950 resultados para Escultura (Especialização em estudos de Escultura)


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O vídeo apresenta sugestões de como os alunos podem comprar ou construir um pad de estudos para percussão. O professor apresenta diferentes tipos de pads, que são borrachas utilizadas para a prática com baquetas. Alguns são comprados já prontos, outros podem ser construídos pelos alunos. Feito para alunos que estão estudando percussão, o vídeo visa esclarecer algumas questões fundamentais para a aquisição desse equipamento, bem como explicar sua importância nos estudos de percussão.


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O item não apresenta o texto completo, pois está passando por revisão editorial


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Os microsatélites, também chamados STRs (Short Tandem Repeat), são pequenas sequências de DNA que consistem numa sequência de repetições de um motivo que varia de um a seis pares de bases. Existem em quase todos os cromossomas humanos e podem situar-se nos exões ou nos intrões. Estes últimos são altamente polimórficos e são por isso utilizados na identificação de indivíduos em testes de paternidade e também em estudos de genética de populações. A combinação dos vários genótipos possíveis faz com que cada indivíduo possua um perfil único, que permite a sua identificação. Existem também microsatélites associados a exões ou a regiões promotoras dos genes, normalmente repetições trinucleotídicas CGG/CCG ou CAG/CTG, associados a doenças neurodegenerativas como a síndrome do X-frágil e a doença de Huntington. Neste trabalho caracterizaram-se geneticamente várias populações humanas dos arquipélagos da Madeira, Açores e Cabo Verde. A partir do estudo dos microsatélites do cromossoma Y, foram definidas idades de coalescência que permitiram concluir que as cópias do gene DAZ situado no cromossoma Y são o resultado de um processo evolutivo estando a sua evolução associada a alguns haplogrupos. Verificou-se também a ocorrência de possíveis mutações nos SNPs que definem os haplogrupos, através da comparação dos microsatélites do cromossoma Y dentro de cada haplogrupo, especialmente no haplogrupo E3b. Verificou-se existir uma associação entre o número de repetições CAG e GGC do gene Receptor de Androgénios (AR), situado no cromossoma X, e a infertilidade especialmente quando combinados os dois polimorfismos, parecendo haver um efeito protector dos alelos maiores e alguma susceptibilidade para os alelos menores. Quando se estudou o número de repetições GGC do gene FMR1 em doentes com suspeita de síndrome de X-frágil observaram-se diferenças significativas quando comparadas com a população em geral e com um grupo de sobredotados. Essa diferença deveu-se principalmente à presença do alelo 29 em quase todos os indivíduos do primeiro grupo o que por si só não constitui um factor de risco mas poderá ser uma indicação da associação deste alelo com outra mutação no mesmo gene que possa ser responsável por este fenótipo.


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A presente dissertação de Mestrado é apresentada para a obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Gestão Cultural pela Universidade da Madeira. Esta investigação pretende efectuar uma breve revisão da bibliografia teórica acerca do livro em suporte impresso e do livro em suporte digital. Naturalmente que foram convocados conceitos como hipertexto, hipermédia e multimédia. A pergunta a formular no decurso desta investigação poderá parecer simples: como é que a linguagem (nas suas dimensões oral e escrita) no ecrã poderá funcionar de diferente forma no papel? Para tentar responder a esta questão foi imprescindível uma investigação em contexto prático para se poder obter uma resposta fundamentada e rigorosa ao problema colocado. O trabalho de campo (em contexto prático, portanto) realizou-se a partir da criação de um texto inédito, escrito pela autora da presente dissertação, através do qual se pretendeu aferir e analisar os efeitos da transição da escrita em suporte papel para meios digitais e/ou a coexistência de ambos os suportes, de forma a tentar compreender a forma como a substituição e/ou a co-presença de meios poderá afectar (e de que modo) a compreensão textual de crianças em contexto educativo, tendo em grande medida por objectivo analisar a influência da escrita e dos áudio-livros no processo de aprendizagem de crianças do 4º ano do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Para este efeito, elaborou-se um livro em papel e um e-book para ser visualizado no ecrã de um computador e, por comparação, aferir a reacção das crianças perante os dois artefactos. Após as conclusões obtidas neste trabalho de campo, estas foram motivo de reflexão e ponto de partida para a realização de uma aplicação interactiva que neste momento está disponibilizada na store da Apple apenas para iPads.


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O trabalho com jovens futebolistas deverá ser escudado em elevados níveis de conhecimento sobre as capacidades físicas e a forma como estas se desenvolvem nas crianças. O objetivo do presente trabalho é de perceber se se observa a existência de especialização metabólica em jovens futebolistas pertencentes ao escalão de iniciados (idade: 13 a 15 anos) e infantis (idade: 10 a 12 anos). Para responder ao objetivo definido, avaliou-se a potência aeróbia (PA) e a potência anaeróbia (PAN) de uma amostra constituída por 64 participantes. Destes, 11 eram praticantes federados infantis de futebol (idade: 11,7 ± 0,5 anos; peso: 44,1 ± 6,9 Kg; IMC: 20,6 ± 2,7 kg/m2), e 21 participantes federados iniciados de futebol (Idade: 13,9 ± 0,7 anos; Peso: 54,9 ± 10,6 Kg; IMC: 20,5 ± 3,0 kg/m2). O grupo de controlo era constituído por 11 participantes do escalão etário de infantis (Idade 10,9 ± 0,3 anos; Peso 40,1 Kg ± 7,3; IMC: 19,2 ± 2,4 kg/m2) e 21 participantes do escalão etário de iniciados (Idade: 13,9 ± 0,8 anos; Peso: 58,9 ± 11,7 Kg; IMC: 22,1 ± 4,4 kg/m2), mas sem prática desportiva federada. A PA (protocolo de Balke modificado com análise direta de gases) e a PAN (protocolo Wingate para o trem inferior) foram avaliadas e comparadas entre grupos, assim como o nível de correlação entre as variáveis aeróbias e as variáveis anaeróbias (SPSS 20.0). Os resultados verificados indicam que para o escalão de infantis o treino não é um factor conducente a uma superior PA e PAN entre os grupos mas que para o escalão dos iniciados a prática regular da modalidade produz efeitos sobre estas componentes. No entanto, no que concerne há especialização metabólica, esta não se verifica em nenhum escalão embora se possa admitir que há indicadores de que esta se comece a manifestar no escalão de iniciados.


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Portland-polymers composites are promising candidates to be used as cementing material in Northeastern oil wells of Brazil containing heavy oils submitted to steam injection. In this way, it is necessary to evaluate its degradation in the commonly acidizind agents. In addition, to identify how aggressive are the different hostile environments it is an important contribution on the decision of the acidic systems to be used in. It was investigated the performance of the Portland-polymer composites using powdered polyurethane, aqueous polyurethane, rubber tire residues and a biopolymer, those were reinforced with polished carbon steel SAE 1045 to make the electrochemical measurements. HCl 15,0 %, HCl 6,0 % + HF 1,5 % (soft mud acid), HCl 12,0 % + HF 3,0 % (regular mud acid) and HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % were used as degrading environment and electrolytes. The more aggressive acid solution to the plain Portland hardened cement paste was the regular mud acid, that showed loss of weight around 23.0 %, followed by the soft mud acid, the showed 11.0 %, 15.0 % HCl with 7,0 % and, at last the 10.0 % HAc plus HF 1.5 % with just 1.0 %. The powdered polyurethane-composite and the aqueous polyurethane one showed larger durability, with reduction around 87.0 % on the loss of weight in regular mud acid. The acid attack is superficial and it occurs as an action layer, where the degraded layer is responsible for the decrease on the kinetic of the degrading process. This behavior can be seen mainly on the Portland- aqueous polyurethane composite, because the degraded layer is impregnated with chemically modified polymer. The fact of the acid attack does not have influence on the compressive strength or fratography of the samples, in a general way, confirms that theory. The mechanism of the efficiency of the Portland-polymers composites subjected to acid attack is due to decreased porosity and permeability related with the plain Portland paste, minor quantity of Ca+2, element preferentially leached to the acidic solution, wave effect and to substitute part of the degrading bulk for the polymeric one. The electrolyte HAc 10 % + HF 1,5 % was the least aggressive one to the external corrosion of the casing, showing open circuit potentials around +250 mV compared to -130 mV to the simulated pore solution to the first 24 hours immersion. This behavior has been performed for two months at least. Similar corrosion rates were showed between both of the electrolytes, around 0.01 μA.cm-2. Total impedance values, insipient arcs and big polarization resistance capacitive arcs on the Nyquist plots, indicating passivity process, confirm its efficiency. In this way, Portlandpolymers composites are possible solutions to be succeed applied to oilwell cementing concomitant submitted to steam injection and acidizing operation and the HAc 10,0 % + HF 1,5 % is the less aggressive solution to the external corrosion of the casing


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This dissertation presents a hybrid ceramic block the use of which reside in the buildings executed with walls. Initially, we conducted a survey on the requirements and / or norms prevailing in Brazil about structural ceramic blocks, making use of the experiences in other countries. This work seeks new materials and / or products in order to maintain or increase the compressive strength of the ceramic blocks, without neglecting the other properties. Then was collected materials (clay and crushed powder) and an approach on the characterization, through fluorescence, Mineralogy, vitrification curve and characterization of these materials used in the manufacture of the blocks by Ray Diffraction "X" and SEM. Subsequently it was made, numbered and measured dimensions of about 150 bodies of the test piece (hybrid ceramic blocks in small sizes) with varying percentages of 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% substitution of crushed clay powder. After sintering of the bodies of the test piece at temperatures of 900oC, 1000oC 1100oC and with a heating rate of 5oC/minuto and level of 1 hour, the samples were submitted to the tests (compressive strength and water absorption) and calculated their retractions, which were subsequently carried out the analysis of the results according to the criteria and parameters required by Brazilian legislation and standards in force


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Different types of heterogeneous catalysts of the silicoaluminophosphate type, (SAPO-5, SAPO-11, SAPO-31, SAPO-34 and SAPO-41), molecular sieves with a: AFI, AEL, ATO, CHA and AFO structure, respectively, were synthesized through the hydrothermal method. Using sources such as hydrated alumina (pseudobohemita), phosphoric acid, silica gel, water, as well as, different types of organic structural templates, such as: cetyltrimethylammonium bromide (CTMABr), di-isopropylamine (DIPA), di-n- propylamine (DNPA) and tetraethylammonium hydroxide (TEOS), for the respective samples. During the preparation of the silicoaluminophosphates, the crystallization process of the samples occurred at a temperature of approximately 200 ° C, ranging through periods of 18-72 h, when it was possible to obtain pure phases for the SAPOs. The materials were furthermore washed with deionized water, dried and calcined to remove the molecules of the templates. Subsequently the samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), absorption spectroscopy in the infrared region (FT-IR), specific surface area and thermal analysis via TG/DTG. The acidic properties were determined using adsorption of n-butylamine followed by programmed termodessorption. These methods revealed that the SAPO samples showed a typically weak to moderate acidity. However, a small amount of strong acid sites was also detected. The deactivation of the catalysts was conducted by artificially coking the samples, followed by n-hexane cracking reactions in a fixed bed with a continuous flow micro-reactor coupled on line to a gas chromatograph. The main products obtained were: ethane, propane, isobutene, n-butane, n-pentane and isopentane. The Vyazovkin (model-free) kinetics method was used to determine the catalysts regeneration and removal of the coke


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Waste generated during the exploration and production of oil, water stands out due to various factors including the volume generated, the salt content, the presence of oil and chemicals and the water associated with oil is called produced water. The chemical composition of water is complex and depends strongly on the field generator, because it was in contact with the geological formation for thousands of years. This work aims to characterize the hydrochemical water produced in different areas of a field located in the Potiguar Basin. We collected 27 samples from 06 zones (400, 600, 400/600, 400/450/500, 350/400, A) the producing field called S and measured 50 required parameter divided between physical and chemical parameters, cations and anions. In hydrochemical characterization was used as tools of reasons ionic calculations, diagrams and they hydrochemical classification diagram Piper and Stiff diagram and also the statistic that helped in the identification of signature patterns for each production area including the area that supplies water injected this field for secondary oil recovery. The ionic balance error was calculated to assess the quality of the results of the analysis that was considered good, because 89% of the samples were below 5% error. Hydrochemical diagrams classified the waters as sodium chloride, with the exception of samples from Area A, from the injection well, which were classified as sodium bicarbonate. Through descriptive analysis and discriminant analysis was possible to obtain a function that differs chemically production areas, this function had a good hit rate of classification was 85%


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Innumerable studies have focused been reported on the sleep spindles (SS), Sharp Vertex Waves (SVW) and REM, NREM Sleep as indicators interpreting EEG patterns in children. However, Frequency and Amplitud Gradient (FAG) is rarely cited sleep parameter in children,that occurs during NREM Sleep. It was first described by Slater and Torres, in 1979, but has not been routinely evaluated in EEG reports. The aim of this study was to assess the absence of SS, SVW and FAG, as an indication of neurological compromise in children. The sample consisted of 1014 EEGs of children referred to the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory, Hospital Universitário de Brasília (HUB), from January 1997 to March 2003, with ages ranging from 3 months to 12 years old, obtained in spontaneous sleep or induced by choral hydrate. The study was transversal and analytical, in which, visual analysis of EEG traces was perfumed individually and independently by two electroencephalographers without prior knowledge of the EEG study or neurological findings. After EEG selection, the investigators analyzed the medical reports in order to define and correlate neurological pattern was classified according to the presence or absence of neurological compromise, as Normal Neurological Pattern (NNP), and Altered Neurological Pattern (ANP) respectively. From the visual analysis of the EEG(s), it was possible to characterize 6 parameters: 1- FAG present (64,1%); 2- FAG absent (35,9%); 3 - normal SS (87,9%); 4 - altered SS s (12,1%); 5 - normal SVW s (95,7%); 6 - altered SVW s (4,3%). The prevalence of well-formed FAG is found in the 3 months to 5 years age group in the children with NNF. FAG was totally absent from the age of 10 years. When comparing the three sleep graphielements, it was observed that SVW and SS were predominant in children with NNF. However, FAG absent was more prevalent in the ANF than in altered SS an SVW. The statistical analysis showed that there is a strong association of FAG absent, with isolated alteration, in ANF patients, in that the prevalence ratio was 6,60. The association becomes stronger when FAG absent + altered SS(s) is considered (RP= 6,68). Chi-square test, corrected by Yates technique, showed a highly significant relation for FAG ρ= 0,00000001, for error X of 5%, or else the 95% confidence interval (ρ<0,05). Thus, the FAG absent were more expressive in ANF patient than altered SS(s) and SVW(s). The association becomes stronger in order to establish a prognostic relation, when the FAG is combined with the SS. The results os this study allow us to affirm that the FAG, when absent at ages ranging from 3 months to 5 years , is an indication of neurological compromise. FAG is an age-dependent EEG parameter and incorporated systematically, in the interpretation criteria of the EEG of children s sleep, not only in the maturational point of view, but also neurological disturbances with encephalic compromise


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Objective: To evaluate the implementation of the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Brazilian cities of the Northeast, expanding coverage, analyzing the progress, challenges and innovations. Methods: Multicentric Evaluation Research, Studies Baselines in urban centers, using as a case study method. Selected cases of Aracaju, being capital, advanced coverage with extended team, and Fortaleza, capital coverage incipient and minimal staff. In Fortaleza, purposive sample of 11 Units Primary (APS), 03 managers, 53 professionals and 109 users. In Aracaju, 09 units of APS, 02 managers, 36 professionals, and 90 users. Structured interviews for managers, and structured to professionals and users. Descriptive analysis focusing on the political and institutional dimensions, organization and comprehensive care. Results: There was consensus that the ESF is the preferred port users and acts as inducing changes in care. In the case of Fortaleza, the specificities were: care protocols and community activities aimed at chronic conditions (100%) , with greater participation of doctors and nurses (93%) ; conjunction with more complex services, but the teams reported difficulties with the examination center and experts, the long waits and poor access to local services were the main difficulties reported by users., As innovative practice, the therapeutic group of elderly caregivers mentioned by respondents; There was intersectoral initiatives and teams 87 % of users have participated in meetings about health problems. In the case of Aracaju, care protocols were directed to the lines of care and formulated locally, 85 % coverage of the population with FHS counterpart local financing; employees hired by public tender; 70 % of teams with expertise in public health center for continuing education acting; democratization in management; access technologies, welcoming and computerization in different integrated networks, and evaluation matrix. Conclusions: The ESF has promoted access to health care and inclusion of disadvantaged populations. Different perceptions and practices in the organization of care, with distinct trajectories of reorganization. In the case of Fortaleza, predominance of model programs valuing older, with evidence of advances in care practices and teamwork, but restricted to primary care practices and incipient in public policy perspective. In Aracaju, had network integration with technologies related to the family, in which the ESF is consolidated as public policy. It can be argued that the XII APS expanding coverage, exhibited efficacy, despite the challenges inherent to the different degrees of implementation


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Physical therapy has suffered of a mechanistic influence, with the superspecialization and fragmentation of learning, which interfers directly in the professional s understanding of the body, besides affecting his therapeutic performance. Worried about this reality, this research analyzed perceptions of Physical therapy students from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte and Universidade Potiguar about the human body. This is a descriptive study where 167 students were evaluated through objective and subjective responses to questionnaires designited QUEB Questionnare of understanding body evaluation. Searching the complement of the datas the QUEB open-ended was created, which gives freedom to students to answer freely. This questionnnaire was applicated on a subgroup composed by 21 students of the Health Sociology subject of the Physical therapy course. The validation process of these questionnaires included strategies of a panel of experts and face validity. The theorical reference analyzed based on the studies which favor the rejoining of knowledge represented by transdisciplinary support. The analysis of the results were performed quantitativavely and qualitatively through categorization of the responses selectioning key-words and the most expressive discourses , besides using descritive statistics interpretation. According to the responses, the body thought only thought biologically, ignoring the understanding of man as a cultural and social construction, confirming the presence of the reductionist model, with overvalorization of early specialization, technical training and purely biological and mechanical considerations of the body and its mobility. Probably, the dialogic knowledge of the body human inside Physical Therapist s learning can promote a growth of health s concept and a true activeness of Physical therapy on it, being the body a link with social environment. So, through understanding of the body as a complex form, the physical therapy will be able to attend your patients considerating their biological characteristics, but so the religious, political, social and ethics. Finally, this reflection suggests a search for a less technical vision, which allows the professional to discern more than segments of the body and which will contribute to a wider understanding of the patient and his social context, leading to greater humanization of the body , improvement in services and consequently, in the quality of life of these patients


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Since its synthesis over 48 years rifampicin has been extensively studied. The literature reports the characterization of thermal events for rifampicin in nitrogen atmosphere, however, no characterization in synthetic air atmosphere. This paper aims to contribute to the thermal study of rifampicin through thermal (TG / DTG, DTA, DSC and DSC - FOTOVISUAL ) and non-thermal (HPLC, XRPD , IR - FTIR , PCA) and its main degradation products ( rifampicin quinone , rifampicin N-oxide 3- formylrifamicin). Rifampicin study was characterized as polymorph form II from techniques DSC, IR and XRPD. TG curves for rifampicin in synthetic air atmosphere showed higher thermal stability than those in N2, when analyzed Ti and Ea. There was characterized as overlapping events melting and recrystallization under N2 with weight loss in the TG curve, suggesting concomitant decomposition. Images DSCFotovisual showed no fusion event and showed darkening of the sample during analysis. The DTA curve in synthetic air atmosphere was visually different from DTA and DSC curves under N2, suggesting the absence of recrystallization and melting or presence only decomposition. The IV - FTIR analysis along with PCA analysis and HPLC and thermal data suggest that rifampicin for their fusion is concomitant decomposition of the sample in N2 and fusion events and recrystallization do not occur in synthetic air atmosphere. Decomposition products studied in an air atmosphere showed no melting event and presented simultaneously to the decomposition initiation of heating after process loss of water and / or solvent, varying the Ti initiating events. The Coats - Redfern , Madsudhanan , Van Krevelen and Herwitz - Mertzger kinetic parameters for samples , through the methods of OZAWA , in an atmosphere of synthetic air and / or N2 rifampicin proved more stable than its degradation products . The kinetic data showed good correlation between the different models employed. In this way we contribute to obtaining information that may assist studies of pharmaceutical compatibility and stability of substances


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Octopus insularis, target species in this study, is the dominant benthic octopus of the North and Northeast Brazil. Studies on behavior and ecology of the species have been conducted primarily on oceanic islands, with little information on the continental populations. In this study, two regions of the coast of RN, Rio do Fogo and Pirangi, were chosen for the characterization of the niche by O. insularis populations. The dietary niche, habitat and distribution of O. insularis of oceanic islands and the mainland, were compared. In addition, individual characteristics of feeding behavior in a population at Atol das Rocas was studied, taking into account the size of individuals, the proximity of the dens and characteristics of their "personality". The diet of the Rio do Fogo population was composed mainly of bivalve molluscs (82%), unlike Pirangi population that has a diet consisting mainly of crustaceans Decapoda (68%), similar to that described for the populations of the islands. Consequently, the feeding niches of the island populations were more similar, with greater overlap, but the niche breadth of the continent was larger. The habitats of occurrence on the coast includes reefs, rocks, gravel and an environment called Restinga, a plateau composed of biogenic gravel, sand, sponges and algae, showed a high density of animals. Similarly to that found in the islands, O. insularis in the continent, had a clumped distribution, and a bathymetric segregation between small and large individuals. The differences in diet composition among populations were explained by differences in habitat and coverage of the substrate, which may be directly influencing the diversity and prey availability in these environments. The individual analyzes of the population at Atol das Rocas, showed no relationship between the degree of individual specialization and the different personalities, or the distance between dens. The results suggest that the foraging strategy with greater availability of prey in the environment has an influence on diet octopuses over preferences or personalities