857 resultados para Ecological


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If we are to move to a more sustainable world, all actorsÑincluding governments, organizations, communities, and individualsÑneed to play their part in committing to a shift in the way we live our lives. This conceptual article explores the challenges that face the human resource management (HRM) profession in moving to a strategic position that supports the requirements of the biophysical environment. We argue that this is becoming an imperative for the future survival and success of organizations large and small, and thus is likely to be a key "modus operandi" for HRM professionals in the future who are looking to embed ecological sustainability into their organizations. This article offers new insights into developing business strategies for ecological sustainability, highlighting the implications for strategic HRM activity through organizational effectiveness, leadership, values, and, ultimately, HRM processes and systems.


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This chapter considers various aspects of the influence of the environment on the growth of foliose lichens and its significance in determining the ecology of individual species. Radial growth (RaG) and growth in mass of foliose lichens is influenced by climate and microclimate and also by substratum factors such as rock and bark texture, substrate chemistry, and nutrient enrichment. Seasonal fluctuations in growth, as measured by radial growth rate (RaGR) per month, often correlate best with average or total rainfall, the number of rain days, or rainfall in a specific season. Temperature has also been identified to be an important climatic factor influencing growth in some studies. Interactions between microclimatic factors and especially light intensity, temperature, and moisture status are important in determining differences in growth in relation to aspect and slope of the substratum. The physical and chemical nature of the substratum has a profound influence on the growth of foliose lichens. Hence, the effects of texture, porosity, rate of drying, and the physical changes of the substratum on growth are likely to influence lichen distributions. Bird droppings may influence growth and survival by smothering the thalli, altering the pH, or adding inhibitory and stimulatory compounds. Nitrogen and phosphate availability may also influence growth. Chemical factors also have an important influence on lichens of maritime rocks, the effect of salinity and calcium ions being of particular importance. Effects of environmental factors on growth influence the competitive ability of a lichen and ultimately its ecology and distribution.


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This article builds theory at the intersection of ecological sustainability and strategic management literature—specifically, in relation to dynamic capabilities literature. By combining industrial organization economics–based, resource-based, and dynamic capability–based views, it is possible to develop a better understanding of the strategies that businesses may follow, depending on their managers’ assumptions about ecological sustainability. To develop innovative strategies for ecological sustainability, the dynamic capabilities framework needs to be extended. In particular, the sensing–seizing–maintaining competitiveness framework should operate not only within the boundaries of a business ecosystem but in relation to global biophysical ecosystems; in addition, two more dynamic capabilities should be added, namely, remapping and reaping. This framework can explicate core managerial beliefs about ecological sustainability. Finally, this approach offers opportunities for managers and academics to identify, categorize, and exploit business strategies for ecological sustainability.


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As the world’s natural resources dwindle and critical levels of environmental pollution are approached, sustainability becomes a key issue for governments, organisations and individuals. With the consequences of such an issue in mind, this paper introduces a unifying approach to measure the sustainability performance of socio-economic systems based on the interplay between two key variables: essentiality of consumption and environmental impact. This measure attributes to every system a ‘fitness’ value i.e. a quantity that reflects its ability to remain resilient/healthy by avoiding ecological, social and economic collapse as it consumes the available resources. This new measure is tested on a system where there is a limited supply of resources and four basic consumption types. The analysis has theoretical implications as well as practical importance as it can help countries, organisations or even individuals, in finding better ways to measure sustainability performance.


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Book review: Boons, F. (2009) Creating ecological value. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar


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Good estimates of ecosystem complexity are essential for a number of ecological tasks: from biodiversity estimation, to forest structure variable retrieval, to feature extraction by edge detection and generation of multifractal surface as neutral models for e.g. feature change assessment. Hence, measuring ecological complexity over space becomes crucial in macroecology and geography. Many geospatial tools have been advocated in spatial ecology to estimate ecosystem complexity and its changes over space and time. Among these tools, free and open source options especially offer opportunities to guarantee the robustness of algorithms and reproducibility. In this paper we will summarize the most straightforward measures of spatial complexity available in the Free and Open Source Software GRASS GIS, relating them to key ecological patterns and processes.


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A tanulmányban országok környezetterhelését és jóllétét vizsgáljuk. A környezetterhelést vizsgáló klasszikus I = PAT azonosság célszerű átrendezésével és továbbgondolásával két térképet szerkesztünk, amelyek egy véges, korlátozott erőforrású világban segítik a stratégiai döntéshozatalt. A térképek adatait a bruttó hazai termék, az ökológiai lábnyom, illetve a szubjektív jóllét mutatói szolgáltatják, ezek az információk a világ országaira ma már széles körben rendelkezésre állnak. Bemutatjuk a gazdasági tevékenység és a szubjektív jóllét kapcsolatát, s az erre épülő 12 stratégiát, majd a szűkös természeti erőforrásokkal számot vető újabb 12 stratégialehetőséget tárgyaljuk. A gazdasági tevékenységet, a környezeti korlátokat és az emberi boldogságot egyszerre szem előtt tartó modell alapján nyilvánvaló a makroszintű következtetés: napjainkban a gazdasági tevékenység, illetve az emberi jóllét dematerializációja szükséges és kívánatos célkitűzés /===/ The study examines countries' ecological footprint and welfare. Rearranging and developing the classic I = PAT equation, the author has devised two maps to assist strategic decision-making in a world of finite, limited resources. The data on the maps – GDP, ecological footprint, and subjective welfare indices – are all widely available all over the world. The relation between economic activity and subjective welfare is presented and twelve strategies built upon them, before discussing twelve further strategies based on scarce natural resources. Using a model that considers economic activity, environmental constraints and human happiness concurrently, it becomes obvious that dematerialization of economic activity and human welfare are a necessary and desirable objective.


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The Leontief input-output model is widely used to determine the ecological footprint of consumption in a region or a country. It is able to capture spillover environmental effects along the supply change, thus its popularity is increasing in ecology related economic research. These studies are static and the dynamic investigations are neglected. The dynamic Leontief model makes it possible to involve the capital and inventory investment in the footprint calculation that projects future growth of GDP and environmental impacts. We show a new calculation method to determine the effect of capital accumulation on ecological footprint. Keywords: Dynamic Leontief model, Dynamic ecological footprint, Environmental management, Allocation method


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Expanded understanding of the trends and determinants of food consumption is needed to reduce the ecological impacts of the contemporary agro-food system while also being attentive to broader issues pertaining to health and the environment. Incorporating these additional aspects and formulating meaningful dietary recommendations is a major challenge. This article seeks to highlight differences in ecological footprint (EF) by activity level for various so-cial groups to meet suggested physiological requirements by nutritionists versus actual food consumption. The study is based on a combination of healthy diet requirements (as expressed by national guidelines) and a survey of a repre-sentative sample of 1,013 Hungarian adults using a bottom-up approach for calculating EFs. Students and women with small children have a higher than average food-related EF due to their higher nutritional needs. At the same time, the elderly are characterized by lower footprints. Perhaps most interesting is our finding that people with seden-tary forms of employment have higher food footprints than those with jobs that require physical labor. We offer rec-ommendations for food-policy planning based on encouraging dietary changes for individuals, differentiated by the nature of their work. The research suggests that dietary policy that improves health often has environmental benefits.


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In this paper five different models, as five modules of a complex agro-ecosystem are investigated. The water and nutrient flow in soil is simulated by the nutrient-in-soil model while the biomass change according to the seasonal weather aspects, the nutrient content of soil and the biotic interactions amongst the other terms of the food web are simulated by the food web population dynamical model that is constructed for a piece of homogeneous field. The food web model is based on the nutrient-in-soil model and on the activity function evaluator model that expresses the effect of temperature. The numbers of individuals in all phenological phases of the different populations are given by the phenology model. The food web model is extended to an inhomogeneous piece of field by the spatial extension model. Finally, as an additional module, an application of the above models for multivariate state-planes, is given. The modules built into the system are closely connected to each other as they utilize each other’s outputs, nevertheless, they work separately, too. Some case studies are analysed and a summarized outlook is given.


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Magyarországi fogyasztókról még nem készült olyan reprezentatív felmérés, amely az élelmiszer-fogyasztás környezetterhelését az ökológiai lábnyommal mérve számszerűsítette. A szerző kutatásában az élelmiszer- fogyasztásból származó ökológiai lábnyomot számszerűsítette és elemezte a magyar felnőtt lakosság körében. A cikkben először bemutatja a fenntartható élelmiszer-fogyasztás szakirodalomban található definícióit, majd a fenntartható és egészséges élelmiszer-fogyasztás mátrixát elemzi. Az elméleti áttekintést követően az empirikus kutatás eredményeinek ismertetése következik. ____ In her research the author quantified and analysed the ecological footprint from food consumption in the Hungarian adult population. In the article she presents the definitions of sustainable food consumption in the literature, and then analyses the matrix of sustainable and healthy food consumption. Following a theoretical overview the author presents the results of her empirical research.