946 resultados para Factory and trade waste - Recycling
EU:n jätehierarkia asettaa jätteenkäsittelyssä materiaalien hyötykäytön energiahyötykäytön edelle. EU on asettanut korkeat tavoitteet jätteenkierrätykseen, 50 painoprosenttia kotitalousjätteestä on ohjattava kierrätykseen vuoteen 2020 mennessä. Suomessa kaatopaikoista on pyritty eroon lisäämällä jätteenpolttokapasiteettia. Jätteiden hyödyntämisen osalta tilanne Suomessa on hyvä, mutta kierrätystavoitteiden täyttyminen nykyisillä toimilla vaikuttaa epätodennäköiseltä. Tässä työssä selvitetään mitä mekaanisia jätteen erottelumenetelmiä maailmalla on käytössä ja kuinka tehokkaita ne ovat. Työn tavoitteena on tutkia voitaisiinko kierrätystä Suomessa tehostaa yhdyskuntajätteen mekaanisella käsittelyllä. Kirjallisuusselvityksen lisäksi työssä on simuloitu mekaanisia erotteluketjuja ja verrattu niillä saatuja tuloksia Suomen syntypaikkalajittelun tasoon. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella, mikään yksittäinen mekaaninen erottelumenetelmä ei riittävän tehokas erottelemaan kierrätettäviä materiaaleja yhdyskuntajätteestä. Mekaanisia erottelumenetelmiä tulee yhdistää lajittelulinjastoiksi, joiden optimoiminen on monen tekijän summa. Lajittelulinjaston suunnitteluun vaikuttavat muun muassa lähtömateriaalin laatu ja lopputuotteiden käyttötarkoitukset. Yhdyskuntajätteen sisältämä biojäte likaa herkästi muut jätteet ja vaikeuttaa mekaanisesti eroteltujen jätejakeiden uudelleenkäyttöä. Biojätteen poistaminen muiden jätteiden joukosta olisi ensiarvoisen tärkeää mekaanisen erotuksen tehokkuuden kannalta. Mekaaniset erotteluketjut poistavat tehokkaasti biojätettä ja metalleja, mutta lasin ja kuitujen osalta erotusketjujen tehokkuudet jäävät alhaisiksi. Muovien osalta mekaaninen erottelu voi parhaimmillaan ollaan erittäin tehokasta, toisaalta vaatimukset lähtömateriaalin laadulle ovat suuret. Muovien osalta syntypaikkalajittelun ja mekaanisen erottelun yhtäaikainen tehostaminen voisi tarjota ratkaisun kierrätysasteen nostamiseen.
Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy designs and manufactures waste heat recovery systems utilizing extended surfaces. The waste heat recovery boiler considered in this thesis is a water-tube boiler where exhaust gas is used as the convective heat transfer medium and water or steam flowing inside the tubes is subject to cross-flow. This thesis aims to contribute to the design of waste heat recovery boiler unit by developing a numerical model of the H-type finned tube bundle currently used by Alfa Laval Aalborg Oy to evaluate the gas-side heat transfer performance. The main objective is to identify weaknesses and potential areas of development in the current H-type finned tube design. In addition, numerical simulations for a total of 15 cases with varying geometric parameters are conducted to investigate the heat transfer and pressure drop performance dependent on H-type fin geometry. The investigated geometric parameters include fin width and height, fin spacing, and fin thickness. Comparison between single and double tube type configuration is also conducted. Based on the simulation results, the local heat transfer and flow behaviour of the H-type finned tube is presented including boundary layer development between the fins, the formation of recirculation zone behind the tubes, and the local variations of flow velocity and temperature within the tube bundle and on the fin surface. Moreover, an evaluation of the effects of various fin parameters on heat transfer and pressure drop performance of H-type finned tube bundle has been provided. It was concluded that from the studied parameters fin spacing and fin width had the most significant effect on tube bundle performance and the effect of fin thickness was the least important. Furthermore, the results suggested that the heat transfer performance would increase due to enhanced turbulence if the current double tube configuration is replaced with single tube configuration, but further investigation and experimental measurements are required in order to validate the results.
The impact of a recycled mineral wool filler on the various properties of wood plastic composites was studied and the critical factors affecting the formation of the properties were determined. An estimation of the volume of mineral wool fiber waste generated in the European Union between the years 2010-2020 was presented. Furthermore, the effect of fiber pre-treatment on the properties of the wood plastic composites were studied, and the environmental performance of a wood plastic composite containing recycled mineral fibers was assessed. The results showed that the volumes of construction and demolition waste and new mineral wool produced in the European Union are growing annually, and therefore also the volumes of recycled mineral wool waste generated are increasing. The study showed that the addition of recycled mineral wool into composites can enhance some of the mechanical properties and increase the moisture resistance properties of the composites notably. Recycled mineral wool as a filler in wood plastic composites can also improve the fire resistance properties of composites, but it does not protect the polymer matrix from pyrolysis. Fiber pre-treatment with silane solution improved some of the mechanical properties, but generally the use of maleated polypropylene as the coupling agent led to better mechanical and moisture resistance properties. The environmental performance of recycled mineral wool as the filler in wood plastic composites was superior compared to glass fibers. According to the findings, recycled mineral wool fibers can provide a technically and environmentally viable alternative to the traditional inorganic filler materials used in wood plastic composites.
Toisen jäte on toisen raaka-aine – Kierrätys ja uudelleenvalmistus taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena Väitöskirjatutkimus tarkastelee kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta sekä siihen perustuvaa kierrätysliiketoimintaa taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena. Tässä kestävyys tarkoittaa jätekysymysten ratkaisemista tavalla, joka mahdollistaa kestävän kehityksen periaatteiden mukaisen yhteiskunnan kehittymisen. Jätteisiin liittyvät taloudelliset ja ekolo- giset kysymykset ovat merkittävä yhteiskunnallinen haaste. Tämä luo tarpeen tutkimukselle, jonka lähtökohtana on jätekysymysten moniulotteinen tarkas- telu ja yksittäisen yrityksen toiminnan suhteuttaminen osaksi laajempaa kokonaisuutta. Tässä tutkimuksessa jätteen hyödyntämistä materiaalina lähestytään sekä empiirisesti yrityksen näkökulmasta että teoreettisesti systeemiajattelun tarjoamasta laajemmasta perspektiivistä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on ymmär- tää kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta liiketoimintamahdollisuutena, niiden merkitystä yrityksessä, alueella ja kierrätystaloudessa sekä näiden vuorovai- kutteista suhdetta taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen kestävyyteen nähden. Tutki- muskysymys on tärkeä, koska siihen vastaamalla syvennetään ymmärrystä yrityksissä tapahtuvan kierrätyksen ja uudelleenvalmistuksen merkityksestä kestävämmän yhteiskunnan rakentumisessa. Tutkimuksen teoriaperusta pohjautuu teollisen ekologian kirjallisuuteen ja ekoteollisen kehityksen tutkimukseen. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyden tarkastelu rakentuu tutkimuksessa teollisen ekologian ja ekoteollisen kehityk- sen lähtökohtana olevaan win-win-ajatteluun, jonka mukaan hyvä ympäristö- suorituskyky ja hyvä taloudellinen suorituskyky voivat vahvistaa toisiaan. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan teoreettisessa tarkastelussa keskeisiä elementtejä ovat kierrätystalouden malli, teollisen ekologian alueelliset systeemit, ekoteolliset verkostot ja yrityksen rooli teollista ekologiaa soveltavana toimijana. Tutki- muksen keskeisenä kontribuutiona on yritysnäkökulman integroiminen aiem- paa vahvemmin osaksi teollisen ekologian diskursseja. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan taloudelliseen ja ekologiseen kannattavuuteen ja sen myötä kestävyyteen liittyviä kysymyksiä on lähestytty tekemällä yritys- haastatteluja ja hyödyntämällä valmista haastatteluaineistoa. Tutkimusta varten haastattelin 10 kierrätysliiketoimintaa harjoittavaa yritystä vuosina 2007 ja 2008. Tämän lisäksi tutkimuksessa on hyödynnetty Turun ammatti- korkeakoulun ja Turku Science Parkin toteuttamassa RESU-hankkeessa (Kierrätysliiketoiminta ja resurssitehokkuus Varsinais-Suomen vahvuudeksi – RESU) vuosina 2013 ja 2014 kerättyä aineistoa. Hankkeessa haastateltiin yhteensä 25 jätemateriaalia hyödyntävää ja/tai tuottavaa yritystä. Aineistojen analysointimenetelmänä on sisällönanalyysi. Analyysin tulok- sena muodostettiin yhteensä viisi pääteemaa ja 12 alateemaa. Teemat kuvaavat kierrätysliiketoimintaa aiempaa moniulotteisemmin ja näin syventävät ymmär- rystä ilmiön merkityksestä kestävämmän yhteiskunnan rakentumisessa. Teolli- sen ekologian alaan kuuluvat kvalitatiiviset tutkimukset ovat melko harvinai- sia, joten tämän väitöstutkimuksen ilmeisenä vahvuutena on laadullisen tutkimusmenetelmän hyödyntäminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan todeta, että kierrätystalouden kehittymistä edistävä kierrätysliiketoiminta on monimuotoista ja sisältää erilaisia liiketoi- mintamahdollisuuksia sekä arvoketjuja. Paikallistuntemus ja keskeinen sijainti jätemateriaalien tuottajien suhteen on tärkeä kriteeri kierrätysliiketoiminnassa, mutta jätemateriaaleja myös kuljetetaan pitkiä matkoja. Paikallisia tai alueelli- sia jätevirtoja hyödyntävä kierrätysliiketoiminta voi tukea alueellista kestä- vyyttä, mutta toisinaan myös keskitetty hyödyntäminen voi olla kestävä vaih- toehto. Yhteistyöverkostot ovat tärkeitä jätemateriaalin laadun ja saatavuuden näkökulmasta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kierrätysliiketoimintaa harjoittavat yritykset ovat samalla sekä kierrätystalouden käytännön toimeenpanijoita että uuden toimintakulttuurin luojia. Tutkimuksen tulosten perusteella voidaan esittää johtopäätös, että kierrä- tysliiketoiminta on taloudellisesti ja ekologisesti kannattava liiketoimintamah- dollisuus. Win-win-ratkaisut eivät kuitenkaan takaa kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyttä. Kierrätysliiketoiminnan kestävyyden arvioiminen edellyttää laajaa perspektiiviä ja toiminnan vaikutusten suhteuttamista mittakaavaan, ajalliseen ulottuvuuteen, interventioon ja sosiaalisiin kysymyksiin. Teolliseen ekologiaan perustuva kierrätysliiketoiminta luo mahdollisuuksia edistää kestävyyttä, joten tällä perusteella kierrätystä ja uudelleenvalmistusta voidaan pitää kestävänä liiketoimintamahdollisuutena. Avainsanat: kierrätysliiketoiminta, kierrätys, uudelleenvalmistus, systeemiajattelu, teollinen ekologia, ekoteollinen kehitys, kierrätystalous, win-win-ajattelu, kestävyys One company's waste is another's raw material –Recycling and remanufacturing as an economically and environmentally sustainable business opportunity The thesis investigates whether product recycling and remanufacturing can serve as a business opportunity that is economically and ecologically sustaina- ble. In this effort, my idea is to contribute to solving the waste issue in a manner that makes it possible to strive toward sustainable societal develop- ment. The economic and ecological questions associated with waste flows are a significant challenge. The complexity of the issue requires a multidimen- sional approach in which the operation of an individual company is viewed in the context of the larger societal system. In this thesis waste utilization as a resource with value is considered both from an empirical perspective on the firm as well as from a more general viewpoint offered by systems analysis. The objective of the thesis is to under- stand recycling and remanufacturing as a business opportunity. The thesis considers the meaning of recycling and remanufacturing for a single company, for the region the company is located and for the recycling economy. The objective of this study is important for it enhances the understanding of the product recycling and remanufacturing processes that take place within busi- ness organizations and how these processes affect societal sustainable development. The theoretical basis arises from industrial ecology and from the literature on eco-industrial development. The business-economic win-win situation and this vision serve as the basic position from which recycling business is inves- tigated in the thesis. In the theoretical discussion, key elements are recycling economy model, regional and local industrial ecosystems, eco-industrial networks and the role of a company as an actor that applies industrial ecology in practice. The main contribution of this study lies in integrating the company perspective more strongly into the industrial ecology discourses. The recycling business has been studied by conducting interviews in companies and by secondary analysis of an existing interview material. During 2007 and 2008 I made 10 interviews in companies that are active in recycling business. In addition, I used interview material gathered for the project “Recycling business and resource efficiency as the strength of Southwest Finland” (RESU) by Turku University of Applied Sciences and Turku Science Park during the period 2013–2014. This data covers altogether 25 businesses that either utilize and/or produce waste materials. The data has been analyzed using the content analysis method. This process led to the development of 5 main themes and 12 sub-themes. These themes describe the recycling business multi-dimensionally and thus understanding of the phenomenon and its role in building a sustainable society are substantially deepened in this research. In the field of industrial ecology qualitative studies are relatively rare and therefore the qualitative research approach is an evident strength of the thesis. The results show that the recycling business activity supporting recycling economy has diverse dimensions including various business opportunities and diverse value chains. The results show that for waste producers it is important to know the local situational factors and to have a central geographical location. Waste materials are, however, transported over long distances as well. The study indicates that local waste flow utilization can support regional sustainability, while occasionally a more centralized utilization can be sustain- able. Collaboration networks are important to secure the quality and availabil- ity of utilizable waste materials. The thesis demonstrates that the companies practicing recycling business serve simultaneously as actors that implement recycling economy and enhance a new operation culture within the business community. The overall conclusion of the thesis argues that recycling business is a business opportunity that can support both an economically and environmen- tally viable business operation. However, win-win solutions do not secure the sustainability of recycling business. The sustainability evaluation of recycling business requires a holistic systems perspective. The actions undertaken need to be considered with changing spatial and temporal system boundaries, societal intervention and placed in the context of relevant societal issues. Industrial ecology -based recycling business creates opportunities for sustain- ability and thus recycling and remanufacturing present an opportunity for sustainable business. Keywords: Recycling business; Recycling; Remanufacturing, Systems thinking; Industrial ecology; Eco-industrial development; Recycling Economy; Win-Win thinking; Sustainability
Target of this study was to develop a total cost calculation model to compare all costs from manufacturing and logistics from own factories or from partner factories to global distribution centers in a case company. Especially the total cost calculation model was needed to simulate an own factory utilization effect in the total cost calculation context. This study consist of the theoretical literature review and the empirical case study. This study was completed using the constructive research approach. The result of this study was a new total cost calculation model. The new total cost calculation model includes not only all the costs caused by manufacturing and logistics, but also the relevant capital costs. Using the new total cost calculation model, case company is able to complete the total cost calculations taking into account the own factory utilization effect in different volume situations and volume shares between an own factory and a partner factory.
BACKGROUND: Capillaries function to provide a surface area for nutrient and waste exchange with cells. The capillary supply of skeletal muscle is highly organized, and therefore, represents an excellent choice to study factors regulating diffusion. Muscle is comprised of three specific fibre types, each with specific contractile and metabolic characteristics, which influence the capillary supply of a given muscle; in addition, both environmental and genetic factors influence the capillary supply, including aging, physical training, and various disease processes. OBJECTIVE: The present study was undertaken to develop and assess the functionality of a data base, from which virtual experiments can be conducted on the capillary supply of human muscle, and the adaptations of the capillary bed in muscle to various perturbations. METHODS: To create the database, an extensive search of the literature was conducted using various search engines, and the three key words - "capillary, muscle, and human". This search yielded 169 papers from which the data for the 46 variables on the capillary supply and fibre characteristics of muscle were extracted for inclusion in the database. A series of statistical analyses (ANOVA) were done on the capillary database to examine differences in skeletal muscle capillarization and fibre characteristics between young and old individuals, between healthy and diseased individuals, and between untrained, endurance trained, endurance welltrained, and resistance trained individuals, using SAS. RESULTS: There was a significantly higher capillarization in the young compared to the old individuals, in the healthy compared to the diseased individuals, and in the endurance-trained and endurance well-trained compared to the untrained individuals. CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study support the conclusion that the capillary supply of skeletal muscle is closely regulated by factors aimed at optimizing oxygen and nutrient supply and/or waste removal in response to changes in muscle mass and/or metabolic activity.
The water quality and fish populations of the Welland River were observed to decline with distance downstream. This coincided with increased agricultural , domestic and industrial waste loadings. The river upstream of the City of Welland received considerable loadings from agricultural sources. Centrarchids, sciaenids, ictalurids, cyprinids and esocids characterized this upper section of the river. Most of these species were tolerant of low dissolved oxygen concentrations and the high turbidity which prevailed there . The river near Port Robinson receives many industrial and domestic wastes as evidenced by the water quality data. The fish in this section were less abundant and the observed population was comprised almost solely of cyprinids. Further downstream, near Montrose, the Welland River received shock loads of chemical wastes that exceeded a specific conductance of ISiOOO ;umhos/cm. Few fish were captured at this site and those that were captured were considered to be transients. A review of the literature revealed that none of the common indices of water quality in use today could adequately predict the observed distributions. In addition to the above, the long-term trend (l3 yrs) of water quality of the lower Welland River revealed a gradual improvement. The major factor thought to be responsible for this improvement was the operation of the Welland Sewage Treatment Plant. The construction of the New Welland Ship Canal coincided with large fluctuations of the total solids and other parameters downstream. These conditions prevailed for a maximum of three years (1972- 1975)' Furthermore, spawning times and temperatures, geographic distributions, length-weight regressions and many other descriptive aspects of the ecology of some 26 species/ taxa of fish were obtained. Several of these species are rare or new to southern Ontario.
Metal Music as Critical Dystopia: Humans, Technology and the Future in 1990s Science Fiction Metal seeks to demonstrate that the dystopian elements in metal music are not merely or necessarily a sonic celebration of disaster. Rather, metal music's fascination with dystopian imagery is often critical in intent, borrowing themes and imagery from other literary and cinematic traditions in an effort to express a form of social commentary. The artists and musical works examined in this thesis maintain strong ties with the science fiction genre, in particular, and tum to science fiction conventions in order to examine the long-term implications of humanity's complex relationship with advanced technology. Situating metal's engagements with science fiction in relation to a broader practice of blending science fiction and popular music and to the technophobic tradition in writing and film, this thesis analyzes the works of two science fiction metal bands, VOlvod and Fear Factory, and provides close readings of four futuristic albums from the mid to late 1990s that address humanity's relationship with advanced technology in musical and visual imagery as well as lyrics. These recorded texts, described here as cyber metal for their preoccupation with technology in subject matter and in sound, represent prime examples of the critical dystopia in metal music. While these albums identify contemporary problems as the root bf devastation yet to come, their musical narratives leave room for the possibility of hope , allowing for the chance that dystopia is not our inevitable future.
‘The Father of Canadian Transportation’ is a term commonly associated with William Hamilton Merritt. Although he is most known for being one of the driving forces behind the building of the first Welland Canal, he was many things throughout his life; a soldier, merchant, promoter, entrepreneur and politician to name a few. Born on July 3, 1793 at Bedford, Westchester County, N.Y. to Thomas Merritt and Mary Hamilton, Merritt’s family relocated to Canada shortly after in 1796. The move came after Merritt’s father petitioned John Graves Simcoe for land in Upper Canada after serving under him in the Queen’s Rangers during the American Revolution. The family quickly settled into their life at Twelve Mile Creek in St. Catharines. Merritt’s father became sheriff of Lincoln County in 1803 while Merritt began his education in mathematics and surveying. After some brief travel and further education Merritt returned to Lincoln County, in 1809 to help farm his father’s land and open a general store. While a farmer and merchant, Merritt turned his attention to military endeavours. A short time after being commissioned as a Lieutenant in the Lincoln militia, the War of 1812 broke out. Fulfilling his duty, Merritt fought in the Battle of Queenston Heights in October of 1812, and numerous small battles until the Battle of Lundy’s Lane in July 1814. It was here that Merritt was captured and held in Cheshire, Massachusetts until the war ended. Arriving back in the St. Catharines area upon his release, Merritt returned to being a merchant, as well as becoming a surveyor and mill owner. Some historians hypothesize that the need to draw water to his mill was how the idea of the Welland Canals was born. Beginning with a plan to connect the Welland River with the Twelve mile creek quickly developed into a connection between the Lakes Erie and Ontario. Its main purpose was to improve the St. Lawrence transportation system and provide a convenient way to transport goods without having to go through the Niagara Falls portage. The plan was set in motion in 1818, but most living in Queenston and Niagara were not happy with it as it would drive business away from them. Along with the opposition came financial and political restraints. Despite these factors Merritt pushed on and the Welland Canal Company was chartered by the Upper Canadian Assembly on January 19, 1824. The first sod was turned on November 30, 1824 almost a year after the initial chartering. Many difficulties arose during the building of the canal including financial, physical, and geographic restrictions. Despite the difficulties two schooners passed through the canal on November 30, 1829. Throughout the next four years continual work was done on the canal as it expended and was modified to better accommodate large ships. After his canal was underway Merritt took a more active role in the political arena, where he served in various positions throughout Upper Canada. In 1851, Merritt withdrew from the Executive Council for numerous reasons, one of which being that pubic interest had diverted from the canals to railways. Merritt tried his hand at other public works outside transportation and trade. He looked into building a lunatic asylum, worked on behalf of War of 1812 veterans, aided in building Brock’s monument, established schools, aided refugee slaves from the U.S. and tried to establish a National Archives among many other feats. He was described by some as having “policy too liberal – conceptions too vast – views too comprehensive to be comprehensible by all”, but he still made a great difference in the society in which he lived. After his great contributions, Merritt died aboard a ship in the Cornwall canal on July 5, 1862. Dictionary of Canadian Biography Online http://www.biographi.ca/EN/ShowBio.asp?BioId=38719 retrieved October 2006 Today numerous groups carry on the legacy of Merritt and the canals both in the past and present. One such group is the Welland Canals Foundation. They describe themselves as: “. . . a volunteer organization which strives to promote the importance of the present and past Welland Canals, and to preserve their history and heritage. The Foundation began in 1980 and carries on events like William Hamilton Merritt Day. The group has strongly supported the Welland Canals Parkway initiative and numerous other activities”. The Welland Canals Foundation does not work alone. They have help from other local groups such as the St. Catharines Historical Society. The Society’s main objective is to increase knowledge and appreciation of the historical aspects of St. Catharines and vicinity, such as the Welland Canals. http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/dec2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006 http://www.niagara.com/~dmdorey/hssc/feb2000.html - retrieved Oct. 2006
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Grantham Township between the Town of St. Catharines and Merritton. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 9 and 10, waste weirs, the towing path, a 2nd towing path, and the Canal waterway itself. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include roads (ex. Road to Centreville), hydraulic race, and the Centreville Mill. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 8 Lots 12 and 12, Lewis Traver, Richard Ash, John Bradley, Owen Clifford, Orson Phelps, C. Bradley, the W. C. Loan Company, and T. Towers Mill Lot.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the Grantham Township between the Town of St. Catharines and Merritton. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 8, 9, and 10, waste weirs, the towing path, and several floating bridges. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Several stones and tree stumps likely used in the measurements are identified on the map. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads(ex. Macadamized Road to Thorold), J. Hamilton's Hotel, a school house, McCoy's Farm House, Bradley's House, O. Phelps Saw Mill, Disher and Hait's Woolen Mill, Centreville Mills, a bridge, several barns, and a number of structures (possibly houses, cabins, or shops) belonging to: P. McCoy, E. McLachlan, T. Wilson, W. Wilson, M. Bradley, S. Bradley, P. Boyle, J. Bradley, E. Grant, and W. Church. Lock 12 and 15 of the original canal are also identified. Properties and property owners of note are: Concession 8 Lots 12, 13 and 14, O. J. Phelps, P. McCoy, A. Bradley, C. Bradley, T. Reed, O. Clifford, J. Bradley, W. C. Loan Company, Duffin, and T. Towers Mill Lot.
Survey map of the Second Welland Canal created by the Welland Canal Company showing the canal as it passes through the Village of Thorold. Identified structures associated with the Canal include Locks 23, 24, and 25, a Guard Gate, Lock House Lot, the Little Deep Cut, and the towing path. The surveyors' measurements and notes can be seen in red and black ink and pencil. Local area landmarks are also identified and include streets and roads(ex. Pine Street and Front Street), a basin, a mill race, McPherson and Wier's Grist Mill, Brown and Ross Flouring Mill, R. James Store, J. Brown Cement Mill, W. B. Hendershots Store, Keefers Mill, J. Woodward Grist Mill, Brierly McWhirter and Co. Cotton Mill, E. W. Stephenson Tavern, a factory and a saw mill on W. H. Ward's property, a flouring mill, engine house, a store house, several barns, J. Brown's Wharf, and a number of structures belonging to: Jenkinson, Mrs. McCarty, John Clay, M. McDonnah, Mrs. Donahoc, W. B. Hendershott, Mrs. Pawling, and Christy. Properties and property owners of note are: Lots 8, 9, 16, and 17, W. H. Ward, J. Keefer, G. Keefer Jr., G. Keefer Sr., Dr. Rolls, W. Hendershott, Cleveland, Lucy, and R. Leeper.
Chart of land drainage for the Welland Canal final estimate of work done on sections no.1, 2 and 3 on the road below lock no. 2 leading to Port Dalhousie. Work commenced Nov. 1846 and finished July 1847. Road work and the waste weir no.1 to Port Dalhousie work commenced Aug. 1847 and finished Sept. 1847, Nov.1, 1847.
Les écologistes reconnaissent depuis longtemps que les organismes sont soutenus par le flux, l’emmagasinage et le renouvellement d’énergie et de matériel de l’écosystème, puisqu’ils sont nécessaires au métabolisme biologique et à la construction de biomasse. L’importance des organismes dans la régularisation des processus écosystémiques est maintenant de plus en plus considérée. Situé au centre des chaînes trophiques aquatiques, le zooplancton influence les flux d’énergie et de matériel dans les écosystèmes. Plusieurs de leurs caractéristiques sont connues comme étant de bons indicateurs de leur effet sur l’environnement, notamment leur taille, contenu corporel et taux métabolique. La plupart de ces caractéristiques peuvent être appelées « traits fonctionnels ». Alors que l’emploi des traits devient de plus en plus populaire en écologie des communautés aquatiques, peu ont su utiliser cette approche afin de concrètement lier la structure des communautés zooplanctoniques aux processus écosystémiques. Dans cette étude, nous avons colligé les données provenant d’une grande variété de littérature afin de construire une base de données sur les traits du zooplancton crustacé contribuant directement ou indirectement aux flux de C, N et P dans les écosystèmes. Notre méta-analyse a permis d’assembler plus de 9000 observations sur 287 espèces et d’identifier par le fait même ce qu’il manque à nos connaissances. Nous avons examiné une série de corrélations croisées entre 16 traits, dont 35 étaient significatives, et avons exploré les relations entre les unités taxonomiques de même qu’entre les espèces marines et d’eaux douces. Notre synthèse a entre autres révélé des patrons significativement différents entre le zooplancton marin et dulcicole quant à leur taux de respiration et leur allométrie (masse vs. longueur corporelle). Nous proposons de plus une nouvelle classification de traits liant les fonctions des organismes à celles de l’écosystème. Notre but est d’offrir une base de données sur les traits du zooplancton, des outils afin de mieux lier les organismes aux processus écosystémiques et de stimuler la recherche de patrons généraux et de compromis entre les traits.
Les questions abordées dans les deux premiers articles de ma thèse cherchent à comprendre les facteurs économiques qui affectent la structure à terme des taux d'intérêt et la prime de risque. Je construis des modèles non linéaires d'équilibre général en y intégrant des obligations de différentes échéances. Spécifiquement, le premier article a pour objectif de comprendre la relation entre les facteurs macroéconomiques et le niveau de prime de risque dans un cadre Néo-keynésien d'équilibre général avec incertitude. L'incertitude dans le modèle provient de trois sources : les chocs de productivité, les chocs monétaires et les chocs de préférences. Le modèle comporte deux types de rigidités réelles à savoir la formation des habitudes dans les préférences et les coûts d'ajustement du stock de capital. Le modèle est résolu par la méthode des perturbations à l'ordre deux et calibré à l'économie américaine. Puisque la prime de risque est par nature une compensation pour le risque, l'approximation d'ordre deux implique que la prime de risque est une combinaison linéaire des volatilités des trois chocs. Les résultats montrent qu'avec les paramètres calibrés, les chocs réels (productivité et préférences) jouent un rôle plus important dans la détermination du niveau de la prime de risque relativement aux chocs monétaires. Je montre que contrairement aux travaux précédents (dans lesquels le capital de production est fixe), l'effet du paramètre de la formation des habitudes sur la prime de risque dépend du degré des coûts d'ajustement du capital. Lorsque les coûts d'ajustement du capital sont élevés au point que le stock de capital est fixe à l'équilibre, une augmentation du paramètre de formation des habitudes entraine une augmentation de la prime de risque. Par contre, lorsque les agents peuvent librement ajuster le stock de capital sans coûts, l'effet du paramètre de la formation des habitudes sur la prime de risque est négligeable. Ce résultat s'explique par le fait que lorsque le stock de capital peut être ajusté sans coûts, cela ouvre un canal additionnel de lissage de consommation pour les agents. Par conséquent, l'effet de la formation des habitudes sur la prime de risque est amoindri. En outre, les résultats montrent que la façon dont la banque centrale conduit sa politique monétaire a un effet sur la prime de risque. Plus la banque centrale est agressive vis-à-vis de l'inflation, plus la prime de risque diminue et vice versa. Cela est due au fait que lorsque la banque centrale combat l'inflation cela entraine une baisse de la variance de l'inflation. Par suite, la prime de risque due au risque d'inflation diminue. Dans le deuxième article, je fais une extension du premier article en utilisant des préférences récursives de type Epstein -- Zin et en permettant aux volatilités conditionnelles des chocs de varier avec le temps. L'emploi de ce cadre est motivé par deux raisons. D'abord des études récentes (Doh, 2010, Rudebusch and Swanson, 2012) ont montré que ces préférences sont appropriées pour l'analyse du prix des actifs dans les modèles d'équilibre général. Ensuite, l'hétéroscedasticité est une caractéristique courante des données économiques et financières. Cela implique que contrairement au premier article, l'incertitude varie dans le temps. Le cadre dans cet article est donc plus général et plus réaliste que celui du premier article. L'objectif principal de cet article est d'examiner l'impact des chocs de volatilités conditionnelles sur le niveau et la dynamique des taux d'intérêt et de la prime de risque. Puisque la prime de risque est constante a l'approximation d'ordre deux, le modèle est résolu par la méthode des perturbations avec une approximation d'ordre trois. Ainsi on obtient une prime de risque qui varie dans le temps. L'avantage d'introduire des chocs de volatilités conditionnelles est que cela induit des variables d'état supplémentaires qui apportent une contribution additionnelle à la dynamique de la prime de risque. Je montre que l'approximation d'ordre trois implique que les primes de risque ont une représentation de type ARCH-M (Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticty in Mean) comme celui introduit par Engle, Lilien et Robins (1987). La différence est que dans ce modèle les paramètres sont structurels et les volatilités sont des volatilités conditionnelles de chocs économiques et non celles des variables elles-mêmes. J'estime les paramètres du modèle par la méthode des moments simulés (SMM) en utilisant des données de l'économie américaine. Les résultats de l'estimation montrent qu'il y a une évidence de volatilité stochastique dans les trois chocs. De plus, la contribution des volatilités conditionnelles des chocs au niveau et à la dynamique de la prime de risque est significative. En particulier, les effets des volatilités conditionnelles des chocs de productivité et de préférences sont significatifs. La volatilité conditionnelle du choc de productivité contribue positivement aux moyennes et aux écart-types des primes de risque. Ces contributions varient avec la maturité des bonds. La volatilité conditionnelle du choc de préférences quant à elle contribue négativement aux moyennes et positivement aux variances des primes de risque. Quant au choc de volatilité de la politique monétaire, son impact sur les primes de risque est négligeable. Le troisième article (coécrit avec Eric Schaling, Alain Kabundi, révisé et resoumis au journal of Economic Modelling) traite de l'hétérogénéité dans la formation des attentes d'inflation de divers groupes économiques et de leur impact sur la politique monétaire en Afrique du sud. La question principale est d'examiner si différents groupes d'agents économiques forment leurs attentes d'inflation de la même façon et s'ils perçoivent de la même façon la politique monétaire de la banque centrale (South African Reserve Bank). Ainsi on spécifie un modèle de prédiction d'inflation qui nous permet de tester l'arrimage des attentes d'inflation à la bande d'inflation cible (3% - 6%) de la banque centrale. Les données utilisées sont des données d'enquête réalisée par la banque centrale auprès de trois groupes d'agents : les analystes financiers, les firmes et les syndicats. On exploite donc la structure de panel des données pour tester l'hétérogénéité dans les attentes d'inflation et déduire leur perception de la politique monétaire. Les résultats montrent qu'il y a évidence d'hétérogénéité dans la manière dont les différents groupes forment leurs attentes. Les attentes des analystes financiers sont arrimées à la bande d'inflation cible alors que celles des firmes et des syndicats ne sont pas arrimées. En effet, les firmes et les syndicats accordent un poids significatif à l'inflation retardée d'une période et leurs prédictions varient avec l'inflation réalisée (retardée). Ce qui dénote un manque de crédibilité parfaite de la banque centrale au vu de ces agents.