861 resultados para Fiction Authorship
[eng] The group of teaching innovation in the area of Botany (GIBAF), University of Barcelona (UB), is raised each year to design new accreditation activities under continuous evaluation framework. We present the experience carried out during the academic year 2008-09 in the course of Pharmaceutical Botany. The aim has been to involve students for a semester in the authorship of a tutored project immediately useful and of easy permanence, beyond its assessment proving usefulness. The Medicinal Plants Garden of the Monastery of Pedralbes has been used as a resource and a collaboration agreement has been signed between the UB faculty and the Institute of Culture of Barcelona. The students have developed the work using the Moodle platform CampusvirtualUB into five stages which included preparation of files by students that have been modified in some steps following the various feedbacks from teachers. At the beginning of the activity, students were provided with a complete schedule of activities, the schedule for its implementation, and a total of 18 forced-use library resources. Finally, through Google sites, a website has been implemented, allowing for a virtual tour of the garden, documenting by referenced literature 50 medicinal plants for their nomenclature, botanical description, distribution, uses historical, current and future) and toxicity. The result of the activity was presented at a public ceremony in the Monastery of Pedralbes and is available at: http://sites.google.com/site/jardimedievalpedralbes/ [spa] El grupo de innovación docente integrado por profesores del área de Botánica (GIBAF) de la Universidad de Barcelona (UB) se plantea cada curso el diseño de nuevas actividades acreditativas en el marco de la evaluación continuada. Se presenta la experiencia llevada a cabo durante el curso 2008-09 en la asignatura Botánica Farmacéutica. El objetivo ha sido implicar durante un semestre a los estudiantes en la autoría de un proyecto tutorizado de inmediata utilidad y clara perdurabilidad, más allá de su utilidad acreditativa. Como recurso se ha utilizado el Jardín de Plantas Medicinales del Monasterio de Pedralbes y se ha firmado un convenio de colaboración docente entre la UB y el Instituto de Cultura de Barcelona. Los estudiantes han realizado el trabajo utilizando la plataforma Moodle del Campus virtual de la UB en cinco etapas que han incluido la confección de unas fichas que se han ido modificando en función de las diversas retroacciones de los profesores. Al inicio de la actividad, se facilitó a los estudiantes el cronograma completo de la actividad, la pauta para su realización, así como un total de 18 recursos bibliográficos de uso obligado. Finalmente, a través de GoogleSites, se ha realizado una web que permite realizar un paseo virtual por el jardín, documentando de forma referenciada para las 50 plantas medicinales su nomenclatura, descripción botánica, distribución, usos (históricos, actuales y futuros) y toxicidad. El resultado de la actividad fue presentado en un acto público en el Monasterio de Pedralbes y puede consultarse en: http://sites.google.com/site/jardimedievalpedralbes/
The author of this article is concerned with trying to understand why Paloma Díaz-Mas, the writer of such an excellent novel as La tierra fértil (1999), has not received much critical attention. He underlines three main reasons. First, she does not live in Madrid or Barcelona and so she is far away from the main centres of cultural power. Second, she teaches Spanish literature in the Basque Country, a political and linguistic community which significantly differs from that of many other writers. Third, she writes historical novels, which does not appear to be very fashionable in Spain these days. Moreover, Díaz-Mas is a woman writer who does not make use of the most commonly available feminine patterns, and she does not seem to offer a model easy to include in a given feminist methodology either. However, Mérida-Jiménez argues that Paloma provides an intelligent deconstruction of “male authority” through subtle rhetorical means, as well as a representation of the weakness of his “domination” in very innovative ways, such as those derived from the dialectics between history and fiction, centrality and marginality, heterosexuality and homosexuality, individual and society, dream and reason or tradition and modernity.
If the old body is usually read as a synonym of fragility and upcoming illness, even though not the case for most elderly citizens, the reality is that the longer we live, the increased probability of being affected by different illnesses cannot be eluded or denied. In Doris Lessing’s The Diary of a Good Neighbour and Margaret Forster’s Have the Men Had Enough? the reader is invited to participate in the day-to-day routines of two aged female protagonists, as well as to empathize with their inner feelings as they go through their last life stage. In fact, their ‘dys-appearing’ bodies, marked by their respective terminal illnesses, force these characters to grow closer to those around them and to accept the help of their families and friends, despite their desire to keep their free will and independence until the very end. The analysis of the two novels within the framework of ageing studies aims to show the contradictions existing between a growing ageing society and the negative cultural connotations of old age in Western society and the need to revise them.
The passionate and deceptive life stories of the protagonists in Angela Carter’s Wise Children (1990) and Rose Tremain’s The Cupboard (1984), women in their seventies and eighties, are entangled with historical events that influenced England, Europe and the rest of the world. In these novels, Angela Carter and Rose Tremain challenge not only notions of ageing by presenting elder protagonists who are lively and strong, but also the idea of history as unique, true and unquestionable by conferring on them the status of story and historytellers.
The De Dea Syria belongs, in the manuscript tradition, to the corpus of Lucian of Samosata. His authorship, however, has been discussed: while some perceive in it clear non-lucianic elements, others do not find them conclusive proofs, considering the usual evasive character of Lucian. Assuming that his author is actually Lucian -or, in any case, a hellenized Syrian of imperial times-, the analysis of descriptions, narrative, language and narrator-text, give valuable information on fusion and interaction among cultures in the Roman Empire. KEYWORDS: Cultural identity - Religion - Roman Empire - Lucian of Samosata
This thesis is composed of three main parts. The first consists of a state of the art of the different notions that are significant to understand the elements surrounding art authentication in general, and of signatures in particular, and that the author deemed them necessary to fully grasp the microcosm that makes up this particular market. Individuals with a solid knowledge of the art and expertise area, and that are particularly interested in the present study are advised to advance directly to the fourth Chapter. The expertise of the signature, it's reliability, and the factors impacting the expert's conclusions are brought forward. The final aim of the state of the art is to offer a general list of recommendations based on an exhaustive review of the current literature and given in light of all of the exposed issues. These guidelines are specifically formulated for the expertise of signatures on paintings, but can also be applied to wider themes in the area of signature examination. The second part of this thesis covers the experimental stages of the research. It consists of the method developed to authenticate painted signatures on works of art. This method is articulated around several main objectives: defining measurable features on painted signatures and defining their relevance in order to establish the separation capacities between groups of authentic and simulated signatures. For the first time, numerical analyses of painted signatures have been obtained and are used to attribute their authorship to given artists. An in-depth discussion of the developed method constitutes the third and final part of this study. It evaluates the opportunities and constraints when applied by signature and handwriting experts in forensic science. A brief summary covering each chapter allows a rapid overview of the study and summarizes the aims and main themes of each chapter. These outlines presented below summarize the aims and main themes addressed in each chapter. Part I - Theory Chapter 1 exposes legal aspects surrounding the authentication of works of art by art experts. The definition of what is legally authentic, the quality and types of the experts that can express an opinion concerning the authorship of a specific painting, and standard deontological rules are addressed. The practices applied in Switzerland will be specifically dealt with. Chapter 2 presents an overview of the different scientific analyses that can be carried out on paintings (from the canvas to the top coat). Scientific examinations of works of art have become more common, as more and more museums equip themselves with laboratories, thus an understanding of their role in the art authentication process is vital. The added value that a signature expertise can have in comparison to other scientific techniques is also addressed. Chapter 3 provides a historical overview of the signature on paintings throughout the ages, in order to offer the reader an understanding of the origin of the signature on works of art and its evolution through time. An explanation is given on the transitions that the signature went through from the 15th century on and how it progressively took on its widely known modern form. Both this chapter and chapter 2 are presented to show the reader the rich sources of information that can be provided to describe a painting, and how the signature is one of these sources. Chapter 4 focuses on the different hypotheses the FHE must keep in mind when examining a painted signature, since a number of scenarios can be encountered when dealing with signatures on works of art. The different forms of signatures, as well as the variables that may have an influence on the painted signatures, are also presented. Finally, the current state of knowledge of the examination procedure of signatures in forensic science in general, and in particular for painted signatures, is exposed. The state of the art of the assessment of the authorship of signatures on paintings is established and discussed in light of the theoretical facets mentioned previously. Chapter 5 considers key elements that can have an impact on the FHE during his or her2 examinations. This includes a discussion on elements such as the skill, confidence and competence of an expert, as well as the potential bias effects he might encounter. A better understanding of elements surrounding handwriting examinations, to, in turn, better communicate results and conclusions to an audience, is also undertaken. Chapter 6 reviews the judicial acceptance of signature analysis in Courts and closes the state of the art section of this thesis. This chapter brings forward the current issues pertaining to the appreciation of this expertise by the non- forensic community, and will discuss the increasing number of claims of the unscientific nature of signature authentication. The necessity to aim for more scientific, comprehensive and transparent authentication methods will be discussed. The theoretical part of this thesis is concluded by a series of general recommendations for forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science, specifically for the expertise of signatures on paintings. These recommendations stem from the exhaustive review of the literature and the issues exposed from this review and can also be applied to the traditional examination of signatures (on paper). Part II - Experimental part Chapter 7 describes and defines the sampling, extraction and analysis phases of the research. The sampling stage of artists' signatures and their respective simulations are presented, followed by the steps that were undertaken to extract and determine sets of characteristics, specific to each artist, that describe their signatures. The method is based on a study of five artists and a group of individuals acting as forgers for the sake of this study. Finally, the analysis procedure of these characteristics to assess of the strength of evidence, and based on a Bayesian reasoning process, is presented. Chapter 8 outlines the results concerning both the artist and simulation corpuses after their optical observation, followed by the results of the analysis phase of the research. The feature selection process and the likelihood ratio evaluation are the main themes that are addressed. The discrimination power between both corpuses is illustrated through multivariate analysis. Part III - Discussion Chapter 9 discusses the materials, the methods, and the obtained results of the research. The opportunities, but also constraints and limits, of the developed method are exposed. Future works that can be carried out subsequent to the results of the study are also presented. Chapter 10, the last chapter of this thesis, proposes a strategy to incorporate the model developed in the last chapters into the traditional signature expertise procedures. Thus, the strength of this expertise is discussed in conjunction with the traditional conclusions reached by forensic handwriting examiners in forensic science. Finally, this chapter summarizes and advocates a list of formal recommendations for good practices for handwriting examiners. In conclusion, the research highlights the interdisciplinary aspect of signature examination of signatures on paintings. The current state of knowledge of the judicial quality of art experts, along with the scientific and historical analysis of paintings and signatures, are overviewed to give the reader a feel of the different factors that have an impact on this particular subject. The temperamental acceptance of forensic signature analysis in court, also presented in the state of the art, explicitly demonstrates the necessity of a better recognition of signature expertise by courts of law. This general acceptance, however, can only be achieved by producing high quality results through a well-defined examination process. This research offers an original approach to attribute a painted signature to a certain artist: for the first time, a probabilistic model used to measure the discriminative potential between authentic and simulated painted signatures is studied. The opportunities and limits that lie within this method of scientifically establishing the authorship of signatures on works of art are thus presented. In addition, the second key contribution of this work proposes a procedure to combine the developed method into that used traditionally signature experts in forensic science. Such an implementation into the holistic traditional signature examination casework is a large step providing the forensic, judicial and art communities with a solid-based reasoning framework for the examination of signatures on paintings. The framework and preliminary results associated with this research have been published (Montani, 2009a) and presented at international forensic science conferences (Montani, 2009b; Montani, 2012).
Promenons-nous dans les bois = Wanderung ins Holz : Pierre Aubert & Nicole Hametner & Vincent Kohler
La thèse propose une analyse du rôle des objets dans quatre tragédies (Ajax, Trachiniennes, Electre, Philoctèté) et un drame satyrique (Limiers) de Sophocle. Le propos est d'étayer le constat selon lequel les objets ont un rôle prépondérant dans l'économie générale de chacune de ces intrigues et de dégager ce rôle chez cet auteur. L'introduction met en évidence l'émergence du material turn en sciences humaines jusque dans les sciences de l'Antiquité en passant par la littérature et l'anthropologie, souligne le caractère souple et opératoire de la catégorie de l'objet, le lien avec la question du signe et du langage non verbal et relève l'absence d'équivalent en grec ancien pour cette catégorie, avec le problème épistémologique que cela implique pour la présente recherche. L'objet n'est pas abordé ici comme accessoire, mais comme entité participant d'une fiction théâtrale. On distingue les moments où les objets sont susceptibles d'apparaître sur scène des moments où ils apparaissent dans des récits ou des évocations. Dans le monde fictionnel constitué par chaque intrigue, sont envisagés les modes d'apparition textuels et poétiques d'objets intra-fictionnels, dans le cadre du genre théâtral, qui combine discours et actions, avec les décalages et les phénomène de dissimulation et d'ostentation que cela implique. Les métaphores et les images jouent ici un rôle prépondérant. Des analyses circonstanciées en 5 chapitres thématisant les objets et leurs fonctions. Dans I'Ajax, les valeurs liées aux armes, en particulier l'épée d'Hector et le bouclier d'Eurysacès, telles qu'elles apparaissent dans l'épopée, sont transposées dans une logique tragique où le prestige lié à ces armes devient polémique et problématique. Le vêtement sacrificiel des Trachiniennes, auquel répond la figure d'Iole, un personnage largement réifiés, thématise le déséquilibre qui caractérise les relations entre Héraclès et Déjanire, dans le cadre des institutions du mariage et du sacrifice, où s'immisce une dimension sauvage et sournoise. Dans l'Electre, au contexte funéraire et d'appel à la vengeance, auquel renvoie une multitude d'objets (sceptre, hache, lit et autres pièces de mobilier, offrandes, etc.) se superpose une dimension méta-fictionnelle et méta-théâtrale investie par l'urne vide. L'arc du Philoctèté constitue l'enjeu dramatique principal de la tragédie et cristallise un débat polémique de valeurs humaines instables auquel s'oppose une logique divine et collective attachée au passé de l'objet, qui se trouve réorienté vers un avenir glorieux. Un passage par le seul drame satyrique conservé de Sophocle permet de constater que l'objet, une tortue-lyre, possède des caractéristiques similaires transposées dans le contexte satyrique, où l'hybridité, les marqueurs de la civilisation, les attributions des Satyres, mais aussi des traits comiques, jouent un rôle prépondérant. La conclusion tente une synthèse et identifie plusieurs observations transversales : jeux sur la présence et l'absence, décalages entre discours et actions, entre langage verbal et non verbal, modalités d'allusion à des personnages, temporalités et espaces absents, détournement des fonctions d'usage, modalités du don, de l'échange et de la privation, procédures de personnification et de réification, rôle prépondérant dans les modalités de l'accomplissement du destin. A la faveur de l'identification de ces caractéristiques transversales, on tente d'ouvrir le propos sur la question du cadavre, dont le statut semble intermédiaire entre personnage et objet, notamment aussi dans \'Antigone, et la figure d'Oedipe, qui apparaît comme un héros- objet dans les deux tragédies que lui consacre Sophocle, l'Oedipe-roi, et \'Oedipe à Colone.
In this paper, I explore the motif of time travel in science fictional French comics until the eighties. Time travel incorporates a fascinating potential for narrative representation, since moving back in time may multiply timelines, according to the well-known paradox of the grandfather. This virtuality has become very popular in novels and in movies, since In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) and La Jetée (Marker, 1962) until the recent Looper (Johnson, 2012) but it has been rarely represented in French comics before the eighties and the apparition of time paradoxes in series like "Yoko Tsuno" and, mostly, "Valérian agent spatio-temporel". Firstly, many modalities of time travel do not engender time paradoxes, like exploration of prehistoric sanctuaries, imaginary travel, or cryogenic sleep followed by an awakening if a future world with no hope to return in the past. Secondly, time travel has been mostly interpreted as a mere extension of the classic motif of the "extraordinary journey", as exemplified for centuries in fictions by Verne, Mercier, Swift, or Stevenson. Thus, the graphic potential of time travel for the representation of spectacular exotic worlds has predominated in French comic tradition, and this tendency has been encouraged by the dominant mode of publication until the end of the sixties. Indeed, complex scriptwriting involving multiple timelines would not fit the form of a weekly feuilleton addressed to a young audience, because it would be too demanding cognitively speaking. It illustrates also the dominance of graphic concerns over a taste for complex scriptwriting in many comics of this period. Still, the development of time paradoxes in Pierre Christin scriptwriting underlines the potential of the media when it is published in series of albums or in graphic novels. At the same time, Jean-Claude Mézières drawings-featuring spectacular representations of foreign worlds-show that the visual interest of spectacular time travels remains a central issue for this popular graphic medium. Cette étude porte sur le motif du voyage temporel dans la bande dessinée franco-belge de science- fiction jusque dans les années quatre-vingt. Le voyage temporel intègre un potentiel fascinant pour la représentation narrative, étant donné que le retour dans le passé est susceptible d'engendrer des lignes temporelles multiples, selon le paradoxe bien connu du « grand-père ». Cette virtualité est devenue très populaire dans les romans et dans les films, depuis In his Bootstraps (Heinlein, 1941) et La Jetée (Marker, 1962) jusqu'au récent Looper (Johnson, 2012), mais elle a rarement été représentée dans la bande dessinée franco-belge avant les années quatre-vingt et l'apparition de paradoxes temporels dans des séries comme « Yoko Tsuno » et, surtout, « Valérian agent spatio-temporel ». Tout d'abord, de nombreuses modalités du voyage dans le temps n'engendrent aucun paradoxe, par exemple l'exploration de sanctuaires préhistoriques, le voyage illusoire ou le sommeil cryogénique suivi d'un réveil dans le futur, sans espoir de revenir dans le passé. Deuxièmement, le voyage dans le temps a été plus souvent interprété comme une simple extension du motif classique du « voyage extraordinaire », tel qu'on le retrouve, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, les fictions de Verne, Mercier, Swift ou Stevenson. Ainsi, le potentiel graphique du voyage dans le temps pour la représentation de mondes exotiques spectaculaires a prédominé dans la tradition franco-belge et cette tendance a été encouragée par le mode de publication dominant jusqu'à la fin des années soixante. En effet, l'écriture de scénarios complexes impliquant de multiples lignes temporelles ne semble pas adaptée à la forme d'un feuilleton hebdomadaire destiné à un jeune public, parce qu'il aurait été trop exigeant, cognitivement parlant. Cela illustre également la prédominance de préoccupations graphiques sur l'écriture de scénarios complexes dans de nombreuses bandes dessinées de cette période. Pourtant, le développement de paradoxes temporels dans les scénarios de Pierre Christin souligne le potentiel du média quand il est publié en série d'albums ou dans des romans graphiques. Parallèlement, les dessins de Jean-Claude Mézières, qui proposent des représentations spectaculaires de mondes étrangers, montre que l'intérêt visuel du voyage dans le temps demeure une question centrale pour ce média populaire.
Cet article vise à explorer la polyphonie des énoncés littéraires et ses effets sur la lecture. Je tenterai de montrer que cette question ne recouvre pas seulement un problème d'attribution, potentiellement insoluble, mais qu'il engage la question fondamentale de la valeur des énoncés fictionnels, que ces valeurs soient esthétiques ou éthiques, ou qu'il s'agisse de la prétention de la fiction à représenter une « vérité », ou du moins un aspect objectif de la réalité. Pour illustrer mon propos, je me servirai d'un court extrait tiré du roman de Michel Houellebecq, La Carte et le territoire. On verra que cette approche implique non seulement le retour de la figure de l'auteur (notamment à travers la prise en compte de sa posture), mais aussi la confrontation entre des lectures programmées par les textes et des lectures concrètes qui, parfois, et même très souvent, divergent des lectures programmées en amont.
Opinnäytetyöni on monimuototyö, joka koostuu kirjallisesta osasta ja teososasta. Kirjallisessa osassa tutkin fiktioelokuvien alkutekstijaksojen dramaturgisia funktioita ja sen käytön muuttumista tuotannollisten tietojen esittämisestä ensisijaisesti elokuvan emotionaalisen ja kerronnallisen pohjan luomisen välineeksi. Tutkimukseni liikkeellepaneva voima oli tunne, että alkutekstijaksot ovat AV-ilmaisussa tärkeitä, vakiintuneita elementtejä, joita ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu kovin paljon, ainakaan dramaturgiselta kannalta. Alkutekstijaksoista ja elokuvagrafiikasta on kirjoitettu useita kirjoja, mutta ne ovat usein sisällöltään joko teknisiä oppaita tai grafiikoiden visuaaliseen näyttävyyteen keskittyviä kuvakirjoja. Tutkimuksessani pyrin selvittämään alkutekstijaksojen sisäistä logiikkaa käymällä lyhyesti läpi typografian historiaa ja tyylejä sekä elokuvagrafiikan teknistä kehitystä. Tämän jälkeen tutkin kuva-analyysin keinoin pitkien fiktioelokuvien alkutekstijaksoja ja pyrin hahmottamaan mahdollisia vakiintuneita kerronnallisia keinoja tai toistuvia dramaturgisia rakenteita keskittymällä erityisesti alkutekstijaksojen asemaan elokuvan eksposition välineenä. Teososani on 15-minuuttisen Seuraajat-fiktioelokuvan alku- ja lopputekstigrafiikka. Kirjallisessa osassa käyn läpi grafiikan suunnittelu- ja toteutusprosessia, joka alkoi ennen elokuvan kuvauksia ja päättyi leikkausvaiheen jälkeen. Suunnitelmat muuttuivat käytännön syistä huomattavasti prosessin aikana, ja lopputulos on aivan erilainen, kuin mitä alunperin suunniteltiin. Lopuksi pohdin lopputuloksen onnistuneisuutta ja omaa toimintaani työprosessin aikana.