889 resultados para Glutathione reductase
Kohonneiden kolesterolipitoisuuksien alentamisessa käytettävien statiinien hyödyt sydän- ja verisuonisairauksien estossa on vahvasti osoitettu ja niiden käyttö on niin Suomessa kuin muuallakin maailmassa kasvanut voimakkaasti – Suomessa statiininkäyttäjiä on noin 600 000. Statiinilääkitys on pitkäaikaisessakin käytössä melko hyvin siedetty, mutta yleisimpinä haittavaikutuksina voi ilmetä lihasheikkoutta, -kipua ja -kramppeja, jotka voivat edetä jopa henkeä uhkaavaksi lihasvaurioksi. Lihashaittariski suurenee suhteessa statiiniannokseen ja plasman statiinipitoisuuksiin. Statiinien plasmapitoisuuksissa, tehossa ja haittavaikutusten ilmenemisessä on suuria potilaskohtaisia eroja. SLCO1B1-geenin koodaama OATP1B1-kuljetusproteiini kuljettaa monia elimistön omia aineita ja lääkeaineita verenkierrosta solukalvon läpi maksasoluun, mm. statiineja, joiden kolesterolia alentava vaikutus ja poistuminen elimistöstä tapahtuvat pääosin maksassa. Erään SLCO1B1-geenin nukleotidimuutoksen (c.521T>C) tiedetään heikentävän OATP1B1:n kuljetustehoa. Tässä väitöskirjatyössä selvitettiin SLCO1B1-geenin perinnöllistä muuntelua suomalaisilla ja eri väestöissä maailmanlaajuisesti. Lisäksi selvitettiin SLCO1B1:n muunnosten vaikutusta eri statiinien pitoisuuksiin (farmakokinetiikka) ja vaikutuksiin (farmakodynamiikka) sekä kolesteroliaineenvaihduntaan. Näihin tutkimuksiin valittiin SLCO1B1-genotyypin perusteella terveitä vapaaehtoisia koehenkilöitä, joille annettiin eri päivinä kerta-annos kutakin tutkittavaa statiinia: fluvastatiinia, pravastatiinia, simvastatiinia, rosuvastatiinia ja atorvastatiinia. Verinäytteistä määritettiin plasman statiinien ja niiden aineenvaihduntatuotteiden sekä kolesterolin ja sen muodostumista ja imeytymistä kuvaavien merkkiaineiden pitoisuuksia. Toiminnallisesti merkittävien SLCO1B1-geenimuunnosten esiintyvyydessä todettiin suuria eroja eri väestöjen välillä. Suomalaisilla SLCO1B1 c.521TC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos toisessa vastinkromosomissa) esiintyvyys oli noin 32 % ja SLCO1B1 c.521CC-genotyypin (geenimuunnos molemmissa vastinkromosomeissa) esiintyvyys noin 4 %. Globaalisti geenimuunnosten esiintyvyys korreloi maapallon leveyspiirien kanssa siten, että matalaan transportteriaktiivisuuteen johtavat muunnokset olivat yleisimpiä pohjoisessa ja korkeaan aktiivisuuteen johtavat päiväntasaajan lähellä asuvilla väestöillä. SLCO1B1-genotyypillä oli merkittävä vaikutus statiinien plasmapitoisuksiin lukuun ottamatta fluvastatiinia. Simvastatiinihapon plasmapitoisuudet olivat keskimäärin 220 %, atorvastatiinin 140 %, pravastatiinin 90 % ja rosuvastatiinin 70 % suuremmat c.521CC-genotyypin omaavilla koehenkilöillä verrattuna normaalin c.521TT-genotyypin omaaviin. Genotyypillä ei ollut merkittävää vaikutusta minkään statiinin tehoon tässä kerta-annostutkimuksessa, mutta geenimuunnoksen kantajilla perustason kolesterolisynteesinopeus oli suurempi. Tulokset osoittavat, että SLCO1B1 c.521T>C geenimuunnos on varsin yleinen suomalaisilla ja muilla ei-afrikkalaisilla väestöillä. Tämä geenimuunnos voi altistaa erityisesti simvastatiinin, mutta myös atorvastatiinin, pravastatiinin ja rosuvastatiinin, aiheuttamille lihashaitoille suurentamalla niiden plasmapitoisuuksia. SLCO1B1:n geenimuunnoksen testaamista voidaan tulevaisuudessa käyttää apuna valittaessa sopivaa statiinilääkitystä ja -annosta potilaalle, ja näin parantaa sekä statiinihoidon turvallisuutta että tehoa.
Grewia tiliaefolia is widely used in traditional Indian medicines to cure jaundice, biliousness, dysentery and the diseases of blood. Bioassay-guided fractionation of methanolic extract of the G. tiliaefolia bark has resulted in the isolation of D-erythro-2-hexenoic acid gamma-lactone (EHGL) and gulonic acid gamma-lactone (GAGL). Hepatoprotective activity of the methanolic extract and the isolated constituents were evaluated against CCl4-induced hepatotoxicity in rats. The treatment with methanolic extract, EHGL and GAGL at oral doses of 100, 150 and 60 mg/kg respectively with concomitant CCl4 intraperitoneal injection (I ml/kg) significantly reduced the elevated plasma levels of aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and the incidence of liver necrosis compared with the CCl4-injected group without affecting the concentrations of serum bilirubin and hepatic markers. EHGL and GAGL significantly inhibited the elevated levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and glutathione in liver homogenates. Histology of the liver tissues of the extract and isolated constituents treated groups showed the presence of normal hepatic cords, absence of necrosis and fatty infiltration as similar to the normal control. The results revealed that the hepatoprotective activity of EHGL is significant as similar to the standard drug silymarin. To clarify the influence of the extract and isolated constituents on the protection of oxidative-hepatic damage, we examined in vitro antioxidant properties of the test compounds. The extract and the constituents showed significant free radical scavenging activity. These results suggest that the extract as well as the constituents could protect the hepatocytes from CCl4-induced liver damage perhaps, by their anti-oxidative effect on hepatocytes, hence eliminating the deleterious effects of toxic metabolites from CCl4, (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Glutathionyl haemoglobin (GS-Hb) belonging to the class of glutathionylated proteins has been investigated as a possible marker of oxidative stress in different chronic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as an oxidative stress marker in non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on different renal replacement therapies (RRT) through its quantitation, and characterization of the specific binding site of glutathione in haemoglobin molecule by mass spectrometric analysis. Design and methods: The study group consisted of non-diabetic chronic renal failure patients on renal replacement therapy (RRT): hemodialysis (HD), continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) and renal allograft transplant (Txp) patients. Haemoglobin samples of these subjects were analyzed by liquid chromatography electrospray ionization mass spectrometry for GS-Hb quantitation. Characterization of GS-Hb was done by tandem mass spectrometry. Levels of erythrocyte glutathione (GSH) and lipid peroxidation (as thiobarbituric acid reacting substances) were measured spectrophotometrically, while glycated baernoglobin (HbA1c) was measured by HPLC. Results: GS-Hb levels were markedly elevated in the dialysis group and marginally in the transplant group as compared to the controls. GS-Hb levels correlated positively with lipid peroxidation and negatively with the erythrocyte glutathione levels in RRT groups indicating enhanced oxidative stress. De novo sequencing of the chymotryptic fragment of GS-Hb established that glutathione is attached to Cys-93 of the beta globin chain. Mass spectrometric quantitation of total glycated haemoglobin showed good agreement with HbA1c estimation by conventional HPLC method. Conclusions: Glutathionyl haemoglobin can serve as a clinical marker of oxidative stress in chronic debilitating therapies like RRT. Mass spectrometry provides a reliable analytical tool for quantitation and residue level characterization of different post-translational modifications of haemoglobin. (c) 2007 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Plasmodium falciparum causes the most severe form of malaria that is fatal in many cases. Emergence of drug resistant strains of P. falciparum requires that new drug targets be-identified. This review considers in detail enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, purine salvage pathway, pyrimidine biosynthesis and proteases involved in catabolism of haemoglobin. Structural features of P. falciparum triosephosphate isomerase which could be exploited for parasite specific drug development have been highlighted. Utility of P. falciparum hypoxanthine-guanine-phosphoribosyltransferase, adenylosuccinate synthase, dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, thymidylate synthase-dihydrofolate reductase, cysteine and aspartic proteases have been elaborated in detail. The review also briefly touches upon other potential targets in P. falciparum
Peptide disulfides are unstable under alkaline conditions, resulting in the formation of products containing lanthionine and polysulfied linkages. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry has been used to characterize major species obtained when cyclic and acyclic peptide disulfides are exposed to alkaline media. Studies on a model cyclic peptide disulfide (Boc - Cys - Pro - Leu - Cys - NHMe) and an acyclic peptide, oxidized glutathione, bis ((gamma)Glu Cys - Gly - COOH), are described. Disulfide cleavage reactions are initiated by the abstraction of (CH)-H-alpha or (CH)-H-beta protons of Cys residues, with Subsequent elimination of H2S or H2S2. The buildup of reactive thiol species which act on intermediates containing dehydroalanine residues, rationalizes the formation of lanthionine and polysulfide products. In the case of the cyclic peptide disulfide, the formation of cyclic products is facilitated by the intramolecular nature of the Michael addition reaction of thiols to the dehydroalanine residue. Mass spectral evidence for the intermediate species is presented by using alkylation of thiol groups as a trapping method. Mass spectral fragmentation in the negative ion mode of the peptides derived from trisulfides and tetrasulfides results in elimination of S-2. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 783-791) (C) 2009 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
Peptide disulfides are unstable under alkaline conditions, resulting in the formation of products containing lanthionine and polysulfied linkages. Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry has been used to characterize major species obtained when cyclic and acyclic peptide disulfides are exposed to alkaline media. Studies on a model cyclic peptide disulfide (Boc - Cys - Pro - Leu - Cys - NHMe) and an acyclic peptide, oxidized glutathione, bis ((gamma)Glu Cys - Gly - COOH), are described. Disulfide cleavage reactions are initiated by the abstraction of (CH)-H-alpha or (CH)-H-beta protons of Cys residues, with Subsequent elimination of H2S or H2S2. The buildup of reactive thiol species which act on intermediates containing dehydroalanine residues, rationalizes the formation of lanthionine and polysulfide products. In the case of the cyclic peptide disulfide, the formation of cyclic products is facilitated by the intramolecular nature of the Michael addition reaction of thiols to the dehydroalanine residue. Mass spectral evidence for the intermediate species is presented by using alkylation of thiol groups as a trapping method. Mass spectral fragmentation in the negative ion mode of the peptides derived from trisulfides and tetrasulfides results in elimination of S-2. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2009, 20, 783-791) (C) 2009 American Society for Mass Spectrometry.
The emergence of strains of Plasmodium falciparum resistant to the commonly used antimalarials warrants the development of new antimalarial agents. The discovery of type II fatty acid synthase (FAS) in Plasmodium distinct from the FAS in its human host (type I FAS) opened up new avenues for the development of novel antimalarials. The process of fatty acid synthesis takes place by iterative elongation of butyryl-acyl carrier protein (butyryl-ACP) by two carbon units, with the successive action of four enzymes constituting the elongation module of FAS until the desired acyl length is obtained. The study of the fatty acid synthesis machinery of the parasite inside the red blood cell culture has always been a challenging task. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution of the elongation module of the FAS of malaria parasite involving all four enzymes, FabB/F (β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase), FabG (β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase), FabZ (β-ketoacyl-ACP dehydratase), and FabI (enoyl-ACP reductase), and its analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). That this in vitro systems approach completely mimics the in vivo machinery is confirmed by the distribution of acyl products. Using known inhibitors of the enzymes of the elongation module, cerulenin, triclosan, NAS-21/91, and (–)-catechin gallate, we demonstrate that accumulation of intermediates resulting from the inhibition of any of the enzymes can be unambiguously followed by MALDI-TOF MS. Thus, this work not only offers a powerful tool for easier and faster throughput screening of inhibitors but also allows for the study of the biochemical properties of the FAS pathway of the malaria parasite.
The emergence of strains of Plasmodium falciparum resistant to the commonly used antimalarials warrants the development of new antimalarial agents. The discovery of type II fatty acid synthase (FAS) in Plasmodium distinct from the FAS in its human host (type I FAS) opened up new avenues for the development of novel antimalarials. The process of fatty acid synthesis takes place by iterative elongation of butyryl-acyl carrier protein (butyryl-ACP) by two carbon units, with the successive action of four enzymes constituting the elongation module of FAS until the desired acyl length is obtained. The study of the fatty acid synthesis machinery of the parasite inside the red blood cell culture has always been a challenging task. Here, we report the in vitro reconstitution of the elongation module of the FAS of malaria parasite involving all four enzymes, FabB/F (β-ketoacyl-ACP synthase), FabG (β-ketoacyl-ACP reductase), FabZ (β-ketoacyl-ACP dehydratase), and FabI (enoyl-ACP reductase), and its analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption-time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). That this in vitro systems approach completely mimics the in vivo machinery is confirmed by the distribution of acyl products. Using known inhibitors of the enzymes of the elongation module, cerulenin, triclosan, NAS-21/91, and (–)-catechin gallate, we demonstrate that accumulation of intermediates resulting from the inhibition of any of the enzymes can be unambiguously followed by MALDI-TOF MS. Thus, this work not only offers a powerful tool for easier and faster throughput screening of inhibitors but also allows for the study of the biochemical properties of the FAS pathway of the malaria parasite.
It is now well established that the potent anti-microbial compound, triclosan, interrupts the type II fatty acid synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme enoyl-ACP reductase in a number of organisms. Existence of a high degree of similarity between the recently discovered enoyl-ACP reductase from R falciparum and B. napus enzyme permitted building of a satisfactory model for the former enzyme that explained some of the key aspects of the enzyme such as its specificity for binding to the cofactor and the inhibitor. We now report the interaction energies between triclosan and other hydroxydiphenyl ethers with the enzymes from B. napus, E. coli and R falciparum. Examination of the triclosan-enzyme interactions revealed that subtle differences exist in the ligand binding sites of the enzymes from different sources i.e., B. napus, E. coli and P falciparum. A comparison of their binding propensities thus determined should aid in the design of effective inhibitors for the respective enzymes.
The purification and some properties of the enzyme indoleacetaldoxime hydrolyase (EC from the fungus Gibberella fujikuroi, which dehydrates indoleacetaldoxime (IAOX) to indoleacetonitrile (IAN), are described. The enzyme activity in the fungus is present only under certain culture conditions. It is a soluble enzyme, has an optimum pH at 7, shows an energy of activation of —15,670 cal/mole, and has a Michaelis constant of 1.7 × 10−4 Image at 30 °. It appears to be specific for IAOX, and 1 mole of IAN is produced per mole of IAOX utilized. The enzyme is inhibited by a number of aldoximes of which phenylacetaldoxime (PAOX) is the most potent inhibitor. Inhibition by PAOX is competitive (Ki = 2.2 × 10−8 Image ). The enzyme is inhibited by SH reagents such as p-hydroxymercuribenzoate and N-ethylmaleimide, and by a number of SH compounds such as cysteine, β-mercaptoethanol, and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol (BAL). However, glutathione activates the enzyme. Metal chelating agents such as 8-OH-quinoline and diethyl dithiocarbamate inhibit the enzyme; the inhibition is partly reversed by ferric citrate. Ascorbic acid, and particularly dehydroascorbic acid (DHA), are good activators of the enzyme. Several other biological oxidants had either no action or had a slight effect. Potassium cyanide activates the enzyme at low concentration but inhibits at higher concentrations. Reduction of the enzyme with NaBH4 reduces activity, and the effect is partly reversed by pyridoxal phosphate and also by DHA. The above properties indicate that both an SH function and an oxidized function are required for activity.
The induction of nitrate reductase (NADPH:nitrate oxidoreductase, EC by nitrate in Neurospora crassa and its control by amino acids have been studied. The growth-inhibitory amino acids, isoleucine and cysteine as well as the growth-promotory ones, glutamine, asparagine, arginine, histidine and NH4+, repress nitrate reductase effectively. Methionine, tryptophan, proline, aspartic acid and glutamic acid exert little control on nitrate reductase. The repression of nitrate reductase by cysteine, isoleucine, glutamine and asparagine is accompanied by inactivation of the enzyme present initially. The nitrate-induced NADPH-cytochrome c reductase (NADPH:cytochrome c oxidoreductase, EC is also repressed by amino acids which control nitrate reductase, providing further evidence to show that these two enzyme activities may reside in the same protein. Catalase (H2O2:H2O2 oxidoreductase, EC has been found to be induced subsequent to the induction of nitrate reductase by nitrate in N. crassa. The induction of catalase is probably by its substrate H2O2 which would be formed by the interaction of the flavine component of nitrate reductase with oxygen. The amino acids which control nitrate reductase, repress catalase also. The catalase level appears to be determined by the nitrate reductase activity of the mycelia.
The effect of dietary cholesterol and ubiquinone on the synthesis of isoprene compounds in the liver, as tested by the incorporation of acetate-1-14C and mevalonate-2-14C, was studied in rats. In cholesterol feeding, there appears to be a second site of inhibition after squalene in addition to the previously known primary site of inhibition at the β-hydroxy-β-methyl glutaryl-CoA reductase. Feeding ubiquinone inhibited at some common step between acetate and mevalonate in the synthesis of both cholesterol and ubiquinone, without affecting the acetate activation or fatty acid synthesis, and also at a step in the synthesis of ubiquinone not common with the synthesis of cholesterol. These results are suggestive of a role for ubiquinone in the regulation of isoprene synthesis.
The occurrence of an enzyme hydrolyzing flavine adenine dinucleotide (FAD) was demonstrated in a number of seed extracts. The enzyme from Phaseolus radiatus was purified 104-fold by fractionation with ammonium sulfate and ethanol and by negative adsorption on alumina Cγ gel. The enzyme cleaves the POP bond of FAD to yield flavine mononucleotide and adenosine monophosphate. When reduced glutathione is added to the enzyme, it cleaves FAD at the COP bond to yield riboflavine, adenosine, and pyrophosphate, Both the activities are optimal at a pH of 7.2 and at a temperature of 37 . The Km for both the activities is 1.65 × 10−5 M. The stoichiometry and the identity of the products of both the treated and untreated enzyme were established. The untreated enzyme was not inhibited by pCMB or arsenite, but the treated enzyme was sensitive to both these inhibitors. The inhibition by pCMB could be reversed by monothiols and the inhibition by arsenite by dithiols.
Acetohydroxy acid isomerase (AHA isomerase) was purified about 110-fold and separated from reductase and acetohydroxy acid isomeroreductase. The AHA isomerase was found to be homogeneous by agar and polyacrylamide gel electrophoreses at different pHs. The properties of AHA isomerase have been studied. The purified enzyme showed requirement for Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate ions for its activity. Synthetic ascorbic acid sulfate could replace Image -ascorbic acid and sulfate. α-Methyllactate and α-ketoisovalerate were found to inhibit AHA isomerase activity competitively whereas Image -valine and Image -isoleucine had no significant inhibitory effect. p-Hydroxymercuribenzoate inhibited AHA isomerase activity and the inhibition was reversed by β-mercaptoethanol.
1. 1. An enzyme catalysing the conversion of α,β-dihydroxyisovalerate and α,β-dihydroxy-β-methylvalerate to α-ketoisovalerate and α-keto-β-methylvalerate has been partially purified from green gram (Phaseolus radiatus), and its characteristics studied. 2. 2. A natural inhibitor, heat stable and inorganic in nature, was observed in the crude extracts. 3. 3. The observed Km values for α-β-dihydroxyisovalerate and α,β-dihydroxy-β-methylvalerate were 2.4 · 10-3 M and 9 · 10-4 M, respectively. 4. 4. The enzyme required the presence of a divalent metal ion (Mg2+, Mn2+ or Fe2+) for maximal activity. Heavy metals like Ag+ and Hg2+ were inhibitory. 5. 5. The optimal activity was around pH 8.0 and the optimum temperature at 52°. The activation energy is found to be 12 600 cal/mole. 6. 6. The enzyme was inhibited by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate, N-ethylmaleimide and sulphydryl compounds like cysteine, glutathione, 2-mercaptoethanol and 2,3-dimercaptopropanol. The inhibition by p-hydroxymercuribenzoate could not be reversed by any of the sulfhydryl compounds tested.