968 resultados para Habits.


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Background: There is increasing evidence that hypoxia induces inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. The clinical impact of hypoxia in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is so far poorly investigated. Aim: We wanted to evaluate if flights and journeys to regions >= 2000 meter above sea level are associated with the occurrence of flares in IBD patients in the following 4 weeks. Methods: A questionnaire was completed by inpatients and outpatients of the IBD clinics of three tertiary referral centers presenting with an IBD flare. Patients were inquired about their habits in the 4 weeks prior to the flare. Patients with flares were matched with an IBD group in remission during the observation period (according to age, gender, smoking habits, and medication). Results: A total of 103 IBD patients were included (43 Crohn's disease (CD), whereof 65% female, 60 ulcerative colitis, whereof 47% female, mean age 39.3 ± 14.6 years for CD and 43.1 ± 14.2 years for UC). Fifty-two patients with flares were matched to 51 patients without flare. Overall, IBD-patients with flares had significantly more frequently a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level in the observation period compared to the patients in remission (21/52 (40.4%) vs. 8/51 (15.7%), p = 0.005). There was a statistically significant correlation between the occurrence of a flare and a flight and/or journey to regions >= 2000 meters above sea level among CD patients with flares as compared to CD patients in remission (8/21 (38.1%) vs. 2/22 (9.1%), p = 0.024). A trend for more frequent flights and high-altitude journeys was observed in UC patients with flares (13/31 (41.9%) vs. 6/29 (20.7%), p = 0.077). Mean flight duration was 5.8 ± 4.3 hours. The groups were controlled for the following factors (always flare group cited first): age (39.6 ± 13.4 vs. 43.5 ± 14.6, p = 0.102), smoking (16/52 vs. 10/51, p = 0.120), regular sports activities (32/52 vs. 33/51, p = 0.739), treatment with antibiotics in the 4 weeks before flare (8/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.811), NSAID intake (12/52 vs. 7/51, p = 0.221), frequency of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (both groups 0) and oxygen therapy (both groups 0). Conclusion: IBD patients with a flare had significantly more frequent flights and/or high-altitude journeys within four weeks prior to the IBD flare compared to the group that was in remission. We conclude that flights and stays in high altitude are a risk factor for IBD flares.


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En aquest projecte s’ha analitzat la viabilitat de l’autosuficiència de la Pleta, l’oficina tècnica del Parc del Garraf, a partir de diferents recursos renovables. S’ha realitzat un estudi del consum hídric i energètic i de la generació de residus per tal d’avaluar les deficiències de cada sistema, per poder-hi aplicar les mesures pertinents. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que un 40% de l’aigua que es consumeix a l’edifici prové dels camions cisterna que la subministren. Per tant, la principal proposta de millora va encaminada a reduir aquest volum d’aigua i per aconseguir-ho, es proposa augmentar la superfície de recollida d’aigua de pluja aprofitant la zona pavimentada del pati de magatzems. Les altres propostes intentaran reduir el volum total d’aigua consumida, com per exemple canviar el filtre actual de les aixetes per airejadors que permeten estalviar fins a un 50% d’aigua, instal·lar cisternes de volum inferior o posar en funcionament el reg per degoteig instal·lat actualment a la Pleta però que no es troba en funcionament. Pel que fa a l’energia hi ha dues fonts, el gasoil i les plaques FV. En quant al gasoil cal diferenciar entre el consum del generador per produir electricitat i el consum de la caldera per la calefacció. Un cop estudiat el sistema s’ha obtingut que les plaques solars FV aconsegueixen produir el 73% de l’electricitat demandada a la Pleta, la resta de l’electricitat la proporciona el generador. El principal problema, però és el gran consum de gasoil per la calefacció. Les millores proposades per a solucionar aquesta problemàtica pretenen millorar l’eficiència de la instal·lació de plaques solars FV col·locant més panells solars i disminuir el consum de gasoil per part de la calefacció, ja sigui millorant l’eficiència energètica i/o canviant la font d’energia per biomassa. En el cas de residus s’ha observat que es produeixen 3.283 kg/any, sent el rebuig la fracció més important. Per tal de reduir el volum de residus generats, es pretén fomentar la utilització d’estris reutlilitzables i el correcte reciclatge, substituint les papereres actuals dels despatxos per les de paper i posant cartells informatius o indicatiu en els llocs adients.


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This paper investigates the economic value of Catalan knowledge for national and foreign first- and second-generation immigrants in Catalonia. Specifically, drawing on data from the “Survey on Living Conditions and Habits of the Catalan Population (2006)”, we want to quantify the expected earnings differential between individuals who are proficient in Catalan and those who are not, taking into account the potential endogeneity between knowledge of Catalan and earnings. The results indicate the existence of a positive return to knowledge of Catalan, with a 7.5% increase in earnings estimated by OLS; however, when we account for the presence of endogeneity, monthly earnings are around 18% higher for individuals who are able to speak and write Catalan. However, we also find that language and education are complementary inputs for generating earnings in Catalonia, given that knowledge of Catalan increases monthly earnings only for more educated individuals.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence of problem gambling in a population of youths in Switzerland and to determine its association with other potentially addictive behaviours. METHODS: Cross-sectional survey including 1,102 participants in the first and second year of post-compulsory education, reporting gambling, socio-demographics, internet use and substance use. For three categories of gambling (nongambler; nonproblem gambler and at-risk/problem gambler). socio-demographic and addiction data were compared using a bivariate analysis. All significant variables were included in a multinominal logistic regression using nongamblers as the reference category. RESULTS: The prevalence of gamblers was 37.48% (n = 413), with nonproblem gamblers being 31.94% (n = 352) and at-risk/problem gamblers 5.54% (n = 61). At the bivariate level, severity of gambling increased among adults (over 18 years) and among males, vocational students, participants not living with both parents and youths having a low socio-economic status. Gambling was also associated to the four addictive behaviours studied. At the multivariate level, risk of nonproblem gambling was increased in males, older youths, vocational students, participants of Swiss origin and alcohol misusers. Risk of at-risk/problem gambling was higher for males, older youths, alcohol misusers, participants not living with both parents and problem internet users. CONCLUSIONS: One-third of youths in our sample had gambled in the previous year and gambling is associated with other addictive behaviours. Clinicians should screen their adolescent patients for gambling habits, especially if other addictive behaviours are present. Additionally, gambling should be included in prevention campaigns together with other addictive behaviours.


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SUMMARY : The coevolution between two intimately associated organisms, like host and parasite, is a widely investigated theme in evolutionary biology. Recently, the use of genetic data in the study of host-parasite systems evidences that the genetic information from some parasites can complement genetic data from their hosts and thus may help to better understand their host's evolutionary history. Phylogenetic and population genetic aspects of bat parasites have been poorly investigated. Spinturnicid mites are highly specialized ectoparasites, exclusively associated with bats and therefore represent an ideal model to extant our knowledge on bat and parasite biology and on their coevolutionary history. In this thesis, I developed several molecular markers (mitochondrial DNA) to compare the genetic patterns of Spinturnix mites with their bat hosts at different levels. The molecular co-phylogeny between Spinturnix sp. and their bat hosts suggests a partial cospeciation and the occurrence of failure to speciate events and multiple host switches. Thus, Spinturnix mites do not exactly mirror the phylogenetic pattern of their hosts, despite their intimate association. Similar roosting habits of the hosts seem to promote host switches between different species, as far as ecological conditions are favourable. The phylogeographic study of the Maghrebian bat M. punicus in the Mediterranean area confirms the presence of M. punicus in North Africa, Corsica and Sardinia and highlights that islands and mainland are genetically highly divergent. The comparison between the parasitic mite S. myoti and the Maghrebian bat suggests that the phylogeographic pattern of the mite is moulded by its host, with open water as main barrier for host and parasite dispersal. Moreover, the unique presence of a European S. myoti lineage on M. punicus from Corsica strongly suggests the former presence of mouse-eared bats (M. myotis and/or M. blythii) in Corsica. By highlighting the probable presence of a nowadays locally extinct host species, S. myoti may represent a good proxy for inferring complex evolutionary history of bat hosts. Finally, population genetic surveys of S. myoti and S. bechsteinii suggest that these mites benefit from close contacts between individuals during the mating season and/or hibernation to disperse among remote colonies. The contrasted genetic patterns of these two distinct bat-mite systems evidence that bat social structure is a determinant factor of the genetic structure of mite populations. Altogether, this PhD thesis demonstrates the usefulness of parasites to gather information about their bat hosts. In addition, my results illustrate how different ecological and biological characteristics of bat species allow the emergence of a surprising diversity in the genetic patterns of the parasites, which may contribute to the diversification and speciation of parasites. RESUME : La co-évolution entre deux organismes intimement liés, comme un parasite et son hôte, fait partie des questions largement étudiées en biologie évolutive. Récemment, l'utilisation de données génétique dans l'étude des interactions hôte-parasite a montré que l'information génétique de certains parasites peut compléter les données génétiques de l'hôte et ainsi peut éclairer l'histoire évolutive de leur hôte. Très peu études ont étudié les interactions entre les chauves-souris et leurs parasites d'un point de vue moléculaire. Les acariens du genre Spinturnix sont des ectoparasites très spécialisés exclusivement associés aux chauves-souris. Ils représentent donc un model idéal pour élargir nos connaissances tant sur l'écologie des parasites de chauves-souris que sur leur coévolution. Durant cette thèse, plusieurs marqueurs moléculaires (ADN mitochondrial) ont été développés pour ainsi comparer la distribution de la variation génétique des parasites du genre Spinturnix avec celle de leurs hôtes, et ceci à différents niveaux. Tout d'abord, la co-phylogénie moléculaire entre les espèces de Spinturnix et les leurs hôtes révèle une co-spéciation partielle ainsi que la présence d'événement de non spéciation et de transferts horizontaux. Ces parasites ne reflètent donc pas entièrement l'histoire évolutive de leurs hôtes, malgré leurs intimes associations. La cohabitation de plusieurs espèces de chauves-souris dans un même gîte permet aux parasites un transfert entre différentes espèces, atténuant ainsi leur degré de co-spéciation. Deuxièmement, l'étude phylogéographique du marin du Maghreb dans le bassin Méditerranéen confirme sa présence en Afrique du Nord, en Corse et en Sardaigne. La comparaison avec un de ses parasites S. myoti suggère que la répartition génétique de S. myoti est façonnée par celle de leurs hôtes, avec les étendues d'eau comme barrière principale tant à la dispersion de l'hôte que de son parasite. De plus, la présence unique d'une lignée européenne de ces parasites sur des marins du Maghreb de Corse suggère fortement la présence du grand ou petit marin en Corse dans le passé. En reflétant la présence potentielle à un endroit donné d'une espèce de chauve-souris actuellement disparue, S. myoti peut représenter une bonne alternative pour comprendre l'histoire évolutive complexe des chauves-souris. Finalement, l'étude des structures génétiques des populations des parasites S. myoti et S. bechsteinii suggère que les contacts corporels entre chauves-souris durant la saison de reproduction ou l'hibernation peuvent permettre la dispersion des parasites entre des colonies éloignées géographiquement. La différence de structure génétique entre ces deux associations particulières montre que la structure génétique des populations de parasites dépend fortement des traits d'histoire de vie de son hôte. Dans l'ensemble, cette thèse démontre l'importance des parasites pour amener des informations sur leurs hôtes, les chauves-souris. Elle illustre aussi comment les différences écologique et biologique des différentes espèces de chauves-souris peuvent amener une étonnante diversité de structure génétique au sein de populations de parasites, ce qui peut peut-être contribuer à la diversification et à la spéciation des parasites.


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Aquest projecte es centra en l'estimació del risc ambiental que suposen els subproductes de la desinfecció de l'aigua (amb els trihalometans com a marcadors) per a la incidència de càncer colorectal. Això s'estudia mesurant les exposicions i usos de l'aigua d'un grup de casos i controls a diversos llocs de l'Estat Espanyol, comparant els nivells de trihalometans d'aquestes ciutats, estimant-ne l'absorció i, per últim, calculant-ne el risc mitjançant la odds ratio (probabilitat de patir la malaltia dividit per la probabilitat de no desenvolupar-la). Per assolir-ho és vital l'acurada estimació de l'exposició de la població a aquests productes, ja que, tot i que l'aigua de xarxa és una exposició ubiqua i, per tant, ambiental, hi ha persones més exposades que d'altres. Comparant els nivells de trihalometans arreu d'Espanya, la qualitat de l'aigua de consum varia molt als diferents llocs d'estudi, essent Barcelona la de pitjor qualitat ambiental i Guipúscoa la millor. La primera estimació al risc (l'estudi oficial, dut a terme pel Centre de Recerca en Epidemiologia Ambiental, no està conclòs) dóna positiu en la majoria d'exposicions, amb l'excepció de l'assistència a piscines durant l'hivern.


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Mosquitoes are vector of serious human and animal diseases, such as malaria, dengue, yellow fever, among others. The use of biological control agents has provide an environmentally safe and highly specific alternative to the use of chemical insecticides in the control of vector borne diseases. Bacillus thuringiensis and B. sphaericus produce toxic proteins to mosquito larvae. Great progress has been made on the biochemical and molecular characterization of such proteins and the genes encoding them. Nevertheless, the low residuality of these biological insecticides is one of the major drawbacks. This article present some interesting aspects of the mosquito larvae feeding habits and review the attempts that have been made to genetically engineer microorganisms that while are used by mosquito larvae as a food source should express the Bacillus toxin genes in order to improve the residuality and stability in the mosquito breeding ponds.


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The influence of environmental and biological factors on the efficacy of Bacillus thuringiensis serovar israelensis and B. sphaericus as mosquito larvicides are reviewed. The importance of strain dependence, cultivating media/methods, mosquito species/specificity, formulations and their relation to mosquito feeding habits, as well as temperature, solar exposure, larval density and concomitant presence of other aquatic organisms are addressed with reference to the present status of knowledge in Brazil.


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The municipality of Ilhéus, State of Bahia, has a focus of cutaneous leishmaniasis where entomological studies were carried out to determine the sand fly species and their habits. Lutzomyia migonei, L. sallesi, L. tupynambai, L. schreiberi, L. intermedia, L. whitmani, L. yuilli yuilli, L. fischeri, L. pessoai, L. shannoni and L. misionensis were identified. Lutzomyia whitmani was the predominant species. Specimens were collected indoors, at peridomestic sites, in the cocoa plantations and in other types of collections. Females fed readily on humans and were attracted to domestic animals. Our evidence suggests that L. whitmani is a probable vector.


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Diet diversity (defined as the number of different foods consumed) has been considered an indicator of a healthy diet, and favorably related to the risk of several digestive tract cancers. We analyzed the relation between diet diversity and the risk of laryngeal cancer using data from a case-control study carried out between 1992 and 2000 in Italy and Switzerland. The subjects of the study were 527 patients with histologically confirmed incident cancers of the larynx and 1297 patients admitted for acute, non-neoplastic diseases, unrelated to tobacco or alcohol consumption. Total diversity was computed as the number of different foods (overall and within four food groups, i.e., vegetables, fruit, meat, and cereals) consumed at least once per week. A significant inverse association was observed for vegetable diversity (OR=0.41, 95% CI: 0.28-0.59, for the highest versus the lowest quartile) and fruit diversity (OR=0.40, 95% CI: 0.27-0.59). Conversely, a direct association was found for meat diversity (OR=1.67, 95% CI: 1.11-2.50), while no meaningful association was found for total diet and cereal diversity. The results were consistent across strata of age, alcohol drinking and tobacco smoking. This study suggests that a diet not only rich but also varied in fruit and vegetables is related to a decreased risk of laryngeal cancer risk.


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Since the 1980s the traditional European winegrowing regions have been carrying out deep changes in response to the onslaught of winegrowers in the New World. In recent years Spanish regions have been foremost in Europe in terms of change in areas turned over to wine production and distribution. This study analyses the main sequences of changes the Spanish wine industry has undergone: the evolution of consumption through the changes in consumer drinking habits; the leading role of exports in international markets; the spread of different types of marketing and business organization; the distribution in large and small sellers, and the main factors that have been involved in the chain of production and in the modernization of the wineries.


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Dietary supplement (DS) use increased rapidly over the last years. However evidence of benefits of many DS for healthy users are scarce and may not equate known risks of overdose, drug interaction and recently discovered negative long-term effects. Therefore this study aimed to investigate perceptions and motivations of DS users in Lausanne, Switzerland. Method A convenience sample was recruited at the entrance of local sales points. Data were collected in on-site semi-structured interviews to assess dietary supplementation habits. Results The 119 participants provided information on 147 users. Among 273 declared products, the majority were mixed products, containing minerals and vitamins (78), mineral products (69), and herbal products (28). 55% of DS users took more than one product simultaneously. Seventy five percent of participants indicated that DS use presents no risk or nearly no risk and about half (49%) of participants did not inform their physician about their consumption. Male participants reported to share this information with their physicians significantly less frequently than female participants (p = 0.008). About half of participants looked for information on potential risks of DS, men significantly more often than women (p=0.001). Discussion According to other studies in the US, our study shows that, in Lausanne (Switzerland), DS are commonly used as mixed products. Risk perception seems generally low among DS users. Implications Physicians should be trained to evaluate patientsʼ health behaviour and needs in order to provide good evidence based information or propose alternatives to DS use.


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OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: This study indicates the prevalence, the characteristics, and the screening methods of patients with at risk alcohol drinking at the University Medical Clinic of Lausanne. RESULTS: The results reported demonstrate that one patient out of six is a drinker at risk without criteria for alcohol-dependance. The questionnaire AUDIT (Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test) with a cut-off of five points seems to be the best screening test for at risk alcohol consumption. CONCLUSIONS: The high prevalence of at risk drinking in this study, combined with scientific evidence of the efficiency of brief interventions in changing drinking habits, emphasises the importance of alcohol screening for all patients attending outpatient medical settings.


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Résumé Ce travail s'inscrit dans un programme de recherche centré sur la pharmacovigilance en psychiatrie. Buts de l'étude Les nouveaux antipsychotiques atypiques sont prescrits avec beaucoup de succès, parce qu'ils présentent une sécurité dans leur emploi bien supérieure à celle des antipsychotiques classiques. Cette situation a conduit à une large prescription «off-label» (hors indication admise). Le but de ce travail a été d'étudier la pratique en matière de prescription des psychiatres hospitaliers en ce qui concerne les antipsychotiques en comparant des patients traités pour des psychoses ou d'autres indications officielles aux patients recevant un traitement antipsychotique «off-label». Méthode Dans le cadre d'un programme de pharmacovigilance - pharmacoépidemiologie, tous les médicaments prescrits à 5 jours de référence (entre 1999 et 2001) à l'hôpital psychiatrique universitaire de Lausanne (98 lits) ont été enregistrés, avec des données sur l'âge, le sexe et le diagnostic des patients. Les prescriptions de 202 patients ont été évaluées. Les patients ont été classés dans 3 groupes diagnostiques : (1) patient présentant des troubles psychotiques, (2) patient présentant des épisodes maniaques et des épisodes dépressifs avec des symptômes psychotiques, et (3) patient présentant d'autres troubles. Les groupes (1) et (2) forment une classe de patients recevant un antipsychotique pour une indication officielle, et les prescriptions dans le groupe (3) ont été considérées comme «off-label». Résultats principaux Moins de patients psychotiques ont reçu un antidépresseur (p<0.05) ou des hypnotiques non-benzodiazepine (p<0.001) comparés aux patients des deux autres groupes. Les patients présentant des troubles affectifs recevaient seulement exceptionnellement une combinaison d'un antipsychotique atypique et conventionnel, tandis qu'un nombre inférieur de patients avec des indications « off-label » ont reçu moins .souvent des antipsychotiques atypiques que ceux des deux groupes de comparaison (p<0.05). L'analyse statistique (stepwise logistic regression) a révélé que les patients présentant des troubles psychotiques avaient un risque plus élevé de recevoir un médicament antipsychotique d'une dose moyenne ou élevée, (p<0.001) en comparaison aux deux autres groupes. Conclusion Les nouveaux médicaments antipsychotiques semblent être prescrits avec moins d'hésitation principalement pour des indications admises. Les médecins prescrivent de nouveaux médicaments « off-label » seulement après avoir acquis une certaine expérience dans le domaine des indications approuvées, et ils étaient plus prudents en ce qui concerne la dose en traitant sur la base «off-label». Abstract Objective The new brands of atypical antipsychotics are very successfully prescribed because of their enhanced safety profiles and their larger pharmacological profile in comparison to the conventional antipsychotic. This has led to broad off-label utilisation. The aim of the present survey was to study the prescription practice of hospital psychiatrists with regard to antipsychotic drugs, comparing patients treated for psychoses or other registered indications to patients receiving an off-label antipsychotic treatment. Method As part of a pharmacovigilance/pharmacoepidemiology program, all drugs given on 5 reference days (1999 - 2001) in the 98-bed psychiatric hospital of the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, were recorded along with age, sex and diagnosis. The prescriptions of 202 patients were assessed. Patients were classified in 3 diagnostic groups: (1) patient with psychotic disorders, (2) patients with manic episodes and depressive episodes with psychotic symptoms, and (3) patients with other disorders. Group (1) and (2) formed the class of patients receiving an antipsychotic for a registered indication, and the prescriptions in group (3) were considered as off-label. Main results A lesser number of psychotic patients received antidepressant (p<0.05) and nonbenzodiazepine hypnotics (p<0.001) compared to the patients of the other two groups. The patients with affective disorders received only exceptionally a combination of an atypical and a conventional antipsychotic, whereas a lesser number of patients with off-label indications received less often atypical antipsychotics than those of the two comparison groups (p<0.05). Stepwise logistic regression revealed that patients with psychotic disorder were at higher risk of receiving an antipsychotic medication in medium or high dose (p<0.001), in comparison to the two other groups. Conclusions The new antipsychotic drugs seem to be prescribed with less hesitation mainly for approved indications. Physicians prescribe new drugs on off-label application only after having gained some experience in the field of the approved indications, and were more cautious with regard to dose when treating on an off-label basis.


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In legal medicine, the post mortem interval (PMI) of interest covers the last 50 years. When only human skeletal remains are found, determining the PMI currently relies mostly on the experience of the forensic anthropologist, with few techniques available to help. Recently, several radiometric methods have been proposed to reveal PMI. For instance, (14)C and (90)Sr bomb pulse dating covers the last 60 years and give reliable PMI when teeth or bones are available. (232)Th series dating has also been proposed but requires a large amount of bones. In addition, (210)Pb dating is promising but is submitted to diagenesis and individual habits like smoking that must be handled carefully. Here we determine PMI on 29 cases of forensic interest using (90)Sr bomb pulse. In 12 cases, (210)Pb dating was added to narrow the PMI interval. In addition, anthropological investigations were carried out on 15 cases to confront anthropological expertise to the radiometric method. Results show that 10 of the 29 cases can be discarded as having no forensic interest (PMI>50 years) based only on the (90)Sr bomb pulse dating. For 10 other cases, the additional (210)Pb dating restricts the PMI uncertainty to a few years. In 15 cases, anthropological investigations corroborate the radiometric PMI. This study also shows that diagenesis and inter-individual difference in radionuclide uptake represent the main sources of uncertainty in the PMI determination using radiometric methods.