977 resultados para Faustino, Mário, 1930-1962
From 1933 to 1944, the 21 Regional Offices of Education of the State of São Paulo worked out reports of inventory of the schools of São Paulo inspected in that period of time. At least 68 of those reports have been preserved in the Public Archive of the State of São Paulo. The current paper presents part of that patrimony as an important source of research for the history of education. By dividing that documentation between visual and written sources, the text will focus on the visual sources, and will discuss the methodological difficulties of using this kind of source. Following, will be illustrated part of the visual information that those documents offer to the researchers. The article concludes with a brief sampling of textual information that the reports provide to the historians.
In the first decades of the last century, Brazilian intellectuals played an im- portant role in the new configuration to the country reached. Brazil had then passed by rapid process of moderniza- tion. The educational field was place of contention between different currents of intellectuals. The idea was to create a new society through what is called the New School. In Brazil, unlike in Europe, most of the population had no access to school. Therefore, the New School was not privileged to critique existing school system, but the actual construction of the large Brazilian childhood schooling. Thus, we crea- ted libraries in teaching urban school groups, with the aim of improving the training of primary school teachers in the pedagogical ideas of the New School. This work has for objective to understand the conflicts among Brazi- lian intellectuals on the list of recommended readings for teacher training schools in the first half of the twentieth century. This paper presents an exam- ple of this intellectual dispute through the analysis of a Brazilian school li- brary copy of the 1930s.
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Estudos Literários - FCLAR
"Cornstalk disease" is the name given to the cause or causes of death of cattle allowed to run in fields of standing cornstalks from which the ears have been gathered. It is probable that "many different maladies have been included under this name." In Nebraska, however, there is such a similarity in the symptoms reported by the farmers that it seems probable that the great majority of the losses attributed to cornstalk disease are really due to some common cause. As to the exact nature of this cause nothing is known. However, various theories have been advanced, and methods of prevention or treatment based upon these theories have been described.
The robber fly genus Cnodalomyia Hull, 1962 is a monotypic member of the Asilinae. The type species, C. obtusa Hull, is endemic to Itatiaia, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. A new species, Cnodalomyia catarinensis sp. nov. from southern states of Brazil (Santa Catarina, Parana and Sao Paulo) is herein described and illustrated. Both species are restricted to highland areas of the Atlantic Forest. An identification key to the species is also presented.
Mature larva and pupa of Macrolygistopterus subparallelus Pic are described and compared to known Calochromini immatures. Larvae were collected alive inside dead trunk in the Atlantic Forest at Estacao Biologica de Boraceia, Salesopolis, Sao Paulo, Brazil. They were maintained in laboratory conditions, and the pupal period was 12 days (one observation). The pupa of this genus is described for the first time. This larva differs from known Calochromini larvae mainly because of its almost cylindrical campodeiform body and longer urogomphi.
In Brazil, the newly created Republic expressed interests of the elite increasingly committed to foreign capital. The Rio de Janeiro saw accumulate vast resources in trade and finance, deriving for industrial applications. The city appears as articulator of Brazilian territory and mediation between it and the international market. In the capital of the Republic, the conservative plan would sweep the old city and inaugurate images copied from Europe and installed in the tropics with civilizing purpose. This materialized with infrastructure financing and loans to entrepreneurs in Europe and North America, awarded public service concessions. The project relied on strong support of mayors (members or representatives of the companies involved in the reforms). This work aims to address the relationship between the mayors of Rio de Janeiro during the First Republic and international capital, focusing on strategies for the production of new spaces in motion the modernization of Brazil and its international image.
Studies of electoral fraud tend to focus their analyses only on the pre-electoral or electoral phases. By examining the Brazilian First Republic (1889-1930), this article shifts the focus to a later phase, discussing a particular type of electoral fraud that has been little explored by the literature, namely, that perpetrated by the legislatures themselves during the process of giving final approval to election results. The Brazilian case is interesting because of a practice known as degola ('beheading') whereby electoral results were altered when Congress decided on which deputies to certify as duly elected. This has come to be seen as a widespread and standard practice in this period. However, this article shows that this final phase of rubber-stamping or overturning election results was important not because of the number of degolas, which was actually much lower than the literature would have us believe, but chiefly because of their strategic use during moments of political uncertainty. It argues that the congressional certification of electoral results was deployed as a key tool in ensuring the political stability of the Republican regime in the absence of an electoral court.
Depois das "palavras em liberdade" de Pauliceia desvairada, Mário de Andrade inaugurou, nos anos de 1920, uma nova fase de sua obra literária, que correspondia a uma reorientação do próprio Modernismo brasileiro: a busca da "contribuição milionária de todos os erros" (Oswald de Andrade, "Manifesto Pau Brasil"). Contra as regras da gramática e do discurso letrado, procurava-se imitar a "língua errada do povo". No caso de Mário de Andrade, o desejo de estilizar a fala popular resultou no projeto da Gramatiquinha da Língua Brasileira, que tinha no chamado dialeto caipira uma de suas inspirações. O diálogo com a cultura caipira ocorre em momentos centrais da sua produção literária: Macunaíma, Clã do jabuti, Os contos de Belazarte. Estudando a pintura de Tarsila do Amaral, Mário dirá que a sua brasilidade consiste no "caipirismo" das cores e das formas; algo que também se aplica, e mais radicalmente, à literatura cada vez mais enraizada de Mário de Andrade, na qual os "erros" de linguagem e a presença de personagens caipiras ou selvagens figuram o deslocamento do Brasil e o do próprio escritor em relação ao processo de modernização.
Este artigo analisa repercussões satíricas dos processos de escolarização do social no Brasil, presentes em antigos programas humorísticos de rádio, que, geralmente organizados pelo diálogo entre um professor e seus alunos, foram simultaneamente grandes sucessos em termos de audiência e alvos de uma crítica sistemática por parte daqueles que defendiam a radiodifusão como instrumento de divulgação da "verdadeira" cultura. Por meio do uso de fontes sonoras e impressas, objetiva compreender as razões do sucesso do gênero e, neste percurso, identificar as críticas à escola, à educação e seus sujeitos, que, jocosamente, veicularam, explicitadas em conflitos entre sonoras tradições populares e saberes escolares.
A Psicologia, no Brasil, foi reconhecida legalmente no ano 1962. Contudo, antes desse ano, diversos profissionais já atuavam na área. Carolina Martuscelli Bori tem sido considerada um desses profissionais, e, dentre as contribuições que deu, sua luta para melhorar a formação profissional é uma das mais citadas. Com este trabalho, buscou-se conhecer sua contribuição a partir de artigos que Bori publicou até o ano 1962. A partir de uma busca feita nas revistas Ciência e Cultura, Boletim de Psicologia e Jornal Brasileiro de Psicologia, e no seu currículo Lattes, pela busca na biblioteca da Universidade de São Paulo e em referências de artigos escritos sobre a própria Carolina Bori, 19 artigos foram localizados, dos quais oito foram publicados até 1962. A análise feita permite afirmar que a obra de Carolina Bori apresenta discussões que podem auxiliar na elaboração e no direcionamento de várias questões éticas e acadêmicas atuais, como: a pesquisa experimental em cursos de graduação, a metodologia científica, o desenvolvimento científico e a produção do conhecimento.