they generated any mental health disorder related diagnosis for the period from January 1, 2009 to March 31, 2010. ^ Statistical analysis of the AF WebPHA mental health responses when compared with matching ICD-9-CM codes found that the sensitivity for 'Critical' or 'Priority' responses was only 3.4% and that it would correctly predict those who had the selected mental health diagnosis 9% of the time.^


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Homelessness is associated with high use of public services such as health care and criminal justice services. Intervention designs to reverse homelessness have broadly fallen into two categories: either standard care which employs requisitely addressing the causes of homelessness, or housing first, which emphasizes provision of permanent housing without requisitely addressing the causes of homelessness. Multiple cities have recently commenced housing first interventions. Locally, Houston’s first housing first development is the Jackson Hinds Gardens project. The purpose of this study is to analyze the public service use of residents of housing first in Houston. Residents of Jackson Hinds Gardens who have been enrolled for at least 6 months were evaluated for public service use for an equal amount of time preceding and during their residence at Jackson Hinds. Resident interactions with county health services and criminal justice entities were determined by electronic database searches; these data were supplemented by life experience interview data. Service usage values pre- and post-enrollment at Jackson Hinds Gardens were compared by paired t-test analyses. We found that ER and inpatient usage decreased following enrollment in Jackson Hinds, although these reductions were not significant. In contrast, outpatient care and number of medications significantly increased following enrollment. These analyses inform on the effects of housing first in another major city, as well as informing the ethical considerations regarding housing first versus standard care. ^


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Background. Research has demonstrated associations between sociodemographic characteristics and illness perceptions; however, the impact of cancer exposure through personal or family diagnoses is not well-studied. The purposes of this study were to examine the prevalence of different cancer beliefs and the disparity in cancer beliefs across groups of individuals with distinct cancer histories; and to identify whether, when adjusted for sociodemographic characteristics, cancer history predicts a set of cancer beliefs.^ Methods. Using Leventhal’s Common Sense Model and data from the 2007 Health Information National Trends Survey (N=7172), we constructed multivariable logistic regressions to evaluate the effect of different stimuli, including cancer experience, on cancer perceptions (e.g., risk, worry, causation, outcome).^ Results. Findings indicate significant associations between cancer history and cancer perceptions. Individuals with family and personal cancer histories were more likely than individuals without any cancer history to worry about getting cancer (OR=3.55, P<0.01), agree they will develop cancer in the future (OR=8.81, P<0.01), and disagree that cancer is most often caused by a person’s behavior or lifestyle (OR=1.24, P=0.03). Additionally, results support education’s role in forming cancer perceptions. Individuals with high levels of education were more likely to endorse cancer prevention (OR=1.68, P<0.01) and higher 5-year survival rates (OR=1.41, P<0.01). ^ Conclusions. Results indicate cancer history affects cancer perceptions throughout the cancer continuum. Additionally, cancer history may influence coping behaviors and outcomes related to cancer.^ Impact. Cancer education and survivorship programs should assess important variables (e.g., cancer history) to more effectively tailor services and monitor evolving needs throughout cancer care.^


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The Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969 required that periodic chest radiographs be offered to underground coal miners to protect the miners from the development of Coal Workers' Pneumoconiosis (CWP) and progression of the disease to progressive massive fibrosis (PMF). These examinations are administered by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) through the Coal Workers' Health Surveillance Program (CWHSP). The mine operator is required to provide each miner with the opportunity to have the chest radiograph at no cost to the miner.^ Three rounds of examinations have been conducted since 1969 and the fourth is underway. The decrease in participation over rounds is of great concern if the incidence and progression of CWP are to be understood and controlled.^ This study developed rates of participation for each of 558 West Virginia underground coal mines who submitted or had NIOSH assigned plans for making chest radiographs available during the third round, July 1978 through December 1980. These rates were analyzed in relation to desired levels of participation and to reinforcing, predisposing and enabling factors presumed to affect rates of participation in disease prevention and surveillance programs.^ Two reinforcing factors, size of mine and inclusion of the mine in the National Coal Study (NCS) epidemiology research program, and the enabling factor, use of an on-site radiograph facility, demonstrated highly significant relationships to participation rates.^ The major findings of the study were: (1) Participation in the CWHSP is even lower than previously estimated; (2) CWHSP program evaluation is not systematic and program data base is not complete and comprehensive; and (3) NIOSH program policy is not clear and administration of the CWHSP is fragmented and lacks adequate fiscal and personnel resources. ^


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Characteristics of Medicare-certified home health agencies in Texas and the contributions of selected agency characteristics on home health care costs were examined. Cost models were developed and estimated for both nursing and total visit costs using multiple regression procedures. The models included home health agency size, profit status, control, hospital-based affiliation, contract-cost ratio, service provision, competition, urban-rural input-price differences, and selected measures of patient case-mix. The study population comprised 314 home health agencies in Texas that had been certified at least one year on July, 1, 1986. Data for the analysis were obtained from Medicare Cost Reports for fiscal year ending between July 1, 1985 to June 30, 1986.^ Home health agency size, as measured by the logs of nursing and total visits, has a statistically significant negative linear relationship with nursing visit and total visit costs. Nursing and total visit costs decrease at a declining rate as size increases. The size-cost relationship is not altered when controlling for any other agency characteristic. The number of visits per patient per year, a measure of patient case-mix, is also negatively related to costs, suggesting that costs decline with care of chronic patients. Hospital-based affiliation and urban location are positively associated with costs. Together, the four characteristics explain 19 percent of the variance in nursing visit costs and 24 percent of the variance in total visit costs.^ Profit status and control, although correlated with other agency characteristics, exhibit no observable effect on costs. Although no relationship was found between costs and competition, contract cost ratio, or the provision on non-reimburseable services, no conclusions can be made due to problems with measurement of these variables. ^


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The purpose of this study was to apply the Behavioral Model of Health Services Utilization to examine an existing worksite HRA program to identify and examine the roles of determinants of participation in HRA programs. The program consisted of three activities: questionnaire, physical examination, and group interpretation sessions. All of the 1821 employees were eligible for the program; 523 (29%) participated in at least one activity. Results from bivariate analyses suggest that being female, being white, having fewer dependents, and having higher medical claims for the past year were positively associated with participation. Results of logistic regression suggest that Age, Sex, Race, Marital, Number of Dependents, Job Title, Months with the Company, and a log transformed value of Employee's Total Medical Claims were all significant determinants of participation. Applications of the logistic regression models, other factors that should be investigated in future studies, and the limitations of the study were discussed. ^


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This study examines the individual and health care system determinants of two types of preventive health care practice behaviors, having a routine physical exam or a preventive dental exam, in the past year among Chicanos in the Southwestern United States. The study utilizes the Health System Model, developed by Aday and Andersen in 1974, to analyze the relative effect of education, income and occupation on the use of discretionary health care, controlling for other individual and health care system determinants.^ The study is based on a sample of 4,111 Mexican origin adults, drawn from the Hispanic Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (HHANES). This sample is representative of Mexican American residing in the Southwestern United States.^ The study tests the hypothesis that education is the most important social class predictor of preventive health care practice behavior. The fully elaborated model tests the hypothesis that individual determinants alone are insufficient to explain the use of preventive health care services among Chicanos.^ The study found that education and income are statistically significant social class indicators only as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Education is not the most important social class predictor of either preventive health care practice behavior. Health care system determinants are key predictors of both behaviors. Need, as measured by self-perceived health status of teeth and gender, is as important a determinant as having dental insurance coverage as it relates to having a preventive dental exam. Implications for health programs to effectively reach Chicano target groups and remove access barriers to their use of discretionary health care services are discussed. ^


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This study provides data which can contribute to improving services and delivering quality health care in government health facilities in the state of Qatar. To measure the satisfaction with current care of selected patients who receive care in Hamad General Hospital and the Khalifa Town Health Center in the city of Doha, a cross-sectional survey and a self-administered questionnaire were used.^ Analysis was performed on data from 444 patients on eight dimensions of patient satisfaction with medical care. These include: general satisfaction, availability of services, convenience of services, facilities, humaneness of doctors, quality of care, continuity of care, and aspects of the last visit. Patient satisfaction parameters were compared for males vs. females, for citizens vs. non-citizens, and for patients seen in the hospital vs. those seen in the health center.^ Results indicate that patients seen in the hospital were more satisfied with care than patients seen in the health center, that non-citizens were more satisfied than citizens, and that males were slightly more satisfied than females with medical services. ^


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Detailed data on the health status of Saudi women are lacking. This cross sectional study attempts to provide a comprehensive description of the health status of Saudi females between the ages of 15-45 residing in Yanbu Al-Siniyah. The purpose is to assess women's needs for health services. The health status indicators are chronic tracer conditions, reported symptoms and multidimensional functioning levels. The generic functioning instrument of the Medical Outcome Study was used to estimate physical, social, and role functioning; degree of pain and health perceptions. The information was obtained by interviewing subjects and abstracting facts from their medical records. The results show functioning scores are in the "well health" range for physical, social, role and pain. Crowding and education have an equal or stronger effect of reducing functioning levels than the diagnosed tracer conditions. The highest prevalence conditions having a definite functional impact and diagnosed adequately in primary care are anemia, urinary tract infection, hemorrhoids, rheumatoid arthritis, caries and gingivitis. Reported symptoms strongly reducing function levels in this study are dyspnea, heart pain, incontinence, eye and skin problems, and joint ache. The impact of the reliability and validity of the measures used and other limitations of the results are discussed. Finally, some policy implications and suggestions for future study are presented. ^


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A population-based case-control study of risk factors for ectopic pregnancy has been conducted. The investigation includes 274 cases diagnosed in Rochester, Minnesota residents from 1935 through 1982, and 548 matched controls selected from live birth deliveries. Risk factor information documented prior to the last index menstrual period was obtained via medical record abstract for 22 potential risk factor variables.^ Univariate matched analyses revealed nine variables with significantly elevated odds ratios (ORs). Following conditional logistic regression for matched sets, four variables remained as significant risk factors for ectopic pregnancy. These risk factors with ORs and 95% confidence intervals (Cls) were: current intrauterine device use (OR = 13.7, Cl = 1.6 - 120.6), infertility (OR = 2.6, Cl = 1.6 - 4.2), pelvic inflammatory disease (OR = 3.3, Cl = 1.6 - 6.6), and tubal surgery (OR = 4.5, Cl = 1.5 - 13.9). After adjusting for these four major risk factors, the following variables did not have statistically significant ORs: abdominal/pelvic surgery (OR = 2.0), acute appendicitis (OR = 2.0), anovulation (OR = 1.2), clomiphene citrate use during the index conception (OR = 3.5), induced abortion (OR = 2.1), in utero exposure to diethylstilbestrol (OR = 1.6), myomas (OR = 0.7), ovarian cysts (OR = 1.0), and past intrauterine device use (OR = 1.2). ^


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This study was designed to test the theoretical predictors of personal efficacy expectations among family medicine resident physicians for helping their patients change thirteen high risk health behaviors. A survey questionnaire was sent to 781 family medicine residents in the six state south central region. The response rate was 60 percent. The hypothesized relationship between lower levels of difficulty and higher personal efficacy expectations was supported by the data. Effort was a significant predictor of perceived self efficacy for health behaviors considered less difficult to change. Situational support did not prove to be a significant predictor for many of the health behaviors. Rate and pattern of success were consistent and significant predictors of perceived self efficacy for helping patients change all thirteen of the health behaviors. Modeling of effective methods by faculty was a significant predictor of efficacy expectations for several but not all of the behaviors. Personal modeling was a significant predictor of perceived efficacy for helping patients change behaviors related to alcohol misuse and exercise. The respondents personally modeled positive health behaviors more consistently than their older colleagues or the general population.^ The results of this study lend substantially to the usefulness of the cognitive-behavioral theory of perceived self efficacy and provide a mechanism for assessing the predictors of personal efficacy expectations of family medicine resident physicians. The findings are expected to have direct implications for faculty to institute systematic programs of interventions designed to increase residents' perceptions of efficacy in facilitating more positive health behaviors among their patients. ^


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In December, 1980, following increasing congressional and constituent-interest in problems associated with hazardous waste, the Comprehensive Environmental Recovery, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) was passed. During its development, the legislative initiative was seriously compromised which resulted in a less exhaustive approach than was formerly sought. Still, CERCLA (Superfund) which established, among other things, authority to clean up abandoned waste dumps and to respond to emergencies caused by releases of hazardous substances was welcomed by many as an important initial law critical to the cleanup of the nation's hazardous waste. Expectations raised by passage of this bill were tragically unmet. By the end of four years, only six sites had been declared by the EPA as cleaned. Seemingly, even those determinations were liberal; of the six sites, two were identified subsequently as requiring further cleanup.^ This analysis is focused upon the implementation failure of the Superfund. In light of that focus, discussion encompasses development of linkages between flaws in the legislative language and foreclosure of chances for implementation success. Specification of such linkages is achieved through examination of the legislative initiative, identification of its flaws and characterization of attendant deficits in implementation ability. Subsequent analysis is addressed to how such legislative frailities might have been avoided and to attendant regulatory weaknesses which have contributed to implementation failure. Each of these analyses are accomplished through application of an expanded approach to the backward mapping analytic technique as presented by Elmore. Results and recommendations follow.^ Consideration is devoted to a variety of regulatory issues as well as to those pertinent to legislative and implementation analysis. Problems in assessing legal liability associated with hazardous waste management are presented, as is a detailed review of the legislative development of Superfund, and its initial implementation by Gorsuch's EPA. ^