752 resultados para HIGH-FAT FOODS


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This thesis investigates the phenotypic and genotypic diversity of non-dairy L. lactis strains and their application to dairy fermentations. A bank of non-dairy lactococci were isolated from grass, vegetables and the bovine rumen. Subsequent analysis of these L. lactis strains revealed seven strains to possess cremoris genotypes which did not correlate with their observed phenotypes. Multi-locus sequence typing (MLST) and average nucleotide identity (ANI) highlighted the genetic diversity of lactis and cremoris subspecies. The application of these non-dairy lactococci to cheese production was also assessed. In milk, non-dairy strains formed diverse volatile profiles and selected strains were used as adjuncts in a mini Gouda-type cheese system. Sensory analysis showed non-dairy strains to be strongly associated with the development of off-flavours and bitterness. However, microfluidisation appeared to reduce bitterness. A novel bacteriophage, ɸL47, was isolated using the grass isolate L. lactis ssp. cremoris DPC6860 as a host. The phage, a member of the Siphoviridae, possessed a long tail fiber, previously unseen in dairy lactococcal phages. Genome sequencing revealed ɸL47 to be the largest sequenced lactococcal phage to date and owing to the high % similarity with ɸ949, a second member of the 949 group. Finally, to identify and characterise specific genes which may be important in niche adaptation and for applications to dairy fermentations, comparative genome sequence analysis was performed on L. lactis from corn (DPC6853), the bovine rumen (DPC6853) and grass (DPC6860). This study highlights the contribution of niche specialisation to the intra-species diversity of L. lactis and the adaptation of this organism to different environments. In summary this thesis describes the genetic diversity of L. lactis strains from outside the dairy environment and their potential application in dairy fermentations.


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These bookmarks state: poor diet can have bad effects on diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol in African-Americans. What can you do? Eat more fruits and vegetables. Choose meat with less fat. Buy foods low in fat, salt and cholesterol. Have sugar-free drinks. Eat less. Choose less fried foods.


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Résumé : Contexte: Les maladies cardiovasculaires (MCV) sont un enjeu contemporain de santé publique. Or, des recherches cliniques démontrent que certaines interventions sont efficaces dans leur traitement et prévention. Il s’agit d’interventions nutritionnelles éducatives priorisant des aliments végétaux minimalement transformés (VMT). Ces interventions promeuvent l’adoption de postures alimentaires se caractérisant par la consommation à volonté d’une grande variété d’aliments d’origine végétale (e.g. légumineuses, céréales entières, fruits, légumes) et par une diminution de la consommation d’aliments d’origine animale (e.g. viandes, œufs et produits laitiers) et ultra-transformés (e.g. riches en sucres, sel ou gras, et faibles en fibres). Objectifs: À l’aide d’un devis mixte concomitant imbriqué, nous avons évalué les effets d’un programme d’interventions éducatives visant à augmenter la consommation de VMT chez des adultes à risque de MCV et exploré les déterminants des modifications comportementales observées. Méthodologie : Divers paramètres physiologiques et anthropométriques ont été mesurés pré-post programme (n = 72) puis analysés avec un test t pour échantillons appariés ou un test signé des rangs de Wilcoxon. D’autre part, 10 entretiens semi-dirigés ont été réalisés post-programme et soutenus par un guide d’entretien basé sur le Food Choice Process Model. Les verbatims intégraux ont été codés selon la méthode d’analyse thématique. Résultats : Après 12 semaines, le poids (-10,5 lb, IC 95 %: 9,0-12,0), le tour de taille (-7,4 cm, IC 95 %:6,5-8,4), la tension artérielle diastolique (-3,2 mmHg, IC 95 %: 0,1-6,3), le cholestérol total (-0,87 mmol/ L, IC 95 %:0,57-1,17), le cholestérol LDL (-0,84 mmol/ L, IC 95 %: 0,55-1,13) et l’hémoglobine glyquée (-1,32 %, IC 95 %:-0,17-2,80) se sont significativement améliorés. L’analyse thématique des données qualitatives révèle que le programme, par la stimulation de valeurs de santé, d’éthique et d’intégrité, favorise la transformation des choix alimentaires vers une posture davantage axée sur les VMT durant une période clé du parcours de vie (i.e. pré-retraite). D’autres déterminants pouvant favoriser l’adoption d’une alimentation VMT ont été identifiés, dont les bénéfices importants observables à court terme, l’absence de restriction à l’égard de la quantité d’aliments VMT et le développement de compétences de planification dans l’acquisition et la préparation des aliments. Conclusion : Une intervention priorisant les VMT permet d’améliorer le profil cardiométabolique d’individus pré-retraités en raison de ses caractéristiques intrinsèques, mais aussi parce qu’elle modifie les valeurs impliquées dans les choix alimentaires.


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Las Mipymes son un componente fundamental para el desarrollo económico y social de cualquier país, en especial de un país como Colombia en donde representan el 99,9% de las empresas actualmente constituidas, concentrando el 81% de los empleados a nivel nacional (Fedesarrollo, 2013). Aunque juegan un papel protagónico en la economía colombiana, las Mipymes aún deben recorrer un camino extenso para poder explotar todo el potencial con el que cuentan, puesto que presentan un alto índice de mortandad empresarial en los primeros años de funcionamiento, esto evidenciado en los resultados del estudio GEM (Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, 2009) en donde se encontró que sólo el 12,61% de los negocios lograron superar los 42 meses de permanencia en el mercado (El País, 2010) principalmente a causa de la ausencia de una planeación estratégica de largo plazo que les permita a los negocios emprendedores del país alcanzar la competitividad. Si bien es cierto que crear empresa es relativamente sencillo, son múltiples los retos tanto internos como externos que deben enfrentar las organizaciones para poder alcanzar una etapa de madurez empresarial, sobre todo en los primeros años de funcionamiento que son los más críticos y decisivos para el futuro de cualquier empresa, es por esto que se hace indispensable emplear estrategias que les permitan ser sostenibles a largo plazo, en un entorno altamente competitivo por empresas tanto nacionales como internacionales, siendo este uno de los propósitos fundamentales al que deberían apostar los empresarios colombianos para crear un impacto positivo en la sociedad y aportar a la competitividad nacional. Bakery Service Foods, es una empresa dedicada a la comercialización y distribución de insumos de panadería con sede en el barrio Carvajal en la ciudad de Bogotá. Desde su constitución, el 29 de diciembre de 2008, la empresa ha buscado posicionarse en un mercado en donde tanto empresas grandes como Grasco, Grupo Team, Sigra, Duquesa, Conaceites, Alvarado, Aceites Finos; así como microempresas sin infraestructura ni solidez económica, componen un entorno altamente competitivo y hacinado que representa un desafío para una pequeña empresa familiar que no cuenta con un músculo financiero significativo. Por otra parte, Bakery Service Foods a traviesa por un período de alta incertidumbre debido a que el proveedor que representa el 85% de las ventas de los productos a los cuales representan, FANAGRA S.A, atraviesa por una completa reestructuración debido a la venta de dicha empresa a una multinacional suiza. Esta situación representa un alto riesgo para la compañía y exige que se emprendan acciones oportunas que les permitan reducir la alta dependencia en un único proveedor. Teniendo en cuenta que una de las ambiciones desde la fundación de la compañía ha sido incursionar y ser una empresa competitiva en el mercado de Food Service, que perdure en el tiempo, ¿Qué tan viable es diversificar el portafolio de la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) en el mercado Food Service? Con este proyecto se busca diseñar una propuesta de diversificación de portafolio para la empresa Bakery Service Foods (BSF) analizando el mercado Food Service, por medio del modelo de Ventaja Competitiva de Michael Porter; lo anterior, con el propósito de que la empresa se consolide en este mercado como un aliado estratégico para sus clientes y representados, y con un modelo de negocio sostenible a largo plazo. Finalmente, se espera que a través de la propuesta de mejora para Bakery Service Foods, se afiancen los conocimientos administrativos obtenidos durante el pregrado en Administración de Empresas, aplicando satisfactoriamente las herramientas, metodologías y bases conceptuales adquiridas, para enriquecer el proceso de aprendizaje profesional y aportar valor a una empresa colombiana desde el mercado de Food Service.


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Polyphenols are widely present in fruits, vegetables, cereals and beverages. Their study gained scientific interest because of their beneficial effects on health. Although there is currently no official dietary recommendation for polyphenol intake, health professionals recommend the consumption of 5-8 daily portions of fruits and vegetables. This is not always achieved and, despite possible causes associated to practical schedule difficulties, the aversive bitter and astringent sensations associated to polyphenols may also lead to avoidance. As such, a better understanding on mechanisms responsible for differences among people, in polyphenol oral perception, is needed for promoting healthier choices. Saliva has been linked to polyphenol consumption. We have previously observed, in animal models, changes in salivary proteome induced by tannin-enriched diets. Moreover, differences in astringency perception were attributed to differences in salivary protein composition. In a recent experiment, we observed differences among individuals with dissimilar tannic-acid perception: people with high sensitivity for the oral sensations elicited by tannins have higher amounts of salivary cystatins and lower capacity to maintain their levels after tannic-acid ingestion. Additionally, and similarly to previous studies, salivary amylase was observed to be involved in tannin perception. In this presentation, oral cavity characteristics influencing the perception of polyphenol-containing foods will be discussed.


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The purpose of this study was to identify the quality of life profile, overweight-obesity and sedentary behavior in a group of elementary and high school children of Guanacaste. 635 students participated in the study. The participants completed a protocol by which they were anthropometrically evaluated, and also filled up a questionnaire related to sedentary behavior and quality of life. In general, the findings reflected a prevalence of overweight and obesity of 13, 9%. The most important sedentary activities were, in descending order, the small screen (watching TV, video games, computer), and certain social and cultural activities. The self-reported quality of life index was within acceptable limits but not exceeding 80 points on a scale of 1-100. There was no significant relationship between the rate of the overall quality of life, overweight, obesity and some sedentary behaviors, although some anthropometric parameters like percentage of body fat and body weight showed significant correlation with sedentary behavior and specific aspects belonging to quality of life. The study provides valuable information to health authorities, directors of educational institutions and parents about key issues related to child development.


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The thermal decomposition of natural ammonium oxalate known as oxammite has been studied using a combination of high resolution thermogravimetry coupled to an evolved gas mass spectrometer and Raman spectroscopy coupled to a thermal stage. Three mass loss steps were found at 57, 175 and 188°C attributed to dehydration, ammonia evolution and carbon dioxide evolution respectively. Raman spectroscopy shows two bands at 3235 and 3030 cm-1 attributed to the OH stretching vibrations and three bands at 2995, 2900 and 2879 cm-1, attributed to the NH vibrational modes. The thermal degradation of oxammite may be followed by the loss of intensity of these bands. No intensity remains in the OH stretching bands at 100°C and the NH stretching bands show no intensity at 200°C. Multiple CO symmetric stretching bands are observed at 1473, 1454, 1447 and 1431cm-1, suggesting that the mineral oxammite is composed of a mixture of chemicals including ammonium oxalate dihydrate, ammonium oxalate monohydrate and anhydrous ammonium oxalate.


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Two dimensional flow of a micropolar fluid in a porous channel is investigated. The flow is driven by suction or injection at the channel walls, and the micropolar model due to Eringen is used to describe the working fluid. An extension of Berman's similarity transform is used to reduce the governing equations to a set of non-linear coupled ordinary differential equations. The latter are solved for large mass transfer via a perturbation analysis where the inverse of the cross-flow Reynolds number is used as the perturbing parameter. Complementary numerical solutions for strong injection are also obtained using a quasilinearisation scheme, and good agreement is observed between the solutions obtained from the perturbation analysis and the computations.


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