897 resultados para Evolutionary transitions
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The current context is unique in relation to the teaching of evolution in Brazil and the population's perception of evolution. On the one hand, it is said often about Darwinism in various media, especially due to the relatively recent commemoration of the two hundred years of the birth of Charles Darwin and one hundred and fifty years of the launch of the book The Origin of Species. On the other hand, it is clear, in recent years, a timid movement, more worryingly, in favor of equitable approach of creationist and evolutionist theories in the classroom. This article is a part of a research whose goal is to raise the design that Brazilian respondents have about the Darwinian view (which disregards the divine influence in the evolution of the species). The instrument used for data collection is a questionnaire, type Likert scale, which consists of a series of statements in which respondents must express their degree of agreement or disagreement with each statement. In this study, we present the results of the statement. "The thought of Darwin, which does not consider God as a participant in the process of evolution, is...". Analysis correlated with data on religion and education of the respondents are also held. The results point to a tendency of respondents not to accept the Darwinian view that disregards God's interference in the evolutionary process. The data also show that respondents' choices are influenced by religion and education. The frequency of responses that tend to accept the Darwinian view (which disregards the divine participation in the evolution of the species) is higher among respondents with higher levels of education. Adherents to religions "evangelical" tend to deny this view more often than followers of other religions. Given the potential risks of inserting creationist approaches in school education, it is necessary a discussion of the possible impacts of this rejection of Darwin's thinking (which does not consider God as a participant in the evolutionary process), indicated here, in the teaching of evolution. This work was supported by FAPEMIG.
Optical flow methods are accurate algorithms for estimating the displacement and velocity fields of objects in a wide variety of applications, being their performance dependent on the configuration of a set of parameters. Since there is a lack of research that aims to automatically tune such parameters, in this work we have proposed an evolutionary-based framework for such task, thus introducing three techniques for such purpose: Particle Swarm Optimization, Harmony Search and Social-Spider Optimization. The proposed framework has been compared against with the well-known Large Displacement Optical Flow approach, obtaining the best results in three out eight image sequences provided by a public dataset. Additionally, the proposed framework can be used with any other optimization technique.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we deal with the problem of boosting the Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) clustering approach using evolutionary-based optimization techniques. As the OPF classifier performs an exhaustive search to find out the size of sample's neighborhood that allows it to reach the minimum graph cut as a quality measure, we compared several optimization techniques that can obtain close graph cut values to the ones obtained by brute force. Experiments in two public datasets in the context of unsupervised network intrusion detection have showed the evolutionary optimization techniques can find suitable values for the neighborhood faster than the exhaustive search. Additionally, we have showed that it is not necessary to employ many agents for such task, since the neighborhood size is defined by discrete values, with constrain the set of possible solution to a few ones.
The cranial osteology of Micrastur gilvicollis (Vieillot, 1817), Micrastur ruficollis (Vieillot, 1817) and Micrastur semitorquatus (Vieillot, 1817) is comparatively and meticulously described to characterize each of the species and to determine which traits the species have in common and which are distinct. These traits will be used a posteriori for phylogenetic analysis. Our results indicate that M. gilvicollis and M. ruficollis are closely related, as they share a large number of traits, including a lacrimal bone with a distal portion that is approximately half as long as the proximal portion and a parasphenoid rostrum that covers 50% of the distance between the occipital condyle and pterygoid. Similarly, M. gilvicollis and M. semitorquatus both have a partially fused craniofacial flexion zone. In both M. ruficollis and M. semitorquatus, the symphyseal region of the mandible is 1/5 the total length of the mandible. The diagnostic traits for each of these species are as follows: a) in M. gilvicollis, the interorbital distance is 1/3 the length of the parietal, and the zygomatic process stretches 1/5 of the distance from the orbital arch to the jugal arch; b) in M. ruficollis, the interorbital distance is 2/5 of the length of the parietal and the zygomatic process extends 1/4 of the distance from the orbital arch to the jugal arch; and c) in M. semitorquatus, the interorbital distance is 3/7 the length of the parietal and the distal portion of the lacrimal is 1/3 the length of the proximal portion. Among the three species, M. gilvicolis and M. ruficollis share the most traits, which leads us to infer that these species are more closely related to one another than they are to M. semitorquatus. Phylogenetic analysis performed a posteriori may confirm the relationship between these three species.
This study aims at identifying which environmental management practices computer companies located in Brazil are adopting, and classifying these companies according to the evolutionary stages of environmental management. For such, the case study research method was used at three companies. Results show that environmental management in the sector is geared towards compliance with laws and eco-efficiency, aimed at cutting costs. It was concluded that classification does not occur in a linear manner with defined borders, and that the multinational companies located in Brazil are greatly influenced by their foreign head offices, which are at more advanced evolutionary stages.
The taxonomic status of anoplocephaline cestodes of microtine rodents has been reviewed. Of the genus Andrya Railliet, 1883, five species are considered valid: A. macrocephala Douthitt, 1915; A. primordialis Douthitt, 1915; A. montana Kirshenblat, 1941 ; A. arctica Rausch, 1952; A. bairdi Schad, 1954. Of the genus Paranoplocephala Luehe, 1910, six species are regarded as valid: P. omphalodes (Hermann, 1783); P. blanchardi (Moniez, 1891); P. infrequens (Douthitt, 1915); P. variabilis (Douthitt, 1915); P. lemmi Rausch, 1952; P. neofibrinus Rausch, 1952. Andrya caucasica Kirshenblat, 1938, and A. bialowizensis Soltys, 1949, are regarded as synonyms of A. macrocephala. Paranoplocephala brevis Kirshenblat, 1938, is regarded as a synonym of P. infrequens. Three species, A. macrocephala, P. omphalodes, and P. infrequens, are holarctic in distribution, occurring mainly in species of Microtus. The uniformity of microtine rodents as hosts for various helminths has been discussed. It is concluded that Dicrostonyx is the most isolated genus from this standpoint, having two nematodes which have not been recorded from members of other genera, and harboring few helminths in common with others. This agrees with Hinton's conclusions, based on morphological characters of Dicrostonyx. From the present concept of Pleistocene glaciations, it is concluded that P. omphalodes and P. infrequens reached the St. Matthew Islands, in Bering Sea, as parasites of a vole from which Microtus abbreviatus has evolved. It appears that this vole arrived on these islands before North America was invaded, in the late Pleistocene, by the palearctic M. oeconomus and Clethrionomys rutilus,/i>. The present known distribution of P. omphalodes in North America corresponds about to that of M. oeconomus on the continent.
This theoretical proposal applies evolutionary aesthetic, animal signalling and sexual selection to understand our artistic cognition, especially rock art aesthetics. Iconographic motifs, universally found in rock art, indicate which set of pre-artistic aesthetic psychological bias has been co-opted to catch the viewer`s attention. The co-evolutionary process of sexual selection could have shaped the design features of both rock art images and their aesthetic cognition by conferring mutual benefits on both producers, via manipulation, and receivers, via information extraction. We show some strategic techniques identified in rock art and art that indicate the occurrence of this co-evolution between producers and receivers.
The use of molecular data for species delimitation in Anthozoa is still a very delicate issue. This is probably due to the low genetic variation found among the molecular markers (primarily mitochondrial) commonly used for Anthozoa. Ceriantharia is an anthozoan group that has not been tested for genetic divergence at the species level. Recently, all three Atlantic species described for the genus Isarachnanthus of Atlantic Ocean, were deemed synonyms based on morphological simmilarities of only one species: Isarachnanthus maderensis. Here, we aimed to verify whether genetic relationships (using COI, 16S, ITS1 and ITS2 molecular markers) confirmed morphological affinities among members of Isarachnanthus from different regions across the Atlantic Ocean. Results from four DNA markers were completely congruent and revealed that two different species exist in the Atlantic Ocean. The low identification success and substantial overlap between intra and interspecific COI distances render the Anthozoa unsuitable for DNA barcoding, which is not true for Ceriantharia. In addition, genetic divergence within and between Ceriantharia species is more similar to that found in Medusozoa (Hydrozoa and Scyphozoa) than Anthozoa and Porifera that have divergence rates similar to typical metazoans. The two genetic species could also be separated based on micromorphological characteristics of their cnidomes. Using a specimen of Isarachnanthus bandanensis from Pacific Ocean as an outgroup, it was possible to estimate the minimum date of divergence between the clades. The cladogenesis event that formed the species of the Atlantic Ocean is estimated to have occured around 8.5 million years ago (Miocene) and several possible speciation scenarios are discussed.
The design of a network is a solution to several engineering and science problems. Several network design problems are known to be NP-hard, and population-based metaheuristics like evolutionary algorithms (EAs) have been largely investigated for such problems. Such optimization methods simultaneously generate a large number of potential solutions to investigate the search space in breadth and, consequently, to avoid local optima. Obtaining a potential solution usually involves the construction and maintenance of several spanning trees, or more generally, spanning forests. To efficiently explore the search space, special data structures have been developed to provide operations that manipulate a set of spanning trees (population). For a tree with n nodes, the most efficient data structures available in the literature require time O(n) to generate a new spanning tree that modifies an existing one and to store the new solution. We propose a new data structure, called node-depth-degree representation (NDDR), and we demonstrate that using this encoding, generating a new spanning forest requires average time O(root n). Experiments with an EA based on NDDR applied to large-scale instances of the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem have shown that the implementation adds small constants and lower order terms to the theoretical bound.
This paper proposes an evolutionary computing strategy to solve the problem of fault indicator (FI) placement in primary distribution feeders. More specifically, a genetic algorithm (GA) is employed to search for an efficient configuration of FIs, located at the best positions on the main feeder of a real-life distribution system. Thus, the problem is modeled as one of optimization, aimed at improving the distribution reliability indices, while, at the same time, finding the least expensive solution. Based on actual data, the results confirm the efficiency of the GA approach to the FI placement problem.
This paper presents a survey of evolutionary algorithms that are designed for decision-tree induction. In this context, most of the paper focuses on approaches that evolve decision trees as an alternate heuristics to the traditional top-down divide-and-conquer approach. Additionally, we present some alternative methods that make use of evolutionary algorithms to improve particular components of decision-tree classifiers. The paper's original contributions are the following. First, it provides an up-to-date overview that is fully focused on evolutionary algorithms and decision trees and does not concentrate on any specific evolutionary approach. Second, it provides a taxonomy, which addresses works that evolve decision trees and works that design decision-tree components by the use of evolutionary algorithms. Finally, a number of references are provided that describe applications of evolutionary algorithms for decision-tree induction in different domains. At the end of this paper, we address some important issues and open questions that can be the subject of future research.