938 resultados para Ferro fundido vermicular


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Las artesanías son la expresión de la cultura, cargadas de identidad y valor simbólico, están relacionadas al desarrollo sustentable porque son la conexión del ser humano con la tierra, la comunidad y el cosmos. Las mutaciones culturales, el desenfreno del consumo y el espíritu capitalista han opacado su presencia. Esta presión industrial y el juego del poder de mercado amenazan a nuestros artesanos y ellos ven como única salida el abandono. Entre la necesidad de permanecer como esencia y la imposición ineludible de la modernización se deben buscar nuevas estrategias: resignificarse, innovar para generar valor y reforzar la identidad, y de esta forma no extinguirse. Este estudio recorre los conceptos de cultura, recoge información relevante de la realidad de los artesanos para así proponer las directrices que permitan reforzar la identidad cultural a través de la innovación de productos artesanales.


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Cecília Donnangelo es sin duda una de las figuras mayores del pensamiento crítico latinoamericano sobre la salud. Reavivar su memoria será siempre importante, pero lo es más ahora que la América Latina atraviesa por una etapa de presión ideológica hacia un neo-funcionalismo, que forma parte del ethos tecnocrático del capitalismo del siglo XXI y que ha invadido lamentablemente también la salud colectiva. El propósito de este breve ensayo es enfocar la importancia de sus esclarecedores argumentos sobre los disensos y paradigmas contrapuestos de la epidemiología, terreno en el que sus preocupaciones coinciden con problemas que varios de nosotros hemos trabajado, en el afán de construir una visión crítica sobre la realidad.


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Presenta las reseñas de los siguientes libros: Germán Ferro Medina (coord.), Árboles ciudadanos en la memoria y en el paisaje de Bogotá, Bogotá, Instituto Distrital de Patrimonio Cultural, 2010, 248 pp. -- Iván Oñate, La nada sagrada, Quito, Mayor Books, 2010, 2a. ed. -- Marcelo Báez, Catador de arenas, Quito, Libresa, 2010, 187 pp. -- Vicente Robalino, El animal de la costumbre, Quito, El Tábano, 2010. -- Carlos Vallejo, Oficio de navegantes Quito, Ministerio de Cultura, 2010, 66 pp. -- Raúl Vallejo, El alma en los labios, Quito, Gobierno de la Provincia de Pichincha, Colección Cochasquí, 2011, 3a. ed., 264 pp. -- Julio Pazos, Escritos de cordel, Quito, El tábano Ediciones, 2011, 77 pp. -- Jorge Aguilar Mora, La bella molinera, Maryland, Ediciones El Juglar, 2011, 48 pp. -- Catalina León Pesántez, El color de la razón, pensamiento crítico en las Américas, Quito, Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar, Sede Ecuador/ Universidad de Cuenca/Corporación Editora Nacional, 2013, 276 pp.


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Los árboles que habitan nuestra ciudad reflejan buena parte de lo que somos. Su presencia, ausencia y disposición nos habla de cómo concebimos, valoramos y utilizamos el espacio en que vivimos y de la manera en que nos relacionamos con la estética y la naturaleza. Al observarlos por la ciudad, encontramos que muchos de ellos reflejan una cultura que privilegia la homogenización, el orden militar y la estética de consumo. Esta tesis investiga la relación del municipio de Quito -y otras entidades estatales- con el arbolado urbano. A partir de esto se perfila cómo la manera de dirigirnos a los árboles refleja y construye algunas de las apreciaciones culturales y estéticas de la ciudad de Quito. El presente trabajo comprende una investigación de base sobre las normativas y políticas públicas en torno al arbolado urbano de Quito, un vistazo al patrimonio natural-cultural que estamos construyendo, y un análisis visual y estético acerca del lugar que ocupa el árbol dentro de la ciudad y los ciudadanos.


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The clustering in time (seriality) of extratropical cyclones is responsible for large cumulative insured losses in western Europe, though surprisingly little scientific attention has been given to this important property. This study investigates and quantifies the seriality of extratropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere using a point-process approach. A possible mechanism for serial clustering is the time-varying effect of the large-scale flow on individual cyclone tracks. Another mechanism is the generation by one parent cyclone of one or more offspring through secondary cyclogenesis. A long cyclone-track database was constructed for extended October March winters from 1950 to 2003 using 6-h analyses of 850-mb relative vorticity derived from the NCEP NCAR reanalysis. A dispersion statistic based on the varianceto- mean ratio of monthly cyclone counts was used as a measure of clustering. It reveals extensive regions of statistically significant clustering in the European exit region of the North Atlantic storm track and over the central North Pacific. Monthly cyclone counts were regressed on time-varying teleconnection indices with a log-linear Poisson model. Five independent teleconnection patterns were found to be significant factors over Europe: the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), the east Atlantic pattern, the Scandinavian pattern, the east Atlantic western Russian pattern, and the polar Eurasian pattern. The NAO alone is not sufficient for explaining the variability of cyclone counts in the North Atlantic region and western Europe. Rate dependence on time-varying teleconnection indices accounts for the variability in monthly cyclone counts, and a cluster process did not need to be invoked.


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The importance of temperature in the determination of the yield of an annual crop (groundnut; Arachis hypogaea L. in India) was assessed. Simulations from a regional climate model (PRECIS) were used with a crop model (GLAM) to examine crop growth under simulated current (1961-1990) and future (2071-2100) climates. Two processes were examined: the response of crop duration to mean temperature and the response of seed-set to extremes of temperature. The relative importance of, and interaction between, these two processes was examined for a number of genotypic characteristics, which were represented by using different values of crop model parameters derived from experiments. The impact of mean and extreme temperatures varied geographically, and depended upon the simulated genotypic properties. High temperature stress was not a major determinant of simulated yields in the current climate, but affected the mean and variability of yield under climate change in two regions which had contrasting statistics of daily maximum temperature. Changes in mean temperature had a similar impact on mean yield to that of high temperature stress in some locations and its effects were more widespread. Where the optimal temperature for development was exceeded, the resulting increase in duration in some simulations fully mitigated the negative impacts of extreme temperatures when sufficient water was available for the extended growing period. For some simulations the reduction in mean yield between the current and future climates was as large as 70%, indicating the importance of genotypic adaptation to changes in both means and extremes of temperature under climate change. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Two new metal-organic based polymeric complexes, [Cu-4(O2CCH2CO2)(4)(L)].7H(2)O (1) and [CO2(O2CCH2CO2)(2)(L)].2H(2)O (2) [L = hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine)], have been synthesized and characterized by X-ray crystal structure determination and magnetic studies. Complex 1 is a 1D coordination polymer comprising a carboxylato, bridged Cu-4 moiety linked by a tetradentate bridging urotropine. Complex 2 is a 3D coordination polymer made of pseudo-two-dimensional layers of Co(II) ions linked by malonate anions in syn-anticonformation which are bridged by bidentate urotropine in trans fashion, Complex 1 crystallizes in the orthothombic system, space group Pmmn, with a = 14,80(2) Angstrom, b = 14.54(2) Angstrom, c = 7.325(10) Angstrom, beta = 90degrees, and Z = 4. Complex 2 crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, space group Imm2, a = 7.584(11) Angstrom, b = 15.80(2) Angstrom, c = 6.939(13) Angstrom, beta = 90.10degrees(1), and Z = 4. Variable temperature (300-2 K) magnetic behavior reveals the existence of ferro- and antiferromagnetic interactions in 1 and only antiferromagnetic interactions in 2. The best fitted parameters for complex 1 are J = 13.5 cm(-1), J = -18.1 cm(-1), and g = 2.14 considering only intra-Cu-4 interactions through carboxylate and urotropine pathways. In case of complex 2, the fit of the magnetic data considering intralayer interaction through carboxylate pathway as well as interlayer interaction via urotropine pathway gave no satisfactory result at this moment using any model known due to considerable orbital contribution of Co(II) ions to the magnetic moment and its complicated structure. Assuming isolated Co(II) ions (without any coupling, J = 0) the shape of the chi(M)T curve fits well with experimental data except at very low temperatures.


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Three new metal-organic polymeric complexes, [Fe(N-3)(2)(bPP)(2)] (1), [Fe(N-3)(2)(bpe)] (2), and [Fe(N-3)(2)(phen)] (3) [bpp = (1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)-propane), bpe = (1,2-bis(4-pyridyl)-ethane), phen = 1,10-phenanthroline], have been synthesized and characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction studies and low-temperature magnetic measurements in the range 300-2 K. Complexes 1 and 2 crystallize in the monoclinic system, space group C2/c, with the following cell parameters: a = 19.355(4) Angstrom, b = 7.076(2) Angstrom, c = 22.549(4) Angstrom, beta = 119.50(3)degrees, Z = 4, and a = 10.007(14) Angstrom, b = 13.789(18) Angstrom, c = 10.377(14) Angstrom, beta = 103.50(1)degrees, Z = 4, respectively. Complex 3 crystallizes in the triclinic system, space group P (1) over bar, with a = 7.155(12) Angstrom, b = 10.066(14) Angstrom, c = 10.508(14) Angstrom, alpha = 109.57(1)degrees, beta = 104.57(1)degrees, gamma = 105.10(1)degrees, and Z = 2. All coordination polymers exhibit octahedral Fe(II) nodes. The structural determination of 1 reveals a parallel interpenetrated structure of 2D layers of (4,4) topology, formed by Fe(II) nodes linked through bpp ligands, while mono-coordinated azide anions are pendant from the corrugated sheet. Complex 2 has a 2D arrangement constructed through 1D double end-to-end azide bridged iron(11) chains interconnected through bpe ligands. Complex 3 shows a polymeric arrangement where the metal ions are interlinked through pairs of end-on and end-to-end azide ligands exhibiting a zigzag arrangement of metals (Fe-Fe-Fe angle of 111.18degrees) and an intermetallic separation of 3.347 Angstrom (through the EO azide) and of 5.229 Angstrom (EE azide). Variable-temperature magnetic susceptibility data suggest that there is no magnetic interaction between the metal centers in 1, whereas in 2 there is an antiferromagnetic interaction through the end-to-end azide bridge. Complex 3 shows ferro- as well as anti-ferromagnetic interactions between the metal centers generated through the alternating end-on and end-to-end azide bridges. Complex I has been modeled using the D parameter (considering distorted octahedral Fe(II) geometry and with any possible J value equal to zero) and complex 2 has been modeled as a one-dimensional system with classical and/or quantum spin where we have used two possible full diagonalization processes: without and with the D parameter, considering the important distortions of the Fe(II) ions. For complex 3, the alternating coupling model impedes a mathematical solution for the modeling as classical spins. With quantum spin, the modeling has been made as in 2.