931 resultados para Extraordinary republics


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Las tragedias griegas ofrecen una riquísima variedad formal y temática en la composición de los agones, cimentada en la específica funcionalidad dramática que cada poeta trágico desea dar a sus debates. La maestría y el encanto de Eurípides se revelan, entre otras cosas, en la diestra transferencia de las técnicas retóricas y los argumentos sofísticos contemporáneos a la escena mítica


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La sanción del Código Penal Policial fue una pieza importante en el andamiaje jurídico por el cual el primer gobierno peronista procuró afianzar la profesionalización y disciplinamiento de las fuerzas de seguridad en las distintas jurisdicciones del país. Así, se organizó y se puso en marcha una nueva rama de la justicia bonaerense, paralela a la ordinaria, integrada completamente por policías retirados y en actividad, que se ocupó de los casos penales donde estuviesen implicados uno o más policías. Este trabajo analiza dicha experiencia, basándose en los casos sumariados y resueltos por la Justicia Policial mientras existió. En primer lugar se pone en contexto los fundamentos y propósitos que guiaron al peronismo para impulsar una justicia 'uniformada' que se ocupase de los excesos y falta a los deberes de los funcionarios policiales a nivel penal y administrativo. Luego se estudia su aplicación concreta en la provincia de Buenos Aires, indagando sobre los casos juzgados, su tratamiento, los actores, los fallos y los fines políticos perseguidos por esta justicia por y para policías


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Nos proponemos analizar el desempeño de la economía argentina en las últimas décadas recurriendo al análisis de la distribución funcional del ingreso y sus componentes: salario real y productividad. En las últimas décadas, Argentina ha sufrido una caída en la participación asalariada en el ingreso como consecuencia de un aumento de la productividad y, principalmente, de una caída del salario real. A partir de la comparación internacional encontramos que ese comportamiento es similar al encontrado en Brasil y México pero diferente al que presentan los países "desarrollados", donde la productividad y el salario real han crecido constantemente, aunque desde mediados de los setenta este último aminoró su marcha. En ese marco, sostenemos que la caída del salario real en nuestro país no es resultado exclusivo de procesos políticos adversos para los trabajadores sino también del débil desempeño de la productividad, que implica mayores costos de producción a ser compensados con fuentes extraordinarias de ganancia. Una de ellas es el salario real


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Filón de Alejandría (30?a. C.-50? d. C.) es una figura clave para conocer la profunda relación entre Judaísmo y Helenismo en el siglo I d. C. Judío practicante, su profundo dominio de la lengua, la literatura y, de modo especial, la retórica griegas lo convierten en una personalidad extraordinaria de su tiempo, tanto por su exégesis de la Torá (o Pentateuco) como por sus escritos apologéticos, históricos y filosóficos. Su testimonio es de gran valor para todo estudioso de la Antigüedad clásica por los muchos datos que aporta acerca de la filosofía, el pensamiento, la educación y la tradición clásica en el momento histórico que le tocó vivir, precisamente en un centro cultural de excepcional importancia dentro del Imperio romano


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Según el Cantar de Mio Cid, Rodrigo Díaz de Vivar desarrolló una extraordinaria carrera como señor de la guerra durante su exilio. Empero, tras conquistar Valencia y el perdón de su rey, el Cid prácticamente detuvo sus campañas militares y comenzó a vivir como un señor feudal. Este artículo revisa la evolución del Cid a lo largo del Cantar e intenta descubrir sus razones.


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En este trabajo mostramos que, si hubo un culto solar en las Etiópicas de Heliodoro, no es el de Émesa del siglo III d.C. de los Severos, sino el de la antigua Heliópolis egipcia, que provee la base de la astronomía antigua. El gran sacerdote del templo del Sol (Ra) de Heliópolis se llamaba, en hebreo, "Putifar"; en griego, "Heliodoros": extraordinaria coincidencia, ya que el motivo de la mujer de Putifar de Génesis 39.7-20 ocupa un lugar destacado en la trama de la novela, pero ésta atiende estrictamente a sus modelos griegos clásicos. Proponemos, además, que la composición de la obra coincide con o surge del Carmen Sæculare de Horacio.


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Oxygen isotope data for upper Turonian planktonic foraminifera at Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 511 (Falkland Plateau, 60°S paleolatitude) exhibit an ~2 per mil excursion to values as low as -4.66 per mil (Vienna Peedee belemnite standard; PDB) coincident with the warmest tropical temperature estimates yet obtained for the open ocean. The lowest planktonic foraminifer d18O values suggest that the upper ocean was as warm as 30-32°C. This is an extraordinary temperature for 60°S latitude but is consistent with temperatures estimated from apparently coeval mollusc d18O from nearby James Ross Island (65°S paleolatitude). Glassy textural preservation, a well-defined depth distribution in Site 511 planktonics, low sediment burial temperature (~32°C), and lack of evidence of highly depleted pore waters argue against diagenesis (even solid state diffusion) as the cause of the very depleted planktonic values. The lack of change in benthic foraminifer d18O suggests brackish water capping as the mechanism for the low planktonic d18O values. However, mixing ratio calculations show that the amount of freshwater required to produce a 2 per mil shift in ambient water would drive a 7 psu decrease in salinity. The abundance and diversity of planktonic foraminifera and nannofossils, high planktonic:benthic ratios, and the appearance of keeled foraminifera argue against lower-than-normal marine salinities. Isotope calculations and climate models indicate that we cannot call upon more depleted freshwater d18O to explain this record. Without more late Turonian data, especially from outside the South Atlantic basin, we can currently only speculate on possible causes of this paradoxical record from the core of the Cretaceous greenhouse.


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We compared lifetime and population energy budgets of the extraordinary long-lived ocean quahog Arctica islandica from 6 different sites - the Norwegian coast, Kattegat, Kiel Bay, White Sea, German Bight, and off northeast Iceland - covering a temperature and salinity gradient of 4-10°C (annual mean) and 25-34, respectively. Based on von Bertalanffy growth models and size-mass relationships, we computed organic matter production of body (PSB) and of shell (PSS), whereas gonad production (PG) was estimated from the seasonal cycle in mass. Respiration (R) was computed by a model driven by body mass, temperature, and site. A. islandica populations differed distinctly in maximum life span (40 y in Kiel Bay to 197 y in Iceland), but less in growth performance (phi' ranged from 2.41 in the White Sea to 2.65 in Kattegat). Individual lifetime energy throughput, as approximated by assimilation, was highest in Iceland (43,730 kJ) and lowest in the White Sea (313 kJ). Net growth efficiency ranged between 0.251 and 0.348, whereas lifetime energy investment distinctly shifted from somatic to gonad production with increasing life span; PS/PG decreased from 0.362 (Kiel Bay, 40 y) to 0.031 (Iceland, 197 y). Population annual energy budgets were derived from individual budgets and estimates of population mortality rate (0.035/y in Iceland to 0.173/y in Kiel Bay). Relationships between budget ratios were similar on the population level, albeit with more emphasis on somatic production; PS/ PG ranged from 0.196 (Iceland) to 2.728 (White Sea), and P/B ranged from 0.203-0.285/y. Life span is the principal determinant of the relationship between budget parameters, whereas temperature affects net growth efficiency only. In the White Sea population, both growth performance and net growth efficiency of A. islandica were lowest. We presume that low temperature combined with low salinity represent a particularly stressful environment for this species.


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NW African climate shows orbital and millenial-scale variations, which are tightly connected to changes in marine productivity. We present an organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst (dinocyst) record from a sediment core off Cape Yubi at about 27°N in the Canary Basin covering the time period from 47 to 3ka before present (BP). The dinocyst record reflects differences in upwelling intensity and seasonality as well as the influence of fluvial input. Sea-level changes play an important role for the upwelling pattern and productivity signals at the core site. Within the studied time interval, four main phases were distinguished. (1) From 45 to 24ka BP, when sea-level was mostly about 75m lower than today, high relative abundances of cysts of heterotrophic taxa point to enhanced upwelling activity, especially during Heinrich Events, while relatively low dinocyst accumulation rates indicate that filament activity at the core location was strongly reduced. (2) At sea-level lowstand during the LGM to H1, dinocyst accumulation rates suggest that local filament formation was even more inhibited. (3) From the early Holocene to about 8ka BP, extraordinary high accumulation rates of most dinocyst species, especially of Lingulodinium machaerophorum, suggest that nutrient supply via fluvial input increased and rising sea-level promoted filament formation. At the same time, the upwelling season prolongated. (4) A relative increase in cysts of photoautotrophic taxa from about 8ka BP on indicates more stratified conditions while fluvial input decreased. Our study shows that productivity records can be very sensitive to regional features. From the dinocyst data we infer that marine surface productivity off Cape Yubi during glacial times was within the scale of modern times but extremely enhanced during deglaciation.


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This paper describes the extraordinary difficulties met in gauging glacier streams and establishes criteria that have to be fulfilled for a correct determination of glacier run off. Discussion of the hydraulic principles of gauging in tranquil and rapid flow shows why the latter is to be favored for glacier streams.The concept of the station at Vernagtbach, the original stream bed, considerations ofproper dimensioning and characteristics of the construction of the gauging channel aredescribed in detail. A brief history is given of planning, organization and technology involved.The water level is recorded by two floats and one pneumatie gauge which together provide uninterrupted and trouble-free records. The rating curve was determined with current meters and shows an unambiguous relation between water level and discharge with little scattering of calibration values. Temporary changes of flow conditions upstream of the station do not have any noticeable effect on the water level in the channel.The discharge records of the summers 1974-1976 are presented and discussed. The maximum mean summer discharge was 1.33 m**3/s in June-September 1975; extreme mean monthly discharge was found in July 1976 with 2.51 m**3/s, the highest daily mean was 4.76 m**3/s and the maximum hourly mean was found at 7.23 m**3/s. The discharge conditions of the summers of 1974 and 1975 are very similar, while in the summer of 1976 they differed completely as far as seasonal and mean daily hydrographs are concerned: in 1975, 42 % of summer discharge was recorded in June and July compared to 76 % in 1976. The analysis of the hydrographs gives valuable clues to the mass and heat balances of the glacier.


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[1] The low-latitude upwelling regime off the Mauritanian coast in the subtropical NE Atlantic accounts for a significant part of global export production. Although productivity variations in coastal upwelling areas are usually attributed to changes in wind stress and upwelling intensity, productivity dynamics off Mauritania are less straightforward because of the complex atmospheric and hydrographic setting. Here we integrate micropaleontological (diatoms) and geochemical (bulk biogenic sediment components, X-ray fluorescence, and alkenones) proxies to examine on submillennial-to-millennial changes in diatom production that occurred off Mauritania, NW Africa, for the last 25 ka. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 19.0-23.0 ka B.P.), moderate silicate content of upwelled waters coupled with weakened NE trade winds determined moderate diatom productivity. No significant cooling is observed during the LGM, suggesting that our alkenone-based SST reconstruction represents a local, upwelling-related signal rather than a global insolation related one. Extraordinary increases in diatom and opal concentrations during Heinrich event 1 (H1, 15.5-18.0 ka B.P.) and the Younger Dryas (YD, 13.5-11.5 ka B.P.) are attributed to enhanced upwelling of silica-rich waters and an enlarged upwelling filament, due to more intense NE trade winds. The synchronous increase of CaCO3 and K intensity and the decreased opal and diatoms values mark the occurrence of the Bølling/Allerød (BA, 13.5-15.5 ka B.P.) due to weakened eolian input and more humid conditions on land. Although the high export of diatoms is inextricably linked to upwelling intensity off Mauritania, variability in the nutrient content of the thermocline also plays a decisive role.


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Vertical distribution of mesoplankton was studied over a single season in 2001 at two sites in the western and eastern parts of the northern margin of the North Atlantic gyre. Plankton was sampled both with use of BR 113/140 net and observed from the Mir deep-sea manned submersible. In near-slope waters southeast of Newfoundland (Titanic Polygon) there occurred intensive interaction between subtropical and sub-polar waters and plankton communities. The subtropical gyre community being more mature from the succession viewpoint created a ''net'' of carnivores and scavengers (shrimp and smaller animals) feeding plankton supplied from the north and thus increasing their own biomass. Due to features of hydrological conditions in 2001 in contrast to other years, the plankton supplied from the north was dominated by small copepods, while abundance of larger Calanus hyperboreus was small. Perhaps due to this fact, abundance of macroplanktonic shrimp decreased, while abundance of mesoplanktonic carnivores (Themisto, Sagitta, and Pareuchaeta) increased. In East Atlantic, within the Porcupine abyssal plain (Bismark Polygon) contrasts in frontal boundaries decreased and community interaction became less expressed. While vertical distribution of plankton at Titanic Polygon was characterized by a series of extraordinary features, distribution at Bismark Polygon was much more ordinary.


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Myora Springs is one of many groundwater discharge sites on North Stradbroke Island (Queensland, Australia). Here spring waters emerge from wetland forests to join Moreton Bay, mixing with seawater over seagrass meadows dominated by eelgrass, Zostera muelleri. We sought to determine how low pH / high CO2 conditions near the spring affect these plants and their interactions with the black rabbitfish (Siganus fuscescens), a co-occurring grazer. In paired-choice feeding trials S. fuscescens preferentially consumed Z. muelleri shoots collected nearest to Myora Springs. Proximity to the spring did not significantly alter the carbon and nitrogen contents of seagrass tissues but did result in the extraordinary loss of soluble phenolics, including Folin-reactive phenolics, condensed tannins, and phenolic acids by ?87%. Conversely, seagrass lignin contents were, in this and related experiments, unaffected or increased, suggesting a shift in secondary metabolism away from the production of soluble, but not insoluble, (poly)phenolics. We suggest that groundwater discharge sites such as Myora Springs, and other sites characterized by low pH, are likely to be popular feeding grounds for seagrass grazers seeking to reduce their exposure to soluble phenolics.