944 resultados para Global justice movement
The European Commission launced a public consultation iin October 2009 on stakeholder views regarding the rationale, scope and strategic objectives for an EU role in global health. The Institute of Public Health in Ireland (IPH) aims to improve health on the island of Ireland by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes cooperation between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland in public health research, training and policy advice. IPH also contributes to a number of European networks and projects and is a member of the International Association of National Public Health Institutes (IANPHI). IPH welcomes the opportunity to respond to the European Commission consultation on the role of the EU in global health.
OBJECTIVE: To weight the rod-, cone-, and melanopsin-mediated activation of the retinal ganglion cells, which drive the pupil light reflex by varying the light stimulus wavelength, intensity, and duration. DESIGN: Experimental study. PARTICIPANTS: Forty-three subjects with normal eyes and 3 patients with neuroretinal visual loss. METHODS: A novel stimulus paradigm was developed using either a long wavelength (red) or short wavelength (blue) light given as a continuous Ganzfeld stimulus with stepwise increases over a 2 log-unit range. The pupillary movement before, during, and after the light stimulus was recorded in real time with an infrared illuminated video camera. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percent pupil contraction of the transient and sustained pupil response to a low- (1 cd/m(2)), medium- (10 cd/m(2)), and high-intensity (100 cd/m(2)) red- and blue-light stimulus was calculated for 1 eye of each subject. From the 43 normal eyes, median and 25th, 75th, 5th, and 95th percentile values were obtained for each stimulus condition. RESULTS: In normal eyes at lower intensities, blue light evoked much greater pupil responses compared with red light when matched for photopic luminance. The transient pupil contraction was generally greater than the sustained contraction, and this disparity was greatest at the lowest light intensity and least apparent with bright (100 cd/m(2)) blue light. A patient with primarily rod dysfunction (nonrecordable scotopic electroretinogram) showed significantly reduced pupil responses to blue light at lower intensities. A patient with achromatopsia and an almost normal visual field showed selective reduction of the pupil response to red-light stimulation. A patient with ganglion cell dysfunction owing to anterior ischemic optic neuropathy demonstrated global loss of pupil responses to red and blue light in the affected eye. CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses that differ as a function of light intensity and wavelength support the hypothesis that selected stimulus conditions can produce pupil responses that reflect phototransduction primarily mediated by rods, cones, or melanopsin. Use of chromatic pupil responses may be a novel way to diagnose and monitor diseases affecting either the outer or inner retina.
Comprovar en una sèrie de més de 300 pacients tractats amb intenció radical de càncer de bufeta si el seguiment que se´ls realitza de manera rutinària permet la detecció precoç de les recaigudes i té un impacte positiu en la seva supervivencia i l´interval lliure de malaltia.
La importància de la formació permanent és indiscutible en qualsevol context laboral i molt especialment en les actuals circumstàncies de crisi econòmica mundial. Però en l'actual espai europeu d'educació superior (EEES), les tendències i els plans de formació contínua adquireixen una dimensió global, que supera o, millor dit, hauria de superar els plantejaments reduccionistes. Per això, la construcció i el desenvolupament de l'espai europeu de formació permanent, EEFP (Comissió de les Comunitats Europees, 2001a), ha d'entendre's com un procés que està immers en un teixit més ampli. Es tracta d'una acció en xarxa on és necessària la implicació de molts agents actius professionals i on la convergència, el reconeixement i la cohesió han de ser els seus màxims elements qualitatius
Avui dia les xarxes socials, gràcies a les noves tecnologies, han generat un canvi en la filosofia de la comunicació on Internet s’utilitza tan per rebre informació com per difondre-la. Aquest canvi té una repercussió no només pel que fa a les relacions personals, sinó que també s’han experimentat en el sector de la publicitat modificacions de les seves estratègies i de la planificació de pressupostos. El món puja a aquest nou tren on tot està connectat. De la mà dels teòrics de la informació i gràcies a estudis sobre l’ús de les noves tecnologies hem aconseguit extreure perfils d’usuaris i plasmar reflexes d’aquesta nova “societat virtual” que té un impacte en la economia global.
This paper explores the extent and limits of non-state authority in international affairs. While a number of studies have emphasised the role of state support and the ability of strategically situated actors to capture regulatory processes, they often fail to unpack the conditions under which this takes place. In order to probe the assumption that structural market power, backed by political support, equates regulatory capture, the article examines the interplay of political and economic considerations in the negotiations to establish worldwide interoperability standards needed for the development of Galileo as a genuinely European global navigation satellite system under civil control. It argues that industries supported and identified as strategic by public actors are more likely to capture standardisation processes than those with the largest market share expected to be created by the standards. This suggests that the influence of industries in space, air and maritime traffic control closely related to the militaro-industrial complex remains disproportionate in comparison to the prospective market of location-based services expected to vastly transform business practices, labour relations and many aspects of our daily life.
L'objecte d'estudi de la següent memòria són les obres de l'anomenat, en la literatura anglosaxona, "Dot Art Movement o Dot Painting"; un moviment artístic índigena contemporani engendrat entre la dècada dels 70 i els 80 del segle passat a les comunitats de Papunya i Yuendumu en el cor del Desert Australià. La memòria s'articula entorn les principals problemàtiques a les que s'enfronta la definició i descripció de l'anomenat "Dot Art Movement o Dot Painting" dins el context de consum i recepció de les obres a Europa. Aquestes problemàtiques, sobretot conceptuals però també metodològiques, són descrites entorn tres grans apartats: el fet "primitiu", el fet "aborigen" i el fet del "Dot Art Movement o Dot painting". A través d'aquests tres àmbits la memòria presenta diverses herències històriques de caràcter eurocèntric, amb base al període colonial, que dificulten la proliferació d'interpretacions i noves aproximacions vers la recepció europea de les obres d'aquest moviment artístic.
The unstable rock slope, Stampa, above the village of Flåm, Norway, shows signs of both active and postglacial gravitational deformation over an area of 11 km2. Detailed structural field mapping, annual differential Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) surveys, as well as geomorphic analysis of high-resolution digital elevation models based on airborne and terrestrial laser scanning indicate that slope deformation is complex and spatially variable. Numerical modeling was used to investigate the influence of former rockslide activity and to better understand the failure mechanism. Field observations, kinematic analysis and numerical modeling indicate a strong structural control of the unstable area. Based on the integration of the above analyses, we propose that the failure mechanism is dominated by (1) a toppling component, (2) subsiding bilinear wedge failure and (3) planar sliding along the foliation at the toe of the unstable slope. Using differential GNSS, 18 points were measured annually over a period of up to 6 years. Two of these points have an average yearly movement of around 10 mm/year. They are located at the frontal cliff on almost completely detached blocks with volumes smaller than 300,000 m3. Large fractures indicate deep-seated gravitational deformation of volumes reaching several 100 million m3, but the movement rates in these areas are below 2 mm/year. Two different lobes of prehistoric rock slope failures were dated with terrestrial cosmogenic nuclides. While the northern lobe gave an average age of 4,300 years BP, the southern one resulted in two different ages (2,400 and 12,000 years BP), which represent most likely multiple rockfall events. This reflects the currently observable deformation style with unstable blocks in the northern part in between Joasete and Furekamben and no distinct blocks but a high rockfall activity around Ramnanosi in the south. With a relative susceptibility analysis it is concluded that small collapses of blocks along the frontal cliff will be more frequent. Larger collapses of free-standing blocks along the cliff with volumes > 100,000 m3, thus large enough to reach the fjord, cannot be ruled out. A larger collapse involving several million m3 is presently considered of very low likelihood.