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In the present study we identify inosine-5' monophosphate dehydrogenase (IMPDH), a key enzyme in de novo guanine nucleotide biosynthesis, as a novel lipid body-associated protein. To identify new targets of insulin we performed a comprehensive 2-DE analysis of P-32-labelled proteins isolated from 3T3-L1 adipocytes (Hill et al. J Biol Chem 2000; 275: 24313-24320). IMPDH was identified by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry as a protein which was phosphorylated in a phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase-dependent manner upon insulin treatment. Although insulin had no significant effect on IMPDH activity, we observed translocation of IMPDH to lipid bodies following insulin treatment. Induction of lipid body formation with oleic acid promoted dramatic redistribution of IMPDH to lipid bodies, which appeared to be in contact with the endoplasmic reticulum, the site of lipid body synthesis and recycling. Inhibition of PI 3-kinase blocked insulin- and oleate-induced translocation of IMPDH and reduced oleate-induced lipid accumulation. However, we found no evidence of oleate-induced IMPDH phosphorylation, suggesting phosphorylation and translocation may not be coupled events. These data support a role for IMPDH in the dynamic regulation of lipid bodies and fatty acid metabolism and regulation of its activity by subcellular redistribution in response to extracellular factors that modify lipid metabolism.


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Direct continuity between the membranes of cisternae in the Golgi complex in mammalian cells rarely has been observed; when seen, its documentation has been equivocal. Here we have used dual-axis electron microscope tomography to examine the architecture of the Golgi in three dimensions at approximate to6-nm resolution in rapidly frozen, freeze-substituted murine cells that make and secrete insulin in response to glucose challenge. Our data show three types of direct connections between Golgi cisternae that are normally distinct from one another. These connections all bypass interceding cisternae. We propose that when pancreatic beta cells are stimulated to synthesize and secrete insulin rapidly in vivo, such connections provide a continuous lumen that facilitates the rapid transit of large amounts of newly made protein for secretion. The heterotypic fusion of cisternae, even transiently, raises important questions about the molecular mechanisms that (i) facilitate the fusion/fission of cisternal membranes and control the directionality and specificity of such events, and (it) retain Golgi processing enzymes at specific places within individual cisternae when two cisternae at different levels in the Golgi have fused, maintaining the sequential processing hierarchy that is a hallmark of Golgi organization.


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Insulin stimulates the translocation of the glucose transporter GLUT4 from intracellular vesicles to the plasma membrane. In the present study we have conducted a comprehensive proteomic analysis of affinity-purified GLUT4 vesicles from 3T3-L1 adipocytes to discover potential regulators of GLUT4 trafficking. In addition to previously identified components of GLUT4 storage vesicles including the insulin-regulated aminopeptidase insulin-regulated aminopeptidase and the vesicle soluble N-ethylmaleimide factor attachment protein (v-SNARE) VAMP2, we have identified three new Rab proteins, Rab10, Rab11, and Rab14, on GLUT4 vesicles. We have also found that the putative Rab GTPase-activating protein AS160 (Akt substrate of 160 kDa) is associated with GLUT4 vesicles in the basal state and dissociates in response to insulin. This association is likely to be mediated by the cytosolic tail of insulin-regulated aminopeptidase, which interacted both in vitro and in vivo with AS160. Consistent with an inhibitory role of AS160 in the basal state, reduced expression of AS160 in adipocytes using short hairpin RNA increased plasma membrane levels of GLUT4 in an insulin-independent manner. These findings support an important role for AS160 in the insulin regulated trafficking of GLUT4.


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Background Although both strength training (ST) and endurance training (ET) seem to be beneficial in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2D), little is known about post-exercise glucose profiles. The objective of the study was to report changes in blood glucose (BG) values after a 4-month ET and ST programme now that a device for continuous glucose monitoring has become available. Materials and methods Fifteen participants, comprising four men age 56.5 +/- 0.9 years and 11 women age 57.4 +/- 0.9 years with T2D, were monitored with the MiniMed (Northridge, CA, USA) continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) for 48 h before and after 4 months of ET or ST. The ST consisted of three sets at the beginning, increasing to six sets per week at the end of the training period, including all major muscle groups and ET performed with an intensity of maximal oxygen uptake of 60% and a volume beginning at 15 min and advancing to a maximum of 30 min three times a week. Results A total of 17 549 single BG measurements pretraining (619.7 +/- 39.8) and post-training (550.3 +/- 30.1) were recorded, correlating to an average of 585 +/- 25.3 potential measurements per participant at the beginning and at the end of the study. The change in BG-value between the beginning (132 mg dL(-1)) and the end (118 mg dL(-1)) for all participants was significant (P = 0.028). The improvement in BG-value for the ST programme was significant (P = 0.02) but for the ET no significant change was measured (P = 0.48). Glycaemic control improved in the ST group and the mean BG was reduced by 15.6% (Cl 3-25%). Conclusion In conclusion, the CGMS may be a useful tool in monitoring improvements in glycaemic control after different exercise programmes. Additionally, the CGMS may help to identify asymptomatic hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia after training programmes.


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OBJECTIVE - We examined the associations of physical activity with fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and with 2-h postload plasma glucose (2-h PG) in men and women with low, moderate, and high waist circumference. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS - The Australian Diabetes, Obesity and Lifestyle (AusDiab) study provided data on a population-based cross-sectional sample of 4,108 men and 5,106 women aged >= 25 years without known diabetes or health conditions that could affect physical activity. FPG and 2-h PG were obtained from an oral glucose tolerance test. Self-reported physical activity level was defined according to the current public health guidelines as active (>= 150 min/week across five or more sessions) or inactive (< 150 min/week and/or less than five sessions). Sex-specific quintiles of physical activity time were used to ascertain dose response. RESULTS - Being physically active and total physical activity time were independently and negatively associated with 2-h PG. When physical activity level was considered within each waist circumference category, 2-h PG was significantly lower in active high-waist circumference women (beta-0.30 [95% CI -0.59 to -0.01], P = 0.044) and active low-waist circumference men(beta-0.25 [-0.49 to -0.02],P = 0.036) compared with their inactive counterparts. Considered across physical activity and waist circumference categories, 2-h PG levels were not significantly different between active moderate-waist circumference participants and active low-waist circumference participants. Associations between physical activity and FPG were nonsignificant. CONCLUSIONS - There are important differences between 2-h PG and FPG related to physical activity. It appears that 2-h PG is more sensitive to the beneficial effects of physical activity, and these benefits occur across the waist circumference spectrum.


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Efficient insulin action requires spatial and temporal coordination of signaling cascades. The prototypical insulin receptor substrate, IRS-1 plays a central role in insulin signaling. By subcellular fractionation IRS-1 is enriched in a particulate fraction, termed the high speed pellet (HSP), and its redistribution from this fraction is associated with signal attenuation and insulin resistance. Anecdotal evidence suggests the cytoskeleton may underpin the localization of IRS-1 to the HSP. In the present study we have taken a systematic approach to examine whether the cytoskeleton contributes to the subcellular fractionation properties and function of IRS-1. By standard microscopy or immunoprecipitation we were unable to detect evidence to support a specific interaction between IRS-1 and the major cytoskeletal components actin (microfilaments), vimentin (intermediate filaments), and tubulin (microtubules) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes or in CHO.IR.IRS-1 cells. Pharmacological disruption of microfilaments and microtubules, individually or in combination, was without effect on the subcellular distribution of IRS-1 or insulin-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation in either cell type. Phosphorylation of Akt was modestly reduced (20-35%) in 3T3-L1 adipocytes but not in CHO.IR.IRS-1 cells. In cells lacking intermediate filaments (Vim(-/-)) IRS-1 expression, distribution and insulin-stimulated phosphorylation appeared normal. Even after depolymerisation of microfilaments and microtubules, insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of IRS-1 and Akt were maintained in Vim-/- cells. Taken together these data indicate that the characteristic subcellular fractionation properties and function of IRS-1 are unlikely to be mediated by cytoskeletal networks and that proximal insulin signaling does not require an intact cytoskeleton. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Treatment of schizophrenia with olanzapine and other atypical antipsychotic agents is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes mellitus. The mechanism for this is not understood. Adiponectin is an insulin-sensitizing cytokine secreted by adipocytes. It is present in serum in multimers of varying size. Trimers and hexamers are referred to as low molecular weight (LMW) adiponectin. Larger multimers (12-, 18-, and 24-mers) have been designated high molecular weight (HMW) adiponectin and seem responsible for the insulin-sensitizing action of this adipokine. The aim of this study was to examine total adiponectin and LMW and HMW multimers in serum from patients with schizophrenia treated with either olanzapine (n = 9) or other typical antipsychotics (n = 9) and compare results with 16 healthy sex-, body mass index-, and age-matched controls. The effects of olanzapine on adiponectin protein expression and secretion in in vitro-differentiated primary human adipocytes were also examined. Patients receiving olanzapine had significantly lower total serum adiponectin as compared with those on conventional treatment and controls (5.23 +/- 1.53 ng/mL vs. 8.20 +/- 3.77 ng/mL and 8.78 +/- 3.8 ng/mL; P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). The HMW adiponectin was also reduced in patients on olanzapine as compared with the disease and healthy control groups (1.67 +/- 0.96 ng/mL vs. 3.87 +/- 2.69 ng/mL and 4.07 +/- 3.2 ng/mL; P < 0.05 for both). The LMW adiponectin was not different between patient groups (P = 0.15) but lower in patients on olanzapine as compared with controls (3.56 +/- 10.85 ng/mL vs. 4.70 +/- 1.4 ng/mL; P < 0.05). In vitro, short duration (up to 7 days) olanzapine exposure had no effect on total adiponectin expression or multimer composition of secreted protein. In summary, this study demonstrates a correlation between olanzapine treatment and reduced serum adiponectin, particularly HMW multimers. This may not be a direct effect of olanzapine on adipocyte expression or secretion of adiponectin. These observations provide insights into possible mechanisms for the association between olanzapine treatment and insulin resistance.


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In cats with underlying low insulin sensitivity, obesity is a major risk factor for type 2 diabetes. Strategies to prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes could be implemented if these cats could be identified. Currently, two labour-intensive and complex methods have been used to measure insulin sensitivity in research studies: the hyperinsulinemic euglycemic clamp (Clamp) and the minimal model analysis (MINMOD) of a frequentlysampled intravenous glucose tolerance test. However, simpler measures are required in practice. Validation of simple measures requires a wellestablished method with minimal inter-day variability. The aims of this study were to determine the inter-day variability of the current methods of measuring insulin sensitivity in cats, and to assess the relationship between these tests and simpler measures of insulin sensitivity.


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Obesity and insulin resistance are important risk factors for atherosclerosis, and elevated level of plasma NEFA is a common feature in individuals with obesity and insulin resistance. Palmitate, one of the most abundant non-esterified SFA in plasma, has been reported to induce insulin resistance in adipose tissues and skeletal muscles and to cause an increased inflammatory response in monocytes. The present study investigated whether palmitate can induce insulin resistance in monocytes and its effect on monocyte adhesion molecular expression (CD11b). Insulin resistance was measured by in vitro uptake of insulin-stimulated 3H-labelled 2-deoxy-D-glucose into THP-1 cells, cell surface CD11b expression was measured by flow cytometry. The data showed that palmitate-induced insulin resistance in THP-1 monocytes was concentration and time dependent (Figure 1). The insulin-stimulated glucose uptake was significantly decreased in cells treated with 300 mM-palmitate compared with control cells (P<0.001) and was observed within 6 h, but was not a result of palmitate toxicity. There was no significant increase in caspase 3 activation (P>0.05). Treatment with 300 mM-palmitate for 24 h also caused a significant increase in surface CD11b expression in both U937 and THP-1 monocytic cell lines and human primary monocytes compared with the control (P<0.001). Both these effects were inhibited by co-incubation with Fumonisin B1, an inhibitor of de novo ceramide synthesis. In conclusion, these data show that palmitate, at physiological concentrations, can cause insulin resistance in monocytes and increase monocyte surface integrin CD11b expression, which is in part the result of the synthesis of ceramide.


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The multivariable and progressive natural history of type 2 diabetes limits the effectiveness of available glucose-lowering drugs. Constraints imposed by comorbidities (notably cardiovascular disease and renal impairment) and the need to avoid hypoglycaemia, weight gain, and drug interactions further complicate the treatment process. These challenges have prompted the development of new formulations and delivery methods for existing drugs alongside research into novel pharmacological entities. Advances in incretin-based therapies include a miniature implantable osmotic pump to give continuous delivery of a glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist for 6-12 months and once-weekly tablets of dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitors. Hybrid molecules that combine the properties of selected incretins and other peptides are at early stages of development, and proof of concept has been shown for small non-peptide molecules to activate glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors. Additional sodium-glucose co-transporter inhibitors are progressing in development as well as possible new insulin-releasing biological agents and small-molecule inhibitors of glucagon action. Adiponectin receptor agonists, selective peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor modulators, cellular glucocorticoid inhibitors, and analogues of fibroblast growth factor 21 are being considered as potential new approaches to glucose lowering. Compounds that can enhance insulin receptor and post-receptor signalling cascades or directly promote selected pathways of glucose metabolism have suggested opportunities for future treatments. However, pharmacological interventions that are able to restore normal β-cell function and β-cell mass, normalise insulin action, and fully correct glucose homoeostasis are a distant vision.


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Oleate has been shown to protect against palmitate-induced insulin resistance. The present study investigates mechanisms involved in the interaction between oleate and palmitate on insulin-stimulated glucose uptake by L6 skeletal muscle cells. L6 myotubes were cultured for 6 h with palmitate or oleate alone, and combinations of palmitate with oleate, with and without phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) inhibition. Insulin-stimulated glucose uptake, measured by uptake of 2-deoxy-d-[3H]glucose, was almost completely prevented by 300 microm-palmitate. Cells incubated with oleate up to 750 micromol/l maintained a significant increase in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake. Co-incubation of 50-300 microm-oleate with 300 microm-palmitate partially prevented the decrease in insulin-stimulated glucose uptake associated with palmitate. Adding the PI3-kinase inhibitors wortmannin (10- 7 mol/l) or LY294002 (25 micromol/l) to 50 microm-oleate plus 300 microm-palmitate significantly reduced the beneficial effect of oleate against palmitate-induced insulin resistance, indicating that activation of PI3-kinase is involved in the protective effect of oleate. Thus, the prevention of palmitate-induced insulin resistance by oleate in L6 muscle cells is associated with the ability of oleate to maintain insulin signalling through PI3-kinase.


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C-terminal acylation of Lys(37) with myristic (MYR; tetradecanoic acid), palmitic (PAL; hexadecanoic acid) and stearic (octadecanoic acid) fatty acids with or without N-terminal acetylation was employed to develop long-acting analogues of the glucoregulatory hormone, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP). All GIP analogues exhibited resistance to dipeptidylpeptidase-IV (DPP-IV) and significantly improved in vitro cAMP production and insulin secretion. Administration of GIP analogues to ob/ob mice significantly lowered plasma glucose-GIP(Lys(37)MYR), N-AcGIP(Lys(37)MYR) and GIP(Lys(37)PAL) increased plasma insulin concentrations. GIP(Lys(37)MYR) and N-AcGIP(Lys(37)MYR) elicited protracted glucose-lowering effects when administered 24h prior to an intraperitoneal glucose load. Daily administration of GIP(Lys(37)MYR) and N-AcGIP(Lys(37)MYR) to ob/ob mice for 24 days decreased glucose and significantly improved plasma insulin, glucose tolerance and beta-cell glucose responsiveness. Insulin sensitivity, pancreatic insulin content and triglyceride levels were not changed. These data demonstrate that C-terminal acylation particularly with myristic acid provides a class of stable, longer-acting forms of GIP for further evaluation in diabetes therapy.


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Current therapies to reduce hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) mostly involve insulin-dependent mechanisms and lose their effectiveness as pancreatic ß-cell function declines. In the kidney, filtered glucose is reabsorbed mainly via the high-capacity, low-affinity sodium glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) at the luminal surface of cells lining the first segment of the proximal tubules. Selective inhibitors of SGLT2 reduce glucose reabsorption, causing excess glucose to be eliminated in the urine; this decreases plasma glucose. In T2DM, the glucosuria produced by SGLT2 inhibitors is associated with weight loss, and mild osmotic diuresis might assist a reduction in blood pressure. The mechanism is independent of insulin and carries a low risk of hypoglycaemia. This review examines the potential of SGLT2 inhibitors as a novel approach to the treatment of hyperglycaemia in T2DM.