953 resultados para Grass spikelet


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Details are given of activities conducted in Zomba, Malawi, in order to demonstrate new aquaculture technologies and encourage their use by smallholder fish farmers. The following technologies were introduced: napier grass as a pond output; use of a reed fence for harvesting fish; developing a high-quality compost as a pond input; vegetable-pond integration; chicken-pond integration; smoking kiln; pond stirring; and rice-fish integration. The reactions of the farmers to these technologies and their testing by the farmers are outlined briefly.


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A contaminação do solo no município de Santo Amaro (BA) por metais tóxicos provocada pelas atividades da empresa Plumbum Mineração tem gerado impactos sobre a saúde ambiental e humana. O objetivo da presente pesquisa foi avaliar a viabilidade da remediação deste solo contaminado por chumbo e cádmio, utilizando diferentes fontes de fosfatos e fitorremediação com o capim vetiver [Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)]. O estudo foi realizado em colunas de PVC onde amostras de solo foram colocadas com a aplicação de fosfato dihidrogênio de potássio (KH2PO4) (T1); fertilizante fosfato natural reativo (FNR) (T2) e; uma mistura do KH2PO4 e de fertilizante FNR (T3). Amostras de solo contaminado sem tratamento (T0) foram utilizadas como controle. Após 60, 120 e 180 dias, alíquotas do solo foram retiradas das colunas para análises. Ao final de cada período, mudas de capim vetiver [(Vetiveria zizanioides (L.)] foram plantadas em vasos com as amostras de solo: T0, T1, T2 e T3 em triplicata. Para a determinação das concentrações de chumbo e cádmio no solo e tecidos vegetais foi utilizado o ICP-OES. A partir das análises física e química constatou-se que o solo possui textura argilosa e capacidade de troca catiônica (CTC) elevadas. As extrações com solução de ácido dietilenotriaminopentaacético (DTPA) e Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP) mostraram que o tratamento T1 seguido do T3 foram os mais eficientes na imobilização de Pb e Cd. Entretanto, todos os tratamentos resultaram em concentrações de metais ainda disponíveis no solo que excediam os limites estabelecidos pela USEPA, sendo o solo, portanto, considerado tóxico mesmo após o tratamento. Com base nas concentrações de metais extraídos através da extração sequencial pelo método BCR após a remediação e a fitorremediação do solo, foi verificado que todos os três tratamentos com fosfatos foram eficientes em imobilizar o Pb e Cd nas formas menos solúveis, porém, o Cd permaneceu mais solúvel e com maior mobilidade do que o Pb. Os ensaios de letalidade utilizando minhoca Eisenia andrei mostraram que a mortalidade observada no solo após 60 dias de tratamento foi significativamente reduzida após 120 e 180 dias de tratamento. A perda de biomassa pelas minhocas também foi reduzida de acordo com o tempo de tratamento. O teste de germinação com alfaces (Lactuca sativa L.) indicou que as amostras de solo tratadas continuam bastante tóxicas, apesar da disponibilidade reduzida do Pb e do Cd como visto nos resultados da extração por TCLP e por BCR. A avaliação de risco ecológico potencial indicou que os tratamentos do solo com fosfatos associado à fitorremediação reduziram a mobilidade do Pb, principalmente nos tratamentos T1 e T3. Para o Cd o risco ecológico potencial aumenta consideravelmente quando comparado com o Pb demonstrando que esse elemento, apesar dos tratamentos com fosfatos mais a fitorremediação continua móvel. O tratamento com KH2PO4 (T1) foi o mais eficiente na redução da mobilidade, disponibilidade e da toxicidade dos metais, seguido pelo T3 e T2 para o Pb e o T3 seguido pelo T1 e T2 para o Cd.


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A fish aggregating device made of aquatic weeds and grass (Phoom) is used in Loktak lake in the northeastern region of India. It has been used successfully in this very productive fishery for centuries. Today, the fishery itself is under pressure from overexploitation, soil erosion leading to siltation and a hydroelectric project that has blocked the migratory route of the fish that used the lake as a breeding ground.


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The bay scallop, Argopecten irradians, supported a small commercial fishery in Florida from the late 1920’s through the 1940’s; peak landings were in 1946 (214,366 lbs of meats), but it currently supports one of the most popular and family-oriented fisheries along the west coast of Florida. The primary habitat of the short-lived (18 months) bay scallop is seagrass beds. Peak spawning occurs in the fall. Human population growth and coastal development that caused habitat changes and reduced water quality probably are the main causes of a large decline in the scallop’s abundance. Bay scallop restoration efforts in bays where they have become scarce have centered on releasing pediveligers and juveniles into grass beds and holding scallops in cages where they would


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 15th October, 1984. The report contains sections on Grass Carp Field Trials in the Lancaster Canal, liaisons with Sea Fisheries Committees, Rivers Leven and Crake migratory fish stocking, and migratory fish stocking policy. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 4th February, 1985. The report contains information on fishing licence duties (1986), Lead and Swans, fyke Nets, Grass Carp Field Trials in the Lancaster Canal and the total available residual chlorine (TARC) in the River Lune. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996.


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ABSTRACT TRANSCRIBED FROM ENGLE'S PH.D. ORAL DEFENSE PAMPHLET: The natural history of juvenile California spiny lobster, Panulirus interruptus (Randall), was investigated, with primary emphasis placed on ascertaining juvenile habitats, determining juvenile growth rates and component growth processes, and evaluating ecological and behavioral phenomena associated with juvenile survival and growth. Habitat surveys of island and mainland localities throughout southern and lower California revealed that small, greenish juveniles typically inhabit crevices or temporary burrows in 0-4m deep, wave-swept rocky habitats covered by dense beds of surf grass, Phyllospadix torreyi S. Watson. Phyllospadix beds were more abundant on gradually sloping rocky mainland beaches than on steeply sloping island shores. Phyllospadix abundance was positively correlated with P. interruptus abundance; however, at Santa Catalina Island, the Phyllospadix habitat was not extensive enough to be the sole lobster nursery. In laboratory tests, puerulus larvae and early juveniles chose Phyllospadix over rubble rocks or broad-bladed kelp, but did not consistently prefer Phyllospadix over reticulate algae. Ecology, growth, and behavior of juvenile P. interruptus inhabiting a discrete Phyllospadix habitat at Bird Rock, Santa Catalina Island, were investigated from October 1974 through December 1976 by means of frequent scuba surveys. Pueruli settled from June to November. Peak recruitment occurred from July to September, when seasonal temperatures were maximal. Settled larvae were approximately one year old. Juvenile growth was determined by size-frequency, single molt increment, mark-recapture, and laboratory culture studies. Carapace length vs. wet weight relationships fit standard power curve equations. Bird Rock juveniles grew from 7 to 32mm CL in 10-11 molts and from 32 to 56mm CL in 5-6 molts during their first and second benthic years, respectively. Growth rates were similar for males and females. Juveniles regenerating more than two limbs grew less per molt than intact lobsters. Long-term growth of laboratory-reared juveniles was 20% less than that of field lobsters. Growth component multiple regression analyses demonstrated that molt increment was directly proportional to premolt size and temperature for age 1+ lobsters. Molt frequency was inversely proportional to size and directly proportional to temperature. Temperature affected age 2+ lobsters similarly, but molt increment was independent of size, and molt frequency declined at a different rate. Juvenile growth rates more than doubled during warm water months compared to cold water months, primarily because of increased molt frequency. Based on results from this study and from previous investigations, it is estimated that P. interruptus males and females become sexually mature by ages 4 and 5 years, respectively, and that legai size is reached by 7 or 8 years of age. Juvenile P. interruptus activity patterns and foraging behavior were similar to those of adults, except that juvenile home ranges were proportionally smaller, and small juveniles were apparently not attracted to distant food. Small mollusks, abundant in Phyllospadix habitats, were the major food items. Size-dependent predation by fish and octopus apparently caused the considerable juvenile mortality observed at Bird Rock. Juveniles approaching 2 years of age gathered in mixed size-class aggregations by day and foraged beyond the grass beds at night. In autumn, these juveniles migrated to deeper habitats, coincident with new puerulus settlement in the Phyllospadix beds. Based on strong inferences from the results, it is proposed that size-dependent predation is the most important factor determining the !ife history strategy of juvenile P. interruptus. Life history tactics promoting rapid growth apparently function dually in reducing the period of high vulnerability to predation and decreasing the time required to reach sexual maturity. The Phyllospadix habitat is an excellent lobster nursery because it provides shelter from predators and possesses abundant food resources for sustaining optimum juvenile growth rates in shallow, warm water.


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The CGIAR Research Program (CRP) Aquatic Agricultural Systems (AAS) will target five countries, including Solomon Islands. The proposed hubs for Solomon Islands were to cover most provinces, referencing the Western, Central and Eastern regions. Scoping of the initial ‘Central’ hub was undertaken in Guadalcanal, Malaita and Central Islands provinces and this report details findings from all three. As scoping progressed however, it was agreed that, based on the AAS context and priority needs of each province and the Program’s capacity for full implementation, the Central Hub would be restricted to Malaita Province only and renamed “Malaita Hub”. Consistent in each AAS country, there are four steps in the program rollout: planning, scoping, diagnosis and design. Rollout of the Program in Solomon Islands began with a five month planning phase between August and December 2011, and scoping of the first hub began in January 2012. This report, the second to be produced during rollout, describes the findings from the scoping process between January and June 2012. This report marks the transition from the scoping phase to the diagnosis phase in which output from scoping was used to develop a hub level theory of change for identifying research opportunities. Subsequent reports detail in-depth analyses of gender, governance, nutrition and partner activities and discuss Program engagement with community members to identify grass-roots demand for research.


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  水稻(Oryza sativa L.) 颖花开裂 (split rice spikelet,SRS) 突变体是从水稻品系 8902s 花药培养得到的双单倍体群体中筛选出的同源异型突变体。以窄叶青8号为母本,SRS突变体为父本配制杂交组合,其F2群体中正常植株和突变植株的分离比例符合3:1,说明颖花突变性状是由单隐性基因决定的。 利用扫描电镜观察 SRS突变体花器官形态发生过程。其性状表现为内外稃变软变长,不抱合,在外稃基部又着生一朵花,两浆片基部融合,质地呈稃片状,雄蕊和雌蕊形态正常,且可育。该突变体的突变性状与拟南芥APETALA1的突变表现相似,说明两者在形态建成方面具有相似之处。由于 SRS 突变体第一轮和第二轮花器官发生了变化,根据 ABC 模型,srs-l基因应属于同源异型 A 组基因。 采用BSA法在F2群体中建立DNA正常池和突变池,利用RAPD技术筛选与突变基因srs-l连锁的分子标记。从520条随机引物中筛选出了引物S465能在两池间扩增出分子量为900 bp的差异片段,并证明其在F2群体中表现共分离。将此DNA片段克隆后作为RFLP探针pS465A,该探针与srs-l基因紧密连锁,在DH群体的RFLP分子连锁图谱上成功地将它们定位于第三染色体上。 本研究是利用水稻同源异型突变体为材料,研究水稻花器官发育基因的首例报道。


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本文以不同水分胁迫下的四种禾本科牧草(羊草、冰草、洽草、糙隐子草)为对象,比较研究了水分胁迫对植物的生理生态损伤,以及植物的渗透调节、内源保护酶系统与水分胁迫的关系。 结果表明:水分胁迫对植物造成一定的影响/伤害,表现在相对含水量、高度、生物量、总叶绿素、总糖及蛋白质含量均降低。在同一水分胁迫梯度时,植物的保水能力以羊草最高,糙隐子草、冰草次之,洽草最低。参与渗透调节的物质以K+、游离非必须氨基酸为主;以Na+,游离必须氨基酸、糖为辅,不同植物渗透调节物质不同。供试植物的渗透调节能力以羊草最强。 在水分胁迫下,植物细胞膜的脂质过氧化程度降低,说明这几种植物具有较强的内源保护酶系统,表现在SOD、POD活性明显增高;ASA和还原性糖的缓慢变化。说明在水分胁迫下植物通过维持较高的保护酶活性,以减轻膜脂过氧化作用和膜的损伤。保护酶系统中的各组分所起的作用与物种有关。在供试植物中冰草、隐子草的这种保护能力强于羊草、洽草。渗透调节和内源保护酶系统或其一可能是这四种牧草具较强抗旱性的原因之一。


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草地在世界各种不同的气候带和土壤类型区均有分布,约占陆地面积的24%。尽管二十世纪中叶以来,人类通过各种措施,使氮素由大气圈进入生物圈的量已经翻了一翻,但是,草地生态系统由于没有得到足够的氮素补充,其生产力至少是季节性地受到氮素的制约。我国草原生态系统的退化与氮素匮乏已经引起了广泛重视。尽管一些研究者的工作已经涉及到氮素循环的一些方面,但是关于草原生态系统的氮素平衡过程的系统研究迄今尚未开展。地下器官中贮藏养分的积累是多年生牧草抵御不良环境条件的物质保障,碳水化合物是我国典型草原植物重要的贮藏营养物质。但是关于我国草原生态系统贮藏养分的研究还相当匮乏。值得一提的是,不合理的人类活动也加剧了草地生态系统氮素的损失,甚至对全球环境和人类健康产生了重要影响。为此,我们在中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站的羊草样地设计了氮素添加试验,采用15N稀释法对典型草原羊草群落的氮素吸收利用、氮素平衡进行了研究,并就氮素添加条件下,植物氮素利用与植物竞争的关系、氮素吸收分配与牧草生物产量与品质的关系进行了探讨。同时采用高效液相色谱对羊草群落植物贮藏碳水化合物的种类与含量进行了测定。 15N稀释法的试验结果表明:我国典型草原羊草群落吸收的氮素平均16.41%来源于肥料,83.59%来源于土壤。氮素添加不仅显著促进了羊草群落地上器官对肥料氮索和土壤氮素的吸收量,而且促进了地下器官对肥料氮素和土壤氮素的吸收量。生物量达到最大时,羊草群落吸收的氮素分配到地下器官中的比例平均为74.85%,分配到地上器官中的比例平均为25.15%。植物吸收的肥料氮素在地上和地下器官之间的分配比例约各占50%。 在我国典型草原羊草群落,植物对肥料氮素的回收率仅为31.61%,氮素添加显著影响羊草群落植物对肥料氮素的回收,随着氮素添加量的提高,地上和地下植物器官对肥料氮素的回收量均显著提高。凋落物的肥料氮素回收率为2.92%,地下凋落物的回收率显著高于地上凋落物。肥料氮素的土壤存留率为36.16%,主要分布在地表至40cm的土层范围内(>95%)。各土层存留的标记肥料氮素量均随着氮素添加量的增加而显著提高。肥料氮素的当季损失率为21.77%-43.38%。风险:收益分析表明,在本试验条件下,添加5.25gN/m2与28gN/m2的处理风险大于收益,添加17.5g/m2的处理风险最低,收益最高,在草原生态系统的管理中可以参考。 为了了解羊草群落植物的竞争能力是否对羊草群落植物的相对多度有影响,我们对不同盖度的10个物种的15N吸收速率、15N分配、植物组织氮素含量、单株生物量、根/冠比、氮素生产力等反映植物竞争能力的指标进行了测定和分析。发现向根系的氮素分配比例、根/冠比、和氮素生产力与植物的相对盖度显著正相关,向地上器官的氮素分配比例、氮素吸收速率与相对盖度呈显著负相关,而植物组织氮素含量、和单株生物量与植物相对盖度无关。 试验前,我们认为氮素吸收速率应该与植物的相对多度显著正相关,但是本试验发现却是显著负相关。这一结果说明,高的氮素吸收速率并不能代表较高的竞争能力,而是稀少植物能够与优势植物共存的一种生理机制。 氮素的吸收与分配显著地影响牧草的生物产量和品质。氮素添加提高了羊草生物量,促进了生物量向地上器官的分配比例,降低了向根系的分配比例,使根/冠比显著降低。氮素添加促进了羊草对氮素的吸收以及向茎叶中的分配比例,降低了向根系的分配比例,提高了羊草各器官的氮素含量和地上器官的蛋白质含量,对根系的蛋白质含量无显著影响。本试验条件下,氮素添加水平为17.5gN/m2时,羊草根、茎、叶生物产量均最高。与17.5gN/m2的处理相比较,添加28gN/m2的处理,羊草的生物产量以及牧草蛋白质含量均无显著差异。初步认为,本实验条件下,17. 5gN/m2是较为适宜的氮素添加量。 地下器官中贮藏养分的积累是多年生牧草抵御不良环境条件的物质保障,碳水化合物是我国典型草原植物重要的贮藏营养。采用高效液相色谱(HPLC)对羊草群落地下器官的贮藏性碳水化合物进行了分析。结果表明,羊草群落地下贮藏碳水化合物种类主要包括甘露糖醇、果聚糖、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖。其中甘露糖醇是最主要贮藏碳水化合物,约占60%;其次是果聚糖,约占30%。氮素添加量对羊草群落地下贮藏碳水化合物有显著影响。在0~50 g NH4N03. m-2.yr-1范围内,随着氮素添加量的增加,总糖、果聚糖、甘露糖醇的含量均逐渐升高。氮素添加时期对羊草群落地下贮藏碳水化合物含量亦有显著影响。7月初(雨季)添加氮素比4月份(牧草开始返青)更有利于牧草地下贮藏碳水化合物的积累。 对羊草根茎中的贮藏性碳水化合物的测定结果表明,羊草根茎中的贮藏碳水化合物组分主要包括果聚糖、甘露糖醇、蔗糖、葡萄糖和果糖。其中果聚糖是最主要贮藏碳水化合物,约占60%:其次是甘露糖醇,约占20%。氮素添加量对羊草根茎中的贮藏碳水化合物有显著影响。在0~17.5 g N/m2范围内,随着氮素添加量的增加,总糖、果聚糖、甘露糖醇的含量均逐渐升高。氮素添加时期对羊草根茎中的贮藏碳水化合物的含量亦有显著影响。在7月初添加氮素比4月份添加氮素更有利于贮藏碳水化合物的积累。


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植物性状是植物与环境长期互作过程中表现出的内在或外部的特征。目前植物生态学界关于植物性状的研究,主要包括以下三个方面的研究内容:植物性状与环境因子间的关系,反映植物性状对环境变化的响应或适应机制;植物性状与生态系统功能的关系,以更好地揭示生态系统功能的内在驱动机制;植物性状间的相关关系和消长对策,反映植物性状的协同进化机制。 本试验所在地区内蒙古多伦十三里滩为典型克氏针茅草原,水分为当地生态系统的主要限制因素。我们在当地的围封样地内,采用人工模拟生长季降雨变化梯度的方法,研究了内蒙古典型草原几种常见植物叶片功能性状对模拟降雨量梯度的响应、性状之间的协变关系以及植物性状与地上部分生物量间的关系。研究工作在2005-2006年期间进行。观测的叶片性状包括叶片干物质含量(LDMC),比叶面积(SLA)和叶片氮含量(LNCmass, LNCarea),以地上部分生物量作为年净初级生产力(ANPP)估计,降雨量梯度模拟了两个水平,即对照(接收正常降雨)和增雨。主要结论如下:1) 叶片性状在降雨量梯度上的变化趋势在物种水平上表现出多样化的特点,性状的变化趋势是否有显著的格局取决于物种或特定性状。2) 叶片性状对水分梯度的响应在功能群水平上表现出各自的特点,Grass功能群对水分梯度的响应敏感性较低,Forb居中,Legume表现出较强的敏感性,表明Grass功能群对水分的耐受性比较强,这在一定程度上解释了当地克氏针茅草原上目前以禾草类为主的现状,对物种之间的替代有一定的指示性。而群落水平上探讨性状在环境梯度上的变异趋势,研究结论存在较大的不确定性,主要是难以区分环境和系统发育背景对植物性状的影响。3)叶片功能性状间的协变关系,不同物种因其自身发生背景不同,在不同环境背景下总体表现出一致的变化规律,但也存在例外。相对而言,对功能性状间协变关系的研究在物种水平或功能群水平上更有意义,而在群落水平上所得结论,可能会掩盖了群落内部不同物种或不同功能群间的信息。4)叶片功能性状与草原地上部生物量的关系在功能群水平上呈显著正相关关系,再次验证了土壤含水量的变化同土壤氮元素的动态,共同影响了植物的氮利用策略,进一步影响了初级生产力等和氮元素直接相关植物性状参数。在群落水平上叶片功能性状与生物量的之间并没有表现出可遵循的规律性,说明叶片功能性状对生物量的作用更多地局限在群落内部的组织层次上发挥作用。5)本研究的虽然从不同的组织层次上探讨了叶片功能性状对环境、性状之间的协变关系以及与地上部分生物量间的关系,由于植物性状变化幅度可能与环境梯度密切相关,如果模拟环境梯度不够大,可能会影响结论的普遍性。此外,本次野外控制试验时间较短,数据量偏少,本文的结论尚需要进一步验证。