875 resultados para Gases in plants.
Apoplastic α-glucosidases occur widely in plants but their function is unknown because appropriate substrates in the apoplast have not been identified. Arabidopsis contains at least three α-glucosidase genes; Aglu-1 and Aglu-3 are sequenced and Aglu-2 is known from six expressed sequence tags. Antibodies raised to a portion of Aglu-1 expressed in Escherichia coli recognize two proteins of 96 and 81 kD, respectively, in vegetative tissues of Arabidopsis, broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.), and mustard (Brassica napus L.). The acidic α-glucosidase activity from broccoli flower buds was purified using concanavalin A and ion-exchange chromatography. Two active fractions were resolved and both contained a 96-kD immunoreactive polypeptide. The N-terminal sequence from the 96-kD broccoli α-glucosidase indicated that it corresponds to the Arabidopsis Aglu-2 gene and that approximately 15 kD of the predicted N terminus was cleaved. The 81-kD protein was more abundant than the 96-kD protein, but it was not active with 4-methylumbelliferyl-α-d-glucopyranoside as the substrate and it did not bind to concanavalin A. In situ activity staining using 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-α-d-glucopyranoside revealed that the acidic α-glucosidase activity is predominantly located in the outer cortex of broccoli stems and in vascular tissue, especially in leaf traces.
Heme and chlorophyll accumulate to high levels in legume root nodules and in photosynthetic tissues, respectively, and they are both derived from the universal tetrapyrrole precursor δ-aminolevulinic acid (ALA). The first committed step in ALA and tetrapyrrole synthesis is catalyzed by glutamyl-tRNA reductase (GTR) in plants. A soybean (Glycine max) root-nodule cDNA encoding GTR was isolated by complementation of an Escherichia coli GTR-defective mutant for restoration of ALA prototrophy. Gtr mRNA was very low in uninfected roots but accumulated to high levels in root nodules. The induction of Gtr mRNA in developing nodules was subsequent to that of the gene Enod2 (early nodule) and coincided with leghemoglobin mRNA accumulation. Genomic analysis revealed two Gtr genes, Gtr1 and a 3′ portion of Gtr2, which were isolated from the soybean genome. RNase-protection analysis using probes specific to Gtr1 and Gtr2 showed that both genes were expressed, but Gtr1 mRNA accumulated to significantly higher levels. In addition, the qualitative patterns of expression of Gtr1 and Gtr2 were similar to each other and to total Gtr mRNA in leaves and nodules of mature plants and etiolated plantlets. The data indicate that Gtr1 is universal for tetrapyrrole synthesis and that a Gtr gene specific for a tissue or tetrapyrrole is unlikely. We suggest that ALA synthesis in specialized root nodules involves an altered spatial expression of genes that are otherwise induced strongly only in photosynthetic tissues of uninfected plants.
A major goal of plant biotechnology is the production of genetically engineered crops that express natural or foreign proteins at high levels. To enhance protein accumulation in transgenic plants, we developed a set of vectors that express proteins and peptides as C-terminal translational fusions with ubiquitin (UBQ). Studies of several proteins in tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) showed that: (a) proteins can be readily expressed in plants as UBQ fusions; (b) by the action of endogenous UBQ-specific proteases (Ubps), these fusions are rapidly and precisely processed in vivo to release the fused protein moieties in free forms; (c) the synthesis of a protein as a UBQ fusion can significantly augment its accumulation; (d) proper processing and localization of a protein targeted to either the apoplast or the chloroplast is not affected by the N-terminal UBQ sequence; and (e) single amino acid substitutions surrounding the cleavage site can inhibit in vivo processing of the fusion by Ubps. Noncleavable UBQ fusions of β-glucuronidase became extensively modified, with additional UBQs in planta. Because multiubiquitinated proteins are the preferred substrates of the 26S proteasome, noncleavable fusions may be useful for decreasing protein half-life. Based on their ability to augment protein accumulation and the sequence specificity of Ubps, UBQ fusions offer a versatile way to express plant proteins.
Recent evidence that some species can retranslocate boron as complexes with sugar alcohols in the phloem suggests a possible mechanism for enhancing boron efficiency. We investigated the relationship between sugar alcohol (sorbitol) content, boron uptake and distribution, and translocation of foliar-applied, isotopically enriched 10B in three lines of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) plants differing in sorbitol production. In tobacco line S11, transformed with sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, the production of sorbitol was accompanied by an increase in the concentration of boron in plant tissues and an increased uptake of boron compared with either tobacco line A4, transformed with antisense orientation of sorbitol-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, or wild-type tobacco (line SR1, zero-sorbitol producer). Foliar application of 10B to mature leaves was translocated to the meristematic tissues only in line S11. These results demonstrate that the concentration of the boron-complexing sugar alcohol in the plant tissue has a significant effect on boron uptake and distribution in plants, whereas the translocation of the foliar-applied 10B from the mature leaves to the meristematic tissues verifies that boron is mobile in sorbitol-producing plants (S11) as we reported previously. This suggests that selection or transgenic generation of cultivars with an increased sugar alcohol content can result in increased boron uptake, with no apparent negative effects on short-term growth.
Tuber formation in potato (Solanum tuberosum) is promoted by short photoperiods and is inhibited by gibberellins (GAs). Endogenous levels of GA1 were shown to decrease in stolons and leaves of potato plants induced to tuberize, which suggests that photoperiodic regulation of GA biosynthesis may play a role in tuber induction. We report the isolation of three potato cDNA clones (StGA20ox1–3) encoding GA 20-oxidase, a key regulatory enzyme in the GA-biosynthetic pathway. Using northern analysis, we detected a differential pattern of tissue-specific expression of the mRNAs corresponding to these clones. StGA20ox mRNAs were also very abundant in leaves of the potato ga1 mutant, which is blocked in the 13-hydroxylation step, and were strongly down-regulated by gibberellic acid, suggesting a feedback regulation of these genes. In plants grown in short-day (inductive) conditions, levels of the StGA20ox transcripts in leaves fluctuated during a 24-h period, with a peak of accumulation observed about 4 h after the lights were turned off. Interruption of the night with a 30-min “night break” of light (noninductive conditions) did not have a marked effect on the levels of accumulation of the three GA 20-oxidase mRNAs during the day, but it induced a second peak of expression of StGA20ox1 and StGA20ox3 transcripts late in the night. This observation, together with the finding that StGA20ox1 mRNA is expressed at high levels in leaves, suggests that night-break induction of this gene might play a role in the control of tuberization by regulating endogenous levels of GAs in response to daylength conditions.
In earlier studies, the assimilation of selenate by plants appeared to be limited by its reduction, a step that is thought to be mediated by ATP sulfurylase. Here, the Arabidopsis APS1 gene, encoding a plastidic ATP sulfurylase, was constitutively overexpressed in Indian mustard (Brassica juncea). Compared with that in untransformed plants, the ATP sulfurylase activity was 2- to 2.5-fold higher in shoots and roots of transgenic seedlings, and 1.5- to 2-fold higher in shoots but not roots of selenate-supplied mature ATP-sulfurylase-overexpressing (APS) plants. The APS plants showed increased selenate reduction: x-ray absorption spectroscopy showed that root and shoot tissues of mature APS plants contained mostly organic Se (possibly selenomethionine), whereas wild-type plants accumulated selenate. The APS plants were not able to reduce selenate when shoots were removed immediately before selenate was supplied. In addition, Se accumulation in APS plants was 2- to 3-fold higher in shoots and 1.5-fold higher in roots compared with wild-type plants, and Se tolerance was higher in both seedlings and mature APS plants. These studies show that ATP sulfurylase not only mediates selenate reduction in plants, but is also rate limiting for selenate uptake and assimilation.
The aurea (au) and yellow-green-2 (yg-2) mutants of tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) are unable to synthesize the linear tetrapyrrole chromophore of phytochrome, resulting in plants with a yellow-green phenotype. To understand the basis of this phenotype, we investigated the consequences of the au and yg-2 mutations on tetrapyrrole metabolism. Dark-grown seedlings of both mutants have reduced levels of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) due to an inhibition of Pchlide synthesis. Feeding experiments with the tetrapyrrole precursor 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) demonstrate that the pathway between ALA and Pchlide is intact in au and yg-2 and suggest that the reduction in Pchlide is a result of the inhibition of ALA synthesis. This inhibition was independent of any deficiency in seed phytochrome, and experiments using an iron chelator to block heme synthesis demonstrated that both mutations inhibited the degradation of the physiologically active heme pool, suggesting that the reduction in Pchlide synthesis is a consequence of feedback inhibition by heme. We discuss the significance of these results in understanding the chlorophyll-deficient phenotype of the au and yg-2 mutants.
The enzymatic synthesis of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) from indole by an in vitro preparation from maize (Zea mays L.) that does not use tryptophan (Trp) as an intermediate is described. Light-grown seedlings of normal maize and the maize mutant orange pericarp were shown to contain the necessary enzymes to convert [14C]indole to IAA. The reaction was not inhibited by unlabeled Trp and neither [14C]Trp nor [14C]serine substituted for [14C]indole in this in vitro system. The reaction had a pH optimum greater than 8.0, required a reducing environment, and had an oxidation potential near that of ascorbate. The results obtained with this in vitro enzyme preparation provide strong, additional evidence for the presence of a Trp-independent IAA biosynthesis pathway in plants.
Cellular compartmentation of Zn in the leaves of the hyperaccumulator Thlaspi caerulescens was investigated using energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis and single-cell sap extraction. Energy-dispersive x-ray microanalysis of frozen, hydrated leaf tissues showed greatly enhanced Zn accumulation in the epidermis compared with the mesophyll cells. The relative Zn concentration in the epidermal cells correlated linearly with cell length in both young and mature leaves, suggesting that vacuolation of epidermal cells may promote the preferential Zn accumulation. The results from single-cell sap sampling showed that the Zn concentrations in the epidermal vacuolar sap were 5 to 6.5 times higher than those in the mesophyll sap and reached an average of 385 mm in plants with 20,000 μg Zn g−1 dry weight of shoots. Even when the growth medium contained no elevated Zn, preferential Zn accumulation in the epidermal vacuoles was still evident. The concentrations of K, Cl, P, and Ca in the epidermal sap generally decreased with increasing Zn. There was no evidence of association of Zn with either P or S. The present study demonstrates that Zn is sequestered in a soluble form predominantly in the epidermal vacuoles in T. caerulescens leaves and that mesophyll cells are able to tolerate up to at least 60 mm Zn in their sap.
In vascular plants, mutations leading to a defect in debranching enzyme lead to the simultaneous synthesis of glycogen-like material and normal starch. In Chlamydomonas reinhardtii comparable defects lead to the replacement of starch by phytoglycogen. Therefore, debranching was proposed to define a mandatory step for starch biosynthesis. We now report the characterization of small amounts of an insoluble, amylose-like material found in the mutant algae. This novel, starch-like material was shown to be entirely dependent on the presence of granule-bound starch synthase (GBSSI), the enzyme responsible for amylose synthesis in plants. However, enzyme activity assays, solubilization of proteins from the granule, and western blots all failed to detect GBSSI within the insoluble polysaccharide matrix. The glycogen-like polysaccharides produced in the absence of GBSSI were proved to be qualitatively and quantitatively identical to those produced in its presence. Therefore, we propose that GBSSI requires the presence of crystalline amylopectin for granule binding and that the synthesis of amylose-like material can proceed at low levels without the binding of GBSSI to the polysaccharide matrix. Our results confirm that amylopectin synthesis is completely blocked in debranching-enzyme-defective mutants of C. reinhardtii.
The S-like ribonucleases (RNases) RNS1 and RNS2 of Arabidopsis are members of the widespread T2 ribonuclease family, whose members also include the S-RNases, involved in gametophytic self-incompatibility in plants. Both RNS1 and RNS2 mRNAs have been shown previously to be induced by inorganic phosphate (Pi) starvation. In our study we examined this regulation at the protein level and determined the effects of diminishing RNS1 and RNS2 expression using antisense techniques. The Pi-starvation control of RNS1 and RNS2 was confirmed using antibodies specific for each protein. These specific antibodies also demonstrated that RNS1 is secreted, whereas RNS2 is intracellular. By introducing antisense constructs, mRNA accumulation was inhibited by up to 90% for RNS1 and up to 65% for RNS2. These plants contained abnormally high levels of anthocyanins, the production of which is often associated with several forms of stress, including Pi starvation. This effect demonstrates that diminishing the amounts of either RNS1 or RNS2 leads to effects that cannot be compensated for by the actions of other RNases, even though Arabidopsis contains a large number of different RNase activities. These results, together with the differential localization of the proteins, imply that RNS1 and RNS2 have distinct functions in the plant.
Salicylic acid (SA) plays a critical signaling role in the activation of plant defense responses after pathogen attack. We have identified several potential components of the SA signaling pathway, including (i) the H2O2-scavenging enzymes catalase and ascorbate peroxidase, (ii) a high affinity SA-binding protein (SABP2), (iii) a SA-inducible protein kinase (SIPK), (iv) NPR1, an ankyrin repeat-containing protein that exhibits limited homology to IκBα and is required for SA signaling, and (v) members of the TGA/OBF family of bZIP transcription factors. These bZIP factors physically interact with NPR1 and bind the SA-responsive element in promoters of several defense genes, such as the pathogenesis-related 1 gene (PR-1). Recent studies have demonstrated that nitric oxide (NO) is another signal that activates defense responses after pathogen attack. NO has been shown to play a critical role in the activation of innate immune and inflammatory responses in animals. Increases in NO synthase (NOS)-like activity occurred in resistant but not susceptible tobacco after infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Here we demonstrate that this increase in activity participates in PR-1 gene induction. Two signaling molecules, cGMP and cyclic ADP ribose (cADPR), which function downstream of NO in animals, also appear to mediate plant defense gene activation (e.g., PR-1). Additionally, NO may activate PR-1 expression via an NO-dependent, cADPR-independent pathway. Several targets of NO in animals, including guanylate cyclase, aconitase, and mitogen-activated protein kinases (e.g., SIPK), are also modulated by NO in plants. Thus, at least portions of NO signaling pathways appear to be shared between plants and animals.
Systemin-mediated defense signaling in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum) plants is analogous to the cytokine-mediated inflammatory response in animals. Herein, we report that the initiation of defense signaling in suspension-cultured cells of Lycopersicon peruvianum by the peptide systemin, as well as by chitosan and β-glucan elicitor from Phytophtora megasperma, is inhibited by the polysulfonated naphtylurea compound suramin, a known inhibitor of cytokine and growth factor receptor interactions in animal cells. Using a radioreceptor assay, we show that suramin interfered with the binding of the systemin analog 125I-Tyr-2,Ala-15-systemin to the systemin receptor with an IC50 of 160 μM. Additionally, labeling of the systemin receptor with a photoaffinity analog of systemin was inhibited in the presence of suramin. Receptor-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of a 48-kDa mitogen-activated protein kinase and alkalinization of the medium of suspension-cultured cells in response to systemin and carbohydrate elicitors were also inhibited by suramin. The inhibition of medium alkalinization by suramin was reversible in the presence of high concentrations of systemin and carbohydrate elicitors. Calyculin A and erythrosin B, intracellular inhibitors of phosphatases and plasma membrane proton ATPases, respectively, both induce medium alkalinization, but neither response was inhibited by suramin. The polysulfonated compound heparin did not inhibit systemin-induced medium alkalinization. NF 007, a suramin derivative, induced medium alkalinization, indicating that neither NF 007 nor heparin interact with elicitor receptors like suramin. The data indicate that cell-surface receptors in plants show some common structural features with animal cytokine and growth factor receptors that can interact with suramin to interfere with ligand binding.
In 1950, G. Ledyard Stebbins devoted two chapters of his book Variation and Evolution in Plants (Columbia Univ. Press, New York) to polyploidy, one on occurrence and nature and one on distribution and significance. Fifty years later, many of the questions Stebbins posed have not been answered, and many new questions have arisen. In this paper, we review some of the genetic attributes of polyploids that have been suggested to account for the tremendous success of polyploid plants. Based on a limited number of studies, we conclude: (i) Polyploids, both individuals and populations, generally maintain higher levels of heterozygosity than do their diploid progenitors. (ii) Polyploids exhibit less inbreeding depression than do their diploid parents and can therefore tolerate higher levels of selfing; polyploid ferns indeed have higher levels of selfing than do their diploid parents, but polyploid angiosperms do not differ in outcrossing rates from their diploid parents. (iii) Most polyploid species are polyphyletic, having formed recurrently from genetically different diploid parents. This mode of formation incorporates genetic diversity from multiple progenitor populations into the polyploid “species”; thus, genetic diversity in polyploid species is much higher than expected by models of polyploid formation involving a single origin. (iv) Genome rearrangement may be a common attribute of polyploids, based on evidence from genome in situ hybridization (GISH), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis, and chromosome mapping. (v) Several groups of plants may be ancient polyploids, with large regions of homologous DNA. These duplicated genes and genomes can undergo divergent evolution and evolve new functions. These genetic and genomic attributes of polyploids may have both biochemical and ecological benefits that contribute to the success of polyploids in nature.
The recently cloned NPR1 gene of Arabidopsis thaliana is a key regulator of acquired resistance responses. Upon induction, NPR1 expression is elevated and the NPR1 protein is activated, in turn inducing expression of a battery of downstream pathogenesis-related genes. In this study, we found that NPR1 confers resistance to the pathogens Pseudomonas syringae and Peronospora parasitica in a dosage-dependent fashion. Overexpression of NPR1 leads to enhanced resistance with no obvious detrimental effect on the plants. Thus, for the first time, a single gene is shown to be a workable target for genetic engineering of nonspecific resistance in plants.