993 resultados para Free interface


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We report the fabrication of free-standing flexible inorganic/organic hybrid structures by exfoliating ZnO nanostructured films from the flat indium tin oxide (ITO)/silicon/sapphire substrates using poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS). Strong interaction between ZnO and PEDOT: PSS and the thermomechanical response of PEDOT: PSS are the key issues for the exfoliation to prevail. The performance of the free-standing hybrid structures as rectifiers and photodetectors is better as compared to ITO supported hybrid structures. It is also shown that device properties of hybrid structures can be tuned by using different electrode materials. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4729550]


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Given a set of points P ⊆ R2, a conflict-free coloring of P w.r.t. rectangle ranges is an assignment of colors to points of P, such that each nonempty axisparallel rectangle T in the plane contains a point whose color is distinct from all other points in P ∩ T . This notion has been the subject of recent interest and is motivated by frequency assignment in wireless cellular networks: one naturally would like to minimize the number of frequencies (colors) assigned to base stations (points) such that within any range (for instance, rectangle), there is no interference. We show that any set of n points in R2 can be conflict-free colored with O(nβ∗+o(1)) colors in expected polynomial time, where β∗ = 3−√5 2 < 0.382.


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In situ electrochemical polymerization of aniline in a Langmuir trough under applied surface pressure assists in the preferential orientation of polyaniline (PANI) in planar polaronic structure. Exfoliated graphene oxide (EGO) spread on water surface is used to bring anilinium cations present in the subphase to air-water interface through electrostatic interactions. Subsequent electrochemical polymerization of aniline under applied surface pressure in the Schaefer mode results in EGO/PANT composite with PANT in planar polaronic form. The orientation of PANI is confirmed by electrochemical and Raman spectroscopic studies. This technique opens up possibilities of 2-D polymerization at the air-water interface. Electrochemical sensing of hydrogen peroxide is used to differentiate the activity of planar and coiled forms of PANI toward electrocatalytic reactions.


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Three dimensional digital model of a representative human kidney is needed for a surgical simulator that is capable of simulating a laparoscopic surgery involving kidney. Buying a three dimensional computer model of a representative human kidney, or reconstructing a human kidney from an image sequence using commercial software, both involve (sometimes significant amount of) money. In this paper, author has shown that one can obtain a three dimensional surface model of human kidney by making use of images from the Visible Human Data Set and a few free software packages (ImageJ, ITK-SNAP, and MeshLab in particular). Images from the Visible Human Data Set, and the software packages used here, both do not cost anything. Hence, the practice of extracting the geometry of a representative human kidney for free, as illustrated in the present work, could be a free alternative to the use of expensive commercial software or to the purchase of a digital model.


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Promoter regions in the genomes of all domains of life show similar trends in several structural properties such as stability, bendability, curvature, etc. In current study we analysed the stability and bendability of various classes of promoter regions (based on the recent identification of different classes of transcription start sites) of Helicobacter pylori 26695 strain. It is found that primary TSS and operon-associated TSS promoters show significantly strong features in their promoter regions. DNA free-energy-based promoter prediction tool PromPredict was used to annotate promoters of different classes, and very high recall values (similar to 80%) are obtained for primary TSS. Orthologous genes from other strains of H. pylori show conservation of structural properties in promoter regions as well as coding regions. PromPredict annotates promoters of orthologous genes with very high recall and precision.


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In this study, severe plastic deformation (SPD) of Ti-bearing interstitial-free steel was carried out by multi-axial forging (MAF) technique. The grain refinement achieved was comparable to that by other SPD techniques. A considerable heterogeneity was observed in the microstructure and texture. Texture of multi-axially forged steels has been evaluated and reported for the first time. The material exhibited a six-fold increase in the yield strength after four cycles of MAF.


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The Maximum Weight Independent Set (MWIS) problem on graphs with vertex weights asks for a set of pairwise nonadjacent vertices of maximum total weight. The complexity of the MWIS problem for hole-free graphs is unknown. In this paper, we first prove that the MWIS problem for (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs can be solved in O(n(3))-time. By using this result, we prove that the MWIS problem for (hole, dart)-free graphs can be solved in O(n(4))-time. Though the MWIS problem for (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs is used as a subroutine, we also give the best known time bound for the solvability of the MWIS problem in (hole, dart, gem)-free graphs. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We present a detailed study of a 3+2+1] cascade cyclisation of vinylcyclopropanes (VCP) catalysed by a bromenium species (Brd+?Xd-) generated in situ, which results in the synthesis of chiral bicyclic amidines in a tandem one-pot operation. The formation of amidines involves the ring-opening of VCPs with Br?X, followed by a Ritter-type reaction with chloramine-T and a tandem cyclisation. The reaction has been further extended to vinylcyclobutane systems and involves a 4+2+1] cascade cyclisation with the same reagents. The versatility of the methodology has been demonstrated by careful choice of VCPs and VCBs to yield bicyclo4.3.0]-, -4.3.1]- and -4.4.0]amidines in enantiomerically pure form. On the basis of the experimental observations and DFT calculations, a reasonable mechanism has been put forth to account for the formation of the products and the observed stereoselectivity. We propose the existence of a p-stabilised homoallylic carbocation at the cyclopropane carbon as the reason for high stereoselectivity. DFT studies at B3LYP/6-311+G** and M06-2X/6-31+G* levels of theory in gas-phase calculations suggest the ring-opening of VCP is initiated at the p-complex stage (between the double bond and Br?X). This can be clearly perceived from the solution-phase (acetonitrile) calculations using the polarisable continuum model (PCM) solvation model, from which the extent of the ring opening of VCP was found to be noticeably high. Studies also show that the formation of zero-bridge bicyclic amidines is favoured over other bridged bicyclic amidines. The energetics of competing reaction pathways is compared to explain the product selectivity.


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Background: Bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella typhimurium can utilize acetate as the sole source of carbon and energy. Acetate kinase (AckA) and phosphotransacetylase (Pta), key enzymes of acetate utilization pathway, regulate flux of metabolites in glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, TCA cycle, glyoxylate bypass and fatty acid metabolism. Results: Here we report kinetic characterization of S. typhimurium AckA (StAckA) and structures of its unliganded (Form-I, 2.70 angstrom resolution) and citrate-bound (Form-II, 1.90 angstrom resolution) forms. The enzyme showed broad substrate specificity with k(cat)/K-m in the order of acetate > propionate > formate. Further, the K-m for acetyl-phosphate was significantly lower than for acetate and the enzyme could catalyze the reverse reaction (i.e. ATP synthesis) more efficiently. ATP and Mg2+ could be substituted by other nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (GTP, UTP and CTP) and divalent cations (Mn2+ and Co2+), respectively. Form-I StAckA represents the first structural report of an unliganded AckA. StAckA protomer consists of two domains with characteristic beta beta beta alpha beta alpha beta alpha topology of ASKHA superfamily of proteins. These domains adopt an intermediate conformation compared to that of open and closed forms of ligand-bound Methanosarcina thermophila AckA (MtAckA). Spectroscopic and structural analyses of StAckA further suggested occurrence of inter-domain motion upon ligand-binding. Unexpectedly, Form-II StAckA structure showed a drastic change in the conformation of residues 230-300 compared to that of Form-I. Further investigation revealed electron density corresponding to a citrate molecule in a pocket located at the dimeric interface of Form-II StAckA. Interestingly, a similar dimeric interface pocket lined with largely conserved residues could be identified in Form-I StAckA as well as in other enzymes homologous to AckA suggesting that ligand binding at this pocket may influence the function of these enzymes. Conclusions: The biochemical and structural characterization of StAckA reported here provides insights into the biochemical specificity, overall fold, thermal stability, molecular basis of ligand binding and inter-domain motion in AckA family of enzymes. Dramatic conformational differences observed between unliganded and citrate-bound forms of StAckA led to identification of a putative ligand-binding pocket at the dimeric interface of StAckA with implications for enzymatic function.


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In this paper, size dependent linear free flexural vibration behavior of functionally graded (FG) nanoplates are investigated using the iso-geometric based finite element method. The field variables are approximated by non-uniform rational B-splines. The nonlocal constitutive relation is based on Eringen's differential form of nonlocal elasticity theory. The material properties are assumed to vary only in the thickness direction and the effective properties for the FG plate are computed using Mori-Tanaka homogenization scheme. The accuracy of the present formulation is demonstrated considering the problems for which solutions are available. A detailed numerical study is carried out to examine the effect of material gradient index, the characteristic internal length, the plate thickness, the plate aspect ratio and the boundary conditions on the global response of the FG nanoplate. From the detailed numerical study it is seen that the fundamental frequency decreases with increasing gradient index and characteristic internal length. (c) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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An acyclic edge coloring of a graph is a proper edge coloring such that there are no bichromatic cycles. The acyclic chromatic index of a graph is the minimum number k such that there is an acyclic edge coloring using k colors and is denoted by a'(G). It was conjectured by Alon, Sudakov and Zaks (and much earlier by Fiamcik) that a'(G) ? ? + 2, where ? = ?(G) denotes the maximum degree of the graph. If every induced subgraph H of G satisfies the condition |E(H)| ? 2|V(H)|-1, we say that the graph G satisfies Property A. In this article, we prove that if G satisfies Property A, then a'(G) ? ? + 3. Triangle-free planar graphs satisfy Property A. We infer that a'(G) ? ? + 3, if G is a triangle-free planar graph. Another class of graph which satisfies Property A is 2-fold graphs (union of two forests). (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Graph Theory


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A simple, rapid, and surfactant-free synthesis of crystalline copper nanostructures has been carried out through microwave irradiation of a solution of copper acetylacetonate in benzyl alcohol. The structures are found to be stable against oxidation in ambient air for several months. High-resolution electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) reveals that the copper samples comprise nanospheres measuring about 150 nm in diameter, each made of copper nanocrystals similar to 7 nm in extension. The nanocrystals are densely packed into spherical aggregates, the driving force being minimization of surface area and surface energy, and are thus immune to oxidation in ambient air. Such aggregates can also be adherently supported on SiO2 and Al2O3 when these substrates are immersed in the irradiated solution. The air-stable copper nanostructures exhibit surface enhanced Raman scattering, as evidenced by the detection of 4-mercaptobenzoic acid at 10(-6) M concentrations.


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This paper reports for the first time synthesis of free standing nano-crystalline copper crystals of a similar to 30-40 nm by ball milling of copper powder at 150 K under Argon atmosphere in a specially designed cryomill. The detailed characterization of these particles using multiple techniques that includes transmission electron microscopy confirms our conclusion. Careful analysis of the chemistry of these particles indicates that these particles are essentially contamination free. Through the analysis of existing models of grain size refinements during ball milling and low temperature deformation, we argue that the suppression of thermal processes and low temperature leads to formation of free nanoparticles as the process of fracture dominates over possible cold welding at low temperatures. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Levy flights can be described using a Fokker-Planck equation, which involves a fractional derivative operator in the position coordinate. Such an operator has its natural expression in the Fourier domain. Starting with this, we show that the solution of the equation can be written as a Hamiltonian path integral. Though this has been realized in the literature, the method has not found applications as the path integral appears difficult to evaluate. We show that a method in which one integrates over the position coordinates first, after which integration is performed over the momentum coordinates, can be used to evaluate several path integrals that are of interest. Using this, we evaluate the propagators for (a) free particle, (b) particle subjected to a linear potential, and (c) harmonic potential. In all the three cases, we have obtained results for both overdamped and underdamped cases. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.061105


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Density-functional calculations are performed to explore the relationship between the work function and Young's modulus of RhSi, and to estimate the p-Schottky-barrier height (SBH) at the Si/RhSi(010) interface. It is shown that the Young's modulus and the workfunction of RhSi satisfy the generic sextic relation, proposed recently for elemental metals. The calculated p-SBH at the Si/RhSi interface is found to differ only by 0.04 eV in opposite limits, viz., no-pinning and strong pinning. We find that the p-SBH is reduced as much as by 0.28 eV due to vacancies at the interface. (C) 2012 American Institute of Physics. http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4761994]