991 resultados para Economic zones


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During the exploration of fractured reservoirs, worldwide difficult problems will be encountered: how to locate the fractured zones, how to quantitatively determine the azimuth, density, and distribution of the fractures, and how to compute the permeability and porosity of the fractures. In an endeavor to solve these problems, the fractured shale reservoir in SiKou area of ShengLi oil field was chosen as a study area. A study of seismic predictive theory and methods for solving problems encountered in fractured reservoir exploration are examined herein. Building on widely used current fractured reservoir exploration techniques, new seismic theories and methods focusing on wave propagation principles in anisotropic medium are proposed. Additionally, integrated new seismic data acquisition and processing methods are proposed. Based on research and application of RVA and WA methods from earlier research, a new method of acoustic impedance varying with azimuth (IPVA) creatively is put forth. Lastly combining drilling data, well log data, and geologic data, an integrated seismic predictive method for cracked reservoir bed was formed. A summary of the six parts of research work of this paper is outlined below. In part one, conventional geologic and geophysical prediction methods etc. for cracked reservoir exploration are examined, and the weaknesses of these approaches discussed. In part two, seismic wave propagation principles in cracked reservoirs are studied. The wave equation of seismic velocity and attenuation factor in three kinds of fracture mediums is induced, and the azimuth anisotropy of velocity and attenuation in fracture mediums is determined. In part three, building on the research and application of AVA and WA methods by a former researcher, a new method of acoustic impedance creatively varying with azimuth (IPVA) is introduced. A practical software package utilizing this technique is also introduced. In part four, Base on previously discussed theory, first a large full azimuth 3d seismic data (70km~2) was designed and acquired. Next, the volume was processed with conventional processing sequence. Then AVA, WA, and IPVA processing was applied, and finally the azimuth and density of the fractures were quantitatively determined by an integrated method. Predictions were supported by well data that indicate the approach is highly reliable. in part five, geological conditions contributing to cracked reservoir bed formation are analyzed in the LuoJia area resulting in the discovery that the main fractured zones are related to fault distribution in the basin, that also control the accumulation of the oil and gas, the generation mechanisms and types of fractured shale reservoirs are studied. Lastly, by using full 3D seismic attributes, azimuth and density of cracked reservoir zones are successfully quantitative predicted. Using an integrated approach that incorporates seismic, geologic and well log data, the best two fractured oil prospects in LouJia area are proposed. These results herein represent a break through in seismic technology, integrated seismic predictive theory, and production technology for fractured reservoirs. The approach fills a void that can be applied both inside China, and internationally. Importantly, this technique opens a new exploration play in the ShengLi oil field that while difficult has substantial potential. Properly applied, this approach could play an important role toward stabilizing the oil field' production. In addition, this technique could be extended fracture exploration in other oil fields producing substantial economic reward.


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The mafic-ultramafic layered intrusions in the Panxi, China contain large V-Ti-magnetite deposits. These layered intrusions are related with the Emeishan continental flood basalts in space and time. Two layered intrusions, Hongge and Xinjie have clear PGE mineralization at the base of the intrusions. Thus the detailed investigations of these two intrusions not only have a geological but also have an economic significance. This thesis aims to characterize the elemental and Sr-Nd isotopic features of diverse rock zones within the intrusion on the basis of systematic studies of the major, trace element and isotope ratios, therefore to constrain the petrogenesis, mantle source and evolution of the Hongge and Xinjie intrusions. Generally, both Hongge and Xinjie intrusions show the same Fe-Ti-rich and Si-M-poor characteristics. They are also enriched in rare-earth elements (REE) and large-ion lithophile elements (LILE) as well as in Sr-Nd isotope ratios (Hongge: initial Sr = 0.7056-0.7076, ε_(Nd)(t) and (Nd/Sm)_N-ε_(Nd)(t) plots, the Hongge intrusion has a similar elemental and isotopic features to the Emeishan low-Ti (LT) basalts, whereas the Xinjie intrusion was close to the Emeishan high-Ti (HT) basalt. Therefore, the Hongge intrusion may be co-genetic with the LT basalt, formed by the partial melting of the spinel-garnet transition mantle that had a slight enriched isotope character. In contrast, the Xinjie intrusion and the HT basalts are probably derived from the garnet-phases mantle with a primitive isotope character. The involvement of the components of mantle wedge into the source is considered to be the major reason of the REE and LILE enrichment and Nd isotope depletion in the Xinjie intrusion. In contrast with the systematic variations in TiO_2 content, Mg#, transition elements (Ni, Cu, Co), REE concentrations, and La/Yb, La/Sm ratios from the lower zone to upper zone, the different rock zones of the Hongge intrusion have no clear Sr-Nd isotope variations. This suggests that the Hongge intrusions were formed by the crystal fractionation from the same magma source. The rhythm may be formed by slow injection of the co-genetic magma during the crystal fractionation. The increase in K_2O and Al_2O_3 contents, REE abundance, and the degree of the REE fractionation in the base of the intrusion, together with the relatively low ε_(Nd)(t) value, may imply that the base of the Hongge intrusion was contaminated with the local crust rocks. Xinjie intrusion shows the clearly elemental and isotopic differences in diverse cumulus cycles. The observation of the systematic variations in TiO_2 content, Mg# value, transition elements (Ni, Cu, Co), REE concentrations, and La/Yb, La/Sm ratios in first cycle was not occurred in second cumulus cycle. In addition, the ε_(Nd)(t) value in second cumulus cycle is apparently higher than that of the first one. Thus the abruptly elemental and isotopic changes at the base of second cycle demonstrate that there is considerable new and depleted magma addition to the residue magma after the crystallization of the first cycle. These features are very similar to those of the well-known PGE-rich Bushveld and Stillwater layered intrusions. The PGE mineralization in Xinjie intrusion is much better than in Hongge intrusion. Therefore, the layered intrusion similar to the Xinjie in Panxi area posses the better prospects for the PGE deposits.


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This paper is belonging to Chinese Petrochemical Corporation's key project. Although it is difficult and great workload, it has important theoretical and practical value. Its targets is to establish 4 dimension stress fields of complex fault block groups, and then to predict the forming mechanism and distribution rule of petroleum pools, by applying the most advanced theories, methods and technology and the most sophisticated software in highly explored zones. By means of multi-discipline theories, methods, technologies and multi-source information, using computer with maximum efforts, investigating the strata framework, structure framework, petroleum pool forming mechanism and forming mode of complex fault block groups, several results have been achieved as following: The fastigiated mode of Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, pointed out the control function of pool accumulate in Xianhe complex fault block groups Xianhe fastigiated complex fault block groups are the results of combining stress of extending, slipping and reversing, which formed in early Shahejie stage, changed and perplexed during Dongying stage and that control the forming and destruction of petroleum pools. By measuring the earth stress and rock mechanics parameters in the research region, the model of 4 dimension stress field and potential fields of migrating fluids was established from ES3 stage to current, with their space distribution and time evolve and petroleum accumulate. The fault-sealing model in Xianhe complex fault block groups was established, which reveal the sealing mechanism of petroleum about control-fault, made for petroleum pool prediction in complex fault block. The petroleum pool forming mode and mechanism in complex fault block was established. Petroleum distribution were predicted in three stress inverse zones, and remaining oil were point out in the high points of 2 micro-structures and the region with strong fault-sealing capabilities. (6). A set of theories, technology and methods of complex fault block petroleum pool have been developed, bring on an improvement of the development geology theory in continental fault depression lake basin, good economic benefits have been obtained by applying on both east and west areas of our country.


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This paper is belonging to Chinese Petrochemical Industry Corporation's key project. Although it is very difficult, it has important theoretical and practical value. Its targets is to make lithological petroleum pool exploration great breakthrough in Dongying sag, by applying advanced theories, the last-minute methods and technology in highly explored zones. By using synthetically multi- discipline theories, methods and technology such as petroleum geology, sedimentology, structure geology, rock mechanics, dynamics of petroleum pool formation, geochemistry, geophysics and so on, and by making full use of computer , the process of petroleum pool forming and distribution rules of lithological petroleum pools have been thoroughly investigated and analyzed in sharp-slope, gentle-slope as well as low-lying region of Dongying sag including dynamic and static. With the study of tectonic stress field, fluid potential field and pressure field, we revealed dynamics condition, distribution rule, control factors and petroleum forming mechanism of lithological pool, and established the forming mode of lithological pool of Dongying sag. The main conclusion as follow: Strata framework, structure framework and sedimentary system of Dongying sag have been established which were the basis of petroleum prediction. There are three kinds of oil source which were from Es4,Es3 and mixed type, also three petroleum forming phases which were the telophase of Dongying stage, Guantao stage and Minghuazhen group, which occur in different geological environment. By using of most advanced numerical modeling software, the space distribution and time evolve of stress field and fluid potential field have been revealed from Esl up to the present. The region with low earth stress and low fluid potential were enrichment region of lithological petroleum pool and fault-block pool. The dynamics mechanism of Lithological petroleum pool in Dongying sag was collocating seal box, abnormity pressure, index number of petroleum forming and static factors on time and space, which was the most important factor of controlling petroleum pool forming, distribution and enrichment. The multi phase active and evolve of seal and unseal about different order fault were main factors of controlling petroleum pool forming of Dongying sag, which have important value for predicting lithological petroleum pool. It is revealed the lithological petroleum pool forming mode that included respective character, forming mechanism and distribution rule in four structural belt, which was a base for lithological petroleum pool prediction. The theories, technology and methods of studying, description, characterize and prediction lithological petroleum pool were established, which have important popularization value. Several lithological pool have been predicted in stress transform, zone, abrupt slope zone, fractured surface changed zone, tosional stress growth zone and abnormity pressure zone with noticeable economic benefit after exploration.


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The research area of this paper covers the maximum exploration projects of CNPC, including Blocks 1/2/4 and Block 6 of the Muglad basin and the Melut basin in Bocks 3/7 in Sudan. Based on the study of the evolution history of the Central African Shear Zone (CASZ), structural styles and filling characteristics of the rift basins, it is put forward that the rift basins in Sudan are typical passive rift basins undergoing the strike-slip, extension, compression and inversion since the Cretaceous. The three-stage rift basins overlapped obliquely. The extension and rifting during the Early Cretaceous is 50-70% of the total extension. The features of the passive rift basins decided that there is a single sedimentary cycle and one set of active source rocks within the middle. Influenced by the three-stage rifting and low thermal gradient, hydrocarbon generation and charging took place very late, and the oil pool formation mechanism is very unique from the Lower Cretaceous rift sequences to the Paleogene. The reservoir-seal assemblages are very complicated in time and space. The sealing capacity of cap rocks was controlled by the CASZ. In general the oils become heavier towards the CASZ and lighter far away. The oil biodegradation is the reason causing the high total acid number. The determination of effective reservoir depth ensures that all discovered fields up to now are high-production fields. The propagation and growth of boundary faults in the rift basins can be divided into a simple fault propagation pattern and a fault growth-linkage pattern. It is firstly found that the linkage of boundary fault segments controls the formation of petroleum systems. Three methods have been established to outline petroleum systems. And a new classification scheme of rift-type petroleum system has been put forward: pre-rift, syn-rift (including passive and active) and post-rift petroleum systems. This scheme will be very important for the further exploration of rift basins. This paper firstly established the formation models of oil pools for the passive rift basins in Sudan: the coupling of accommodation zones and main plays for the formation of giant fields. The overlapping of late rifting broke the anticlines to be several fault-blocks. This process determined that anti-fault blocks are the main traptypes in the cretaceous sequences and anticlines in the Paleogene. This can explain why the traptypes are different between the Muglad and Mefut basins, and will provide theoretic guidance for the exploration strategy. The established formation mechanism and models in this paper have had great potential guidance and promotion for the exploration in Sudan, and resulted in significant economic and social benefit. A giant field of 500 million tons oil in place was found 2003. The cost in Blocks 3/7 is only 0.25


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Location is a primary cue in many context-aware computing systems, and is often represented as a global coordinate, room number, or Euclidean distance various landmarks. A user?s concept of location, however, is often defined in terms of regions in which common activities occur. We show how to partition a space into such regions based on patterns of observed user location and motion. These regions, which we call activity zones, represent regions of similar user activity, and can be used to trigger application actions, retrieve information based on previous context, and present information to users. We suggest that context-aware applications can benefit from a location representation learned from observing users. We describe an implementation of our system and present two example applications whose behavior is controlled by users? entry, exit, and presence in the zones.


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Ruziev, Kobil, Dow, Sheila, and Ghosh, Dipak, 'The Uzbek puzzle revisited: An analysis of economic performance in Uzbekistan since 1991', Central Asian Survey (2007) 26(1) pp.7-30 Special Issue: Focus on Uzbekistan RAE2008


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Fuller-Love, Nerys, et al., 'Euro-Commentary : Scenario Analysis and Regional Economic Development: The Case of Mid Wales', European Urban and Regional Studies (2006) 13(2) pp.143-149 RAE2008


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Fuller-Love, N., Midmore, P., Thomas, D., Henley, A. (2006). Entrepreneurship and rural economic development: A scenario analysis approach. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour and Research, 12 (5), 289-305. RAE2008


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The role of renewable energy in power systems is becoming more significant due to the increasing cost of fossil fuels and climate change concerns. However, the inclusion of Renewable Energy Generators (REG), such as wind power, has created additional problems for power system operators due to the variability and lower predictability of output of most REGs, with the Economic Dispatch (ED) problem being particularly difficult to resolve. In previous papers we had reported on the inclusion of wind power in the ED calculations. The simulation had been performed using a system model with wind power as an intermittent source, and the results of the simulation have been compared to that of the Direct Search Method (DSM) for similar cases. In this paper we report on our continuing investigations into using Genetic Algorithms (GA) for ED for an independent power system with a significant amount of wind energy in its generator portfolio. The results demonstrate, in line with previous reports in the literature, the effectiveness of GA when measured against a benchmark technique such as DSM.


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Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Acção Humanitária, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento


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The case for energy policy modelling is strong in Ireland, where stringent EU climate targets are projected to be overshot by 2015. Policy targets aiming to deliver greenhouse gas and renewable energy targets have been made, but it is unclear what savings are to be achieved and from which sectors. Concurrently, the growth of personal mobility has caused an astonishing increase in CO2 emissions from private cars in Ireland, a 37% rise between 2000 and 2008, and while there have been improvements in the efficiency of car technology, there was no decrease in the energy intensity of the car fleet in the same period. This thesis increases the capacity for evidenced-based policymaking in Ireland by developing techno-economic transport energy models and using them to analyse historical trends and to project possible future scenarios. A central focus of this thesis is to understand the effect of the car fleet‘s evolving technical characteristics on energy demand. A car stock model is developed to analyse this question from three angles: Firstly, analysis of car registration and activity data between 2000 and 2008 examines the trends which brought about the surge in energy demand. Secondly, the car stock is modelled into the future and is used to populate a baseline “no new policy” scenario, looking at the impact of recent (2008-2011) policy and purchasing developments on projected energy demand and emissions. Thirdly, a range of technology efficiency, fuel switching and behavioural scenarios are developed up to 2025 in order to indicate the emissions abatement and renewable energy penetration potential from alternative policy packages. In particular, an ambitious car fleet electrification target for Ireland is examined. The car stock model‘s functionality is extended by linking it with other models: LEAP-Ireland, a bottom-up energy demand model for all energy sectors in the country; Irish TIMES, a linear optimisation energy system model; and COPERT, a pollution model. The methodology is also adapted to analyse trends in freight energy demand in a similar way. Finally, this thesis addresses the gap in the representation of travel behaviour in linear energy systems models. A novel methodology is developed and case studies for Ireland and California are presented using the TIMES model. Transport Energy