999 resultados para Estado nutricional e Nutrientes
Plantas de arroz, variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47, foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva completa e com deficiência de macronutrientes. Foram obtidos dados sobre a influência dos tratamentos na área foliar, produção de matéria seca e na composição mineral e observados os sintomas de carência. O estado nutricional das plantas deficientes em N foi também avaliado pela determinação da atividade da redútase de nitrato na folha.
Plantas de arroz, variedades IAC-25 e IAC-47 foram cultivadas em solução nutritiva e com deficiência de B, Cu e Zn. Foram obtidos sintomas de carência dos três micronutrientes. As deficiências induzidas provocaram diminuição na matéria seca total e no número de folhas das duas variedades. O mesmo ocorreu no numero de perfilhos da var. IAC-47. Foi feita a determinação dos teores dos micronutrientes nas plantas submetidas aos diferentes tratamentos o que forneceu dados que ajudam a avaliação do estado nutricional.
Os experimentos foram conduzidos, em um podzólico de Lins e Marília - variação Lins, de textora barrento-arenosa, localizado no Município de Monte Azul Paulista, SP. O híbrido de milho duplo H-6999B foi utilizado. Cada experimento constou de 5 tratamentos e de 4 repetições. Os níveis de nitrogênio foram: 0, 50, 100, 200 e 400 kg/ha, sendo aplicados também90 kg/ha de P²O5 e 50 kg/ha de K2O. Os níveis de fósforo foram: 0,40, 80, I60 e 320 kg/ha de P²O5, sendo aplicados também 100 kg/ha de N e 50 kg/ha de K2O. Os níveis de potássio foram: 0, 25, 50, 100 e 200 kg/ha de K2O, sendo aplicados também 100 kg/ha de N e 90 kg/ha de P²O5. A aplicação tanto das doses de fósforo comodas de nitrogênio fez aumentar a produção de milho, a qual foi da ordem de 3 a 7 vezes superior à média de produção do Estado de São Paulo. A dose econômica e a sua consequente produção, determinadas pelas equações de Mitscherlichr-Pimentel Gomes foram: para o fósforo, de 253 kg/ha de P²O5 correspondente a urna produção de o.877 kg/ha de milho em grão; para o nitrogênio, foi de 228 kg/ha de N correspondente a uma produção de 11.100 kg/ha de milho e para o potássio, foi de 62 kg/ha de K2O correspondente a urna produção de 9-252 kg/ha de milho. Os níveis críticos econômicos, nas folhas, determinados pelas equações de MALAVOLTA & PIMENTEL GOMES (1961) e correspondentes às doses econômicas, foram de: 0,293% de P, de 3,27% de N e de 2,07% de K. A folha escolhida, ou seja, aquela oposta à espiga mais alta, reflete bem o estado nutricional da planta e consequentemente o nível de fertilidade do solo.
A aplicação da teoria dos sistemas gerais ao estudo das doenças parasitárias tem permitido uma melhor compreensão das relações hospedeiro-parasito e das diferentes variações da morbidade e da biologia das doenças parasitárias. O meio ambiente, considerado como ecossistema do indivíduo, é capaz de atuar sobre ele, por um duplo mecanismo: através da agressão direta do parasito e como elemento condicionante da deficiência alimentar. Os resultados do impacto do processo infeccioso (parasitário) sobre o estado nutricional do hospedeiro, compreendem efeitos catabólicos generalizados. Síndromes secundárias de má-absorção e alterações hematológicas do tipo das anemias, também podem ocorrer, por mecanismos diversos. Os efeitos da desnutrição sobre a biologia dos parasitos são ainda melhor conhecidos, tendo-se, na presente revisão, tomado a Esquistossomose como exemplo, devido á sua importância médico-sanitário, no quadro da nosologia nacional. A patobiologia da desnutrição na esquistossomose mansônica foi estudada em camundongos, utilizando dietas semipurificadas e dietas "naturais" (isto é, semelhantes ás do homem nas áreas rurais da Zona da mata do Nordeste do Brasil, onde existem importantes focos endêmicos da parasitose). Por fim, é feita uma apreciação da resposta imunológica na patobiologia das relações nutrição x infecção, enfatizando-se, sobretudo, o papel negativo das deficiências de proteína e de ferro sobre a imunidade celular.
Introducció: La dieta mediterrània és considerada un dels patrons alimentaris més saludables ja que diversos estudis epidemiològics mostren que protegeix front diverses malalties cròniques com ara les malalties cardiovasculars, la diabetis i alguns càncers. Malauradament al nostre país els patrons alimentaris estan canviant a conseqüència de la modernització de la societat i estan portant a l’allunyament del patró de dieta mediterrània. Això és especialment crític entre la població infantil i juvenil, fet que predisposa a que en un futur augmenti la prevalença de malalties cròniques entre la població adulta. Objectiu: avaluar els hàbits alimentaris i l’estat nutricional d’escolars de 8 a 12 anys de la comarca d’Osona. Mètodes: estudi de disseny observacional i transversal. La mostra estava constituïda per 191 escolars de 4rt i 5è d’ensenyança primària d’escoles de la comarca d’Osona. La informació sobre la dieta es va recollir a través d’una enquesta alimentària, un recordatori de 24 hores, un qüestionari de freqüència de consum alimentari i el test KIDMED. Les determinacions antropomètriques que es van realitzar van ser talla, pes, IMC (Índex de Massa Corporal), plec tricipital, perímetre braquial i perímetre abdominal. L’anàlisi estadística de totes les dades es va portar a terme mitjançant el programa estadístic SPSS per Windows versió 12.0. Resultats: quan es valora la qualitat de l’esmorzar, s’observa que només en el 16.8% dels casos la qualitat era bona, en el 68.6% dels casos la qualitat havia de millorar i en el 12.6% era de qualitat insuficient i en el 2.1% era de mala qualitat. També s’observa que la dieta que segueixen és desequilibrada quantitativament, concretament és baixa en hidrats de carboni, rica en greixos i lleugerament elevada en proteïnes. L’anàlisi qualitativa mostra que hi ha un molt baix consum de verdures i hortalisses i de fruita, mentre que s’arriba a les racions recomanades de carnis i d’olis i greixos. El test KIDMED mostra una puntuació mitjana de 7.21±1.96 punts, el que indica que la dieta de la població és de qualitat millorable. Pel que fa a l’estat nutricional s’observa que un 24,6% presenta valors de baix pes i un 17,8% sobrepès o obesitat, el que indica que un 42,4% de la població estudiada presenta un estat nutricional incorrecte. Conclusions: La dieta del col·lectiu estudiat s’allunya de les recomanacions de la SENC (Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria). Els resultats del test KIDMED indiquen que només un 44% de la població segueix un patró òptim de Dieta mediterrània i l’anàlisi de l’estat nutricional mostra que un 42,4% presenta un estat nutricional incorrecte, sigui per excés o per defecte de pes. Per tant, es fa necessari dissenyar estratègies d’educació alimentària adequades per millorar els hàbits alimentaris dels escolars i aconseguir en un futur un estat òptim de salut.
Estudi de la relació entre les variables incloses a la valoració geriàtrica integral amb mortalitat als pacients ancians ingressats amb el diagnòstic de pneumònia extrahospitalària. Es va estudiar la situació funcional prèvia (índex de Barthel (IBp) i índex de Lawton), la situació funcional a l'ingrés (índex de barthel (IBi)) i pèrdua funcional [(IBp-IBi/IBp) x 100], situació cognitiva (test de Pfeiffer), comorbilitat (índex de Charlson), estat nutricional (determinació de proteïnes i albúmina) així com la presència prèvia a l'ingrés de les síndromes geriàtriques d'immobilitat, úlceres per pressió (UPP) i deteriorament cognitiu i l'aparició durant l'ingrés d'immobilitat, UPP i síndrome confusional aguda.
Introducción: la anemia es una entidad muy prevalente en pacientes con insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) y se asocia a mayor morbimortalidad. Objetivos: analizar las comorbilidades de pacientes hospitalizados de ≥ 65 años con IC. Estudiar el impacto de la anemia sobre esta población y comparar esta comorbilidad respecto a aquéllos que no la presentan en relación a la valoración geriátrica integral (VGI), así como la adecuación del tratamiento farmacológico en la IC. Pacientes y métodos: estudio descriptivo observacional transversal de una cohorte de 150 pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Vall d’Hebron, entre junio de 2007 y enero de 2010, mediante entrevista clínica y recogida de datos de la historia clínica. Resultados: en la muestra prevalecían las mujeres (62%), los pacientes con hipertensión (84%), los que tenían la FEVI conservada (66,4%) y los pacientes con anemia (61,3%), de los cuales el 60,9% presentaban anemia inflamatoria y el 35,9% anemia ferropénica. Los pacientes con anemia tuvieron peor valor de MNA (p=0,017, con un RR de 2,7), mayor diferencial de Barthel (p=0,021) y peor valor de albuminemia (p=0,001). Asimismo, se observó que 53 pacientes con indicación según las guías clínicas de tratamiento con IECA o ARA II no lo seguían, y hasta 105 pacientes en el caso de los betabloqueantes (BB). Conclusiones: los pacientes con anemia presentaban pero estado nutricional, y mayor empeoramiento del índice de Barthel. Respecto al tratamiento de la IC, destacaba el gran número de pacientes sin tratamiento con IECA, ARA II o BB, que deberían llevarlo según las guías de práctica clínica.
Current high survival in hemodialysis patients (52% at 5 years) have made the chronic manifestations to emerge such as the high hyponutrition prevalence of these patients, as well as the importance of the nutritional status in their morbimortality. The reason for protein-caloric hyponutrition is multifactorial, although chronic inflammatory conditions associated to the dialysis technique are becoming more and more relevant. The variations in several nutritional biochemical parameters (total proteins, plasma albumin, transferrin, and total cholesterol) have been assessed in 73 hemodialysis patients for one year. The mean age of the patients was 53.3 +/- 18.69 years (43 males and 30 females). The average on hemodialysis program was 43 +/- 33 months, with a mean session duration of 246 +/- 24 minutes, and mean hemodialysis dose administered of 1.37 +/- 0.27 (KT/V) (second generation Daurgidas). A decrease in all the biochemical parameters assessed has been observed, with statistically significant differences: total proteins (p < 0.001), albumin (p < 0.00001), total cholesterol (p < 0.05), and transferrin (p < 0.01). The evolution of the nutritional biochemical parameters assessed showed an important nutritional deterioration of the patients remaining stable with the therapy.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to determine whether the consumption of low protein dietetic foods improved the quality of life and nutritional status for vitamins B and homocysteine in patients with chronic renal failure. METHODOLOGY This nutritional-intervention involved 28 men and 21 women, divided into two groups. The control-group consumed a low-protein diet prescribed, and the experimental-group consumed a diet in which some commonly used foods were replaced by low-protein dietetic foods. The study lasted 6 months. Food consumption was assessed by 24-h recall. Vitamin B6 as alphaEAST was measured in blood. Creatinine, urea, vitamin B12, folate and homocysteine were measured in plasma. The impact on the patients' quality of life from consuming the dietetic foods was assessed via the SF-36 questionnaire. RESULTS After 6 months, the protein intake among the experimental-group had decreased by 40%, and the urea/creatinine ratio and alphaEAST activity were also lower. The results of the SF-36 questionnaire show that the patients in the experimental-group obtained higher scores in the categories of general health and physical status. CONCLUSIONS The dietetic foods were very well accepted by all patients and their use allowed a better control of the protein intake, improved B6 status and a better quality of life.
The aim was to describe the anemia profile of medical or surgical patients with severe sepsis or septic shock in the ICU, assessing severity scale, length of stay and mortality. The prevalence of microcytic anemia is more than one-half of our septic patients. There are iron metabolism disorders without significant differences between medical and surgical patients. Transferrin, a protein related to malnutrition, inflammatory response and organ dysfunction, is significantly lower in the most severe patients with higher organ dysfunction scores.
BACKGROUND Several evidences indicate that gut microbiota is involved in the control of host energy metabolism. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the differences in the composition of gut microbiota in rat models under different nutritional status and physical activity and to identify their associations with serum leptin and ghrelin levels. METHODS IN A CASE CONTROL STUDY, FORTY MALE RATS WERE RANDOMLY ASSIGNED TO ONE OF THESE FOUR EXPERIMENTAL GROUPS: ABA group with food restriction and free access to exercise; control ABA group with food restriction and no access to exercise; exercise group with free access to exercise and feed ad libitum and ad libitum group without access to exercise and feed ad libitum. The fecal bacteria composition was investigated by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and real-time qPCR. RESULTS In restricted eaters, we have found a significant increase in the number of Proteobacteria, Bacteroides, Clostridium, Enterococcus, Prevotella and M. smithii and a significant decrease in the quantities of Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, B. coccoides-E. rectale group, Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium with respect to unrestricted eaters. Moreover, a significant increase in the number of Lactobacillus, Bifidobacterium and B. coccoides-E. rectale group was observed in exercise group with respect to the rest of groups. We also found a significant positive correlation between the quantity of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus and serum leptin levels, and a significant and negative correlation among the number of Clostridium, Bacteroides and Prevotella and serum leptin levels in all experimental groups. Furthermore, serum ghrelin levels were negatively correlated with the quantity of Bifidobacterium, Lactobacillus and B. coccoides-Eubacterium rectale group and positively correlated with the number of Bacteroides and Prevotella. CONCLUSIONS Nutritional status and physical activity alter gut microbiota composition affecting the diversity and similarity. This study highlights the associations between gut microbiota and appetite-regulating hormones that may be important in terms of satiety and host metabolism.
Iodine deficiency is an important clinical and public health problem. Its prevention begins with an adequate intake of iodine during pregnancy. International agencies recommend at least 200 microg iodine per d for pregnant women. We assessed whether iodine concentrations in the amniotic fluid of healthy pregnant women are independent of iodine intake. This cross-sectional, non-interventional study included 365 consecutive women who underwent amniocentesis to determine the fetal karyotype. The amniocentesis was performed with abdominal antisepsis using chlorhexidine. The iodine concentration was measured in urine and amniotic fluid. The study variables were the intake of iodized salt and multivitamin supplements or the prescription of a KI supplement. The mean level of urinary iodine was 139.0 (SD 94.5) microg/l and of amniotic fluid 15.81 (SD 7.09) microg/l. The women who consumed iodized salt and those who took a KI supplement had significantly higher levels of urinary iodine than those who did not (P = 0.01 and P = 0.004, respectively). The urinary iodine levels were not significantly different in the women who took a multivitamin supplement compared with those who did not take this supplement, independently of iodine concentration or multivitamin supplement. The concentrations of iodine in the amniotic fluid were similar, independent of the dietary iodine intake. Urine and amniotic fluid iodine concentrations were weakly correlated, although the amniotic fluid values were no higher in those women taking a KI supplement. KI prescription at recommended doses increases the iodine levels in the mother without influencing the iodine levels in the amniotic fluid.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate nutritional status and dietary habits after implementation of a nutritional education program in professional handball players. RESEARCH METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Longitudinal study of 14 handball players evaluated with 72-h recall, a questionnaire on food consumption and anthropometric measures during 4 months. The intervention consisted of a nutrition education program. RESULTS: Energy intake was consistently below the recommended allowances. Macronutrient intakes as a percentage of total energy intake were below the recommended allowances for carbohydrates, and above recommended allowances for fats. Nutritional education was followed by a significant increase (p < 0.01) in total energy and macronutrient intakes, with no significant changes in macronutrient or micronutrient intakes after adjustment for energy intake. DISCUSSION: The imbalance in nutrient intake in handball players suggests that detailed re-analysis is needed to determine specific recommendations for this population. Nutritional education with continuous follow-up to monitor athletes' dietary habits may lead them to adopt appropriate nutritional habits to optimize dietary intakes. The lack of specific recommendations for micronutrient intakes in athletes leads to confusion regarding appropriate intakes; biochemical tests that yield normal values (albeit approaching cut-off values for deficiency) may disguise deficient status for some nutrients when strenuous exercise is involved. CONCLUSION: In-depth studies with nutrition education programs that include long-term follow-up are advisable to avoid deficiencies that can lead to irreversible damage in competitive athletes.
OBJECTIVES To investigate the role of factors that modulate the association between alcohol and mortality, and to provide estimates of absolute risk of death. DESIGN The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC). SETTING 23 centres in 10 countries. PARTICIPANTS 380 395 men and women, free of cancer, diabetes, heart attack or stroke at enrolment, followed up for 12.6 years on average. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES 20 453 fatal events, of which 2053 alcohol-related cancers (ARC, including cancers of upper aerodigestive tract, liver, colorectal and female breast), 4187 cardiovascular diseases/coronary heart disease (CVD/CHD), 856 violent deaths and injuries. Lifetime alcohol use was assessed at recruitment. RESULTS HRs comparing extreme drinkers (≥30 g/day in women and ≥60 g/day in men) to moderate drinkers (0.1-4.9 g/day) were 1.27 (95% CI 1.13 to 1.43) in women and 1.53 (1.39 to 1.68) in men. Strong associations were observed for ARC mortality, in men particularly, and for violent deaths and injuries, in men only. No associations were observed for CVD/CHD mortality among drinkers, whereby HRs were higher in never compared to moderate drinkers. Overall mortality seemed to be more strongly related to beer than wine use, particularly in men. The 10-year risks of overall death for women aged 60 years, drinking more than 30 g/day was 5% and 7%, for never and current smokers, respectively. Corresponding figures in men consuming more than 60 g/day were 11% and 18%, in never and current smokers, respectively. In competing risks analyses, mortality due to CVD/CHD was more pronounced than ARC in men, while CVD/CHD and ARC mortality were of similar magnitude in women. CONCLUSIONS In this large European cohort, alcohol use was positively associated with overall mortality, ARC and violent death and injuries, but marginally to CVD/CHD. Absolute risks of death observed in EPIC suggest that alcohol is an important determinant of total mortality.
BACKGROUND Few epidemiological studies have examined the association between dietary trans fatty acids and weight gain, and the evidence remains inconsistent. The main objective of the study was to investigate the prospective association between biomarker of industrial trans fatty acids and change in weight within the large study European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort. METHODS Baseline plasma fatty acid concentrations were determined in a representative EPIC sample from the 23 participating EPIC centers. A total of 1,945 individuals were followed for a median of 4.9 years to monitor weight change. The association between elaidic acid level and percent change of weight was investigated using a multinomial logistic regression model, adjusted by length of follow-up, age, energy, alcohol, smoking status, physical activity, and region. RESULTS In women, doubling elaidic acid was associated with a decreased risk of weight loss (odds ratio (OR) = 0.69, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.55-0.88, p = 0.002) and a trend was observed with an increased risk of weight gain during the 5-year follow-up (OR = 1.23, 95% CI = 0.97-1.56, p = 0.082) (p-trend<.0001). In men, a trend was observed for doubling elaidic acid level and risk of weight loss (OR = 0.82, 95% CI = 0.66-1.01, p = 0.062) while no significant association was found with risk of weight gain during the 5-year follow-up (OR = 1.08, 95% CI = 0.88-1.33, p = 0.454). No association was found for saturated and cis-monounsaturated fatty acids. CONCLUSIONS These data suggest that a high intake of industrial trans fatty acids may decrease the risk of weight loss, particularly in women. Prevention of obesity should consider limiting the consumption of highly processed foods, the main source of industrially-produced trans fatty acids.