943 resultados para Grau GL
During systemic disease in mice, Salmonella enterica grows intracellularly within discrete foci of infection in the spleen and liver. In concomitant infections, foci containing different S. enterica strains are spatially separated. We have investigated whether functional interactions between bacterial populations within the same host can occur despite the known spatial separation of the foci and independence of growth of salmonellae residing in different foci. In this study we have demonstrated that bacterial numbers of virulent S. enterica serovar Typhimurium C5 strain in mouse tissues can be increased by the presence of the attenuated aroA S. Typhimurium SL3261 vaccine strain in the same tissue. Disease exacerbation does not require simultaneous coinjection of the attenuated bacteria. SL3261 can be administered up to 48 hr after or 24 hr before the administration of C5 and still determine higher tissue numbers of the virulent bacteria. This indicates that intravenous administration of a S. enterica vaccine strain could potentially exacerbate an established infection with wild-type bacteria. These data also suggest that the severity of an infection with a virulent S. enterica strain can be increased by the prior administration of a live attenuated vaccine strain if infection occurs within 48 hr of vaccination. Exacerbation of the growth of C5 requires Toll-like receptor 4-dependent interleukin-10 production with the involvement of both Toll/interleukin-1 receptor-domain-containing adaptor inducing interferon-beta and myeloid differentiation factor 88.
Bacteria of the species Salmonella enterica cause a range of life-threatening diseases in humans and animals worldwide. The within-host quantitative, spatial, and temporal dynamics of S. enterica interactions are key to understanding how immunity acts on these infections and how bacteria evade immune surveillance. In this study, we test hypotheses generated from mathematical models of in vivo dynamics of Salmonella infections with experimental observation of bacteria at the single-cell level in infected mouse organs to improve our understanding of the dynamic interactions between host and bacterial mechanisms that determine net growth rates of S. enterica within the host. We show that both bacterial and host factors determine the numerical distributions of bacteria within host cells and thus the level of dispersiveness of the infection.
This paper discusses the Cambridge University HTK (CU-HTK) system for the automatic transcription of conversational telephone speech. A detailed discussion of the most important techniques in front-end processing, acoustic modeling and model training, language and pronunciation modeling are presented. These include the use of conversation side based cepstral normalization, vocal tract length normalization, heteroscedastic linear discriminant analysis for feature projection, minimum phone error training and speaker adaptive training, lattice-based model adaptation, confusion network based decoding and confidence score estimation, pronunciation selection, language model interpolation, and class based language models. The transcription system developed for participation in the 2002 NIST Rich Transcription evaluations of English conversational telephone speech data is presented in detail. In this evaluation the CU-HTK system gave an overall word error rate of 23.9%, which was the best performance by a statistically significant margin. Further details on the derivation of faster systems with moderate performance degradation are discussed in the context of the 2002 CU-HTK 10 × RT conversational speech transcription system. © 2005 IEEE.
The self-assembly of proteins and peptides into polymeric amyloid fibrils is a process that has important implications ranging from the understanding of protein misfolding disorders to the discovery of novel nanobiomaterials. In this study, we probe the stability of fibrils prepared at pH 2.0 and composed of the protein insulin by manipulating electrostatic interactions within the fibril architecture. We demonstrate that strong electrostatic repulsion is sufficient to disrupt the hydrogen-bonded, cross-β network that links insulin molecules and ultimately results in fibril dissociation. The extent of this dissociation correlates well with predictions for colloidal models considering the net global charge of the polypeptide chain, although the kinetics of the process is regulated by the charge state of a single amino acid. We found the fibrils to be maximally stable under their formation conditions. Partial disruption of the cross-β network under conditions where the fibrils remain intact leads to a reduction in their stability. Together, these results support the contention that a major determinant of amyloid stability stems from the interactions in the structured core, and show how the control of electrostatic interactions can be used to characterize the factors that modulate fibril stability.
The supra-molecular self-assembly of peptides and proteins is a process which underlies a range of normal and aberrant biological pathways in nature, but one which remains challenging to monitor in a quantitative way. We discuss the experimental details of an approach to this problem which involves the direct measurement in vitro of mass changes of the aggregates as new molecules attach to them. The required mass sensitivity can be achieved by the use of a quartz crystal transducer-based microbalance. The technique should be broadly applicable to the study of protein aggregation, as well as to the identification and characterisation of inhibitors and modulators of this process.
A probe utilizing the bipolar pulse method to measure the density of a conducting fluid has been developed. The probe is specially designed such that the concentration of a stream tube can be sampled continuously. The density was determined indirectly from the measurement of solution conductivity. The probe was calibrated using standard NaCl solutions of varying molarity and was able to rapidly determine the density of a fluid with continuously varying conductance. Measurements of the conductivity profiles, corresponding density profiles, and their fluctuation levels are demonstrated in a channel flow with an electrolyte injected from a slot in one wall.
El estudio se realizó en el laboratorio de cultivo de tejidos de la Universidad Nacional Agraria de diciembre 2008 a enero 2010. En el centro experimental de FAGRO se seleccionaron hijos de plátano (Musa spp AAB) cultivar Cuerno Gigante para el estudio de los diferentes factores en las cuatro fases de la micropropagación. En el establecimiento se evaluó el efecto del Bencil amino purina y Ácido indolacético. En multiplicación se estudió la respuesta de los tejidos a los medios de cultivo, volumen del frasco, número de plantas por frasco y número de subcultivos. En la fase de enraizamiento se evaluó el efecto del AIA y sacarosa en la producción de raíces, y en la fase de aclimatación las correlaciones entre variables morfológicas. Los datos de establecimiento se analizaron en Cuadros porcentuales, en las fases de multiplicación y enraizamiento con el diseño bloques completos al azar, se determinaron los mejores tratamientos mediante el análisis de Duncan y Waller. Todos los ápices establecidos segregaron fenoles y en el medio con 1 mg l-1 BAP la formación de plantas fue del 20%. A partir del segundo subcultivo los medios que contenían 2 mgl-1 de BAP incrementaron los porcentajes de brotación. Con 5 y 7 plantas por frasco de 220 y 430 ml se obtuvieron los mejores promedios de brotación axilar, longitud del pseudotallo y de número de hojas. Con 7 plantas por frasco se disminuyó en 28.93% la cantidad de frascos y de medios de cultivo en comparación con 5 plantas por frasco. La mejor producción de raíces se consiguió en las sales MS con 30 gl-1 de sacarosa consistencia semi-sólida. En fase de aclimatación el número de raíces tuvo correlación significativa y positiva con longitud del pseudotallo y volumen de raíces, también hubo correlación positiva y significativa entre número de hojas y longitud del pseudotallo, resultando de gran importancia en la determinación del crecimiento y comportamiento futuro de las plantas.
Porous Zr-based bulk metallic glass (PMG) with unidirectional opening pores is prepared by electrochemical etching of tungsten wires of the W/bulk metallic glass (BMG) composites. The porosity and pore size can be controlled by adjusting the tungsten wires. The PMG showed no measurable loss in thermal stability as compared to the monolithic Zr-based BMG by water quenching and is more ductile and softer than the pore-free counterpart. The specific surface area of the PMGs is calculated to be 0.65, 3.96, and 10.54 m(2)/kg for 20, 60, and 80 vol % porosity, respectively. (c) 2007 The Electrochemical Society.
Analisa o processo de criação das obras arquitetônicas de Oscar Oscar Niemeyer em Minas Gerais, do período de 1938 a 1955.
Elabora um marco teórico-conceitual, destacando a importância do conceito de segurança climática global e sua relação com a governança e governabilidade. Descreve o perfil dos países emissores de gases de efeito estufa (GEE). Identifica as oportunidades técnico-econômicas para a transição para uma economia de baixo carbono que mitigue a mudança climática. Analisa três cenários prospectivos da evolução do sistema internacional, tendo como variável principal o grau de cooperação atingido.
Com base em três diferentes experiências práticas de educação política realizadas em escolas de São Paulo, o texto tem como objetivo compreender a visão dos jovens sobre esse tema. Estamos preparando nossa juventude para o exercício da democracia? Existe, por parte deles, interesse por essa temática? O texto mostra que as respostas variam de acordo com o grau de maturidade do público alvo, ou seja, existe uma possibilidade maior de o processo de politização nas escolas ser mais bem sucedido nas séries mais avançadas do Ensino Médio.
Com base em pesquisa histórico-documental com técnica comparativa, estuda a organização do Estado cubano, a partir de sua legislação. Expõe um relato histórico sobre o momento de construção da atual Constituição e apresenta as leis referentes ao processo eleitoral, revogação de mandatos e conselho popular. Constata que o modelo de representação do Estado cubano possui um alto grau de delegação, o que o torna mais participativo que o modelo de representação do Brasil, que é fortemente marcado pela independência dos eleitos.
Avalia o grau de comprometimento afetivo dos funcionários de alguns setores da Câmara dos Deputados, tendo por base uma pesquisa de campo com aplicação de questionário. Identifica os diferentes padrões de comprometimento, segundo os dados biográficos e funcionais dos servidores, e analisa em que medida o comportamento afetivo prevalece sobre os demais.
Identifica as competências gerenciais existentes no quadro de gerentes básicos da Câmara dos Deputados. Avalia em que grau tais gestores se sentem preparados para o exercício da função. Discute que lacunas podem existir no atual modelo de desenvolvimento gerencial da instituição.