962 resultados para Forced Marriage


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) What are the relations between sociology and the different religions - Christianity with its various branches, Judaism, Islam, Oriental religions, sects and New Religious Movements ? That is the question which this work, - conceived on the occasion of the XXVth Conference of the International Society for the Sociology of Religion/Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR) - wishes to clarify. The book retraces the varied and troubled history of these relations and also reveals how in opening up its research to other religions besides the Christan, sociology is forced to redefine the very object of its field of study. What is the religious? This question, which until recently was considered impertinent, informs this book throughout. If confronts the necessity of rethinking theories and methodological appoaches which, constructed in the context of 19th and early 20th century Western Europe, prove to be rather inadequate for encompassing contemporary religious phenomena and religious manifestations in other contexts. To these new theoretical and methodological demands is added, for the sociologist, a deontological imperative, which takes on all the more importance today as the religious provokes passionate social debate.


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Contexte¦- Les métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires sont parfois difficile à détecter car très polymorphiques et fréquemment irrégulières. Leurs contrastes sur CT scan hépatique sont souvent faibles.¦- Lors d'un diagnostic, le radiologue ne fixe pas sa vision fovéale sur chaque pixel de l'image. Les expériences de psychophysique avec eye-tracker montrent en effet que le radiologue se concentre sur quelques points spécifiques de l'image appelés fixations. Dans ce travail, nous nous intéresserons aux capacités de détection de l'oeil lorsque l'observateur effectue une saccade entre deux points de fixation. Plus particulièrement, nous nous intéresserons à caractériser les capacités de l'oeil à détecter les signaux se trouvant en dehors de sa vision fovéale, dans ce qu'on appelle, la vision périphérique.¦Objectifs¦- Caractériser l'effet de l'excentricité de la vision sur la détectabilité des contrastes dans le cas de métastases hépatiques hypovasculaires.¦- Récolter des données expérimentales en vue de créer un modèle mathématique qui permettra, à terme, de qualifier le système d'imagerie.¦- → objectifs du TM en soit :¦o prendre en main l'eyetracker¦o traduire une problématique médicale en une expérience scientifique reproductible, quantifiable et qualifiable.¦Méthode¦Nous effectuons une expérience 2AFC (2 Alternative Forced-Choice experiment) afin d'estimer la détectabilité du signal. Pour cela, nous forcerons l'observateur à maintenir son point de fixation à un endroit défini et vérifié par l'eye-tracker. La position del'excentricité du signal tumoral généré sur une coupe de CT hépatique sera le paramètre varié. L'observateur se verra présenté tour à tour deux coupes de CT hépatique, l'une comportant le signal tumoral standardisé et l'autre ne comportant pas le signal. L'observateur devra déterminer quelle image contient la pathologie avec la plus grande probabilité.¦- Cette expérience est un modèle simplifié de la réalité. En effet, le radiologue ne fixe pas un seul point lors de sa recherche mais effectue un "scanpath". Une seconde expérience, dite en free search sera effectuée dans la mesure du temps à disposition. Lors de cette expérience, le signal standardisé sera connu de l'observateur et il n'y aura plus de point de fixation forcée. L'eyetracker suivra le scanpath effectué par l'oeil de l'observateur lors de la recherche du signal sur une coupe de CT scan hépatique. L'intérêt de cette expérience réside dans l'observation de la corrélation entre les saccades et la découverte du signal. Elle permet aussi de vérifier les résultats obtenus lors de la première expérience.¦Résultats escomptés¦- Exp1 : Quantifier l'importance de l'excentricité en radiologie et aider à améliorer la performance de recherche.¦- Exp 2 : tester la validité des résultats obtenus par la première expérience.¦Plus value escomptée¦- Récolte de données pour créer un modèle mathématique capable de déterminer la qualité de l'image radiologique.¦- Possibilité d'extension à la recherche dans les trois dimensions du CT scan hépatique.


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Since World War II there have been about fifty episodes of large-scale mass killings of civilians and massive forced displacements. They were usually meticulously planned and independent of military goals. We provide a model where conflict onset, conflict intensity and the decision to commit mass killings are all endogenous, with two main goals: (1) to identify the key variables and situations that make mass killings more likely to occur; and (2) to distinguish conditions under which mass killings and military conflict intensity reinforce each other from situations where they are substitute modes of strategic violence. We predict that mass killings are most likely in societies with large natural resources, significant proportionality constraints for rent sharing, low productivity and low state capacity. Further, massacres are more likely in a civil than in an interstate war, as in the latter group sizes matter less for future rents. In non polarized societies there are asymmetric equilibria with only the larger group wanting to engage in massacres. In such settings the smaller group compensates for this by fighting harder in the first place. In this case we can talk of mass killings and fighting efforts to be substitutes. In contrast, in polarized societies either both or none of the groups can be ready to do mass killings in case of victory. Under the "shadow of mass killings" groups fight harder. Hence, in this case massacres and fighting are complements. We also present novel empirical results on the role of natural resources in mass killings and on what kinds of ethnic groups are most likely to be victimized in massacres and forced resettlements, using group level panel data.


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We study comparative statics of manipulations by women in the men-proposing deferred acceptance mechanism in the two-sided one-to-one marriage market. We prove that if a group of women employs truncation strategies or weakly successfully manipulates, then all other women weakly benefit and all men are weakly harmed. We show that our results do not appropriately generalize to the many-to-one college admissions model.


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La virtualitat de la formulació de la llibertat civil com a principi de l'ordenament civil català és, precisament, que permet projectar-la sobre qualsevol àmbit en el qual el poder de decisió resti en poder dels particulars. Així doncs, el legislador parteix del respecte per a l'autonomia privada com a eina d'autoregulació d'interessos. A Catalunya, el principi de llibertat civil en la regulació de les relacions familiars és més extens que en el Codi Civil, d'acord amb la pròpia tradició jurídica, palesada en tots els textos legals. La llibertat civil té una àmplia projecció en l'organització de les institucions de protecció de la persona. El legislador ha optat per un sistema de familiar, amb la justa intervenció judicial de control (p.ex., la designació voluntària d'òrgans de protecció té caràcter vinculant pel jutge). El principi de llibertat civil es veu enormement enfortit en la futura legislació representada avui per l'encara Avantprojecte de Llei del Llibre segon Codi Civil de Catalunya. L'Avantprojecte també vindrà a reforçar la llibertat dels contraents o cònjuges pel que fa a l'autorregulació de les seves relacions patrimonials intensificant la possibilitat de pactes abdicatius o limitatius dels drets derivats d'una futura ruptura i introduint una regulació al respecte amb atenció als límits que la doctrina i la jurisprudència ha vingut imposant a les experiències pràctiques en aquest àmbit. Les unions estables no es poden sostreure a l'aplicació dels mínims legals: la llibertat de ser només “de fet” pràcticament no existeix. Ens trobem davant una qüestió d'ordre públic perquè és una nova modalitat de família a la que s'ha de dispensar la protecció constitucional (art. 39 CE). La llibertat es limita a escollir entre que el vincle o unió sigui matrimonial o no. L'Avantprojecte incrementa la intervenció de l'Estat: la llibertat es redueix al contingut dels pactes reguladors de la convivència i de la seva crisi.


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The significance of the Brianconnais domain in the Alpine orogen is reviewed in the light of data concerning its collision with the active Adriatic margin and the passive Helvetic margin. The Brianconnais which formerly belonged to the Iberian plate, was located on the northern margin of the Alpine Tethys (Liguro-Piemont ocean) since its opening in the early-Middle Jurassic. Together with the Iberian plate the Brianconnais terrane was separated from the European plate in the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous, following the northern Atlantic, Bay of Biscay, Valais ocean opening. This was accompanied by the onset of subduction along the northern margin of Adria and the closure of the Alpine Tethys. Stratigraphic and metamorphic data regarding this subduction and the geohistory of the Brianconnais allows the scenario of subduction-obduction processes during the Late Cretaceous-early Tertiary in the eastern and western Alps to be specified. HP-LT metamorphism record a long-lasting history of oceanic subduction-accretion, followed in the Middle Eocene by the incorporation of the Brianconnais as an exotic terrane into the accretionary prism. Middle to Late Eocene cooling ages of the Brianconnais basement and the presence of pelagic, anorogenic sedimentation lasting until the Middle Eocene on the Brianconnais preclude any sort of collision before that time between this domain and the active Adria margin or the Helvetic margin. This is confirmed by plate reconstructions constrained by magnetic anomalies in the Atlantic domain. Only a small percentage of the former Brianconnais domain was obducted, most of the crust and lithospheric roots were subducted. This applies also to domains formerly belonging to the southern Alpine Tethys margin (Austroalpine-inner Carpathian domain). It is proposed that there was a single Palaeogene subduction zone responsible for the Alpine orogen formation (from northern Spain to the East Carpathians), with the exception of a short-lived Late Cretaceous partial closure of the Valais ocean. Subduction in the western Tethyan domain originated during the closure of the Meliata ocean during the Jurassic incorporating the Austroalpine-Carpathian domain as terranes during the Cretaceous. The subduction zone propagated into the northern margin of Adria and then to the northern margin of the Iberian plate, where it gave birth to the Pyrenean-Provencal orogenic belt. This implies the absence of a separated Cretaceous subduction zone within the Austro-Carpathian Penninic ocean. Collision of Iberia with Europe forced the subduction to jump to the SE margin of Iberia in the Eocene, creating the Apenninic orogenic wedge and inverting the vergence of subduction from south- to north-directed. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This text aims at showing the history of indigenous peoples’ mobilization in Colombia, the effects that it has brought about on Colombian democracy and political system, and the state’s reactions to their claims and actions. It will show how they have moved from class-based claims to a politics where identity claims have been central in their agenda and part of their strategies to negotiate with the state. It will also show the existing constitutional and legal framework that recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples, despite the context of persecution, murder, and forced displacement.


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OBJECTIVES: Age- and height-adjusted spirometric lung function of South Asian children is lower than those of white children. It is unclear whether this is purely genetic, or partly explained by the environment. In this study, we assessed whether cultural factors, socioeconomic status, intrauterine growth, environmental exposures, or a family and personal history of wheeze contribute to explaining the ethnic differences in spirometric lung function. METHODS: We studied children aged 9 to 14 years from a population-based cohort, including 1088 white children and 275 UK-born South Asians. Log-transformed spirometric data were analyzed using multiple linear regressions, adjusting for anthropometric factors. Five different additional models adjusted for (1) cultural factors, (2) indicators of socioeconomic status, (3) perinatal data reflecting intrauterine growth, (4) environmental exposures, and (5) personal and family history of wheeze. RESULTS: Height- and gender-adjusted forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expired volume in 1 second (FEV1) were lower in South Asian than white children (relative difference -11% and -9% respectively, P < .001), but PEF and FEF50 were similar (P ≥ .5). FEV1/FVC was higher in South Asians (1.8%, P < .001). These differences remained largely unchanged in all 5 alternative models. CONCLUSIONS: Our study confirmed important differences in lung volumes between South Asian and white children. These were not attenuated after adjustment for cultural and socioeconomic factors and intrauterine growth, neither were they explained by differences in environmental exposures nor a personal or family history of wheeze. This suggests that differences in lung function may be mainly genetic in origin. The implication is that ethnicity-specific predicted values remain important specifically for South Asian children.


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Aquest projecte ha servit per (1) establir un treball col·laboratiu entre el professorat que habitualment impartim les assignatures de Didàctica general i atenció a la diversitat i Organització del Centre Escolar; (2) dissenyar conjuntament espais del campus virtual en la plataforma moodle; (3) compartir material i experiències docents fent formació entre iguals; (4) dissenyar i desenvolupar accions didàctiques innovadores per afavorir l'aprenentatge significatiu; (5) prendre posició respecte a l'elaboració dels nous graus de Formació del Professorat i reelaborar els plans docents nous. Les noves titulacions, el disseny per competències, l’EEES ens ha obligat a fer una reflexió sobre la nostra docència, l’educació superior i la formació dels futurs mestres. Aquest projecte ha recolzat la tasca habitual, donant-li una orientació concreta, en ell hem estat implicat un grup important de professors i professores així com d’alumnes perquè s’ha implementat en els 13 grups d’alumnes de Formació del Professorat i en dues assignatures troncals i obligatòries. Per fer seguiment del treball hem analitzat els productes d’aprenentatges, els espais moodle, així mateix hem anat recollint les valoracions dels estudiants fent qüestionaris i grups de discussió. Tot i que el treball desenvolupat es considera positiu, hi ha aspectes per millorar que també es destaquen en l’informe: dificultats per manca de temps, poc reconeixement, necessitat de cohesionar i estabilitzar equips docents, necessitat d’incorporar tècniques especialistes en el disseny d’entorns virtuals d’aprenentatge en els equips docents, entre d’altres. D’altra banda amb l’elaboració dels nous plans d’estudis les assignatures amb les que hem treballat han perdut l’entitat i el pes que tenien per tenir-ne una altra i en des de 2007 fins a ara hem anat perdent professorat estable i incorporant associats. Fets que fan necessari seguir avançant d’altres maneres, per tant finalitzem un projecte, però es necessari replantejar-se un altre.


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This doctoral dissertation aims at describing the representation of holy harlots (Mary Magdalene, Mary of Egypt, Pelagia, Thai's, Afra of Augsburg) in medieval English hagiography. These saints are unique representatives that combine both extremes of the feminine in the medieval imaginaire: she is both, as a saint, the Virgin Mary, the pure and virtuous woman, and, in her past as a prostitute, Eve, the evil female tempter who led all mankind to destruction. The initial question of this thesis is how did hagiographers negotiate the representation of a formerly sinful, sexually active, long- living woman as an authoritative saint? This thesis aims at finding elements of answer to this question, investigating the intersections between gender and authority in the saints' lives of repentant prostitutes in all the vernaculars of medieval England: Old English, Anglo-Norman, and Middle English. It posits that the portrayal of holy harlots' authority and gender is dependent upon social, religious and literary shifts during the medieval period. My contention is that the harlot's gender portrayal changes over the course of the eleventh and twelfth centuries, due notably to the rise of affective piety and the important influence of the romance genre over hagiography. In Anglo-Saxon England, the harlot's gender changes with the saint's conversion: a woman beforehand, her gender is portrayed after her repentance as ambiguous in order for her to become a saint. Her authority derives from her own sanctity in this case. From the twelfth century onward, however, the harlot, now often turned into a beautiful and landed romance lady, is more and more represented as a woman throughout her life, and becomes after her conversion a Bride of Christ. In this way, the dangerously free woman who roamed the streets and prostituted her body becomes less threatening after her conversion, being (re-)inscribed within the male dominated institution of marriage. She now draws her authoritative stance from her gendered intimacy with Christ: although she submits to Christ as his bride, she also gains greater authority than before by way of her privileged relationship with the Savior.


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BACKGROUND: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are frequently malnourished and have increased resting energy expenditure (REE). An increase in the work of breathing is generally considered to be the main cause of this hypermetabolism, but other factors may also be implicated. Bronchodilators may decrease the work of breathing by reducing airway obstruction, but beta 2 adrenergic agents have a thermogenic effect. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of salbutamol and ipratropium bromide administration on REE in patients with COPD. METHODS: Thirteen patients (10 men) of mean (SD) age 68.3 (7.3) years and forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) 39.0 (17.0)% predicted were studied on three consecutive days. The REE was measured by indirect calorimetry at 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes after double blind nebulisation of either salbutamol, ipratropium bromide, or placebo in random order. RESULTS: FEV1 increased both after salbutamol and after ipratropium. The difference in the mean response between salbutamol and placebo over 180 minutes was +199 ml (95% CI +104 to +295). The difference in mean response between ipratropium and placebo was +78 ml (95% CI +2 to +160). REE increased after salbutamol but was not changed after ipratropium. The difference in mean response between salbutamol and placebo was +4.8% of baseline REE (95% CI +2.2 to +7.4). Heart rate increased after salbutamol but not after ipratropium. The difference in the mean response between salbutamol and placebo was +5.5 beats/ min (95% CI +2.6 to +8.4). CONCLUSION: Salbutamol, but not ipratropium bromide, induces a sustained increase in the REE of patients with COPD despite a reduction in airway obstruction.


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This paper presents a review of different methods enabling the monitoring of cerebral function in neonatal and paediatric intensive care. EEG, evoked potentials, conventional radiological studies, computerized tomography, ultrasound, intracranial pressure measurements, nuclear magnetic resonance, Doppler ultrasound, radioisotope studies, angiography, infra-red spectral analysis and last, but not least, clinical examination produce information regarding the neurological state of the patient which must be critically analysed in order to ensure optimal management of the case. Unfortunately, and in spite of impressive progress in non-invasive monitoring of the cerebral function, we are still forced to make important medical and ethical decisions without precise information about the neurological state of our patients.


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Retroelements are important evolutionary forces but can be deleterious if left uncontrolled. Members of the human APOBEC3 family of cytidine deaminases can inhibit a wide range of endogenous, as well as exogenous, retroelements. These enzymes are structurally organized in one or two domains comprising a zinc-coordinating motif. APOBEC3G contains two such domains, only the C terminal of which is endowed with editing activity, while its N-terminal counterpart binds RNA, promotes homo-oligomerization, and is necessary for packaging into human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) virions. Here, we performed a large-scale mutagenesis-based analysis of the APOBEC3G N terminus, testing mutants for (i) inhibition of vif-defective HIV-1 infection and Alu retrotransposition, (ii) RNA binding, and (iii) oligomerization. Furthermore, in the absence of structural information on this domain, we used homology modeling to examine the positions of functionally important residues and of residues found to be under positive selection by phylogenetic analyses of primate APOBEC3G genes. Our results reveal the importance of a predicted RNA binding dimerization interface both for packaging into HIV-1 virions and inhibition of both HIV-1 infection and Alu transposition. We further found that the HIV-1-blocking activity of APOBEC3G N-terminal mutants defective for packaging can be almost entirely rescued if their virion incorporation is forced by fusion with Vpr, indicating that the corresponding region of APOBEC3G plays little role in other aspects of its action against this pathogen. Interestingly, residues forming the APOBEC3G dimer interface are highly conserved, contrasting with the rapid evolution of two neighboring surface-exposed amino acid patches, one targeted by the Vif protein of primate lentiviruses and the other of yet-undefined function.


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Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common disease with increasing prevalence, presenting with impaired walking ability affecting patient's quality of life. PAD epidemiology is known, however, mechanisms underlying functional muscle impairment remain unclear. Using a mouse PAD model, aim of this study was to assess muscle adaptive responses during early (1 week) and late (5 weeks) disease stages. Unilateral hindlimb ischemia was induced in ApoE(-/-) mice by iliac artery ligation. Ischemic limb perfusion and oxygenation (Laser Doppler imaging, transcutaneous oxygen pressure assessments) significantly decreased during early and late stage compared to pre-ischemia, however, values were significantly higher during late versus early phase. Number of arterioles and arteriogenesis-linked gene expression increased at later stage. Walking ability, evaluated by forced and voluntary walking tests, remained significantly decreased both at early and late phase without any significant improvement. Muscle glucose uptake ([18F]fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography) significantly increased during early ischemia decreasing at later stage. Gene expression analysis showed significant shift in muscle M1/M2 macrophages and Th1/Th2 T cells balance toward pro-inflammatory phenotype during early ischemia; later, inflammatory state returned to neutrality. Muscular M1/M2 shift inhibition by a statin prevented impaired walking ability in early ischemia. High-energy phosphate metabolism remained unchanged (31-Phosphorus magnetic resonance spectroscopy). Results show that rapid transient muscular inflammation contributes to impaired walking capacity while increased glucose uptake may be a compensatory mechanisms preserving immediate limb viability during early ischemia in a mouse PAD model. With time, increased ischemic limb perfusion and oxygenation assure muscle viability although not sufficiently to improve walking impairment. Subsequent decreased muscle glucose uptake may partly contribute to chronic walking impairment. Early inflammation inhibition and/or late muscle glucose impairment prevention are promising strategies for PAD management.


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From an anthropological perspective, formal post-secondary schooling is not an abstractentity with an intrinsic value that everyone finds desirable, but rather one alternative among many that young people evaluate from their different positions in the social field. The problem discussed in this paper is the diverging life trajectories that young men and women in a concrete rural context, at the end of the 20th century, shape for themselves at the ages of 14-16, a moment of decision created by national legislation regarding mandatory education (LGE, 1970, General Education Law, and LOGSE, 1990, General Organic Law of the Education System). Despite a strong cultural norm of equal inheritance divided among all children, male and female, and despite the equal educational opportunities provided by the Spanish State, different meanings of possession and use-rights over land and the resulting culturally accepted gendered division of work converge to orient men and women differently towards post-secondary schooling. Observation of the age, gender, and civil status structure of the population led to the preliminary query: Why do men and women, in this town, behave differently with respect to migration and marriage? The main hypothesis was that women’s longer school trajectories and resulting migration and men’s anchoring in the town and their higher rates of celibacy were not drastic changes in values, in the positional-relational sense of Bourdieu (1988, 2002), but the current outcome of previously existing dissimilar relations to property that produce dissimilar mobility. Through their schooling and work choices, young men and women, at very early ages, locate themselves in, or decide to belong to, different contexts that later reveal very different possibilities of finding marriage partners. This paper is based on an ethnographic study of a small rural town (302 inhabitants in 1950; 193 in 2000) near Leon. Although this paper deals with the situation in the final decades of the 20th century, we must also consider the first half of the century, where some elements that shape this situation have their roots. Fieldwork was carried out between 1988 and 2001, in periods of differing length and intensity. The social subjects discussed here are the domestic unit and its component members. They were studied in conjunction, analyzing the life-trajectory decisions of specific persons in the framework of the domestic unit and the relations among people and property which comprise it. The tried-and-true methods of ethnographic research –participant observation, interviews, and life-histories, etc.- were employed. Archival research was also important for producing demographic data. Demographic analysis, the analysis of the composition and transformation of domestic units, and the creation of life trajectories were among the principal techniques used. The theoretical analysis was oriented by Bourdieu’s (2002) framework of the social field, habitus, and difference.