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For efficient ligand binding, integrins must be activated. Specifically, a conformational change has been proposed in a ligand binding domain present within some integrins, the inserted (I) domain [Lee, J., Bankston, L., Arnaout, M. & Liddington, R. C. (1995) Structure (London) 3, 1333–1340]. This proposal remains controversial, however, despite extensive crystal structure studies on the I domain [Lee, J., Bankston, L., Arnaout, M. & Liddington, R. C. (1995) Structure (London) 3, 1333–1340; Liddington, R. & Bankston, L. (1998) Structure (London) 6, 937–938; Qu, A. & Leahy, D. J. (1996) Structure (London) 4, 931–942; and Baldwin, E. T., Sarver, R. W., Bryant, G. L., Jr., Curry, K. A., Fairbanks, M. B., Finzel, B. C., Garlick, R. L., Heinrikson, R. L., Horton, N. C. & Kelly, L. L. (1998) Structure (London) 6, 923–935]. By defining the residues present in the epitope of a mAb against the human Mac-1 integrin (αMβ2, CD11b/CD18) that binds only the active receptor, we provide biochemical evidence that the I domain itself undergoes a conformational change with activation. This mAb, CBRM1/5, binds the I domain very close to the ligand binding site in a region that is widely exposed regardless of activation as judged by reactivity with other antibodies. The conformation of the epitope differs in two crystal forms of the I domain, previously suggested to represent active and inactive receptor. Our data suggests that conformational differences in the I domain are physiologically relevant and not merely a consequence of different crystal lattice interactions. We also demonstrate that the transition between the two conformational states depends on species-specific residues at the bottom of the I domain, which are proposed to be in an interface with another integrin domain, and that this transition correlates with functional activity.
Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a critical transducer of signals originating from the B cell antigen receptor (BCR). Dosage, sequential phosphorylation, and protein interactions are interdependent mechanisms influencing Btk function. Phosphopeptide-specific mAbs recognizing two distinct phosphotyrosine modifications were used to quantify Btk activation by immunofluorescent techniques during B cell stimulation. In a population of cultured B cells stimulated by BCR crosslinking and analyzed by flow cytometry, transient phosphorylation of the regulatory Btk tyrosine residues (551Y and 223Y) was detected. The kinetics of phosphorylation of the residues were temporally distinct. Tyrosine 551, a transactivating substrate site for Src-family kinases, was maximally phosphorylated within ≈30 seconds of stimulation as monitored by flow cytometry. Tyrosine 223, an autophosphorylation site within the SH3 domain, was maximally phosphorylated at ≈5 minutes. Btk returned to a low tyrosine phosphorylation level within 30 minutes, despite persistent elevation of global tyrosine phosphorylation. Colocalization of activated Btk molecules with the crosslinked BCR signaling complex was observed to coincide with the period of maximal Btk tyrosine phosphorylation when stimulated B cells were analyzed with confocal microscopy. The results of these in situ temporal and spatial analyses imply that Btk signaling occurs in the region of the Ig receptor signaling complex, suggesting a similar location for downstream targets of its activity.
The G protein β subunit Gβ5 deviates significantly from the other four members of Gβ-subunit family in amino acid sequence and subcellular localization. To detect the protein targets of Gβ5 in vivo, we have isolated a native Gβ5 protein complex from the retinal cytosolic fraction and identified the protein tightly associated with Gβ5 as the regulator of G protein signaling (RGS) protein, RGS7. Here we show that complexes of Gβ5 with RGS proteins can be formed in vitro from the recombinant proteins. The reconstituted Gβ5-RGS dimers are similar to the native retinal complex in their behavior on gel-filtration and cation-exchange chromatographies and can be immunoprecipitated with either anti-Gβ5 or anti-RGS7 antibodies. The specific Gβ5-RGS7 interaction is determined by a distinct domain in RGS that has a striking homology to Gγ subunits. Deletion of this domain prevents the RGS7-Gβ5 binding, although the interaction with Gα is retained. Substitution of the Gγ-like domain of RGS7 with a portion of Gγ1 changes its binding specificity from Gβ5 to Gβ1. The interaction of Gβ5 with RGS7 blocked the binding of RGS7 to the Gα subunit Gαo, indicating that Gβ5 is a specific RGS inhibitor.
A sensitive assay using biotinylated ubiquitin revealed extensive ubiquitination of the large subunit of RNA polymerase II during incubations of transcription reactions in vitro. Phosphorylation of the repetitive carboxyl-terminal domain of the large subunit was a signal for ubiquitination. Specific inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase (cdk)-type kinases suppress the ubiquitination reaction. These kinases are components of transcription factors and have been shown to phosphorylate the carboxyl-terminal domain. In both regulation of transcription and DNA repair, phosphorylation of the repetitive carboxyl-terminal domain by kinases might signal degradation of the polymerase.
The transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and Wnt/wingless pathways play pivotal roles in tissue specification during development. Activation of Smads, the effectors of TGFβ superfamily signals, results in Smad translocation from the cytoplasm into the nucleus where they act as transcriptional comodulators to regulate target gene expression. Wnt/wingless signals are mediated by the DNA-binding HMG box transcription factors lymphoid enhancer binding factor 1/T cell-specific factor (LEF1/TCF) and their coactivator β-catenin. Herein, we show that Smad3 physically interacts with the HMG box domain of LEF1 and that TGFβ and Wnt pathways synergize to activate transcription of the Xenopus homeobox gene twin (Xtwn). Disruption of specific Smad and LEF1/TCF DNA-binding sites in the promoter abrogates synergistic activation of the promoter. Consistent with this observation, introduction of Smad sites into a TGFβ-insensitive LEF1/TCF target gene confers cooperative TGFβ and Wnt responsiveness to the promoter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that TGFβ-dependent activation of LEF1/TCF target genes can occur in the absence of β-catenin binding to LEF1/TCF and requires both Smad and LEF1/TCF DNA-binding sites in the Xtwn promoter. Thus, our results show that TGFβ and Wnt signaling pathways can independently or cooperatively regulate LEF1/TCF target genes and suggest a model for how these pathways can synergistically activate target genes.
Signal transducer and activator of transcription (Stat) proteins are latent transcription factors that reside in the cytoplasm before activation. On cytokine-induced tyrosine phosphorylation, these molecules dimerize and accumulate transiently in the nucleus. No specific signals mediating these processes have been identified to date. In this report, we examine the nuclear export of Stat1. We find that treatment of cells with the export inhibitor leptomycin B does not affect steady-state localization of Stat1 but impedes nuclear export after IFNγ-induced nuclear accumulation. We identify a conserved leucine-rich helical segment in the coiled-coil domain of Stat1, which is responsible for the efficient nuclear export of this protein. Mutation of two hallmark leucines within this segment greatly attenuate the back transport of Stat1 in the cytoplasm. When fused to a carrier protein, the Stat1 export sequence can mediate nuclear export after intranuclear microinjection. We show that prolonging the nuclear presence of Stat1 by inhibiting nuclear export reduces the transcriptional response to stimulation with IFNγ. These data suggest that Stats are actively exported from the nucleus via several separate pathways and link this activity to transcriptional activation.
Host Cell Factor-1 (HCF-1, C1) was first identified as a cellular target for the herpes simplex virus transcriptional activator VP16. Association between HCF and VP16 leads to the assembly of a multiprotein enhancer complex that stimulates viral immediate-early gene transcription. HCF-1 is expressed in all cells and is required for progression through G1 phase of the cell cycle. In addition to VP16, HCF-1 associates with a cellular bZIP protein known as LZIP (or Luman). Both LZIP and VP16 contain a four-amino acid HCF-binding motif, recognized by the N-terminal β-propeller domain of HCF-1. Herein, we show that the N-terminal 92 amino acids of LZIP contain a potent transcriptional activation domain composed of three elements: the HCF-binding motif and two LxxLL motifs. LxxLL motifs are found in a number of transcriptional coactivators and mediate protein–protein interactions, notably recognition of the nuclear hormone receptors. LZIP is an example of a sequence-specific DNA-binding protein that uses LxxLL motifs within its activation domain to stimulate transcription. The LxxLL motifs are not required for association with the HCF-1 β-propeller and instead interact with other regions in HCF-1 or recruit additional cofactors.
Symbiosis between Rhizobium and its leguminous host requires elaborate communication between the partners throughout the interaction process. A calmodulin-like protein, termed calsymin, was identified in Rhizobium etli; a calmodulin-related protein in a Gram-negative bacterium had not been described previously. Calsymin possesses three repeated homologous domains. Each domain contains two predicted EF-hand Ca2+-binding motifs. Ca2+-binding activity of calsymin was demonstrated on purified protein. R. etli efficiently secretes calsymin without N-terminal cleavage of the protein. The gene encoding calsymin, casA, is exclusively expressed during colonization and infection of R. etli with the host. Expression of casA is controlled by a repressor protein, termed CasR, belonging to the TetR family of regulatory proteins. Mutation of the casA gene affects the development of bacteroids during symbiosis and symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
The DNA binding activity of p53 is crucial for its tumor suppressor function and is subject to tight regulation. Previous studies revealed that the inhibitory function of the p53 C terminus is implicated in the latent, low affinity sequence-specific DNA binding activity of p53 in the uninduced state. Sequence-specific DNA binding of p53 has been shown to be activated by several posttranslational modifications and interacting proteins that target predominantly the C terminus. Moreover, several authors have shown that synthetic peptides corresponding to p53 C-terminal sequences activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding. In an effort to identify the interaction site of p53 with these activating peptides we assessed complex formation between p53 deletion constructs and C-terminal activating peptides by peptide affinity precipitation. This study revealed that two distal regions of the p53 molecule contribute synergistically to the interaction with activating C-terminal peptides: amino acids 80–93 and 364–393. The C-terminal residues 364–393 are already well characterized as having negative regulatory function. DNA binding analyses with these deletion constructs reveal a comparable negative regulatory activity for residues 80–93, defining this region as a previously unidentified negative regulatory domain of p53. Furthermore, synthetic peptides spanning this newly identified proline-rich negative regulatory region (residues 80–93) are able to activate p53 sequence-specific DNA binding in vitro. We suggest that both negative regulatory regions, residues 80–93 and 364–393, contribute cooperatively to the maintenance of the latent, low-affinity DNA binding conformation of p53.
Aldose reductase (ALR2), a NADPH-dependent aldo-keto reductase (AKR), is widely distributed in mammalian tissues and has been implicated in complications of diabetes, including diabetic nephropathy. To identify a renal-specific reductase belonging to the AKR family, representational difference analyses of cDNA from diabetic mouse kidney were performed. A full-length cDNA with an ORF of 855 nt and yielding a ≈1.5-kb mRNA transcript was isolated from a mouse kidney library. Human and rat homologues also were isolated, and they had ≈91% and ≈97% amino acid identity with mouse protein. In vitro translation of the cDNA yielded a protein product of ≈33 kDa. Northern and Western blot analyses, using the cDNA and antirecombinant protein antibody, revealed its expression exclusively confined to the kidney. Like ALR2, the expression was up-regulated in diabetic kidneys. Its mRNA and protein expression was restricted to renal proximal tubules. The gene neither codistributed with Tamm–Horsfall protein nor aquaporin-2. The deduced protein sequence revealed an AKR-3 motif located near the N terminus, unlike the other AKR family members where it is confined to the C terminus. Fluorescence quenching and reactive blue agarose chromatography studies revealed that it binds to NADPH with high affinity (KdNADPH = 66.9 ± 2.3 nM). This binding domain is a tetrapeptide (Met-Ala-Lys-Ser) located within the AKR-3 motif that is similar to the other AKR members. The identified protein is designated as RSOR because it is renal-specific with properties of an oxido-reductase, and like ALR2 it may be relevant in the renal complications of diabetes mellitus.
Desaturation of coenzyme-A esters of saturated fatty acids is a common feature of sex pheromone biosynthetic pathways in the Lepidoptera. The enzymes that catalyze this step share several biochemical properties with the ubiquitous acyl-CoA Δ9-desaturases of animals and fungi, suggesting a common ancestral origin. Unlike metabolic acyl-CoA Δ9-desaturases, pheromone desaturases have evolved unusual regio- and stereoselective activities that contribute to the remarkable diversity of chemical structures used as pheromones in this large taxonomic group. In this report, we describe the isolation of a cDNA encoding a pheromone gland desaturase from the cabbage looper moth, Trichoplusia ni, a species in which all unsaturated pheromone products are produced via a Δ11Z-desaturation mechanism. The largest ORF of the ≈1,250-bp cDNA encodes a 349-aa apoprotein (PDesat-Tn Δ11Z) with a predicted molecular mass of 40,240 Da. Its hydrophobicity profile is similar overall to those of rat and yeast Δ9-desaturases, suggesting conserved transmembrane topology. A 182-aa core domain delimited by conserved histidine-rich motifs implicated in iron-binding and catalysis has 72 and 58% similarity (including conservative substitutions) to acyl-CoA Δ9Z-desaturases of rat and yeast, respectively. Northern blot analysis revealed an ≈1,250-nt PDesat-Tn Δ11Z mRNA that is consistent with the spatial and temporal distribution of Δ11-desaturase enzyme activity. Genetic transformation of a desaturase-deficient strain of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with an expression plasmid encoding PDesat-Tn Δ11Z resulted in complementation of the strain’s fatty acid auxotrophy and the production of Δ11Z-unsaturated fatty acids.
The herpesvirus entry mediator C (HveC), previously known as poliovirus receptor-related protein 1 (PRR1), and the herpesvirus Ig-like receptor (HIgR) are the bona fide receptors employed by herpes simplex virus-1 and -2 (HSV-1 and -2) for entry into the human cell lines most frequently used in HSV studies. They share an identical ectodomain made of one V and two C2 domains and differ in transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions. Expression of their mRNA in the human nervous system suggests possible usage of these receptors in humans in the path of neuron infection by HSV. Glycoprotein D (gD) is the virion component that mediates HSV-1 entry into cells by interaction with cellular receptors. We report on the identification of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 as a major functional region in HSV-1 entry by several approaches. First, the epitope recognized by mAb R1.302 to HIgR/PRR1, capable of inhibiting infection, was mapped to the V domain. Second, a soluble form of HIgR/PRR1 consisting of the single V domain competed with cell-bound full-length receptor and blocked virion infectivity. Third, the V domain was sufficient to mediate HSV entry, as an engineered form of PRR1 in which the two C2 domains were deleted and the V domain was retained and fused to its transmembrane and cytoplasmic regions was still able to confer susceptibility, although at reduced efficiency relative to full-length receptor. Consistently, transfer of the V domain of HIgR/PRR1 to a functionally inactive structural homologue generated a chimeric receptor with virus-entry activity. Finally, the single V domain was sufficient for in vitro physical interaction with gD. The in vitro binding was specific as it was competed both by antibodies to the receptor and by a mAb to gD with potent neutralizing activity for HSV-1 infectivity.
ASH1 encodes a protein that is localized specifically to the daughter cell nucleus, where it has been proposed to repress transcription of the HO gene. Using Ash1p purified from baculovirus-infected insect cells, we have shown that Ash1p binds specific DNA sequences in the HO promoter. DNase I protection analyses showed that Ash1p recognizes a consensus sequence, YTGAT. Mutation of this consensus abolishes Ash1p DNA binding in vitro. We have shown that Ash1p requires an intact zinc-binding domain in its C terminus for repression of HO in vivo and that this domain may be involved in DNA binding. A heterologous DNA-binding domain fused to an N-terminal segment of Ash1p functions as an active repressor of transcription. Our studies indicate that Ash1p is a DNA-binding protein of the GATA family with a separable transcriptional repression domain.
The regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH, EC consists of more than 100 amino acids at the N terminus, the removal of which significantly activates the enzyme. To study the regulatory properties controlled by the N terminus, a series of truncations and site-specific mutations were made in this region of rat PAH. These enzymes were expressed highly in Escherichia coli and purified through a pterin-conjugated Sepharose affinity column. The removal of the first 26 amino acids of the N terminus increased the activity by about 20-fold, but removal of the first 15 amino acids increased the activity by only 2-fold. Replacing serine-29 of rat PAH with cysteine from the same site of human PAH increased the activity by more than 4-fold. Mutation of serine to other amino acids with varying side chains: alanine, methionine, leucine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and arginine also resulted in significant activation, indicating a serine-specific inhibitory effect. But these site-specific mutants showed 30–40% lower activity when assayed with 6-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin. Stimulation of hydroxylase activity by preincubation of the enzyme with phenylalanine was inversely proportional to the activation state of all these mutants. Combined with recent crystal structures of PAH [Kobe, B. et al. (1999) Nat. Struct. Biol. 6, 442–448; and Erlandsen, H., Bjorgo, E., Flatmark, T. & Stevens, R. C. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2208–2217], these data suggest that residues 16–26 have a controlling regulatory effect on the activity by interaction with the dihydroxypropyl side chain of (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin. The serine/cysteine switch explains the difference in regulatory properties between human and rat PAH. The N terminus as a whole is important for maintaining rat PAH in an optimum catalytic conformation.
The neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) is expressed on the surface of astrocytes, where its homophilic binding leads to the activation of the transcription factor NF-κB. Transfection of astrocytes with a construct encompassing the transmembrane region and the cytoplasmic domain of N-CAM (designated Tm-Cyto, amino acids 685–839 in the full-length molecule) inhibited this activation up to 40%, and inhibited N-CAM-induced translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus. N-CAM also activated NF-κB in astrocytes from N-CAM knockout mice, presumably through binding to a heterophile. This activation, however, was not blocked by Tm-Cyto expression, indicating that the inhibitory effect of the Tm-Cyto construct is specific for cell surface N-CAM. Deletions and point mutations of the cytoplasmic portion of the Tm-Cyto construct indicated that the region between amino acids 780 and 800 were essential for inhibitory activity. This region contains four threonines (788, 793, 794, and 797). Mutation to alanine of T788, T794, or T797, but not T793, abolished inhibitory activity, as did mutation of T788 or T797 to aspartic acid. A Tm-Cyto construct with T794 mutated to aspartic acid retained inhibitory activity but did not itself induce a constitutive NF-κB response. This result suggests that phosphorylation of T794 may be necessary but is not the triggering event. Overall, these findings define a short segment of the N-CAM cytoplasmic domain that is critical for N-CAM-induced activation of NF-κB and may be important in other N-CAM-mediated signaling.