983 resultados para Erasmus, Desiderius, -1536


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quas olim D. Erasmus Roterodamus delegerat et commentario explanaverat


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P. Troschel sculp.


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Stadtansicht Rotterdams von der Seeseite, Porträtmedaillon Erasmus von Rotterdams, mit deutschem Lobgedicht auf die Stadt


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Von P. E. Müller


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Vorbesitzer: Johannes Reuchlin; Johannes Oekolampadius (Oecolampadius); Erhard Schnepff (Scnepfius); Erasmus Alberus; Hartmann Beyer; Johann Hartmann Beyer


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The microzooplankton grazing dilution experiments were conducted at stations 126, 127, 131 and 133-137, following Landry & Hassett (1982). Seawater samples (whole seawater - WSW) were taken via Niskin bottles mounted on to a CTD Rosette out of the chlorophyll maximum at each station. Four different dilution levels were prepared with WSW and GF/F filtered seawater - 100% WSW, 75% WSW, 50% WSW and 25% WSW. The diluted WSW was filled in 2.4 L polycarbonate bottles (two replicates for every dilution level). Three subsamples (250 - 500 mL depending on in situ chlorophyll) of the 100% WSW were filtered on to GF/F filters (25 mm diameter) and chlorophyll was extracted in 5 mL 96% ethanol for 12-24 hours. Afterwards it was measured fluorometrically before and after the addition of HCl with a Turner fluorometer according to Jespersen and Christoffersen (1987) on board of the ship. In addition, one 250 mL subsample of the 100% WSW was fixed in 2% Lugol (final concentration), to determine the microzooplankton community when back at the Institute for Hydrobiology and Fisheries Science in Hamburg. Also, one 50 mL subsample of the 100% WSW was fixed in 1 mL glutaraldehyde, to quantify bacteria abundance. The 2.4 L bottles were put in black mesh-bags, which reduced incoming radiation to approximately 50% (to minimize chlorophyll bleaching). The bottles were incubated for 24 hours in a tank on deck with flow-through water, to maintain in situ temperature. An additional experiment was carried out to test the effect of temperature on microzooplankton grazing in darkness. Therefore, 100% WSW was incubated in the deck tank and in two temperature control rooms of 5 and 15°C in darkness (two bottles each). The same was done with bottles where copepods were added (five copepods of Calanus finmarchicus in each bottle; males and females were randomly picked and divided onto the bottles). In addition, two 100% WSW bottles with five copepods each were incubated at in situ temperature at 100% light level (without mesh-bags). All experiments were incubated for 24 hours and afterwards two subsamples of each bottle were filtered on to GF/F filters (25 mm diameter); 500 - 1000 mL depending on in situ chlorophyll. One 250 mL subsample of one of the two replicates of each dilution level and each additional experiment (temperature and temperature/copepods) was fixed in 5 mL lugol for microzooplankton determination. One 50 mL subsample of one of the two 100% WSW bottles as well as of one of the additional experiments without copepods was fixed in 1 mL glutaraldehyde for bacteria determination later on. Copepods were fixed in 4% formaldehyde for length measurements and sex determination.


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An integrated instrument package for measuring and understanding the surface radiation budget of sea ice is presented, along with results from its first deployment. The setup simultaneously measures broadband fluxes of upwelling and downwelling terrestrial and solar radiation (four components separately), spectral fluxes of incident and reflected solar radiation, and supporting data such as air temperature and humidity, surface temperature, and location (GPS), in addition to photographing the sky and observed surface during each measurement. The instruments are mounted on a small sled, allowing measurements of the radiation budget to be made at many locations in the study area to see the effect of small-scale surface processes on the large-scale radiation budget. Such observations have many applications, from calibration and validation of remote sensing products to improving our understanding of surface processes that affect atmosphere-snow-ice interactions and drive feedbacks, ultimately leading to the potential to improve climate modelling of ice-covered regions of the ocean. The photographs, spectral data, and other observations allow for improved analysis of the broadband data. An example of this is shown by using the observations made during a partly cloudy day, which show erratic variations due to passing clouds, and creating a careful estimate of what the radiation budget along the observed line would have been under uniform sky conditions, clear or overcast. Other data from the setup's first deployment, in June 2011 on fast ice near Point Barrow, Alaska, are also shown; these illustrate the rapid changes of the radiation budget during a cold period that led to refreezing and new snow well into the melt season.


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With each cellular generation, oxygenic photoautotrophs must accumulate abundant protein complexes that mediate light capture, photosynthetic electron transport and carbon fixation. In addition to this net synthesis, oxygenic photoautotrophs must counter the light-dependent photoinactivation of Photosystem II (PSII), using metabolically expensive proteolysis, disassembly, resynthesis and re-assembly of protein subunits. We used growth rates, elemental analyses and protein quantitations to estimate the nitrogen (N) metabolism costs to both accumulate the photosynthetic system and to maintain PSII function in the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana, growing at two pCO2 levels across a range of light levels. The photosynthetic system contains c. 15-25% of total cellular N. Under low growth light, N (re)cycling through PSII repair is only c. 1% of the cellular N assimilation rate. As growth light increases to inhibitory levels, N metabolite cycling through PSII repair increases to c. 14% of the cellular N assimilation rate. Cells growing under the assumed future 750 ppmv pCO2 show higher growth rates under optimal light, coinciding with a lowered N metabolic cost to maintain photosynthesis, but then suffer greater photoinhibition of growth under excess light, coincident with rising costs to maintain photosynthesis. We predict this quantitative trait response to light will vary across taxa.


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Durante el transcurso de los últimos años se ha producido, a nivel internacional, un proceso caracterizado por la compleja y difícil inclusión de los jóvenes en tanto sujetos activos de las sociedades. En este contexto, se han generando una serie de trabajos sobre el vínculo de los jóvenes con la política mostrando su indiferencia e incluso su rechazo. Específicamente en América Latina se ha ido conformando un área de estudios sobre juventud desde los años '90 en el que confluyen distintas disciplinas, perspectivas y enfoques que van enriqueciendo este campo. Del mismo modo, se reconocen otras líneas de abordaje que dan cuenta de una juventud portadora de nuevos signos de lo político, lo que daría lugar a la revisión de las interpretaciones tradicionales sobre la política y lo político. En base a lo señalado, en este estudio se indagan las representaciones sociales de la política en adolescentes escolarizados con edades entre 17 y 18 años (n=233) de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires (CABA), analizando sus relaciones con el nivel educativo de sus hogares. Este último se determinó considerando el máximo nivel educativo alcanzado por el padre o la madre siendo la composición de la muestra: 17.2primario, 27.2secundario y 55.6estudios terciarios/universitarios. De esta manera se llevó a cabo un estudio descriptivo con un diseño transversal. La recolección de datos se realizó en el año 2010. Para describir las representaciones sociales se administró la técnica de asociación de palabras y se solicitó a los participantes que escriban las primeras cinco palabras que les vinieran a la mente al pensar en el término inductor 'política'. Resulta relevante indagar este problema ya que, en el contexto local no se conocen trabajos que se hayan ocupado de las representaciones sociales de la política. Al mismo tiempo, se plantea la necesidad de extender la indagación a edades anteriores a las que se han trabajado hasta el momento, para poder esclarecer cómo se configura el vínculo de los nuevos ciudadanos con la política desde su adolescencia. Las palabras asociadas fueron las siguientes: corrupción, presidente y políticos. Asimismo se han destacado, gobierno, dinero, nación, elecciones, mentira, poder, derecho y estado. Los resultados hallados revelan que el sentido que se pone de manifiesto en los términos asociados es análogo en los grupos correspondientes a participantes cuyos padres cuentan con un nivel educativo primario, secundario y terciario universitario. Aunque en el grupo correspondiente a los participantes cuyos padres cuentan con estudios universitarios o terciarios las palabras asociadas tienen una mayor variabilidad, su sentido es similar al de las asociadas por los otros dos grupos. Por lo tanto, podría tratarse de representaciones sociales hegemónicas. O bien, es posible que las diferencias entre las representaciones se pongan de manifiesto al incluir otras variables para definir los grupos sociales. De esta manera, resulta necesario continuar avanzando en el análisis de los resultados obtenidos incluyendo otras variables y realizando estudios más complejos para describir el campo semántico que se pone de manifiesto en las palabras asociadas por cada uno de los grupos


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