871 resultados para Dynamic energy simulation
In der vorliegenden Arbeit werdenMolekulardynamik-Simulationen zur Untersuchung derstatischen Eigenschaften von amorphenSiliziumdioxidoberflächen (Siliziumdioxid) durchgeführt. Da das von van Beest, Kramer und van Santen vorgeschlagene,sogenannte BKS-Potential für Bulksysteme optimiert wurde und an Oberflächen deutlichandere Ladungsverteilungenauftreten als im Bulk, ist die Anwendbarkeit diesesPotentials für Oberflächensystemefraglich. Aus diesem Grund haben wir untersucht, inwieweitsich die Oberflächeneigenschaften von Systemen, die mit Hilfe des BKS-Potentials äquilibriertwurden, durch ein Nachrelaxieren mit einer ab-initio-Simulation (Car-Parrinello-Methode)ändern. Mit Hilfe der Kombination aus BKS- und Car-Parrinello-Methode (CPMD)konnten wir feststellen, daß sich die Systeme aufgrund des Nachrelaxierens in z-Richtungweiter ausdehnen. Desweiteren zeigte sich insbesondere bei kleinen Ringen (kommen nur ander Oberfläche vor), daß es deutliche Abweichungen in den Geometrien (Atomabstände,Winkel usw.) zwischen der reinen BKS- und der kombinierten BKS-CPMD-Methode gibt. Anhand vonCPMD-Simulationen konnten wir zeigen, daß es durch die Wechselwirkung eines Wassermolekülsmit einem 2er-Ring zum Aufbrechen dieser Ringstruktur und zur Bildung von zweiSilanolgruppen (SiOH) kommt. Desweiteren stellten wir fest, daß es sich hierbei um eineexotherme Reaktion (Energiedifferenz 1.6 eV) handelt, für die eineEnergiebarriere von 1.1 eV überwunden werden muß. Ferner ergab sich, daß die an der Bildung des2er-Ringes beteiligten, stark deformierten Tetraeder nach dem Aufbrechen dieserRingstruktur eine nahezu ideale Tetraederform annehmen.
The research is aimed at contributing to the identification of reliable fully predictive Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) methods for the numerical simulation of equipment typically adopted in the chemical and process industries. The apparatuses selected for the investigation, specifically membrane modules, stirred vessels and fluidized beds, were characterized by a different and often complex fluid dynamic behaviour and in some cases the momentum transfer phenomena were coupled with mass transfer or multiphase interactions. Firs of all, a novel modelling approach based on CFD for the prediction of the gas separation process in membrane modules for hydrogen purification is developed. The reliability of the gas velocity field calculated numerically is assessed by comparison of the predictions with experimental velocity data collected by Particle Image Velocimetry, while the applicability of the model to properly predict the separation process under a wide range of operating conditions is assessed through a strict comparison with permeation experimental data. Then, the effect of numerical issues on the RANS-based predictions of single phase stirred tanks is analysed. The homogenisation process of a scalar tracer is also investigated and simulation results are compared to original passive tracer homogenisation curves determined with Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence. The capability of a CFD approach based on the solution of RANS equations is also investigated for describing the fluid dynamic characteristics of the dispersion of organics in water. Finally, an Eulerian-Eulerian fluid-dynamic model is used to simulate mono-disperse suspensions of Geldart A Group particles fluidized by a Newtonian incompressible fluid as well as binary segregating fluidized beds of particles differing in size and density. The results obtained under a number of different operating conditions are compared with literature experimental data and the effect of numerical uncertainties on axial segregation is also discussed.
In this PhD thesis the crashworthiness topic is studied with the perspective of the development of a small-scale experimental test able to characterize a material in terms of energy absorption. The material properties obtained are then used to validate a nu- merical model of the experimental test itself. Consequently, the numerical model, calibrated on the specific ma- terial, can be extended to more complex structures and used to simulate their energy absorption behavior. The experimental activity started at University of Washington in Seattle, WA (USA) and continued at Second Faculty of Engi- neering, University of Bologna, Forl`ı (Italy), where the numerical model for the simulation of the experimental test was implemented and optimized.
Simulationen von SiO2 mit dem von van Beest, Kramer und vanSanten (BKS) entwickelten Paarpotenzial erzeugen vielezufriedenstellende Ergebnisse, aber auch charakteristischeSchwachstellen. In dieser Arbeit wird das BKS-Potenzial mitzwei kürzlich vorgeschlagenen Potenzialen verglichen, dieeffektiv Mehrteilchen-Wechselwirkungen beinhalten. Der ersteAnsatz erlaubt dazu fluktuierende Ladungen, der zweiteinduzierbare Polarisierungen auf den Sauerstoffatomen. Die untersuchten Schwachstellen des BKS Potenzialsbeinhalten das Verhältnis der zwei Gitterkonstanten a und cim Quarzübergang, das von BKS falsch beschrieben wird.Cristobalit und Tridymit erscheinen instabil mit BKS.Weiterhin zeigt die BKS-Zustandsdichte charakteristischeAbweichungen von der wahren Zustandsdichte. DerÜbergangsdruck für den Stishovit I-II Übergang wird deutlichüberschätzt. Das Fluktuierende-Ladungs-Modell verbesserteinige der genannten Punkte, reproduziert aber viele andereEigenschaften schlechter als BKS. DasFluktierende-Dipol-Modell dagegen behebt alle genanntenArtefakte. Zusätzlich wird der druckinduzierte Phasenübergang imalpha-Quarz untersucht. Alle Potentiale finden die selbeStruktur für Quarz II. Bei anschliessender Dekompressionerzeugt BKS eine weitere Phase, während die beiden anderenPotentiale wieder zum alpha-Quarz zurückkehren. Weiterhinwerden zwei Methoden entwickelt, um die piezoelektrischenKonstanten bei konstantem Druck zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnissegeben Hinweise auf eine möglicherweisenicht-elektrostatische Natur der Polarisierungen imFluktuierende-Dipole-Modell. Mit dieser Interpretation scheint das Fluktuierende-DipolPotential alle verfügbaren experimentellen Daten am bestenvon allen drei untersuchten Ansätzen zu reproduzieren.
This dissertation deals with the development of a project concerning a demonstration in the scope of the Supply Chain 6 of the Internet of Energy (IoE) project: the Remote Monitoring Emulator, which bears my personal contribution in several sections. IoE is a project of international relevance, that means to establish an interoperability standard as regards the electric power production and utilization infrastructure, using Smart Space platforms. The future perspectives of IoE have to do with a platform for electrical power trade-of, the Smart Grid, whose energy is produced by decentralized renewable sources and whose services are exploited primarily according to the Internet of Things philosophy. The main consumers of this kind of smart technology will be Smart Houses (that is to say, buildings controlled by an autonomous system for electrical energy management that is interoperable with the Smart Grid) and Electric Mobility, that is a smart and automated management regarding movement and, overall, recharging of electrical vehicles. It is precisely in the latter case study that the project Remote Monitoring Emulator takes place. It consists in the development of a simulated platform for the management of an electrical vehicle recharging in a city. My personal contribution to this project lies in development and modeling of the simulation platform, of its counterpart in a mobile application and implementation of a city service prototype. This platform shall, ultimately, make up a demonstrator system exploiting the same device which a real user, inside his vehicle, would use. The main requirements that this platform shall satisfy will be interoperability, expandability and relevance to standards, as it needs to communicate with other development groups and to effectively respond to internal changes that can affect IoE.
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird mittels Molekulardynamik(MD)-Computersimulationen die Dynamik von verschiedenen Alkalisilikaten in der Schmelze und im Glas untersucht. Es ist bekannt, daß diese Systeme ionenleitend sind, was auf eine hohe Mobilität der Alkaliionen im Vergleich zu den glasbildenden Komponenten Si und O zurückzuführen ist. Im Mittelpunkt des Interesses steht der sog. Mischalkalieffekt (MAE), der in ternären Mischungen aus Siliziumdioxid mit zwei Alkalioxiden auftritt. Gegenüber Mischungen mit nur einer Alkaliionensorte weisen letztere Systeme eine signifikante Verlangsamung der Alkaliionendiffusion auf. Zunächst werden zwei binäre Alkalisilikate simuliert, nämlich Lithiumdisilikat (LS2) und Kaliumdisilikat (KS2). Die Simulationen zeigen, daß der Ursprung der hohen Mobilität der Alkaliionen in der Struktur begründet ist. KS2 und LS2 weisen auf intermediären Längenskalen Ordnung auf, die in partiellen statischen Strukturfaktoren durch Prepeaks reflektiert ist. Die den Prepeaks zugrundeliegende Struktur erklärt sich durch perkolierende Netzwerke aus alkalioxidreichen Kanälen, die als Diffusionskanäle für die mobilen Alkaliionen fungieren. In diesen Kanälen bewegen sich die Ionen mittels Sprüngen (Hopping) zwischen ausgezeichneten Plätzen. In der Simulation beobachtet man für die hohen Temperaturen (4000K>=1500K) eine ähnliche Aktivierungsenergie wie im Experiment. Im Experiment findet allerdings unterhalb von ca.1200K ein Crossover in ein Arrheniusverhalten mit höherer Aktivierungsenergie statt, welches von der Simulation nicht nachvollzogen wird. Das kann mit der in der Simulation nicht im Gleichgewicht befindlichen Si-O-Matrix erklärt werden, bei der Alterungseffekte beobachtet werden. Am stärksten ist der MAE für eine Alkalikomponente, wenn deren Konzentrationsanteil in einem ternären Mischalkalisystem gegen 0 geht. Daher wird ein LS2-System untersucht, in dem ein Li-Ion gegen ein K-Ion getauscht wird. Der Einfluß des K-Ions ist sowohl lokal in den charakteristischen Abständen zu den ersten nächsten Nachbarn (NN) zu sehen, als auch in der ortsaufgelösten Koordinationszahlverteilung bis zu Längenskalen von ca. 8,5 Angstrom. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik des eingesetzten K-Ions zeigt, daß die Sprungwahrscheinlichkeit nicht mit der Lokalisierung, einem Maß für die Bewegung eines Teilchens um seine Ruheposition, korreliert ist, aber daß eine chemische Umgebung mit wenig Li- und vielen O-NN oder vielen Li- und wenig O-NN ein Sprungereignis begünstigt. Zuletzt wird ein ternäres Alkalisilikat (LKS2) untersucht, dessen Struktur alle charakteristischen Längenskalen von LS2 und KS2 aufweist. Es stellt sich also eine komplexe Struktur mit zwei perkolierenden Subnetzwerken für Alkaliionen ein. Die Untersuchung der Dynamik zeigt eine geringe Wahrscheinlichkeit dafür auf, daß Ionen in ein Subnetzwerk andersnamiger Ionen springen. Auch kann gezeigt werden, daß das Modellpotential den MAE reproduzieren kann, daß also die Diffusionskonstanten in LKS2 bei bis zu einer Größenordnung langsamer sind als in KS2 bzw. LS2. Der beobachtete Effekt stellt sich zudem vom funktionalen Verlauf her so dar, wie er beim MAE erwartet wird. Es wurde auch festgestellt, daß trotz der zeitlichen Verzögerung in den dynamischen Größen die Anzahl der Sprünge pro Zeit nicht geringer ist und daß für niedrige Temperaturen (d.h.im Glas) Sprünge auf den Nachbarplatz mit anschließendem Rücksprung auf die vorherige Position deutlich wahrscheinlicher sind als bei hohen Temperaturen (also in der Schmelze). Die vorliegenden Resultate geben Aufschluß über die Details der Mechanismen mikroskopischer Ionenleitung in binären und ternären Alkalisilikaten sowie dem MAE.
The present work is devoted to the assessment of the energy fluxes physics in the space of scales and physical space of wall-turbulent flows. The generalized Kolmogorov equation will be applied to DNS data of a turbulent channel flow in order to describe the energy fluxes paths from production to dissipation in the augmented space of wall-turbulent flows. This multidimensional description will be shown to be crucial to understand the formation and sustainment of the turbulent fluctuations fed by the energy fluxes coming from the near-wall production region. An unexpected behavior of the energy fluxes comes out from this analysis consisting of spiral-like paths in the combined physical/scale space where the controversial reverse energy cascade plays a central role. The observed behavior conflicts with the classical notion of the Richardson/Kolmogorov energy cascade and may have strong repercussions on both theoretical and modeling approaches to wall-turbulence. To this aim a new relation stating the leading physical processes governing the energy transfer in wall-turbulence is suggested and shown able to capture most of the rich dynamics of the shear dominated region of the flow. Two dynamical processes are identified as driving mechanisms for the fluxes, one in the near wall region and a second one further away from the wall. The former, stronger one is related to the dynamics involved in the near-wall turbulence regeneration cycle. The second suggests an outer self-sustaining mechanism which is asymptotically expected to take place in the log-layer and could explain the debated mixed inner/outer scaling of the near-wall statistics. The same approach is applied for the first time to a filtered velocity field. A generalized Kolmogorov equation specialized for filtered velocity field is derived and discussed. The results will show what effects the subgrid scales have on the resolved motion in both physical and scale space, singling out the prominent role of the filter length compared to the cross-over scale between production dominated scales and inertial range, lc, and the reverse energy cascade region lb. The systematic characterization of the resolved and subgrid physics as function of the filter scale and of the wall-distance will be shown instrumental for a correct use of LES models in the simulation of wall turbulent flows. Taking inspiration from the new relation for the energy transfer in wall turbulence, a new class of LES models will be also proposed. Finally, the generalized Kolmogorov equation specialized for filtered velocity fields will be shown to be an helpful statistical tool for the assessment of LES models and for the development of new ones. As example, some classical purely dissipative eddy viscosity models are analyzed via an a priori procedure.
From the discoveries of Pasteur, stereochemistry has played an increasingly important role in the chemical sciences. In particular conformational study of molecules with axial chirality is object of intense research. Through Dynamic-NMR analysis and simulation of the spectra, the energy rotational barriers value of conformers are obtained. When this barrier is high sufficiently, atropisomeric stable compounds can be reached. They can be separated and used in stereo-synthesis and in packing processes. 3,4-bis-aryl maleimides, in which the aromatic groups are sufficiently bulky, generate atropisomeric stable configurations, that can be isolated at room temperature. The assignment of absolute configurations is performed through ECD analysis and comparison with computational calculations. The biological activities of maleimide derivatives widen the field of atropisomers application also in biological systems.
Germaniumdioxid (GeO2) ist ein Glasbildner, der wie das homologe SiO2 ein ungeordnetes tetraedrisches Netzwerk ausbildet. In dieser Arbeit werden mit Hilfe von Molekulardynamik-Computersimulationen die Struktur und Dynamik von GeO2 in Abhängigkeit von der Temperatur untersucht. Dazu werden sowohl Simulationen mit einem klassischen Paarpotentialmodell von Oeffner und Elliott als auch ab initio-Simulationen gemäß der Car-Parrinello-Molekulardynamik (CPMD), bei der elektronische Freiheitsgrade mittels Dichtefunktionaltheorie beschrieben werden, durchgeführt. In der klassischen Simulation werden dazu ein Temperaturen zwischen 6100 K und 2530 K betrachtet. Darüberhinaus ermöglichen Abkühlläufe auf T=300 K das Studium der Struktur des Glases. Zum Vergleich werden CPMD-Simulationen für kleinere Systeme mit 60 bzw. 120 Teilchen bei den Temperaturen 3760 K und 3000 K durchgeführt. In den klassischen Simulationen kann die im Experiment bis 1700 K nachgewiesene, im Vergleich zu SiO2 starke, Temperaturabhängigkeit der Dichte auch bei höheren Temperaturen beobachtet werden. Gute Übereinstimmungen der Simulationen mit experimentellen Daten zeigen sich bei der Untersuchung verschiedener struktureller Größen, wie z.B. Paarkorrelationsfunktionen, Winkelverteilungen, Koordinationszahlen und Strukturfaktoren. Es können leichte strukturelle Abweichungen der CPMD-Simulationen von den klassischen Simulationen aufgezeigt werden: 1. Die Paarabstände in CPMD sind durchweg etwas kleiner. 2. Es zeigt sich, daß die Bindungen in den ab initio-Simulationen weicher sind, was sich auch in einer etwas stärkeren Temperaturabhängigkeit der strukturellen Größen im Vergleich zu den klassischen Simulationen niederschlägt. 3. Für CPMD kann ein vermehrtes Auftreten von Dreierringstrukturen gezeigt werden. 4. In der CPMD werden temperaturabhängige Defektstrukturen in Form von Sauerstoffpaaren beobachtet, die vor allem bei 3760 K, kaum jedoch bei 3000 K auftreten. Alle strukturellen Unterschiede zwischen klassischer und CPMD-Simulation sind eindeutig nicht auf Finite-Size-Effekte aufgrund der kleinen Systemgrößen in den CPMD-Simulationen zurückzuführen, d.h. sie sind tatsächlich methodisch bedingt. Bei der Dynamik von GeO2 wird in den klassischen Simulationen ebenfalls eine gute Übereinstimmung mit experimentellen Daten beobachtet, was ein Vergleich der Diffusionskonstanten mit Viskositätsmessungen bei hohen Temperaturen belegt. Die Diffusionskonstanten zeigen teilweise ein verschiedenes Verhalten zum homologen SiO2. Sie folgen in GeO2 bei Temperaturen unter 3000 K einem Arrheniusgesetz mit einer deutlich niedrigeren Aktivierungsenergie. Darüberhinaus werden die Möglichkeiten der Parametrisierung eines neuen klassischen Paarpotentials mittels der Kräfte entlang der CPMD-Trajektorien untersucht. Es zeigt sich, daß derartige Parametrisierungen sehr stark von den gewählten Startparametern abhängen. Ferner führen sämtliche an die Schmelze parametrisierten Potentiale zu zu hohen Dichten im Vergleich zum Experiment. Zum einen liegt dies sehr wahrscheinlich daran,daß für das System GeO2 Kraftdaten allein nicht ausreichen, um grundlegende strukturelle Größen, wie z.B. Paarkorrelationen und Winkelverteilungen, der CPMD-Simulationen gut reproduzieren zu können. Zum anderen ist wohl die Beschreibung mittels Paarpotentialen nicht ausreichend und es ist erforderlich, Merkörperwechselwirkungen in Betracht zu ziehen.
Photovoltaic (PV) conversion is the direct production of electrical energy from sun without involving the emission of polluting substances. In order to be competitive with other energy sources, cost of the PV technology must be reduced ensuring adequate conversion efficiencies. These goals have motivated the interest of researchers in investigating advanced designs of crystalline silicon solar (c-Si) cells. Since lowering the cost of PV devices involves the reduction of the volume of semiconductor, an effective light trapping strategy aimed at increasing the photon absorption is required. Modeling of solar cells by electro-optical numerical simulation is helpful to predict the performance of future generations devices exhibiting advanced light-trapping schemes and to provide new and more specific guidelines to industry. The approaches to optical simulation commonly adopted for c-Si solar cells may lead to inaccurate results in case of thin film and nano-stuctured solar cells. On the other hand, rigorous solvers of Maxwell equations are really cpu- and memory-intensive. Recently, in optical simulation of solar cells, the RCWA method has gained relevance, providing a good trade-off between accuracy and computational resources requirement. This thesis is a contribution to the numerical simulation of advanced silicon solar cells by means of a state-of-the-art numerical 2-D/3-D device simulator, that has been successfully applied to the simulation of selective emitter and the rear point contact solar cells, for which the multi-dimensionality of the transport model is required in order to properly account for all physical competing mechanisms. In the second part of the thesis, the optical problems is discussed. Two novel and computationally efficient RCWA implementations for 2-D simulation domains as well as a third RCWA for 3-D structures based on an eigenvalues calculation approach have been presented. The proposed simulators have been validated in terms of accuracy, numerical convergence, computation time and correctness of results.
Computer simulations play an ever growing role for the development of automotive products. Assembly simulation, as well as many other processes, are used systematically even before the first physical prototype of a vehicle is built in order to check whether particular components can be assembled easily or whether another part is in the way. Usually, this kind of simulation is limited to rigid bodies. However, a vehicle contains a multitude of flexible parts of various types: cables, hoses, carpets, seat surfaces, insulations, weatherstrips... Since most of the problems using these simulations concern one-dimensional components and since an intuitive tool for cable routing is still needed, we have chosen to concentrate on this category, which includes cables, hoses and wiring harnesses. In this thesis, we present a system for simulating one dimensional flexible parts such as cables or hoses. The modeling of bending and torsion follows the Cosserat model. For this purpose we use a generalized spring-mass system and describe its configuration by a carefully chosen set of coordinates. Gravity and contact forces as well as the forces responsible for length conservation are expressed in Cartesian coordinates. But bending and torsion effects can be dealt with more effectively by using quaternions to represent the orientation of the segments joining two neighboring mass points. This augmented system allows an easy formulation of all interactions with the best appropriate coordinate type and yields a strongly banded Hessian matrix. An energy minimizing process accounts for a solution exempt from the oscillations that are typical of spring-mass systems. The use of integral forces, similar to an integral controller, allows to enforce exactly the constraints. The whole system is numerically stable and can be solved at interactive frame rates. It is integrated in the DaimlerChrysler in-house Virtual Reality Software veo for use in applications such as cable routing and assembly simulation and has been well received by users. Parts of this work have been published at the ACM Solid and Physical Modeling Conference 2006 and have been selected for the special issue of the Computer-Aided-Design Journal to the conference.
In this thesis a mathematical model was derived that describes the charge and energy transport in semiconductor devices like transistors. Moreover, numerical simulations of these physical processes are performed. In order to accomplish this, methods of theoretical physics, functional analysis, numerical mathematics and computer programming are applied. After an introduction to the status quo of semiconductor device simulation methods and a brief review of historical facts up to now, the attention is shifted to the construction of a model, which serves as the basis of the subsequent derivations in the thesis. Thereby the starting point is an important equation of the theory of dilute gases. From this equation the model equations are derived and specified by means of a series expansion method. This is done in a multi-stage derivation process, which is mainly taken from a scientific paper and which does not constitute the focus of this thesis. In the following phase we specify the mathematical setting and make precise the model assumptions. Thereby we make use of methods of functional analysis. Since the equations we deal with are coupled, we are concerned with a nonstandard problem. In contrary, the theory of scalar elliptic equations is established meanwhile. Subsequently, we are preoccupied with the numerical discretization of the equations. A special finite-element method is used for the discretization. This special approach has to be done in order to make the numerical results appropriate for practical application. By a series of transformations from the discrete model we derive a system of algebraic equations that are eligible for numerical evaluation. Using self-made computer programs we solve the equations to get approximate solutions. These programs are based on new and specialized iteration procedures that are developed and thoroughly tested within the frame of this research work. Due to their importance and their novel status, they are explained and demonstrated in detail. We compare these new iterations with a standard method that is complemented by a feature to fit in the current context. A further innovation is the computation of solutions in three-dimensional domains, which are still rare. Special attention is paid to applicability of the 3D simulation tools. The programs are designed to have justifiable working complexity. The simulation results of some models of contemporary semiconductor devices are shown and detailed comments on the results are given. Eventually, we make a prospect on future development and enhancements of the models and of the algorithms that we used.
This thesis presents several data processing and compression techniques capable of addressing the strict requirements of wireless sensor networks. After introducing a general overview of sensor networks, the energy problem is introduced, dividing the different energy reduction approaches according to the different subsystem they try to optimize. To manage the complexity brought by these techniques, a quick overview of the most common middlewares for WSNs is given, describing in detail SPINE2, a framework for data processing in the node environment. The focus is then shifted on the in-network aggregation techniques, used to reduce data sent by the network nodes trying to prolong the network lifetime as long as possible. Among the several techniques, the most promising approach is the Compressive Sensing (CS). To investigate this technique, a practical implementation of the algorithm is compared against a simpler aggregation scheme, deriving a mixed algorithm able to successfully reduce the power consumption. The analysis moves from compression implemented on single nodes to CS for signal ensembles, trying to exploit the correlations among sensors and nodes to improve compression and reconstruction quality. The two main techniques for signal ensembles, Distributed CS (DCS) and Kronecker CS (KCS), are introduced and compared against a common set of data gathered by real deployments. The best trade-off between reconstruction quality and power consumption is then investigated. The usage of CS is also addressed when the signal of interest is sampled at a Sub-Nyquist rate, evaluating the reconstruction performance. Finally the group sparsity CS (GS-CS) is compared to another well-known technique for reconstruction of signals from an highly sub-sampled version. These two frameworks are compared again against a real data-set and an insightful analysis of the trade-off between reconstruction quality and lifetime is given.
When a liquid crystal is confined to a cavity its director field becomes subject to competing forces: on the one hand, the surface of the cavity orients the director field (``surface anchoring''), on the other hand deformations of the director field cost elastic energy. Hence the equilibrium director field is determined by a compromise between surface anchoring and elasticity. One example of a confined liquid crystal that has attracted particular interest from physicists is the nematic droplet. In this thesis a system of hard rods is considered as the simplest model for nematic liquid crystals consisting of elongated molecules. First, systems of hard spherocylinders in a spherical geometry are investigated by means of canonical Monte Carlo simulations. In contrast to previous simulation work on this problem, a continuum model is used. In particular, the effects of ordering near hard curved walls are studied for the low-density regime. With increasing density, first a uniaxial surface film forms and then a biaxial surface film, which eventually fills the entire cavity. We study how the surface order, the adsorption and the shape of the director field depend on the curvature of the wall. We find that orientational ordering at a curved wall in a cavity is stronger than at a flat wall, while adsorption is weaker. For densities above the isotropic-nematic transition, we always find bipolar configurations. As a next step, an extension of the Asakura-Oosawa-Vrij model for colloid-polymer mixtures to anisotropic colloids is considered. By means of computer simulations we study how droplets of hard, rod-like particles optimize their shape and structure under the influence of the osmotic compression caused by the presence of spherical particles that act as depletion agents. At sufficiently high osmotic pressures the rods that make up the drops spontaneously align to turn them into uniaxial nematic liquid crystalline droplets. The nematic droplets or ``tactoids'' that so form are not spherical but elongated, resulting from the competition between the anisotropic surface tension and the elastic deformation of the director field. In agreement with recent theoretical predictions we find that sufficiently small tactoids have a uniform director field, whilst large ones are characterized by a bipolar director field. From the shape and director-field transformation of the droplets we estimate the surface anchoring strength.
The development of a multibody model of a motorbike engine cranktrain is presented in this work, with an emphasis on flexible component model reduction. A modelling methodology based upon the adoption of non-ideal joints at interface locations, and the inclusion of component flexibility, is developed: both are necessary tasks if one wants to capture dynamic effects which arise in lightweight, high-speed applications. With regard to the first topic, both a ball bearing model and a journal bearing model are implemented, in order to properly capture the dynamic effects of the main connections in the system: angular contact ball bearings are modelled according to a five-DOF nonlinear scheme in order to grasp the crankshaft main bearings behaviour, while an impedance-based hydrodynamic bearing model is implemented providing an enhanced operation prediction at the conrod big end locations. Concerning the second matter, flexible models of the crankshaft and the connecting rod are produced. The well-established Craig-Bampton reduction technique is adopted as a general framework to obtain reduced model representations which are suitable for the subsequent multibody analyses. A particular component mode selection procedure is implemented, based on the concept of Effective Interface Mass, allowing an assessment of the accuracy of the reduced models prior to the nonlinear simulation phase. In addition, a procedure to alleviate the effects of modal truncation, based on the Modal Truncation Augmentation approach, is developed. In order to assess the performances of the proposed modal reduction schemes, numerical tests are performed onto the crankshaft and the conrod models in both frequency and modal domains. A multibody model of the cranktrain is eventually assembled and simulated using a commercial software. Numerical results are presented, demonstrating the effectiveness of the implemented flexible model reduction techniques. The advantages over the conventional frequency-based truncation approach are discussed.