834 resultados para FAMILY HEALTH PROGRAM


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OBJETIVO: este trabalho buscou analisar as percepções quanto à satisfação e expectativas dos usuários dos serviços de saúde de um território atendido pela Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF), do município de Bauru, Estado de São Paulo, e assim, promover um direcionamento no acolhimento e atenção dada aos indivíduos ali atendidos. MÉTODO: trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que utilizou a análise do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Fizeram parte da pesquisa 10 usuários da ESF selecionados por meio de amostragem oportunista. Foi utilizado um questionário semi-estruturado e as entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio para posterior análise do discurso. A referida pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) da FOB/USP bem como pela Secretaria Municipal de Saúde, sob protocolo numero 167/2009.Para aprovação neste CEP, a pesquisa contou com o cadastro no Conselho Nacional de Saúde (CONEP), via Sistema Nacional de Ética em Pesquisa (SISNEP) RESULTADOS: verificou-se com os resultados obtidos que os usuários estão satisfeitos com o atendimento recebido. Além disso, notou-se a presença da participação popular quanto à divisão de responsabilidades no cuidado à saúde. No entanto, apresentaram queixas quanto à lentidão no referenciamento para a média e a alta complexidade. CONCLUSÃO: a Fonoaudiologia concentra parte das suas atividades na média e alta complexidade, níveis citados como insatisfação do usuário. Assim sendo, sugere-se o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa em locais cuja atuação fonoaudiológica esteja presente.


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From the moment of their birth, a person's life is determined by their sex. Ms. Goroshko wants to know why this difference is so striking, why society is so concerned to sustain it, and how it is able to persist even when certain national or behavioural stereotypes are erased between people. She is convinced of the existence of not only social, but biological differences between men and women, and set herself the task, in a manuscript totalling 126 pages, written in Ukrainian and including extensive illustrations, of analysing these distinctions as they are manifested in language. She points out that, even before 1900, certain stylistic differences between the ways that men and women speak had been noted. Since then it has become possible, for instance in the case of Japanese, to point to examples of male and female sub-languages. In general, one can single out the following characteristics. Males tend to write with less fluency, to refer to events in a verb-phrase, to be time-oriented, to involve themselves more in their references to events, to locate events in their personal sphere of activity, and to refer less to others. Therefore, concludes Ms Goroshko, the male is shown to be more active, more ego-involved in what he does, and less concerned about others. Women, in contrast, were more fluent, referred to events in a noun-phrase, were less time-oriented, tended to be less involved in their event-references, locate events within their interactive community and refer more to others. They spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing, men, and other women. As regards discourse strategies, Ms Goroshko notes the following. Men more often begin a conversation, they make more utterances, these utterances are longer, they make more assertions, speak less carefully, generally determine the topic of conversation, speak more impersonally, use more vulgar expressions, and use fewer diminutives and more imperatives. Women's speech strategies, apart from being the opposite of those enumerated above, also contain more euphemisms, polite forms, apologies, laughter and crying. All of the above leads Ms. Goroshko to conclude that the differences between male and female speech forms are more striking than the similarities. Furthermore she is convinced that the biological divergence between the sexes is what generates the verbal divergence, and that social factors can only intensify or diminish the differentiation in verbal behaviour established by the sex of a person. Bearing all this in mind, Ms Goroshko set out to construct a grammar of male and female styles of speaking within Russian. One of her most important research tools was a certain type of free association test. She took a list comprising twelve stimuli (to love, to have, to speak, to fuck, a man, a woman, a child, the sky, a prayer, green, beautiful) and gave it to a group of participants specially selected, according to a preliminary psychological testing, for the high levels of masculinity or femininity they displayed. Preliminary responses revealed that the female reactions were more diverse than the male ones, there were more sentences and word combinations in the female reactions, men gave more negative responses to the stimulus and sometimes didn't want to react at all, women reacted more to adjectives and men to nouns, and that, surprisingly, women coloured more negatively their reactions to the words man, to love and a child (Ms. Goroshko is inclined to attribute this to the present economic situation in Russia). Another test performed by Ms. Goroshko was the so-called "defective text" developed by A.A. Brudny. All participants were distributed with packets of complete sentences, which had been taken from a text and then mixed at random. The task was to reconstruct the original text. There were three types of test, the first descriptive, the second narrative, and the third logical. Ms. Goroshko created computer programmes to analyse the results. She found that none of the reconstructed texts was coincident with the original, differing both from the original text and amongst themselves and that there were many more disparities in the male than the female texts. In the descriptive and logical texts the differences manifested themselves more clearly in the male texts, and in the narrative texts in the female texts. The widest dispersal of values was observed at the outset, while the female text ending was practically coincident with the original (in contrast to the male ending). The greatest differences in text reconstruction for both males and females were registered in the middle of the texts. Women, Ms. Goroshko claims, were more sensitive to the semantic structure of the texts, since they assembled the narrative text much more accurately than the other two, while the men assembled more accurately the logical text. Texts written by women were assembled more accurately by women and texts by men by men. On the basis of computer analysis, Ms. Goroshko found that female speech was substantially more emotional. It was expressed by various means, hyperbole, metaphor, comparisons, epithets, ways of enumeration, and with the aid of interjections, rhetorical questions, exclamations. The level of literacy was higher for female speech, and there were fewer mistakes in grammar and spelling in female texts. The last stage of Ms Goroshko's research concerned the social stereotypes of beliefs about men and women in Russian society today. A large number of respondents were asked questions such as "What merits must a woman possess?", "What are male vices and virtues?", etc. After statistical manipulation, an image of modern man and woman, as it exists in the minds of modern Russian men and women, emerged. Ms. Goroshko believes that her findings are significant not only within the field of linguistics. She has already successfully worked on anonymous texts and been able to decide on the sex of the author and consequently believes that in the future her research may even be of benefit to forensic science.


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From the moment of their birth, a person's life is determined by their sex. Goroshko wanted to find out why this difference is so striking, why society is so determined to sustain it, and how it can persist even when certain national or behavioural stereotypes are erased. She believes there are both social and biological differences between men and women, and set out to analyse these distinctions as they are manifested in language. Certain general characteristics can be identified. Males tend to write with less fluency, to refer to events in a verb phrase, to be time-oriented, to involve themselves more in their references to events, to locate events in their personal sphere of activity, and to refer less to others. Goroshko therefore concludes that the male is more active, more ego-involved in what he does and less concerned about others. Women were more fluent, referred to events in a noun-phrase, were less time-oriented, tended to be less involved in their event references, located events within their interactive community, and referred more to others. They spent much more time discussing personal and domestic subjects, relationship problems, family, health and reproductive matters, weight, food and clothing, men, and other women. Computer analysis showed that female speech was substantially more emotional, using hyperbole, metaphor, comparisons, epithets, ways of enumeration, interjections, rhetorical questions and exclamations. The level of literacy was higher in female speech, and women made fewer grammatical and spelling mistakes in written texts. Goroshko believes that her findings have relevance beyond the linguistic field. When working on anonymous texts she has been able to decide on the sex of the author and so believes that her research may even be of benefit to forensic science.


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One of the primary accomplishments of Governor Forrest Anderson in 1969-71 was the reorganization of the Executive Branch of Montana government, something that had been attempted six different times between 1919 and 1962 as state government had grown from twenty agencies to almost 200 uncontrolled boards, bureaus and commissions. The chaotic structure of the executive branch disempowered governors of both parties and empowered the private corporations and organizations that were the power structure of Montana. With remarkable political acumen, Governor Anderson figured out how to get that near impossible job done. Central to his efforts was the creation of an Executive Reorganization Commission, including eight legislators and the Governor, the adoption of a Constitutional Amendment that limited the executive branch to no more than twenty departments under the Governor, and the timely completion of a massive research effort to delineate the actual structure of the twenty departments. That story is told in this episode by three major players in the effort, all involved directly with the Executive Reorganization Commission: Tom Harrison, Diana Dowling and Sheena Wilson. Their recollections reflect an insider’s perspective of this significant accomplishment that helped change Montana “In the Crucible of Change.” Tom Harrison is a former Republican State Representative and State Senator from Helena, who was a member of the Executive Reorganization Commission. As Majority Leader in the Montana House of Representatives in 1971, he was the primary sponsor of the House’s executive reorganization bill and helped shepherd the Senate’s version to passage. Harrison was the Republican candidate for Attorney General in 1976 after which he practiced private law for 3 more decades. He served in the Montana Army National Guard for almost 34 years, rising to the rank of Colonel in the position of Judge Advocate General. He was a founding Director of Federal Defenders of Montana (legal representation for indigents accused within the Federal Judicial System); appointed Chairman of the original Montana State Fund (workers' compensation insurance) by Gov. Stephens; served as President of the Montana Trial Lawyers Association, Helena Kiwanis Club and St. Peter's Community Hospital Foundation, as well as Chairman and Director of AAA MountainWest; and was a founder, first Chairman and Director of the Valley Bank of Helena for over 25 years. Diana Dowling was an attorney for the Executive Reorganization Commission and helped draft the legislation that was passed. She also worked for Governor Forrest Anderson and for the 1972 Constitutional Convention where she prepared and directed publication of official explanation of the new Constitution that was mailed to all Montana voters. Diana was Executive Director of the Montana Bar Association and for 20 years held various legal positions with the Montana Legislative Council. For 12 years she was a commissioner on the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws and for 7 years was a member of Montana State Board of Bar Examiners. Diana was the first director of the Montana Lottery, an adjunct professor at both Carroll College and the UM Law School, and an administrative officer for Falcon Press Publishing Co. Diana is currently - and intends to continue being - a perpetual college student. Sheena Wilson came fresh out of the University of Montana to become a Research Assistant for the Executive Reorganization Commission. Later she worked for seven years as a field representative in Idaho and Montana for the Mountain Plains Family Education Program, for thirteen years with Congressman Pat Williams as Executive Assistant in Washington and Field Assistant here in Montana, owned and managed a Helena restaurant for seven years, worked as Executive Assistant for State Auditor John Morrison and was Deputy Chief of Staff for Governor Brian Schweitzer his full 8 years in the Governorship. Though currently “retired”, Sheena serves on the Montana Board of Investments, the Public Employees Retirement Board and the Capitol Complex Advisory Council and is a partner in a dry-land wheat farm in Teton County that was homesteaded by her great uncle.


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Pat Williams emerged from the Mining City of Butte, Montana with a sense of grassroots, people-oriented politics. His inherent belief in the power of ordinary citizens carried him through the Montana Legislature and into Congress for a record-setting period. The accomplishments of his long career partially obscured his innate progressive and populist instinct that is reflective of the period of “in the Crucible of Change.” This film addresses Pat’s early years when his progressive instincts and activities resulted in pushback from the giant Anaconda Company which had held Montana hostage for 75 years. Pat is joined for part of the film by former campaign staffer, and now prominent media consultant, Michael Fenenbock for reflections on Pat’s 1978 “Door-to-Door to Congress” campaign, which demonstrated the power of his belief in the people on the other side of the doors. Pat Williams (b. 1937) rose from teaching grade school in his hometown of Butte, MT, to serving for the longest number of consecutive terms (9 terms, 18 years) in the US House of Representatives of anyone in Montana history. Pat was a member of the National Guard and attended UM in Missoula and William Jewel College, graduating from the University of Denver. Pat also served in the Montana legislature for 2 terms (1966 & 1968 elections). In 1969. Pat helped his legislative seat-mate John Melcher get elected as Montana’s Eastern District Congressman in the Special Election that June. Pat went to Washington DC as Melcher’s Executive Assistant. Upon returning to Montana, Pat headed up the Montana offices of the innovative Mountain Plains Family Education Program. In 1974, Pat ran unsuccessfully for Montana’s Western District Congressional seat in a three-way race with former Congressman Arnold Olsen and state Legislator Max Baucus. After the drafting and passage of the 1972 Montana Constitution, Pat was named a member of Montana’s first-ever Reapportionment Commission. In 1978 he successfully ran for Congress, conducting a massive grass-roots door-to-door campaign of 1½ years, reaching 50,000 doors. In a hotly contested 6-way Democratic primary, Pat won going away and also handily won the general election. Pat served in Congress from January, 1979 until January of 1997, 14 years representing the Western District and 4 years representing the entire state. Upon his retirement from Congress, in 1997 Williams returned to Montana where has been an instructor at the University of Montana and Senior Fellow and Regional Policy Associate at the Center for the Rocky Mountain West. He is a former member of the Montana Board of Regents and serves on a number of national education-related boards. In Congress Pat was a Deputy Whip of the U.S. House of Representatives and sat on committees on: Budget, Natural Resources, Education and Labor, and Agriculture. Pat’s leadership helped pass trailblazing legislation to assist hard-working middle-class families and ensure opportunities for every child. Pat’s fingerprints are on many pieces of important legislation, including the College Middle Income Assistance Act, the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Toddlers and Childhood Disability Act, the Library Services and Construction Act, and the Museum Services Act. Pat successfully sponsored the Lee Metcalf Wilderness Area and the Rattlesnake Wilderness area, helped save the Bob Marshall Wilderness from oil and gas exploration, and helped ban geothermal energy drilling near the borders of Yellowstone National Park. As Chairman of The Post-Secondary Education Committee, he protected the National Endowment for the Arts from elimination, a remarkable undertaking during a very trying time for the Agency. Pat worked tirelessly with Tribal College Leaders to build Montana’s seven Tribal Colleges. He was also responsible for the legislation that created The American Conservation Corps, which became the Corporation for National Service, giving thousands of America’s young people a chance to serve their country and pursue higher education. Pat lives in Missoula with his wife Carol Griffith Williams, former Montana Senate Majority Leader. They have three children and five grandchildren.


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Very few studies have described MUP-1 concentrations and measured prevalence of Laboratory Animal Allergy (LAA) at such a diverse institution as the private medical school (MS) that is the focus of this study. Air sampling was performed in three dissimilar animal research facilities at MS and quantitated using a commercially available ELISA. Descriptive data was obtained from an anonymous laboratory animal allergy survey given to both animal facility employees and the researchers who utilize these facilities alike. Logistic regression analysis was then implemented to investigate specific factors that may be predictive of developing LAA as well as factors influencing the reporting of LAA symptoms to the occupational health program. Concentrations of MUP-1 detected ranged from below detectable levels (BDL) to a peak of 22.64 ng/m3 . Overall, 68 employees with symptoms claimed they improved while away from work and only 25 employees reported their symptoms to occupational health. Being Vietnamese, a smoker, not wearing a mask, and working in any facility longer than one year were all significant predictors of having LAA symptoms. This study suggests a LAA monitoring system that relies on self-reporting can be inadequate in estimating LAA problems. In addition, efforts need to be made to target training and educational materials for non-native English speaking employees to overcome language and cultural barriers and address their specific needs. ^


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Introduction. Traveler's Diarrhea is an important public health program in travelers from industrialized nations to the developing world with a prevalence rate of between 13 and 60%. Although studies are found on the etiology of traveler's diarrhea, these studies have not described the etiology over different regions of the world. The objective of this study was to identify the frequency of specific etiology of traveler's diarrhea by geographic area of the world. In addition to this, it was also examined whether there are any regional differences in the isolation rate of ETEC and conventional pathogens and variation, if any, in frequency of these pathogens in different regions over time.^ Material and methods. This is a systematic review of the studies on the etiology of traveler's diarrhea by geographic regions. The search databases used were Medline Pubmed and Medline Ovid and key words used for the search were Etiology of traveler's diarrhea, travelers' diarrhea and acute diarrhea of travelers. The articles were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria and relevant data was extracted which was statistically analyzed.^ Results. Out of 110 studies from 1970 to 2004, 52 studies were included and 58 were excluded from the review. All the 52 studies were grouped according to the geographic regions of interest. Latin America (25 studies), Asia (7 studies), Africa (9 studies), and others/Mixed (11 studies), were the 4 major groups of regions studied. The overall most common pathogen was ETEC (29.10%) in this study and other common pathogens were EAEC (14.42%), norovirus (10.95%), EPEC (6%) and rotavirus (5.23%). ETEC and Shigella show a decreasing trend in Latin America & Caribbean but increasing trend in Asia.^ Conclusion. ETEC is the single most common cause of travelers' diarrhea in the world. Potent vaccines against ETEC are required to prevent travelers' diarrhea and thus reduce the attack rate. Also, PCR based studies are required to identify the causes of pathogen negative diarrhea. ^


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Background. With the rapid rise in childhood obesity, physical activity participation among young children has become the subject of much recent attention. Physical education classes have been specifically targeted as a method of providing opportunities for all children to be active. Unfortunately, student participation in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity during these classes still falls far below the current recommendations. While some research to date has reported the levels of activity among elementary-aged children, research is limited on the relationship between these activity levels and the environmental characteristics that exist within the PE classroom. ^ Purpose. The purpose of this study is to examine the association between specific classroom characteristics and contextual characteristics (lesson context, class size, class location, teacher gender, and teacher encouragement for PA) with elementary aged children's moderate-to-vigorous activity during PE class. ^ Methods. A secondary analysis of 211 3rd, 4th and 5th grade physical education classes amongst 39 elementary schools in Harris County, TX and 35 elementary schools in Travis County, TX was conducted using cross-sectional data from the evaluation of a school-based health program. Lesson context and student activity levels were measured using a direct observation measurement tool. Additionally, these variables were further analyzed against a number of classroom characteristics to determine any significant associations. ^ Results. Overall, elementary PE classes are still participating in low levels of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity averaging only 38% of class time. Additionally, close to 25% of class time is spent in classroom management. Male directed classes spent significantly more time in game activities and female directed classes spent more time in fitness, knowledge, and skill activities. Classes that took place outdoors were more active and spent more time in games than those that took place indoors. Significant correlations were demonstrated between class size and time spent in management context. Time spent in management context was also correlated with time spent sitting and standing. Additionally, positive correlations were demonstrated between time very active and teachers that praised students and encouraged physical activity among their classes.^


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The purpose of this study was to understand the role of principle economic, sociodemographic and health status factors in determining the likelihood and volume of prescription drug use. Econometric demand regression models were developed for this purpose. Ten explanatory variables were examined: family income, coinsurance rate, age, sex, race, household head education level, size of family, health status, number of medical visits, and type of provider seen during medical visits. The economic factors (family income and coinsurance) were given special emphasis in this study.^ The National Medical Care Utilization and Expenditure Survey (NMCUES) was the data source. The sample represented the civilian, noninstitutionalized residents of the United States in 1980. The sample method used in the survey was a stratified four-stage, area probability design. The sample was comprised of 6,600 households (17,123 individuals). The weighted sample provided the population estimates used in the analysis. Five repeated interviews were conducted with each household. The household survey provided detailed information on the United States health status, pattern of health care utilization, charges for services received, and methods of payments for 1980.^ The study provided evidence that economic factors influenced the use of prescription drugs, but the use was not highly responsive to family income and coinsurance for the levels examined. The elasticities for family income ranged from -.0002 to -.013 and coinsurance ranged from -.174 to -.108. Income has a greater influence on the likelihood of prescription drug use, and coinsurance rates had an impact on the amount spent on prescription drugs. The coinsurance effect was not examined for the likelihood of drug use due to limitations in the measurement of coinsurance. Health status appeared to overwhelm any effects which may be attributed to family income or coinsurance. The likelihood of prescription drug use was highly dependent on visits to medical providers. The volume of prescription drug use was highly dependent on the health status, age, and whether or not the individual saw a general practitioner. ^


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Consensus about the value of the strengths perspective is developing among child welfare and family service practitioners. Yet, few first-hand reports are available from the perspectives of family members and interdisciplinary service providers about the principles most important for engaging and supporting family members to achieve needed outcomes. This paper briefly highlights principles most often cited as key to application of the strengths perspective and compares first-hand accounts from family members and service providers. These views were elicited through focus groups facilitated by a community-based family support program.Implications for strengths-based practice with families are discussed.


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Background Emergency contraception can prevent pregnancy when taken after unprotected intercourse.Obtaining emergency contraception within the recommended time frame is difficult for many women. Advance provision could circumvent some obstacles to timely use. Objectives To summarize randomized controlled trials evaluating advance provision of emergency contraception to explore effects on pregnancy rates, sexually transmitted infections, and sexual and contraceptive behaviors. Search strategy In November 2009, we searched CENTRAL, EMBASE, POPLINE,MEDLINE via PubMed, and a specialized emergency contraception article database. We also searched reference lists and contacted experts to identify additional published or unpublished trials. Selection criteria We included randomized controlled trials comparing advance provision and standard access (i.e., counseling whichmay ormay not have included information about emergency contraception, or provision of emergency contraception on request at a clinic or pharmacy). Data collection and analysis Two reviewers independently abstracted data and assessed study quality. We entered and analyzed data using RevMan 5.0.23. Main results Eleven randomized controlled trials met our criteria for inclusion, representing 7695 patients in the United States, China, India and Sweden. Advance provision did not decrease pregnancy rates (odds ratio (OR) 0.98, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.76 to 1.25 in studies for which we included twelve-month follow-up data; OR 0.48, 95% CI 0.18 to 1.29 in a study with seven-month follow-up data; OR 0.92, 95% CI 0.70 to 1.20 in studies for which we included six-month follow-up data; OR 0.49, 95% CI 0.09 to 2.74 in a study with three-month follow-up data), despite reported increased use (single use: OR 2.47, 95% CI 1.80 to 3.40; multiple use: OR 4.13, 95% CI 1.77 to 9.63) and faster use (weighted mean difference (WMD) -12.98 hours, 95% CI -16.66 to -9.31 hours). Advance provision did not lead to increased rates of sexually transmitted infections (OR 1.01, 95% CI 0.75 to 1.37), increased frequency of unprotected intercourse, or changes in contraceptive methods.Women who received emergency contraception in advance were equally likely to use condoms as other women. Authors’ conclusions Advance provision of emergency contraception did not reduce pregnancy rates when compared to conventional provision. Results from primary analyses suggest that advance provision does not negatively impact sexual and reproductive health behaviors and outcomes. Women should have easy access to emergency contraception, because it can decrease the chance of pregnancy.However, the interventions tested thus far have not reduced overall pregnancy rates in the populations studied.


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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El propósito de esta investigación cualitativa es indagar, a través de un estudio descriptivo- interpretativo, la eventual incidencia de un Programa de Alfabetización Familiar en la inclusión de los niños en la cultura escrita al ingresar al primer año escolar. Para esto se evaluarán ciertas actitudes vinculadas con el tipo de contacto que establecen los hijos de algunos participantes con la cultura de los libros y los conocimientos construidos acerca del sistema de escritura y del lenguaje escrito, como así también el desarrollo de estrategias lectoras. Se parte del análisis del Programa de Alfabetización con la Familia 'Cuenta Quien Cuenta', iniciado en el año 2006 en Paysandú, Uruguay, destinado a padres, madres y otros referentes familiares de niños hasta 5 años de edad, pertenecientes a contextos de alta vulnerabilidad económica, social y cultural. El programa tiene una duración de cuatro meses, en los se desarrollan doce talleres. En estos espacios se leen cuentos, se comparten pistas sobre cómo promover la lectura frecuente y la conversación sobre libros y cuentos en el hogar, se compaginan libros y, sobre todo, se insiste en la revalorización del rol de los asistentes como primeros agentes alfabetizadores de sus hijos. Al finalizar el período de intervención, cada hogar cuenta con alrededor de dieciséis libros de cuentos como material de lectura. El relevamiento realizado sobre otros programas y experiencias de este tipo puso de manifiesto que, en general, están centrados en la descripción del seguimiento realizado y en la socialización de registros anecdóticos, no incluyendo publicaciones que den cuenta de la evaluación de sus efectos en cuanto a los conocimientos de los niños. Por esa razón, esta investigación procura aportar un conjunto de herramientas que permitan iniciar un camino tendiente a focalizar indicadores que permitan evaluar más específicamente los alcances de las acciones realizadas


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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a breakdown of cognitive processes and by a deficit of typi-cal emotional responses. Effectiveness of computerized task has been demonstrated in the field of cognitive rehabilitation. However, current rehabilitation programs based on virtual environments normally focus on higher cognitive functions, not covering social cognition training. This paper presents a set of video-based tasks specifically designed for the rehabilita-tion of emotional processing deficits in patients in early stages of schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders. These tasks are part of the Mental Health program of Guttmann NeuroPer-sonalTrainer® cognitive tele-rehabilitation platform, and entail innovation both from a clinical and technological per-spective in relation with former traditional therapeutic con-tents.