995 resultados para Fanconi-anemia
INTRODUCTION Cutaneous candidiasis is a disease that affects children as well as adults. The presentation may be localized or systemic, and with multiple etiological agents. The most prevalent infecting species in children differs from that of the adult. OBJECTIVE A case is presented where a congenital cutaneous candidiasis was transmitted to the child during birth. MATERIALS AND METHODS A full term newborn was exposed to a subclinical vaginal candidiasis infection, and 24 hr after birth, developed congenital cutaneous candidiasis. The etiological agent was Candida albicans, and was associated with sepsis and respiratory distress. Blood cultures, cutaneous biopsy of vesicular lesions, blood tests and lumbar puncture were performed. RESULTS Biochemistry and blood count showed a CRP of 5.7 mg/dl, leukocytosis with left shift and mild anemia. After 24 hr, the blood analyses showed an increase in a CRP (7.8 mg/dl) and increased progressively for three days; consequently, a lumbar puncture was performed. Blood culture was positive for Staphylococcus aureus. Cutaneous biopsy confirmed the cutaneous candidiasis. CONCLUSIONS The early diagnosis is essential to prevent complications derived by the Candida albicans in newborns.
Actuellement, en Suisse, environ 1% des femmes en âge de procréer ont une hépatite B chronique(8). En l'absence de mesures de prévention, le risque de transmission du virus de l'hépatite B, de la mère à son enfant, est estimé à 40%(3,4,5) lors de l'accouchement. Ce risque s'étend bien au-delà de la période péri¬natale. Les enfants infectés dans ces circonstances ont une probabilité de 90% de développer une infection chronique(5,7) et un quart meurent prématurément de cirrhose ou d'hépatocarcinome(2). L'Office fédéral de la santé publique recommande d'effectuer un dépistage anténatal de l'antigène HBsAg lors de toute grossesse(1) et d'effectuer une vaccination passive et active chez tous les enfants naissant d'une mère avec une hépatite B chronique. Cette prophylaxie doit être effectuée comme suit : immunoglobuline spécifique et lere dose de vaccin dans les 12 heures suivant la naissance (en maternité) ; 2eme dose de vaccin à 1 mois, 3eme dose de vaccin à 6 mois et contrôle de la réponse immune entre le 7eme et le 12eme mois (par le médecin traitant). Cette étude vise à évaluer la compliance du système de soins envers ces recommandations qui exigent l'intervention des maternités et des médecins traitants et qui s'étalent dans le temps. Pour ce faire, un recensement rétrospectif des enfants nés de mère avec une hépatite B chronique, en 2005 et 2006 dans 4 maternités vaudoises, a été effectué. Les mesures appliquées par les maternités, les informations transmises aux médecins traitants et les mesures appliquées par ces derniers ont été évaluées. Sur un total de 10'412 parturientes testées, 70 présentent une infection chronique et 51 acceptent le recrutement dans l'étude (représentant un collectif de 54 enfants). En maternité, l'immunisation active et passive est effectuée chez tous les enfants. L'évidence qu'elle est effectuée dans les 12 heures suivant la naissance est fournie dans 61% des cas (mais dans 100% des dossiers dans lequel ce renseignement est consigné). La nécessité de poursuivre la vaccination n'est mentionné au médecin traitant que dans 15% des cas, et dans seulement 11% des cas les modalités du calendrier vaccinal sont précisées. La recommandation d'effectuer un contrôle sérologique n'apparaît dans aucun document de transmission. Chez les médecins traitants, la 2eme dose de vaccin est administrée à 100% des enfants, mais seulement dans 15% des cas dans les délais recommandés. La 3eme dose de vaccination est administrée à 98% des enfants, mais seulement dans 43% des cas dans les délais recommandés. La sérologie de contrôle n'est effectuée que chez 24% des enfants, et seulement dans 7% des cas dans les délais recommandés. Les maternités appliquent les mesures de prophylaxie dans le délai imparti, tout au moins quand l'heure d'intervention est indiquée. Les médecins traitants sont rarement informés de la nécessité de compléter la vaccination et jamais des modalités ni de la nécessité d'effectuer un contrôle sérologique. L'application des mesures de prévention par les médecins traitants est non conforme aux recommandations. Nous émettons l'hypothèse que cet état reflète la carence d'information de la part des maternités et nous proposons que celles-ci utilisent un document de transmission standardisé qui indique précisément aux médecins traitants ce qui reste à faire, et quand, en matière de prévention de l'hépatite B chez le nouveau-né/nourrisson.
Temsirolimus in overtreated metastatic renal cancer with subsequent use of sunitinib: A case report.
During the last decade, we have been developing new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of renal cancer, based on knowledge derived from molecular biology. We report a case of long-term renal metastatic cancer progression despite therapy with sunitinib and interleukin, which are the most active drugs in renal cancer. Disease stabilization for 58 weeks was achieved upon sequential use of temsirolimus, following the occurrence of disease progression during angiogenic therapy. The patient demonstrated excellent tolerance without marked symptoms for 10 months. Hypothyroidism and mumps-related adverse events were present. The survival time from diagnosis to lung metastasis was 8 years. Thus, this case demonstrates promising therapeutic effects of the sequential use of tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) inhibitors during different stages of the disease.
L'année 2007 a été marquée par la publication de plusieurs études internationales concernant directement le quotidien de l'interniste hospitalier. Un résumé de ces travaux ne saurait être qu'un extrait condensé et forcément subjectif d'une croissante et dynamique diversité. Au gré de leurs lectures, de leurs intérêts et de leurs interrogations, les chefs de clinique du Service de médecine interne vous proposent ainsi un parcours original revisitant les thèmes de l'insuffisance cardiaque, du diabète, de l'endocardite, de la BPCO ou de la qualité des soins. Cette variété de sujets illustre à la fois le vaste champ couvert par la médecine interne actuelle, ainsi que les nombreuses incertitudes liées à la pratique médicale moderne basée sur les preuves. In 2007, several international studies brought useful information for the daily work of internists in hospital settings. This summary is of course subjective but reflects the interests and questions of the chief residents of the Department of internal medicine who wrote this article like an original trip in medical literature. This trip will allow you to review some aspects of important fields such as heart failure, diabetes, endocarditis, COPD, and quality of care. Besides the growing diversity of the fields covered by internal medicine, these various topics underline also the uncertainty internists have to face in a practice directed towards evidence.
Measurement of the hepatic oxygenation index by near infrared spectroscopy is a suitable method to estimate the oxygenation and can be a non-invasive means to continuously monitor tissue perfusion and to detect early haemodynamic disturbances in critically ill children.
Since the beginning of the 1990's, a dozen of new anti-epileptic drugs have been on the market or will be soon. This article reviews the daily clinical utilisation of new anti-epileptic drugs. It considers, without being complete, the current opinions and tendencies. The new anti-epileptic substances are generally as efficient as conventional medications. However, they are better tolerated and are more easily used in combination with conventional anti-epileptic drugs. Polytherapy is certainly the form of treatment, which is used in the most cases of resistant epilepsies. The surgical treatment can be used in only a very limited number of cases. The objective of treatment is the complete control of seizures, with minimum secondary effects. Though this objective is rarely reached, the NAE significantly improves the quality of life of patients suffering from severe epilepsy. The utilisation of NAE is not without risk. Increase in the frequency and severity of seizures may occur; we should remember that severe adverse effects appeared in the post-marketing period of the use of Vigabatrine and Felbamate. Therefore, we must remain vigilant in the clinical use of the anti-epileptic drugs.
Perioperative visual loss (PVL) is a very rare and unpredictable complication of surgery performed at distance from the visual pathways, mostly after spine or cardiac procedures. We report 6 consecutive patients with PVL after routine orthopedic procedures (osteosynthesis for complex fracture of the femur [2], total hip arthroplasty [2], hip prosthesis arthroplasty [1], bilateral simultaneous total knee arthroplasty [1]) and reviewed the literature on the subject. An ischemic optic neuropathy was diagnosed in all cases, and visual loss was bilateral in 5 of 6 patients. Partial visual improvement occurred in only 3 of 11 eyes. No specific therapy is available for PVL. Postoperative visual disturbances should prompt without delay an ophthalmic evaluation because emergent correction of anemia, systemic hypotension, or hypovolemia might improve visual prognosis of PVL.
Gangliocytic paragangliomas are rare tumors that almost exclusively occur within the second portion of the duodenum. Although these tumors generally have a benign clinical course, they have the potential to recur or metastasize to regional lymph nodes. The case report presented here describes a 57-year-old female patient with melena, progressive asthenia, anemia, and a mass in the second-third portion of the duodenum that was treated by local excision. The patient was diagnosed with a friable bleeding tumor. The histologic analysis showed that the tumor was a 4 cm gangliocytic paraganglioma without a malignant cell pattern. In the absence of local invasion or distant metastasis, endoscopic resection represents a feasible, curative therapy. Although endoscopic polypectomy is currently considered the treatment of choice, it is not recommended if the size of the tumor is > 3 cm and/or there is active or recent bleeding. Patients diagnosed with a gangliocytic paraganglioma should be closely followed-up for possible local recurrence.
On the basis of MRI examinations in 88 neonates and infants with perinatal asphyxia, we defined 6 different patterns on T2-weighted images: pattern A--scattered hyperintensity of both hemispheres of the telencephalon with blurred border zones between cortex and white matter, indicating diffuse brain injury; pattern B--parasagittal hyperintensity extending into the corona radiata, corresponding to the watershed zones; pattern C--hyper- and hypointense lesions in thalamus and basal ganglia, which relate to haemorrhagic necrosis or iron deposition in these areas; pattern D--periventricular hyperintensity, mainly along the lateral ventricles, i.e. periventricular leukomalacia (PVL), originating from the matrix zone; pattern E--small multifocal lesions varying from hyper--to hypointense, interpreted as necrosis and haemorrhage; pattern F--periventricular centrifugal hypointense stripes in the centrum semiovale and deep white matter of the frontal and occipital lobes. Contrast was effectively inverted on T1-weighted images. Patterns A, B and C were found in 17%, 25% and 37% of patients, and patterns D, E and F in 19%, 17% and 35%, respectively. In 49 patients a combination of patterns was observed, but 30% of the initial images were normal. At follow-up, persistent abnormalities were seen in all children with patterns A and D, but in only 52% of those with pattern C. Myelination was retarded most often in patients with diffuse brain injury and PVL (patterns A and D).
A prospective randomised study was performed on 25 children aged 1.4 to 15.8 years with severe head injury (Glasgow Coma Scale less than or equal to 7) to determine the clinical effectiveness and the impact on endogenous cortisol production of high-dose steroid therapy. Thirteen patients (group 1) received dexamethasone 1 mg/kg/day during the first 3 days and 12 (group 2) not. All patients were treated with a standardized regimen. Urinary free cortisol was measured by radioimmunoassay, and the clinical data were recorded at hourly intervals. Outcome was assessed 6 months later using the Glasgow Outcome Scale. We found a higher frequency of bacterial pneumonias in the dexamethasone-treated patients (7/13 versus 2/12). Group 1 showed a suppression of endogenous cortisol production from day 1 to day 6. In group 2, mean free cortisol was up to 5-fold higher than under basal conditions. The results in group 2 showed that the endogenous steroid production reacts adequately to the stress of severe head injury. It probably is sufficient to elicit maximum glucocorticoid effects. There was no other statistically significant difference in the clinical and laboratory data between the two groups. We conclude that dexamethasone in high doses suppresses endogenous cortisol production up to 6 days and may increase the risk of bacterial infection without affecting the outcome or the clinical and laboratory data.
Introduction: Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) accounts for 6% of all B-cell lymphomas and remains incurable for most patients. Those who relapse after first line therapy or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation have a dismal prognosis with short response duration after salvage therapy. On a molecular level, MCL is characterised by the translocation t[11;14] leading to Cyclin D1 overexpression. Cyclin D1 is downstream of the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase and can be effectively blocked by mTOR inhibitors such as temsirolimus. We set out to define the single agent activity of the orally available mTOR inhibitor everolimus (RAD001) in a prospective, multi-centre trial in patients with relapsed or refractory MCL (NCT00516412). The study was performed in collaboration with the EU-MCL network. Methods: Eligible patients with histologically/cytologically confirmed relapsed (not more than 3 prior lines of systemic treatment) or refractory MCL received everolimus 10 mg orally daily on day 1 - 28 of each cycle (4 weeks) for 6 cycles or until disease progression. The primary endpoint was the best objective response with adverse reactions, time to progression (TTP), time to treatment failure, response duration and molecular response as secondary endpoints. A response rate of 10% was considered uninteresting and, conversely, promising if 30%. The required sample size was 35 pts using the Simon's optimal two-stage design with 90% power and 5% significance. Results: A total of 36 patients with 35 evaluable patients from 19 centers were enrolled between August 2007 and January 2010. The median age was 69.4 years (range 40.1 to 84.9 years), with 22 males and 13 females. Thirty patients presented with relapsed and 5 with refractory MCL with a median of two prior therapies. Treatment was generally well tolerated with anemia (11%), thrombocytopenia (11%), neutropenia (8%), diarrhea (3%) and fatigue (3%) being the most frequent complications of CTC grade III or higher. Eighteen patients received 6 or more cycles of everolimus treatment. The objective response rate was 20% (95% CI: 8-37%) with 2 CR, 5 PR, 17 SD, and 11 PD. At a median follow-up of 6 months, TTP was 5.45 months (95% CI: 2.8-8.2 months) for the entire population and 10.6 months for the 18 patients receiving 6 or more cycles of treatment. Conclusion: This study demonstrates that single agent everolimus 10 mg once daily orally is well tolerated. The null hypothesis of inactivity could be rejected indicating a moderate anti-lymphoma activity in relapsed/refractory MCL. Further studies of either everolimus in combination with chemotherapy or as single agent for maintenance treatment are warranted in MCL.
We report a newborn with respiratory distress and situs inversus totalis. The diagnosis of primary ciliary dyskinesia was confirmed by both ultrastructural and functional investigations. The immotile cilia syndrome was suspected because of respiratory distress, situs inversus, abnormal nasal discharge and hyperinflated chest X-ray. We suggest that ultrastructural and functional investigations of the respiratory mucosa should be done in any newborn with respiratory distress without explanation for the respiratory problems. Establishment of the correct diagnosis at an early stage may allow to improve the prognosis provided prophylactic physiotherapy, vaccinations, and aggressive antibiotic treatment of intercurrent respiratory infections are instituted. CONCLUSION Despite its rarity, primary ciliary dyskinesia should be considered in unexplained cases of neonatal distress.
Background: Isolated complex III deficiencies are caused by mutations in the mitochondrial CytB gene, in the BCS1L gene coding for a CIII assembly factor and in the UQCRQ gene that codes for the ubiquinone binding protein of complex III. Objective: Description of clinical features, mitochondrial function and molecular genetic analysis in a patient with an isolated complex III deficiency. Patient: A 17 year old boy, born to consanguineous parents who presented with hypoglycemia, glycosuria, deafness, growth retardation, Fanconi Syndrome and severe lactic acidosis in the neonatal period. Methods: Activities and assembly of OXPHOS complexes were investigated spectrophotometrically and by BN-PAGE. mt-DNAwas screened for deletions. Cytochrome b (CytB) and the BCS1L gene were sequenced. Results: Isolated complex III deficiency was detected in the patient's skeletal muscle. Using BN-PAGE blotting a complex III of lower molecular weight was detected. Staining the 2D reveals a missing subunit. No mutation was detected in the mitochondrial CytB gene. Sequence analysis of BCS1L revealed a novel homozygous point mutation p.M48V. Conclusion: The patients decreased complex III activity is most likely caused by incomplete assembly of complex III due to the homozygous p. M48V mutation in the BCS1L gene.
In 58 newborn infants a new iridium oxide sensor was evaluated for transcutaneous carbon dioxide (tcPCO2) monitoring at 42 degrees C with a prolonged fixation time of 24 hours. The correlation of tcPCO2 (y; mm Hg) v PaCO2 (x; mm Hg) for 586 paired values was: y = 4.6 + 1.45x; r = .89; syx = 6.1 mm Hg. The correlation was not influenced by the duration of fixation. The transcutaneous sensor detected hypocapnia (PaCO2 less than 35 mm Hg) in 74% and hypercapnia (PCO2 greater than 45 mm Hg) in 74% of all cases. After 24 hours, calibration shifts were less than 4 mm Hg in 90% of the measuring periods. In 86% of the infants, no skin changes were observed; in 12% of infants, there were transitional skin erythemas and in 2% a blister which disappeared without scarring. In newborn infants with normal BPs, continuous tcPCO2 monitoring at 42 degrees C can be extended for as many as 24 hours without loss of reliability or increased risk for skin burns.