745 resultados para Emails categorization


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Bitter taste has been extensively studied in mammalian species and is associated with sensitivity to toxins and with food choices that avoid dangerous substances in the diet. At the molecular level, bitter compounds are sensed by bitter taste receptor proteins (T2R) present at the surface of taste receptor cells in the gustatory papillae. Our work aims at exploring the phylogenetic relationships of T2R gene sequences within different ruminant species. To accomplish this goal, we gathered a collection of ruminant species with different feeding behaviors and for which no genome data is available: American bison, chamois, elk, European bison, fallow deer, goat, moose, mouflon, muskox, red deer, reindeer and white tailed deer. The herbivores chosen for this study belong to different taxonomic families and habitats, and hence, exhibit distinct foraging behaviors and diet preferences. We describe the first partial repertoires of T2R gene sequences for these species obtained by direct sequencing. We then consider the homology and evolutionary history of these receptors within this ruminant group, and whether it relates to feeding type classification, using MEGA software. Our results suggest that phylogenetic proximity of T2R genes corresponds more to the traditional taxonomic groups of the species rather than reflecting a categorization by feeding strategy.


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Resumo: A psicomotricidade tem como objeto de estudo o corpo e as suas relações com o exterior. Inserido num determinado contexto ambiental, o corpo é um dos veículos centrais na transmissão de mensagens. O conhecimento do psicomotricista, acerca da utilização e identificação dos aspetos não-verbais, é determinante para melhorar a qualidade da intervenção, especialmente quando estamos perante a psicomotricidade com enfâse na qualidade da relação. Neste trabalho temos como objetivo conhecer a ocorrência não-verbal, toque e sua tipologia, a partir de Watson (1975), operada nos braços de uma criança, com paralisia cerebral (hemiparesia direita), pelo psicomotricista durante a sua intervenção. Esta análise consiste num estudo de caso realizado através da visualização sistemática e sistematizada de um vídeo durante uma sessão, na qual o psicomotricista interage com a criança com fins terapêuticos. A recolha de dados foi feita por vídeo-gravação e transcritos, verbalmente, para o papel e analisados e categorizados, posteriormente. Os resultados obtidos levaram-nos a concluir que o psicomotricista utilizou todos os aspetos não-verbais relacionados com o toque nos braços. A maioria destes toques foi do tipo Instrumental/Afetivo. Emergiram dados os quais se revelaram pertinentes como contributos para a melhoria da qualidade da intervenção, quando conhecidos e utilizados, adaptadamente, pelo psicomotricista.Abstract: The object of psychomotricity is the study of the body and its relationships with the outside world. Within a certain environmental context, the body is one of the central vehicles in the transmission of messages. The psychomotricity therapist's knowledge about the use and identification of non-verbal aspects is the key to improve the efficiency of the intervention, especially when we face psychomotricity with emphasis on the quality of the relationship . The aim of this work is to reckon the non-verbal happening of touch and its typology, according to Watson(1975), operated by the psychomotricist on the arms of a child with cerebral palsy,(right hemiparesis) during his/her intervention. This analysis consists of a case study based on the systematic and systematized viewing of a video made during one session, in which the therapist interacts with the child for therapeutic purposes. The collection of data was made through vídeo recording and verbally set down transcrptions for later analysis and categorization. The results obtained let us conclude that the psychomotricity therapist used all the non-verbal aspects related to arm touching . Most of these touches were of the instrumental/affective kind. Data have emerged that were considered relevant as contributing to improve the quality of the intervention if they are known and aproppriately used by the psychomotricity therapist.


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O desenvolvimento de novas cultivares pode ser considerado como um dos fatores que têm impulsionado o crescimento do mercado de uvas de mesa no Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar o potencial de cultivo de cinco novas cultivares e três seleções de uvas de mesa na Serra Gaúcha. Estão sendo avaliadas a fenologia, a produção, a qualidade e o conteúdo de compostos relacionados à saúde (CRS) de genótipos de uvas com e sem sementes, produzidas na Embrapa Uva e Vinho. A aceitação das uvas foi avaliada por grupos de 32 a 63 consumidores, que atribuíram notas de 1 (ruim) a 9 (excelente) para sete características visuais e oito relacionadas ao sabor. Os resultados da avaliação sensorial e da qualidade das uvas foram submetidos à Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP).


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At the beginning, this Ph.D. project led to an overview of the most common and emerging types of fraud and possible countermeasures in the olive oil sector. Furthermore, possible weaknesses in the current conformity check system for olive oil were highlighted. Among those, despite the organoleptic assessment is a fundamental tool for establishing the virgin olive oils (VOOs) quality grade, the scientific community has evidenced some drawbacks in it. In particular, the application of instrumental screening methods to support the panel test could reduce the work of sensory panels and the cost of this analysis (e.g. for industries, distributors, public and private control laboratories), permitting the increase in the number and the efficiency of the controls. On this basis, a research line called “Quantitative Panel Test” is one of the main expected outcomes of the OLEUM project that is also partially discussed in this doctoral dissertation. In this framework, analytical activities were carried out, within this PhD project, aimed to develop and validate analytical protocols for the study of the profiles in volatile compounds (VOCs) of the VOOs headspace. Specifically, two chromatographic approaches, one targeted and one semi-targeted, to determine VOCs were investigated in this doctoral thesis. The obtained results, will allow the possible establishment of concentration limits and ranges of selected volatile markers, as related to fruitiness and defects, with the aim to support the panel test in the commercial categorization of VOOs. In parallel, a rapid instrumental screening method based on the analysis of VOCs has been investigated to assist the panel test through a fast pre-classification of VOOs samples based on a known level of probability, thus increasing the efficiency of quality control.


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On May 25, 2018, the EU introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that offers EU citizens a shelter for their personal information by requesting companies to explain how people’s information is used clearly. To comply with the new law, European and non-European companies interacting with EU citizens undertook a massive data re-permission-request campaign. However, if on the one side the EU Regulator was particularly specific in defining the conditions to get customers’ data access, on the other side, it did not specify how the communication between firms and consumers should be designed. This has left firms free to develop their re-permission emails as they liked, plausibly coupling the informative nature of these privacy-related communications with other persuasive techniques to maximize data disclosure. Consequently, we took advantage of this colossal wave of simultaneous requests to provide insights into two issues. Firstly, we investigate how companies across industries and countries chose to frame their requests. Secondly, we investigate which are the factors that influenced the selection of alternative re-permission formats. In order to achieve these goals, we examine the content of a sample of 1506 re-permission emails sent by 1396 firms worldwide, and we identify the dominant “themes” characterizing these emails. We then relate these themes to both the expected benefits firms may derive from data usage and the possible risks they may experience from not being completely compliant to the spirit of the law. Our results show that: (1) most firms enriched their re-permission messages with persuasive arguments aiming at increasing consumers’ likelihood of relinquishing their data; (2) the use of persuasion is the outcome of a difficult tradeoff between costs and benefits; (3) most companies acted in their self-interest and “gamed the system”. Our results have important implications for policymakers, managers, and customers of the online sector.


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la tesi esamina l’applicazione del controllo sugli aiuti di Stato in materia fiscale tramite la disamina della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia. Il lavoro intende fornire una nuova prospettiva di analisi, valorizzando l’interazione tra la nozione di ‘aiuto fiscale’ ex art. 107(1) TFUE e le categorie tributarie nazionali, sottese all’applicazione del “test in tre fasi” coniato dalla Corte per identificare la presenza di un ‘vantaggio selettivo’. Facendo applicazione di tale prospettiva di analisi, la ricerca propone una nuova categorizzazione della ‘selettività fiscale’, tramite la quale vengono affrontate le tematiche più controverse legate all’applicazione dell’istituto. Infine, considerando i numerosi progetti di riforma della fiscalità diretta attualmente al vaglio delle Istituzioni europee, la tesi si confronta con il “futuro” del controllo sugli aiuti di Stato, identificato nella necessaria interazione con una cornice normativa armonizzata.


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In Europe almost 80% of the continent's population lives in cities. It is estimated that by 2030 most regions in Europe which contain major cities will have even more inhabitants on 35–60% more than now. This process generates a consequent elevate human pressure on the natural environment, especially around large urban agglomerations. Cities could be seen as an ecosystem, represented by the dominance of humans that re-distribute organisms and fluxes and represent the result of co-evolving human and natural systems, emerging from the interactions between humans, natural and infrastructures. Roads have a relevant role in building links between urban components, creating the basis on which it is founded the urban ecosystem itself. This thesis is focused on the research for a comprehensive model, framed in European urban health & wellbeing programme, aimed to evaluate the determinants of health in urban populations. Through bicycles, GPS and sensor kits, specially developed and produced by University of Bologna for this purpose, it has been possible to conduct on Bologna different direct observations that oriented the novelty of the research: the categorization of university students cyclists, connection among environmental data awareness and level of cycling, and an early identification of urban attributes able to impact on road air quality and level of cycling. The categorization of university students’ cyclist has been defined through GPS analysis and focused survey, that both permit to identify behavioural and technical variables and attitudes towards urban cycling. The statistic relationship between level of cycling, seen as number of bicycles passages per lane and pollutants level, has been investigated through an inverse regression model, defined and tested through SPSS software on the basis of the data harvest. The research project that represents a sort of dynamic mobility laboratory on two wheels, that permits to harvest and study detected parameters.


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The central aim of this dissertation is to introduce innovative methods, models, and tools to enhance the overall performance of supply chains responsible for handling perishable products. This concept of improved performance encompasses several critical dimensions, including enhanced efficiency in supply chain operations, product quality, safety, sustainability, waste generation minimization, and compliance with norms and regulations. The research is structured around three specific research questions that provide a solid foundation for delving into and narrowing down the array of potential solutions. These questions primarily concern enhancing the overall performance of distribution networks for perishable products and optimizing the package hierarchy, extending to unconventional packaging solutions. To address these research questions effectively, a well-defined research framework guides the approach. However, the dissertation adheres to an overarching methodological approach that comprises three fundamental aspects. The first aspect centers on the necessity of systematic data sampling and categorization, including identifying critical points within food supply chains. The data collected in this context must then be organized within a customized data structure designed to feed both cyber-physical and digital twins to quantify and analyze supply chain failures with a preventive perspective.


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Negative Stiffness Structures are mechanical systems that require a decrease in the applied force to generate an increase in displacement. They are structures that possess special characteristics such as snap-through and bi-stability. All of these features make them particularly suitable for different applications, such as shock-absorption, vibration isolation and damping. From this point of view, they have risen awareness of their characteristics and, in order to match them to the application needed, a numerical simulation is of great interest. In this regard, this thesis is a continuation of previous studies in a circular negative stiffness structure and aims at refine the numerical model by presenting a new solution. To that end, an investigation procedure is needed. Amongst all of the methods available, root cause analysis was the chosen one to perform the investigation since it provides a clear view of the problem under analysis and a categorization of all the causes behind it. As a result of the cause-effect analysis, the main causes that have influence on the numerical results were obtained. Once all of the causes were listed, solutions to them were proposed and it led to a new numerical model. The numerical model proposed was of nonlinear type of analysis with hexagonal elements and a hyperelastic material model. The results were analyzed through force-displacement curves, allowing for the visualization of the structure’s energy recovery. When compared to the results obtained from the experimental part, it is evident that the trend is similar and the negative stiffness behaviour is present.


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Driven by recent deep learning breakthroughs, natural language generation (NLG) models have been at the center of steady progress in the last few years. However, since our ability to generate human-indistinguishable artificial text lags behind our capacity to assess it, it is paramount to develop and apply even better automatic evaluation metrics. To facilitate researchers to judge the effectiveness of their models broadly, we suggest NLG-Metricverse—an end-to-end open-source library for NLG evaluation based on Python. This framework provides a living collection of NLG metrics in a unified and easy- to-use environment, supplying tools to efficiently apply, analyze, compare, and visualize them. This includes (i) the extensive support of heterogeneous automatic metrics with n-arity management, (ii) the meta-evaluation upon individual performance, metric-metric and metric-human correlations, (iii) graphical interpretations for helping humans better gain score intuitions, (iv) formal categorization and convenient documentation to accelerate metrics understanding. NLG-Metricverse aims to increase the comparability and replicability of NLG research, hopefully stimulating new contributions in the area.