782 resultados para Evidence-focused practice
This article discusses the use of digital evidence as a means of proof before the International Court of Justice (ICJ). The absence of specific Court rules and procedures for digital evidence (with the exception of Practice Direction IX bis) is not necessarily an obstacle to its production and evaluation before the ICJ, as the general evidentiary rules can also be applied to digital evidence. The article first looks at the rules on the production of documentary evidence and then examines the specific issues related to audiovisual evidence. Finally, it examines the admissibility of digital evidence unlawfully obtained by a litigant through unilateral transborder access to data. The article concludes that, even if specific regulation may be needed as to the specific way in which authenticity and accuracy of digital evidence are to be established, the particular facts of the case and the grounds of challenge can vary widely, and it is doubtful that any regulation could be sufficiently flexible to deal with this in advance.
Stroke is one of the most common conditions requiring rehabilitation, and its motor impairments are a major cause of permanent disability. Hemiparesis is observed by 80% of the patients after acute stroke. Neuroimaging studies showed that real and imagined movements have similarities regarding brain activation, supplying evidence that those similarities are based on the same process. Within this context, the combination of mental practice (MP) with physical and occupational therapy appears to be a natural complement based on neurorehabilitation concepts. Our study seeks to investigate if MP for stroke rehabilitation of upper limbs is an effective adjunct therapy. PubMed (Medline), ISI knowledge (Institute for Scientific Information) and SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library) were terminated on 20 February 2015. Data were collected on variables as follows: sample size, type of supervision, configuration of mental practice, setting the physical practice (intensity, number of sets and repetitions, duration of contractions, rest interval between sets, weekly and total duration), measures of sensorimotor deficits used in the main studies and significant results. Random effects models were used that take into account the variance within and between studies. Seven articles were selected. As there was no statistically significant difference between the two groups (MP vs control), showed a - 0.6 (95% CI: -1.27 to 0.04), for upper limb motor restoration after stroke. The present meta-analysis concluded that MP is not effective as adjunct therapeutic strategy for upper limb motor restoration after stroke.
Mental practice is an internal reproduction of a motor act (whose intention is to promote learning and improving motor skills). Some studies have shown that other cognitive strategies also increase the strength and muscular resistance in healthy people by the enhancement of the performance during dynamic tasks. Mental training sessions may be primordial to improving muscle strength in different subjects. The aim of this study was to systematically review and meta-analiyze studies that assessed whether mental practice is effective in improving muscular strength. We conducted an electronic-computed search in Pub-Med/Medline and ISI Web of Knowledge, Scielo and manual searchs, searching papers written in English between 1991 and 2014. There were 44 studies in Pub-Med/Medline, 631 in ISI Web of Knowledge, 11 in Scielo and 3 in manual searchs databases. After exclusion of studies for duplicate, unrelated to the topic by title and summary, different samples and methodologies, a meta-analysis of 4 studies was carried out to identify the dose-response relationship. We did not find evidence that mental practice is effective in increasing strength in healthy individuals. There is no evidence that mental practice alone can be effective to induce strength gains or to optimize the training effects.
RESUMO: A reabilitação respiratória (RR) é uma intervenção abrangente e interdisciplinar dirigida aos doentes respiratórios crónicos e inclui o treino de exercício, programas de educação e de modificação comportamental, entre outros, desenhados individualmente para melhorar o desempenho físico e psicossocial e promover a adesão a longo prazo a comportamentos promotores de saúde. A doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC) é uma doença comum, afetando cerca de 210 milhões de pessoas em todo o mundo, com elevada mortalidade e com custos económicos significativos decorrentes do agravamento progressivo da doença, das hospitalizações e de reinternamentos frequentes. Apesar do crescente conhecimento da DPOC e do papel da RR nos benefícios para a saúde, existem aspetos ainda não esclarecidos que têm impacto na prática clínica e de investigação e nas decisões das autoridades de saúde. A primeira parte desta tese focou a DPOC e o seu impacto negativo e incluiu: o estudo da prevalência da DPOC em Portugal; os fatores clínicos e funcionais que se associam à mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada; a morbilidade, impacto funcional e risco dos doentes se tornarem dependentes para as atividades diárias e a influência da inflamação sistémica. A prevalência estimada da DPOC de 14,2% indica que esta é uma doença comum em Portugal e alerta para a necessidade de uma maior sensibilização da população, dos profissionais de saúde e autoridades de saúde com vista a um diagnóstico precoce e à alocação dos recursos terapêuticos adequados. A elevada taxa de mortalidade em doentes com DPOC avançada - 36,6% em 3 anos - associou-se a insuficiência respiratória, a elevado número de exacerbações, ao cancro do pulmão e a reduzida capacidade funcional para a marcha, salientando a importância da referenciação precoce para RR, a identificação e o tratamento das comorbilidades e a prevenção das exacerbações. A aplicação de um questionário que avaliou as atividades da vida diária básicas e instrumentais, permitiu identificar um marcador clínico do risco de dependência, complementando as avaliações funcionais e associando-se a outros marcadores de mau prognóstico, como as exacerbações. Em doentes com DPOC, com FEV1 médio de 46,76% (desvio padrão: 20,90%), 67% da categoria D do GOLD, verificou-se uma associação positiva entre a expressão de genes inflamatórios avaliada pela reação em cadeia da polimerase (ARN mensageiro de IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS) e o índice de massa corporal em repouso, acentuando-se após o exercício. Este estudo aponta a inflamação como o potencial elo de ligação entre a obesidade e a inflamação sistémica em doentes com DPOC. A segunda parte da tese focou a RR, nomeadamente os seus efeitos em doentes das categorias GOLD A, B, C e D; o impacto das comorbilidades nos resultados da RR e os resultados de diferentes intensidades de treino aeróbio. Após o programa de RR, verificaram-se melhorias significativas na capacidade de exercício funcional e de endurance e no estado geral de saúde dos doentes de todas as categorias GOLD. Esta classificação não distingue os doentes que melhor poderão beneficiar desta intervenção, indicando que devem ser referenciados para RR, os doentes sintomáticos ou com repercussão na qualidade de vida, independentemente da categoria da DPOC a que pertençam. A prevalência das comorbilidades no grupo de doentes com DPOC que é referenciado para RR, é elevada, sendo as mais frequentes, as cardiovasculares, as respiratórias e as psicológicas. Apesar de poderem diminuir o impacto da RR, os resultados desta foram semelhantes independentemente do número de comorbilidades. A identificação e o tratamento sistemáticos das comorbilidades conferem maior segurança clínica a esta intervenção terapêutica a qual, por apresentar bons resultados, não deve limitar a referenciação dos doentes. Com o programa de RR, verificou-se melhoria significativa em todos os resultados centrados no doente para ambas as intensidades de treino aeróbio, a 60% e a 80% da potência aeróbica máxima (Wmax), com melhoria do estado geral de saúde, nos sintomas e na capacidade para o exercício, o que questiona a indicação sistemática de elevadas intensidades de treino em doentes com DPOC para a obtenção de benefícios a curto prazo. Na terceira e última parte da tese foi estudado o papel da atividade física na DPOC, focando os fatores que influenciam a atividade física diária; a evolução da capacidade funcional e o estado de saúde 2 anos após um programa de RR e o papel da telemonitorização na quantificação e monitorização da atividade física. Confirmámos que os doentes com DPOC são marcadamente sedentários e os fatores que se associaram ao sedentarismo nestes doentes foram a dispneia e a distância percorrida na prova de marcha de seis minutos. Este estudo sublinha a importância do controlo sintomático, nomeadamente da dispneia, bem como, mais uma vez, o potencial papel da reabilitação respiratória no aumento da capacidade funcional para o exercício e na aquisição de hábitos de vida fisicamente ativa. Verificámos que, apesar de os doentes com DPOC apresentarem benefícios clinicamente significativos na capacidade funcional para o exercício e no estado geral de saúde com o programa de RR, apenas os que se mantêm ativos, podem, no final dos dois anos de seguimento, manter os efeitos benéficos desse programa. O sistema de telemonitorização que combina a oximetria e a quantificação da atividade física provou ser clinicamente útil na avaliação da necessidade de oxigenoterapia de longa duração (OLD) e na aferição do débito de oxigénio em repouso, no esforço e no sono, podendo contribuir para uma melhor adequação da prescrição da OLD. A monitorização dos níveis de atividade física regular é um importante instrumento de avaliação dos programas de RR e o seu uso potencial na telereabilitação permitirá prolongar a eficácia dos programas e reduzir os custos associados aos cuidados de saúde.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT: Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a comprehensive interdisciplinary intervention that includes, but is not limited to, exercise training, education, and behavior change, individually designed to improve physical and psychological conditions of people with chronic respiratory disease and to promote long-term adherence to health-enhancing behaviors. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a common disease, affecting about 210 million people worldwide, with high mortality and significant health-related costs due to disease progression, hospitalizations and frequent hospital readmissions. Although the increasing knowledge about COPD and benefitial outcomes of PR, some aspects with impact in clinical practice, research and health authorities’ decisions, remain to be clarified. The first part of this thesis focused on COPD and its negative impact, including the study of COPD prevalence in Portugal; clinical and functional factors associated with mortality in advanced COPD patients; morbidity, functional impact and risk of others’ dependance to perform activities of daily living; and the role of systemic inflammation. The evidence of 14.2% estimated COPD prevalence as a common disease in Portugal raises the need of an increasing awareness of population, health care professionals and health authorities towards an earlier diagnosis and apropriate treatment resources allocation. High mortality in patients with advanced COPD – 36.6% in 3 years - was associated with respiratory failure, high frequency of exacerbations, lung cancer and a low functional capacity in walking. This highlightens the importance of an earlier referral to PR, comorbidity identification and treatment, and prevention of exacerbations. A questionnaire evaluated basic and instrumental activities of daily living, and identified a clinical marker of the risk of becoming dependent. This clinical marker complemented other functional evaluations and was associated with prognosis markers such as the number of exacerbations. In COPD patients with a mean FEV1 46.76% (SD 20.90%), 67% belonging to GOLD grade D, we found a positive association between inflammatory gene expression evaluated by polymerase chain reaction (IFNg, IL1b, IL6, IL8, TNFa, TGFb1, iNOS RNA messenger) and body mass index at rest, and a further increase with exercise. This study evidenced obesity as one potential link between COPD and systemic inflammation. The second part of this thesis focused PR, namely its outcomes in patients of GOLD categories A, B, C and D; comorbidities impact in PR outcomes, and the impact of different exercise training intensities in patient related outcomes. xviii With PR intervention, we found significant improvement in functional exercise capacity, endurance exercise capacity and health status in patients of all GOLD categories. This classification did not differentiate which patients would benefit more from PR, hence all symptomatic patients with a negative impact in health status should be referred to PR, regardless of the GOLD category they belong to. There is a high prevalence of comorbidities in COPD patients referred to PR, being cardiovascular, respiratory and psychological, the most prevalent. Although some comorbidities might reduce PR impact, the results were similar regardless of the number of comorbidities. Systematic comorbidities identification and treatment provides safety to PR intervention, and its good results should not preclude patients referral. With PR intervention we found a significant improvement in all patient reported outcomes for exercise training intensities at 60% and 80% maximum work rate (Wmax), namely in health status, symptoms and exercise capacity. These findings challenge the current systematic indication of high exercise training intensities to achieve PR short-term benefits. In the third and last part of the thesis, the role of physical activity in COPD was studied, focusing factors that may influence daily physical activity; the evolution of functional capacity and health status two years after a PR program, and the role of a telemonitoring system in physical activity quantification and monitoring. We confirmed that COPD patients are markedly inactive and factors associated with a sedentary lifestyle are dyspnea and 6 minute walking distance. This study emphasized the importance of symptom control, namely of dyspnea, as well as, once again, the potential role of PR in functional exercise improvement and in integrating physically active habits in daily life. We verified that, although COPD patients improve functional exercise capacity and health status after a PR program, only those who kept physical activity habits were able to maintain those effects after 2 years of follow-up. A telemonitoring system that combines oximetry and physical activity quantification proved to be clinically useful in the evaluation of long-term oxygen therapy (LTOT) indication, as well as in the titration of oxygen levels at rest, exertion, and sleeping, which might contribute to a more adequate LTOT prescription. Monitoring of daily physical activity levels is an important PR evaluation instrument and its potential use in telerehabilitation might allow lengthening programs efficacy, while reducing health-care costs.
QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To assess which high-risk acute coronary syndrome (ACS) patient characteristics played a role in prioritising access to intensive care unit (ICU), and whether introducing clinical practice guidelines (CPG) explicitly stating ICU admission criteria altered this practice. PATIENTS AND METHODS: All consecutive patients with ACS admitted to our medical emergency centre over 3 months before and after CPG implementation were prospectively assessed. The impact of demographic and clinical characteristics (age, gender, cardiovascular risk factors, and clinical parameters upon admission) on ICU hospitalisation of high-risk patients (defined as retrosternal pain of prolonged duration with ECG changes and/or positive troponin blood level) was studied by logistic regression. RESULTS: Before and after CPG implementation, 328 and 364 patients, respectively, were assessed for suspicion of ACS. Before CPG implementation, 36 of the 81 high-risk patients (44.4%) were admitted to ICU. After CPG implementation, 35 of the 90 high-risk patients (38.9%) were admitted to ICU. Male patients were more frequently admitted to ICU before CPG implementation (OR=7.45, 95% CI 2.10-26.44), but not after (OR=0.73, 95% CI 0.20-2.66). Age played a significant role in both periods (OR=1.57, 95% CI 1.24-1.99), both young and advanced ages significantly reducing ICU admission, but to a lesser extent after CPG implementation. CONCLUSION: Prioritisation of access to ICU for high-risk ACS patients was age-dependent, but focused on the cardiovascular risk factor profile. CPG implementation explicitly stating ICU admission criteria decreased discrimination against women, but other factors are likely to play a role in bed allocation.
Actinic keratosis (AK) affects millions of people worldwide, and its prevalence continues to increase. AK lesions are caused by chronic ultraviolet radiation exposure, and the presence of two or more AK lesions along with photodamage should raise the consideration of a diagnosis of field cancerization. Effective treatment of individual lesions as well as field cancerization is essential for good long-term outcomes. The Swiss Registry of Actinic Keratosis Treatment (REAKT) Working Group has developed clinical practice guidelines for the treatment of field cancerization in patients who present with AK. These guidelines are intended to serve as a resource for physicians as to the most appropriate treatment and management of AK and field cancerization based on current evidence and the combined practical experience of the authors. Treatment of AK and field cancerization should be driven by consideration of relevant patient, disease, and treatment factors, and appropriate treatment decisions will differ from patient to patient. Prevention measures and screening recommendations are discussed, and special considerations related to management of immunocompromised patients are provided.
Introduction. Preoperative malnutrition is a major risk factor for increased postoperative morbidity and mortality. Definition and diagnosis of malnutrition and its treatment is still subject for controversy. Furthermore, practical implementation of nutrition-related guidelines is unknown. Methods. A review of the available literature and of current guidelines on perioperative nutrition was conducted. We focused on nutritional screening and perioperative nutrition in patients undergoing digestive surgery, and we assessed translation of recent guidelines in clinical practice. Results and Conclusions. Malnutrition is a well-recognized risk factor for poor postoperative outcome. The prevalence of malnutrition depends largely on its definition; about 40% of patients undergoing major surgery fulfil current diagnostic criteria of being at nutritional risk. The Nutritional Risk Score is a pragmatic and validated tool to identify patients who should benefit from nutritional support. Adequate nutritional intervention entails reduced (infectious) complications, hospital stay, and costs. Preoperative oral supplementation of a minimum of five days is preferable; depending on the patient and the type of surgery, immune-enhancing formulas are recommended. However, surgeons' compliance with evidence-based guidelines remains poor and efforts are necessary to implement routine nutritional screening and nutritional support.
BACKGROUND: Practice guidelines for examining febrile patients presenting upon returning from the tropics were developed to assist primary care physicians in decision making. Because of the low level of evidence available in this field, there was a need to validate them and assess their feasibility in the context they have been designed for. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study were to (1) evaluate physicians' adherence to recommendations; (2) investigate reasons for non-adherence; and (3) ensure good clinical outcome of patients, the ultimate goal being to improve the quality of the guidelines, in particular to tailor them for the needs of the target audience and population. METHODS: Physicians consulting the guidelines on the Internet (www.fevertravel.ch) were invited to participate in the study. Navigation through the decision chart was automatically recorded, including diagnostic tests performed, initial and final diagnoses, and clinical outcomes. The reasons for non-adherence were investigated and qualitative feedback was collected. RESULTS: A total of 539 physician/patient pairs were included in this study. Full adherence to guidelines was observed in 29% of the cases. Figure-specific adherence rate was 54.8%. The main reasons for non-adherence were as follows: no repetition of malaria tests (111/352) and no presumptive antibiotic treatment for febrile diarrhea (64/153) or abdominal pain without leukocytosis (46/101). Overall, 20% of diversions from guidelines were considered reasonable because there was an alternative presumptive diagnosis or the symptoms were mild, which means that the corrected adherence rate per case was 40.6% and corrected adherence per figure was 61.7%. No death was recorded and all complications could be attributed to the underlying illness rather than to adherence to guidelines. CONCLUSIONS: These guidelines proved to be feasible, useful, and leading to good clinical outcomes. Almost one third of physicians strictly adhered to the guidelines. Other physicians used the guidelines not to forget specific diagnoses but finally diverged from the proposed attitudes. These diversions should be scrutinized for further refinement of the guidelines to better fit to physician and patient needs.
PRINCIPLES: Respiratory care is universally recognised as useful, but its indications and practice vary markedly. In order to improve the appropriateness of respiratory care in our hospital, we developed evidence-based local guidelines in a collaborative effort involving physiotherapists, physicians and health service researchers. METHODS: Recommendations were developed using the standardised RAND appropriateness method. A literature search was conducted based on terms associated with guidelines and with respiratory care. A working group prepared proposals for recommendations which were then independently rated by a multidisciplinary expert panel. All recommendations were then discussed in common and indications for procedures were rated confidentially a second time by the experts. The recommendations were then formulated on the basis of the level of evidence in the literature and on the consensus among these experts. RESULTS: Recommendations were formulated for the following procedures: non-invasive ventilation, continuous positive airway pressure, intermittent positive pressure breathing, intrapulmonary percussive ventilation, mechanical insufflation-exsufflation, incentive spirometry, positive expiratory pressure, nasotracheal suctioning and non-instrumental airway clearance techniques. Each recommendation referred to a particular medical condition and was assigned to a hierarchical category based on the quality of the evidence from the literature supporting the recommendation and on the consensus among the experts. CONCLUSION: Despite a marked heterogeneity of scientific evidence, the method used allowed us to develop commonly agreed local guidelines for respiratory care. In addition, this work fostered a closer relationship between physiotherapists and physicians in our institution.
In the era of antiretroviral therapy (ART) as prevention for transmission of HIV as well as treatment for HIV-positive individuals irrespective of CD4 cell counts, the importance of adherence has grown. Although adherence is not the only determinant of treatment success, it is one of the only modifiable risk factors. Treatment failure reduces future treatment options and therefore long-term clinical success as well as increases the possibility of developing drug resistant mutations. Drug-resistant strains of HIV can then be transmitted to uninfected or drug-naïve individuals limiting their future treatment options, making adherence an important public-health topic, especially in resource-limited settings. Adherence should be monitored as a part of routine clinical care; however, no gold standard for assessment of adherence exists. For use in daily clinical practice, self-report is the most likely candidate for widespread use due to its many advantages over other measurement methods, such as low cost and ease of administration. Asking individuals about their adherence behaviour has been shown to yield valid and predictive data - well beyond the mere flip of a coin. However, there is still work to be done. This article reviews the literature and evidence on self-reported adherence, identifies gaps in adherence research, and makes recommendations for clinicians on how to best utilise self-reported adherence data to support patients in daily clinical practice.
QUESTIONS UNDER STUDY: The field of heart transplantation has seen substantial progress in the last 40 years. The breakthroughs in long-term survival were followed by a period of stagnation in the last decade. This review summarises current recommendations for the identification of candidates for heart transplantation and their immunological and non-immunological postoperative follow-up. RESULTS: The progress made in the treatment of patients with advanced heart failure has considerably changed the profile of candidates for heart transplantation. Patients are older, and the load of co-morbidities is more important requiring careful evaluation for candidacy. Long-standing research in the field of immunosuppression made available various drugs, which decrease the risk of acute allograft rejection and prolong survival after heart transplantation. Powerful new molecules are entering early phase clinical studies, suggesting further improvement in the near future. As a consequence, treatment of non-immunological co-morbidity after heart transplantation will gain in importance, however, the base of evidence guiding current recommendations is poor. CONCLUSIONS: The substantial progress in heart failure treatment and immunosuppression after heart transplantation has changed the profile of heart transplant recipients. The arrival of new molecules will provide additional alternatives for immunosuppressive treatment while studies have to address non-immunological treatment in order to improve long-term survival after heart transplantation.
This study was undertaken to explore job satisfaction among nurses and its relationship to reflective practice. It is a qualitative study that listens to the perspectives of 7 mental health nurses who work In a conmiunity hospital in southern Ontario. A pilot survey was conducted prior to the face-to -face interviews in order to develop meaningful questions to utilize in the interviews. Nurses participating in the study were ensured anonjnnlty and an opportunity to have their own personal perspectives heard. A convenient sample was obtained from the hospital in which the researcher worked as an educator and professional practice consultant. The concept of job satisfaction was found to be driven by the desire to do important work and to make a difference in patients' lives. The nurses articulated that it is directly related to other factors, such as the opportunity to work in one's area, of preference, involvement in decisionmaking processes, better patient/ staff ratios, and affordable, accessible continuing educational opportunities. Those nurses who have embraced reflective practice for many years seem to be able to sort out that which drives them to stay in nursing and that which will influence them to leave. The constraints of the study cO-e that it is a small qualitative study; therefore, the results are not generallzable. Reflection is integral to the practice of mental heallth nursing find a tool that is used extensively in therapy with patients. Future research could involve studing a different group of nurses who may be more task focused than mental health nurses.
Methods to optimize healing through dietary strategies present an attractive option for patients, such that healing from delicate oral surgeries occurs as optimally as possible with minimal patient-meditated complications through improper food choices. This review discusses findings from studies that have investigated the role of diet, either whole foods or individual dietary components, on periodontal health and their potential role in wound healing after periodontal surgery. To date, research in this area has largely focused on foods or individual dietary components that may attenuate inflammation or oxidant stress, or foster de novo bone formation. These studies suggest that a wide variety of dietary components, including macronutrients and micronutrients, are integral for optimal periodontal health and have the potential to accelerate oral wound healing after periodontal procedures. Moreover, this review provides guidance regarding dietary considerations that may help a patient achieve the best possible outcome after a periodontal procedure.
Despite recent well-known advancements in patient care in the medical fields, such as patient-centeredness and evidence-based medicine and practice, there is rather less known about their effects on the particulars of clinician-patient encounters. The emphasis in clinical encounters remains mostly on treatment and diagnosis and less on communicative competency or engagement for medical professionals. The purpose of this narrative study was to explore interactive competencies in diagnostic and therapeutic encounters and intake protocols within the context of the physicians’, nurses’, and medical receptionists’ perspectives and experiences. Literature on narrative medicine, phenomenology and medicine, therapeutic relationships, cultural and communication competency, and non-Western perspectives on human communication provided the guiding theoretical frameworks for the study. Three data sets including 13 participant interviews (5 physicians, 4 nurses, and 4 medical receptionists), policy documents (physicians, nurses, and medical receptionists) and a website (Communication and Cultural Competency) were used. The researcher then engaged in triangulated analyses, including N-Vivo, manifest and latent, Mishler’s (1984, 1995) narrative elements and Charon’s (2005, 2006a, 2006b, 2013) narrative themes, in recursive, overlapping, comparative and intersected analysis strategies. A common factor affecting physicians’ relationships with their clients was limitation of time, including limited time (a) to listen, (b) to come up with a proper diagnosis, and (c) to engage in decision making in critical conditions and limited time for patients’ visits. For almost all nurse participants in the study establishing therapeutic relationships meant being compassionate and empathetic. The goals of intake protocols for the medical receptionists were about being empathetic to patients, being an attentive listener, developing rapport, and being conventionally polite to patients. Participants with the least iv amount of training and preparation (medical receptionists) appeared to be more committed to working narratively in connecting with patients and establishing human relationships as well as in listening to patients’ stories and providing support to narrow down the reason for their visit. The diagnostic and intake “success stories” regarding patient clinical encounters for other study participants were focused on a timely securing of patient information, with some acknowledgement of rapport and emapathy. Patient-centeredness emerged as a discourse practice, with ambiguous or nebulous enactment of its premises in most clinical settings.
With the great advancement of computer technologies, electronic information starts to play a more and more important role in modern business transactions. Therefore, electronic data, such as e-mail, is frequently required in the process of litigation. Companies, on the one hand, have the legal obligations to produce this kind of e-mail evidence. On the other hand, they also undertake a high cost of e-mail evidence preservation due to the great volume on a daily basis. This Article firstly analyzed features of e-mail evidence with the comparison of paper evidence. Then, it discussed about how e-mail is authenticated and admitted into evidence. By using the case laws in different legal aspects and current Canadian legislations, the Author demonstrated the importance of e-mail evidence preservation in ordinary business course. After that, the Article focused on the practical dilemma of the companies between their legal obligation and the expensive cost to preserve e-mail evidence. Finally, the Author proposed suggestions to both companies and courts on how to coordinate the obligation and cost. More specifically, while companies should adopt a document management policy to implement e-mail evidence preservation, courts need to take into consideration of the high cost of e-mail evidence preservation in electronic discovery.