988 resultados para Eddy-Viscosity


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The main objective of this work is to analyze the importance of the gas-solid interface transfer of the kinetic energy of the turbulent motion on the accuracy of prediction of the fluid dynamic of Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) reactors. CFB reactors are used in a variety of industrial applications related to combustion, incineration and catalytic cracking. In this work a two-dimensional fluid dynamic model for gas-particle flow has been used to compute the porosity, the pressure, and the velocity fields of both phases in 2-D axisymmetrical cylindrical co-ordinates. The fluid dynamic model is based on the two fluid model approach in which both phases are considered to be continuous and fully interpenetrating. CFB processes are essentially turbulent. The model of effective stress on each phase is that of a Newtonian fluid, where the effective gas viscosity was calculated from the standard k-epsilon turbulence model and the transport coefficients of the particulate phase were calculated from the kinetic theory of granular flow (KTGF). This work shows that the turbulence transfer between the phases is very important for a better representation of the fluid dynamics of CFB reactors, especially for systems with internal recirculation and high gradients of particle concentration. Two systems with different characteristics were analyzed. The results were compared with experimental data available in the literature. The results were obtained by using a computer code developed by the authors. The finite volume method with collocated grid, the hybrid interpolation scheme, the false time step strategy and SIMPLEC (Semi-Implicit Method for Pressure Linked Equations - Consistent) algorithm were used to obtain the numerical solution.


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A mathematical model is developed for gas-solids flows in circulating fluidized beds. An Eulerian formulation is followed based on the two-fluids model approach where both the fluid and the particulate phases are treated as a continuum. The physical modelling is discussed, including the formulation of boundary conditions and the description of the numerical methodology. Results of numerical simulation are presented and discussed. The model is validated through comparison to experiment, and simulation is performed to investigate the effects on the flow hydrodynamics of the solids viscosity.


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The flow of Bingham liquids through porous media has been studied. Experiments have been performed to determine the flow rate / pressure drop relationship for the flow of a grease of Binghamian rheological behavior through an array of rods of circular cross section. The yield stress and plastic viscosity of the grease have been determined with the aid of a controlled stress rotational rheometer. To investigate a wider range of the flow parameters, the mass and momentum conservation equations have been solved numerically, in conjunction with the generalized Newtonian constitutive law and the bi-viscosity model. The finite volume method has been employed to obtain the numerical solution. These numerical results also yielded a flow rate / pressure drop relationship, which is in very good agreement with the experimental results. A capillaric theory has been developed to determine an analytical relationship between the flow rate and pressure drop for flows of Bingham liquids through porous media. It is shown that the predictions of this theory are in good agreement with the experimental and numerical results.


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Polarization curves experimentally obtained in the electro-dissolution of iron in a 1 M H2SO4 solution using a rotating disc as the working electrode present a current instability region within the range of applied voltage in which the current is controlled by mass transport in the electrolyte. According to the literature (Barcia et. al., 1992) the electro-dissolution process leads to the existence of a viscosity gradient in the interface metal-solution, which leads to a velocity field quantitatively different form the one developed in uniform viscosity conditions and may affect the stability of the hydrodynamic field. The purpose of this work is to investigate whether a steady viscosity profile, depending on the distance to the electrode surface, affects the stability properties of the classic velocity field near a rotating disc. Two classes of perturbations are considered: perturbations monotonically varying along the radial direction, and perturbations periodically modulated along the radial direction. The results show that the hydrodynamic field is always stable with respect to the first class of perturbations and that the neutral stability curves are modified by the presence of a viscosity gradient in the second case, in the sense of reducing the critical Reynolds number beyond which perturbations are amplified. This result supports the hypothesis that the current oscillations observed in the polarization curve may originate from a hydrodynamic instability.


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Viime vuosien aikana tapahtunut nikkelin hinnan nouseminen on vaikuttanut austeniittis-ferriittisten ruostumattomien terästen, ns. duplex -terästen kehittämiseen. Niukkaseosteisemmissa lean duplex -teräksissä seostetun nikkelin määrää on vähennetty ja sitä on korvattu typellä ja mangaanilla. Nämä muutokset ko. terästen seostuksessa aiheuttavat haasteita hitsaukselle, erityisesti austeniitti-ferriitti -suhteen säilyttämisessä, sekä sitä kautta iskusitkeyden ja korroosio-ominaisuuksien säilyttämiselle. Suurempi typen osuus myös lisää teräksen hitsisulan viskositeettia, mikä heikentää juuripalkojen hitsauksessa tunkeumaa. Tässsä diplomityössä on tutkittu keinoja helpottaa paksujen (yli 20 mm) lean duplex -teräslevyjen hitsausta käytännön näkökulmasta, sekä parantaa hitsattujen levyjen iskusitkeyttä. Hitsauskokeilla löydettiin hitsausta helpottavia menetelmiä ja kokeista saatiin karsimalla valikoitua hitsausarvot, joilla pystytään hitsaamaan painelaitedirektiivin mukaisesti hyväksyttäviä hitsejä lean duplex -laatuihin LDX2101 ja UR2202.


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The aim of this thesis was to research how slurry’s viscosity and rheology affect to pumping in peristaltic hose pump and in eccentric progressive cavity pump. In addition, it was researched the formed pressure pulsation in hose pump. Pressure pulsation was studied by pumping different slurries and by using different pipe materials. Pressure and power curves were determined for both used pumps. It was also determined NPSHR curve for the progressive cavity pump. Literature part of the thesis considered to distribute fluids to different rheology types, as well as theories and models to identify different rheology types. Special attention was paid to non-Newtonian fluids, which were also used in experimental part of this thesis. In addition, the literature part discusses about pumps, parameters for pump sizing, and pressure pulsation in hose pump. Starch, bentonite, and carboxymethyl cellulose slurries were used in the experimental part of this thesis. The slurries were pumped with Flowrox peristaltic hose pump (LPP-T32) and eccentric progressive cavity pump (C10/10). From the each slurry was taken a sample, and the samples were analyzed for concentration, viscosity and rheology type. The used pipe materials in pressure pulsation experiments were steel and elastic, and it was also used a prototype of pulsation dampener. The pulsation experiments indicated that the elastic pipe and the prototype of pulsation dampener attenuated pressure pulsation better than the steel pipe at low pressure levels. The differences between different materials disappeared when pressure level and pump rotation speed increased. In slurry experiments, pulsation was different depending on rheology and viscosity of the slurry. According to experiments, the rheology did not significantly affect to pump power consumption or efficiency.


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Xylanase activity was isolated from crude extracts of Trichoderma harzianum strains C and 4 grown at 28oC in a solid medium containing wheat bran as the carbon source. Enzyme activity was demonstrable in the permeate after ultrafiltration of the crude extracts using an Amicon system. The hydrolysis patterns of different xylans and paper pulps by xylanase activity ranged from xylose, xylobiose and xylotriose to higher xylooligosaccharides. A purified ß-xylosidase from the Trichoderma harzianum strain released xylose, xylobiose and xylotriose from seaweed, deacetylated, oat spelt and birchwood xylans. The purified enzyme was not active against acetylated xylan and catalyzed the hydrolysis of xylooligosaccharides, including xylotriose, xylotetraose and xylopentaose. However, the enzyme was not able to degrade xylohexaose. Xylanase pretreatment was effective for hardwood kraft pulp bleaching. Hardwood kraft pulp bleached in the XEOP sequence had its kappa number reduced from 13.2 to 8.9 and a viscosity of 20.45 cp. The efficiency of delignification was 33%.


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The application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and finite element analysis (FEA) has been growing rapidly in the various fields of science and technology. One of the areas of interest is in biomedical engineering. The altered hemodynamics inside the blood vessels plays a key role in the development of the arterial disease called atherosclerosis, which is the major cause of human death worldwide. Atherosclerosis is often treated with the stenting procedure to restore the normal blood flow. A stent is a tubular, flexible structure, usually made of metals, which is driven and expanded in the blocked arteries. Despite the success rate of the stenting procedure, it is often associated with the restenosis (re-narrowing of the artery) process. The presence of non-biological device in the artery causes inflammation or re-growth of atherosclerotic lesions in the treated vessels. Several factors including the design of stents, type of stent expansion, expansion pressure, morphology and composition of vessel wall influence the restenosis process. Therefore, the role of computational studies is crucial in the investigation and optimisation of the factors that influence post-stenting complications. This thesis focuses on the stent-vessel wall interactions followed by the blood flow in the post-stenting stage of stenosed human coronary artery. Hemodynamic and mechanical stresses were analysed in three separate stent-plaque-artery models. Plaque was modeled as a multi-layer (fibrous cap (FC), necrotic core (NC), and fibrosis (F)) and the arterial wall as a single layer domain. CFD/FEA simulations were performed using commercial software packages in several models mimicking the various stages and morphologies of atherosclerosis. The tissue prolapse (TP) of stented vessel wall, the distribution of von Mises stress (VMS) inside various layers of vessel wall, and the wall shear stress (WSS) along the luminal surface of the deformed vessel wall were measured and evaluated. The results revealed the role of the stenosis size, thickness of each layer of atherosclerotic wall, thickness of stent strut, pressure applied for stenosis expansion, and the flow condition in the distribution of stresses. The thicknesses of FC, and NC and the total thickness of plaque are critical in controlling the stresses inside the tissue. A small change in morphology of artery wall can significantly affect the distribution of stresses. In particular, FC is the most sensitive layer to TP and stresses, which could determine plaque’s vulnerability to rupture. The WSS is highly influenced by the deflection of artery, which in turn is dependent on the structural composition of arterial wall layers. Together with the stenosis size, their roles could play a decisive role in controlling the low values of WSS (<0.5 Pa) prone to restenosis. Moreover, the time dependent flow altered the percentage of luminal area with WSS values less than 0.5 Pa at different time instants. The non- Newtonian viscosity model of the blood properties significantly affects the prediction of WSS magnitude. The outcomes of this investigation will help to better understand the roles of the individual layers of atherosclerotic vessels and their risk to provoke restenosis at the post-stenting stage. As a consequence, the implementation of such an approach to assess the post-stented stresses will assist the engineers and clinicians in optimizing the stenting techniques to minimize the occurrence of restenosis.


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Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Työn taustalla on yhteistyö suomalaisen kynttilävalmistajan kanssa. Kynttilävalmistajan lämpökynttilöissään käyttämän raaka-aineen hinnan noustessa, on valmistaja kiinnostunut käyttämään edullisempia raaka-aineita. Palamisen kriteerit saavuttavan kynttilän valmistaminen markkinoilla olevista uusista raaka-aineista on havaittu olevan haastavaa, ja vaatii edelleen kehitystyötä. Teoriaosassa käytiin läpi kynttilänvalmistusta yleisesti, RAL-laatustandardin asettamat kriteerit lämpökynttilälle, palamiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä sekä työn kokeellisessa osassa käytettyjen analyysimenetelmien periaatteet. Työn kokeellisessa osassa tutkittiin erilaisten kynttiläraaka-aineiden koostumusta ja ominaisuuksia sekä sydänlankojen rakennetta. Lisäksi tutkittiin, miten sydänlangan sisältämien säikeiden määrä, eri raaka-aineiden seossuhteiden muutos sekä jäähdytyslämpötilan muutos vaikuttavat lämpökynttilän palo-ominaisuuksiin. Työssä myös selvitettiin muutaman markkinoilla olevan kynttilän raaka-ainekoostumus. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin, että vaadittavan liekin korkeuden saavuttamiseksi viskositeetti on yksi raaka-aineen tärkeimmistä ominaisuuksista. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa tarvitaan paksumpi sydänlanka. Raaka-aineen viskositeetin kasvaessa liekin korkeus ei aina pienene, koska liekin korkeuteen vaikuttaa myös langalle tehty kemiallinen käsittely. Mitä korkeampi kynttilän liekki on, sitä suurempi on raaka-aineen kulutus eli palovuo ja tällöin liekin korkeus vaikuttaa myös kynttilän paloaikaan. Kokeissa havaittiin, että liekin korkeuden ollessa vakio, palovuo oli korkein steariinilla. Steariinin jälkeen tulivat palmuvaha ja parafiini. Tällöin parafiinia tarvittiin vähemmän vastaavan paloajan saavuttamiseksi. Nopean jäähdytyksen havaittiin vaikuttavan palmuvahan palovuohon alentavasti, vaikka jäähdytystavalla ei ollut vaikutusta liekin korkeuteen.


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Preparative liquid chromatography is one of the most selective separation techniques in the fine chemical, pharmaceutical, and food industries. Several process concepts have been developed and applied for improving the performance of classical batch chromatography. The most powerful approaches include various single-column recycling schemes, counter-current and cross-current multi-column setups, and hybrid processes where chromatography is coupled with other unit operations such as crystallization, chemical reactor, and/or solvent removal unit. To fully utilize the potential of stand-alone and integrated chromatographic processes, efficient methods for selecting the best process alternative as well as optimal operating conditions are needed. In this thesis, a unified method is developed for analysis and design of the following singlecolumn fixed bed processes and corresponding cross-current schemes: (1) batch chromatography, (2) batch chromatography with an integrated solvent removal unit, (3) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography (SSR), and (4) mixed-recycle steady state recycling chromatography with solvent removal from fresh feed, recycle fraction, or column feed (SSR–SR). The method is based on the equilibrium theory of chromatography with an assumption of negligible mass transfer resistance and axial dispersion. The design criteria are given in general, dimensionless form that is formally analogous to that applied widely in the so called triangle theory of counter-current multi-column chromatography. Analytical design equations are derived for binary systems that follow competitive Langmuir adsorption isotherm model. For this purpose, the existing analytic solution of the ideal model of chromatography for binary Langmuir mixtures is completed by deriving missing explicit equations for the height and location of the pure first component shock in the case of a small feed pulse. It is thus shown that the entire chromatographic cycle at the column outlet can be expressed in closed-form. The developed design method allows predicting the feasible range of operating parameters that lead to desired product purities. It can be applied for the calculation of first estimates of optimal operating conditions, the analysis of process robustness, and the early-stage evaluation of different process alternatives. The design method is utilized to analyse the possibility to enhance the performance of conventional SSR chromatography by integrating it with a solvent removal unit. It is shown that the amount of fresh feed processed during a chromatographic cycle and thus the productivity of SSR process can be improved by removing solvent. The maximum solvent removal capacity depends on the location of the solvent removal unit and the physical solvent removal constraints, such as solubility, viscosity, and/or osmotic pressure limits. Usually, the most flexible option is to remove solvent from the column feed. Applicability of the equilibrium design for real, non-ideal separation problems is evaluated by means of numerical simulations. Due to assumption of infinite column efficiency, the developed design method is most applicable for high performance systems where thermodynamic effects are predominant, while significant deviations are observed under highly non-ideal conditions. The findings based on the equilibrium theory are applied to develop a shortcut approach for the design of chromatographic separation processes under strongly non-ideal conditions with significant dispersive effects. The method is based on a simple procedure applied to a single conventional chromatogram. Applicability of the approach for the design of batch and counter-current simulated moving bed processes is evaluated with case studies. It is shown that the shortcut approach works the better the higher the column efficiency and the lower the purity constraints are.


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Tehoelektroniikalta vaaditaan nykyään parempaa suorituskykyä entistä pienemmässä tilassa. Tämä luo haasteen riittävälle jäähdytykselle. Eräs ratkaisu on käyttää kaksifaasijäähdytystä, jolla aikaansaadaan tehokas lämmönsiirto komponenttien pinnalta. Lämmönsiirtonesteinä voidaan käyttää kylmäaineita tai muita alhaisessa lämpötilassa kiehuvia nesteitä. Tällaisille nesteille on tyypillistä alhainen höyrynpaine sekä matala viskositeetti. Nämä ominaisuudet tuovat haasteita nesteen pumppaukseen. Tässä työssä tarkastellaan R-134A:ta sekä Novec 7000:ta, perehdytään niiden fysikaalisiin ominaisuuksiin sekä materiaaliyhteensopivuuksiin ja näiden tietojen pohjalta etsitään sopivaa pumpputyyppiä kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmään. Tehoelektroniikan jäähdytysjärjestelmän pumpun on oltava edullinen muuhun järjestelmään nähden. Tyypillinen kiertopumppu nestejäähdytysjärjestelmässä on pieni keskipakopumppu. Alhaisen kiehumispisteen vuoksi kavitointiriski kasvaa ja tämä voi vahingoittaa pumppua. Myös matala viskositeetti tuo haasteita vuotoherkkyyden kasvamisen myötä, joten mekaanisilla aksiaalitiivisteillä varustetut pumput eivät ole pitkäikäisiä. Kylmäainejärjestelmiin tarkoitetut pumput ovat arvokkaita, eikä näin ollen sovellu edullisiin jäähdytysjärjestelmiin. Tässä työssä käydään läpi erilaisia pumpputyyppejä, jotka voisivat soveltua pitkäikäiseen pumppaukseen ilman huoltotöitä. Näiden tietojen perusteella kehitetään edullista ja pitkäikäistä pumppua pieniin kaksifaasijäähdytysjärjestelmiin nesteiden fysikaaliset ominaisuudet huomioon ottaen. Kehitetyn pumpun ominaisuuksia ja kustannuksia vertaillaan kaupallisiin ratkaisuihin ottaen huomioon sarjavalmistus. Itse valmistettuna pienelle sisäryntöiselle hammaspyöräpumpulle jää hintaa alle kymmenesosa markkinoilta löytyviin kylmäaineille soveltuviin pumppuun.


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Dissolving cellulose is the first main step in preparing novel cellulosicmaterials. Since cellulosic fibres cannot be easily dissolved in water-based solvents, fibres were pretreated with ethanol-acid solution prior to the dissolution. Solubility and changes on the surface of the fibres were studied with microscopy and capillary viscometry. After the treatment, the cellulose fibres were soluble in alkaline urea-water solvent. The nature of this viscous solution was studied rheologically. Cellulose microspheres were prepared by extruding the alkaline cellulose solution through the needle into an acidic medium. By altering the temperature and acidity of the mediumit was possible to adjust the specific surface area and pore sizes of themicrospheres. A typical skin-core structure was found in all samples. Microspheres were oxidised in order to introduce anionic carboxylic acid groups (AGs). Anionic microspheres are more hydrophilic; their water-uptake increased 25 times after oxidation and they could swell almost to their original state (88%) after drying and shrinking. Swelling was studied in simulated physiological environments, corresponding to stomach acid and intestines (pH 1.2-7.4). Oxidised microspheres were used as a drug carriers. They demonstrated a highmass uniformity, which would enable their use for personalised dosing among different patients, including children. The drug was solidified in microspheres in amorphous form. This enhanced solubility and could be used for more challenging drugs with poor solubility. The pores of themicrospheres also remained open after the drug was loaded and they were dried. Regardless of the swelling, the drug was released at a constant rate in all environments.


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Permanent magnet materials are nowadays widely used in the electrical machine manufacturing industry. Eddy current loss models of permanent magnets used in electrical machines are frequently discussed in research papers. In magnetic steel materials we have, in addition to eddy current losses, hysteresis losses when AC or a rotating flux travels through the material. Should a similar phenomenon also be taken into account in calculating the losses of permanent magnets? Actually, every now and then authors seem to assume that some significant hysteresis losses are present in rotating machine PMs. This paper studies the mechanisms of possible hysteresis losses in PMs and their role in PMs when used in rotating electrical machines.


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Työssä tutkittiin palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden soveltuvuutta lämpökynttilän valmistukseen steariinin ja parafiinin kanssa. Palmupohjaiset raaka-aineet ovat halvempia kuin steariini ja parafiini, joten raaka-aineen korvaaminen palmupohjaisilla raaka-aineilla voisi tuoda säästöä kynttilänvalmistajalle. Lisäksi niillä voidaan vaikuttaa lämpökynttilän ominaisuuksiin. Teoriaosassa käsiteltiin lämpökynttilän raaka-aineista steariini, parafiini ja palmusteariini. Osassa selitettiin RAL-laatustandardin Quality Mark Candles vaatimukset lämpökynttilälle sekä valuastialle ja keskusteltiin valulämpötilan, jäähdytyksen, viskositeetin ja haaroittuneiden yhdisteiden lukumäärän vaikutuksesta lämpökynttilän koostumukseen. Kokeellisessa osassa valmistettiin lämpökynttilöitä steariinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seoksista palmuraaka-aineiden määrillä 10, 20 ja 30 m- %:a. Parafiinin ja palmusteariinin sekä palmun mid-fraktion seokset valmistettiin palmuraaka-aineiden osuuksilla 10, 20, 40 ja 50 m- %:a ja myös palmusteariinin soft-fraktiolla kokeiltiin seosta 50 m- %:lla. Steariinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seokset eivät toimineet ainakaan käytetyillä sydänlangoilla. Liekinkorkeudet olivat alhaisia eivätkä visuaaliset vaatimukset täyttyneet. Parafiinin ja palmupohjaisten raaka-aineiden seoksista valmistetut kynttilät paloivat ideaalisesti palmuraaka-aineiden osuuksilla 35 – 50 m- %:a. Tulosten perusteella fraktion valinnalla ei näyttänyt olevan merkitystä, mutta palmusteariini on ominaisuuksiensa puolesta kynttilänvalmistukseen soveltuvin. Liekinkorkeus ja palovuo laskivat lineaarisesti palmuraaka-aineen osuuden kasvaessa parafiinikynttilässä.


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Tissue engineering is a technique by which a live tissue can be re-constructed and one of its main goals is to associate cells with biomaterials. Electrospinning is a technique that facilitates the production of nanofibers and is commonly used to develop fibrous scaffolds to be used in tissue engineering. In the present study, a different approach for cell incorporation into fibrous scaffolds was tested. Mesenchymal stem cells were extracted from the wall of the umbilical cord and mononuclear cells from umbilical cord blood. Cells were re-suspended in a 10% polyvinyl alcohol solution and subjected to electrospinning for 30 min under a voltage of 21 kV. Cell viability was assessed before and after the procedure by exclusion of dead cells using trypan blue staining. Fiber diameter was observed by scanning electron microscopy and the presence of cells within the scaffolds was analyzed by confocal laser scanning microscopy. After electrospinning, the viability of mesenchymal stem cells was reduced from 88 to 19.6% and the viability of mononuclear cells from 99 to 8.38%. The loss of viability was possibly due to the high viscosity of the polymer solution, which reduced the access to nutrients associated with electric and mechanical stress during electrospinning. These results suggest that the incorporation of cells during fiber formation by electrospinning is a viable process that needs more investigation in order to find ways to protect cells from damage.