958 resultados para Glycine max L. (Merrill)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Agricultura) - FCA


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The effect of inulin and/or okara flour on Lactobacillus acidophilus La-5 and Bifidobacterium animalis Bb-12 viability in a fermented soy product (FSP) and on probiotic survival under in vitro simulated gastrointestinal conditions were investigated throughout 28 days of storage at 4 °C. Employing a 22 design, four FSP trials were produced from soymilk fermented with ABT-4 culture (La-5, Bb-12, and Streptococcus thermophilus): FSP (control); FSP-I (with inulin, 3 g/100 mL of soymilk); FSP-O (with okara, 5 g/100 mL); FSP-IO (with inulin + okara, ratio 3:5 g/100 mL). Probiotic viabilities ranged from 8 to 9 log cfu/g during the 28 days of storage, and inulin and/or okara flour did not affect the viability of La-5 and Bb-12. Bb-12 resistance to the artificial gastrointestinal juices was higher than for La-5, since the Bb-12 and La-5 populations decreased approximately 0.6 log cfu/g and 3.8 log cfu/g, respectively, throughout storage period. Even though the protective effect of inulin and/or okara flour on probiotic microorganisms was not significant, when compared to a fresh culture, the FSP matrix improved Bb-12 survival on day 1 of storage and may be considered a good vehicle for Bb-12 and could play an important role in probiotic protection against gastrointestinal juices. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnolgico (CNPq)


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With the objective of gathering technical data about soybean cultivars performance in Botucatu, state of São Paulo, Brazil, an experiment was conducted to evaluate seventeen genotypes. The experiment was conducted during the Summer seasons of 2002/03, 2003/04, and 2004/05. The experiment was set in the field according to a complete block design with four repetitions. The soybean cultivars were ‘Embrapa 48’, ‘BRS 132’. ‘BRS 183’, ‘BRS 212’, ‘IAC 22’, and ‘IAC 23’ (early cycled varieties), ‘BRS 133’, ‘BRS 154’, ‘BRS 156’, ‘BRS 184’, ‘BRS 214’, ‘IAC 18’, and ‘IAC 24’ ( semi early varieties), and ‘BRS 134’, ‘BRS 215’, ‘IAC 8.2’, and ‘IAC 19’ (medium cycled varieties ). All the varieties, during the three cropping years, showed adequate plant height and first pod height of insertion for mechanical harvest. Among the production components, mass of 100 grains showed the highest variability. Cultivar ‘BRS 154’ (medium cycle) showed the highest variation in mass of 100 grains and was also the highest yielding variety in the cropping year of 2004/05. The majority of the cultivars yielded above 3,000 kg ha -1 during the cropping years of 2002/03 and 2004/05. The best yielding performance during the three cropping years were displayed by cultivars ‘IAC 22’ (early cycle), ‘BRS 133’ and ‘BRS 156’ ( both semi early cycled varieties).


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The soybean (Glycine max) is of great importance to national economic scenario being a major Brazilian agribusiness products. In most regions, the caterpillar-of-soy (Anticarsia gemmatalis) and caterpillar-false-Medideira (Pseudoplusia includes), act as defoliators, with the highest incidence, usually during the growing season, until the end of flowering, and thus causing a significant reduction in the production, which requires control measures. Due to market demands and the large external environmental awareness exists today, the methods of ecological management have been highlighted in modern agriculture. The use of chemical insecticides, besides being harmful to the environment and man, is, in most cases, the high cost to the farmer. The biological pest control using natural enemies can be used as an alternative control method. Thus this literature review is intended to provide the updated information about these pests and biological control as an alternative form of control, as well as one more tool in the integrated pest of soybean.


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The need to increase soybean production has led many producers to seek alternatives, one of them is the use of foliar fertilization. The aim of this study was to evaluate the agronomic effectiveness of different doses of foliar applications of Mg, Zn and B in soybean. The experiment was installed in the area of the Department of Natural Resources/Area of Soil Science, Faculty of Agronomic Sciences, UNESP, Botucatu, São Paulo, Brazil, in an Oxisol. The design was completely randomized design with eight treatments and foliar applications of ten repetitions, for a total of eighty vessels. It was observed that the treatment (17% B +20% Zn) had a higher efficiency in fresh weight, dry weight and height of soybean, as compared to the productive treatment (17% B + 10% Mg) was what gave the best performance among the treatments.


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When deer populations become locally overabundant, browsing of ornamental and agronomic plants negatively affects plant establishment, survival, and productivity. Milorganite® is a slow-release, organic fertilizer produced from human sewage. We tested Milorganite® as a deer repellent on chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemums morifolium) in an urban/suburban environment, and soybeans (Gycine max) in a rural agriculture environment. Six beds of chrysanthemums at two sites were monitored for 28 to 35 days. Treatment plants received a top dressing of 104 grams of Milorganite® (1120.9 kg/ha). Milorganite® treated plants had more (P < 0.001) terminal buds and achieved greater height (P < 0.002) compared to controls at one site, however damage observed was similar at the second site. In a second experiment, 0.2-ha plots of soybeans (Glycine max) were planted on five rural properties in northeastern Georgia and monitored for ≥ 30 days. Treated areas received 269 kg/ha of Milorganite®. In 4 of 5 sites, Milorganite® delayed browsing on treated plants from 1 week to > 5 weeks post-planting. Duration of the protection appeared to be related to the difference in deer density throughout most of the study areas. Results of this study indicate Milorganite® has potential use as a deer repellent.


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Four of the 12 major Glycine max ancestors of all modern elite U.S.A. soybean cultivars were the grandparents of Harosoy and Clark, so a Harosoy x Clark population would include some of that genetic diversity. A mating of eight Harosoy and eight Clark plants generated eight F1 plants. The eight F1:2 families were advanced via a plant-to-row selfing method to produce 300 F6-derived RILs that were genotyped with 266 SSR, 481 SNP, and 4 classical markers. SNPs were genotyped with the Illumina 1536-SNP assay. Three linkage maps, SSR, SNP, and SSR-SNP, were constructed with a genotyping error of < 1 %. Each map was compared with the published soybean consensus map. The best subset of 94 RILs for a high-resolution framework (joint) map was selected based on the expected bin length statistic computed with MapPop. The QTLs of seven traits measured in a 2-year replicated performance trial of the 300 RILs were identified using composite interval mapping (CIM) and multiple-interval mapping (MIM). QTL x Year effects in multiple trait analysis were compared with results of multiple-interval mapping. QTL x QTL effects were identified in MIM.


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BACKGROUND: Genetically modified MON 87701 X MON 89788 soybean (Glycine max), which expresses the Cry1Ac and EPSP-synthase proteins, has been registered for commercial use in Brazil. To develop an Insect Resistance Management (IRM) program for this event, laboratory and field studies were conducted to assess the high-dose concept and level of control it provides against Anticarsia gemmatalis and Pseudoplusia includens. RESULTS: The purified Cry1Ac protein was more active against A. gemmatalis [LC50 (FL 95%) = 0.23 (0.150.34) mu g Cry1Ac mL-1 diet] than P. includens [LC50 (FL 95%) = 3.72 (2.654.86) mu g Cry1Ac mL-1 diet]. In bioassays with freeze-dried MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean tissue diluted 25 times in an artificial diet, there was 100% mortality of A. gemmatalis and up to 95.79% mortality for P. includens. In leaf-disc bioassays and under conditions of high artificial infestation in the greenhouse and natural infestation in the field, MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean showed a high level of efficacy against both target pests. CONCLUSIONS: The MON 87701X MON 89788 soybean provides a high level of control against A. gemmatalis and P. includes, but a high-dose event only to A. gemmatalis. Copyright (c) 2012 Society of Chemical Industry


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The objective of this work was to determine the reciprocal gene flow between two soybean cultivars, one tolerant and the other sensitive to glyphosate, as well as to use estimators to determine the outcrossing rate in the population and the number of hybrid seeds in the progeny. The experiment was composed of four blocks of 40 soybean rows, of which 20 rows of each cultivar (CD217 and CD219RR). At the R8 stage, five rows, distant 0.5, 1, 2, 4 and 8 m from the adjacent cultivar, were harvested, threshed and analyzed as for the occurrence of gene flow. As phenotypical markers, the trait color of flowers, hypocotil and pubescence, as well as the tolerance to glyphosate were used. The cultivars contrast for all the analyzed traits, each one conditioned by a single gene with two alleles, in a complete dominance interaction. In the tolerant cultivar progeny, the largest outcross rate was 0.27%, and in the sensitive cultivar progeny, 0.83% was identified; by the dilution effect hypothesis, the outcross rates in natural populations would be 0.104 and 0.388%, respectively. The reciprocal gene flow between CD217 and CD219RR cultivars is not the same in both directions. The proposed estimators are useful for determining the hybrid rates in seed samples.


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Background The risks of hormone replacement therapy have led to a search for new alternatives such as phytoestrogens, plant compounds with estrogen-like biological activity. Isoflavones are the phytoestrogens most extensively studied and can be found in soybean, red clover and other plants. Due to this estrogen-like activity, phytoestrogens can have some effect on atherosclerosis. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) have been extensively used to study the biology and pathobiology of human endothelial cells and most of the knowledge acquired is due to experiments with cultures of these cells. Objective To evaluate the effects of the phytoestrogen extracts from Glycine max soy bean, genistein, formononetin, biochanin A and daidzein, as well as a mixture of these extracts (Mix), on expression of adhesion molecules, VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and E-selectin, by endothelial cell HUVEC, stimulated with lipopolysaccharide. Methods HUVEC were cultured in medium EBM2, pretreated with isoflavones for 24 and 48 h and then stimulated with lipopolysaccharide; in addition, isoflavones were added, after stimulation by lipopolysaccharide, to HUVEC. We evaluated the production of VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and E-selectin on cell surface, by cell-based enzyme immunoassay, and of sVCAM-1, sICAM-1 and sE-selectin in culture supernatant, by ELISA. Results Genistein, formononetin, biochanin A and daidzein, as well as the Mix were able to reduce VCAM-1, ICAM-1 and E-selectin on cell surface and in culture supernatant. Conclusion Isoflavones extracted from Glycine max soy bean, in vitro, presented antiatherogenic effects, reducing the expression of adhesion molecules and acting as preventive agents as well as therapeutic agents.


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A colheita é uma das principais etapas no processo de produção de sementes de soja. O momento adequado para se efetuar a colheita pode variar em função do tipo de colheita e do grau de umidade das sementes. Neste sentido, o objetivo dessa pesquisa foi determinar as alterações fisiolgicas de sementes de soja colhidas de forma manual e mecânica com diferentes teores de água. Para tanto, utilizaram-se sementes das cultivares Embrapa 48 e FTS Águia, que têm diferenças no teor de lignina do tegumento, colhidas de forma manual e mecanicamente com 18,0; 15,0 e 12,0% de água. Após a colheita, as sementes foram submetidas à secagem, e a qualidade das sementes foi avaliada pelos testes de germinação, emergência de plntulas, tetrazólio (viabilidade e vigor), envelhecimento acelerado e índice de velocidade de emergência de plntula. Em seguida, as sementes foram armazenadas (20 °C e 45% UR do ar) e analisadas logo após a colheita e aos seis meses de armazenamento. Os resultados obtidos indicam que o parâmetro fisiolgico das sementes de soja, não é afetado, quando: se realiza colheita manual com grau de umidade das sementes de 11,4% a 18,4%; e para sementes colhidas à máquina, com grau de umidade entre 12,0% a 15,9%; mantendo a qualidade fisiolgica mesmo após seis meses de armazenamento.


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The correlation of soil fertility x seed physiological potential is very important in the area of seed technology but results published with that theme are contradictory. For this reason, this study to evaluate the correlations between soil chemical properties and physiological potential of soybean seeds. On georeferenced points, both soil and seeds were sampled for analysis of soil fertility and seed physiological potential. Data were assessed by the following analyses: descriptive statistics; Pearson's linear correlation; and geostatistics. The adjusted parameters of the semivariograms were used to produce maps of spatial distribution for each variable. Organic matter content, Mn and Cu showed significant effects on seed germination. Most variables studied presented moderate to high spatial dependence. Germination and accelerated aging of seeds, and P, Ca, Mg, Mn, Cu and Zn showed a better fit to spherical semivariogram: organic matter, pH and K had a better fit to Gaussian model; and V% and Fe showed a better fit to the linear model. The values for range of spatial dependence varied from 89.9 m for P until 651.4 m for Fe. These values should be considered when new samples are collected for assessing soil fertility in this production area.