934 resultados para Dolliver, Jonathan P. (Jonathan Prentiss), 1858-1910.
The goal of this prospective randomized clinical trial was to compare 2 cohorts of standardized cleft patients with regard to functional speech outcome and the presence or absence of palatal fistulae. The 2 cohorts are randomized to undergo either a conventional von Langenbeck repair with intravelar velarplasty or the double-opposing Z-plasty Furlow procedure. A prospective 2 x 2 x 2 factorial clinical trial was used in which each subject was randomly assigned to 1 of 8 different groups: 1 of 2 different lip repairs (Spina vs. Millard), 1 of 2 different palatal repair (von Langenbeck vs. Furlow), and 1 of 2 different ages at time of palatal surgery (9-12 months vs. 15-18 months). All surgeries were performed by the same 4 surgeons. A cul-de-sac test of hypernasality and a mirror test of nasal air emission were selected as primary outcome measures for velopharyngeal function. Both a surgeon and speech pathologist examined patients for the presence of palatal fistulae. In this study, the Furlow double-opposing Z-palatoplasty resulted in significantly better velopharyngeal function for speech than the von Langenbeck procedure as determined by the perceptual cul-de-sac test of hypernasality. Fistula occurrence was significantly higher for the Furlow procedure than for the von Langenbeck. Fistulas were more likely to occur in patients with wider clefts and when relaxing incisions were not used.
Variations in the spatial configuration of the interstellar magnetic field (ISMF) near the Sun can be constrained by comparing the ISMF direction at the heliosphere found from the Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) spacecraft observations of a ""Ribbon"" of energetic neutral atoms (ENAs), with the ISMF direction derived from optical polarization data for stars within similar to 40 pc. Using interstellar polarization observations toward similar to 30 nearby stars within similar to 90 degrees of the heliosphere nose, we find that the best fits to the polarization position angles are obtained for a magnetic pole directed toward ecliptic coordinates of lambda, beta similar to 263 degrees, 37 degrees (or galactic coordinates of l, b similar to 38 degrees, 23 degrees), with uncertainties of +/- 35 degrees based on the broad minimum of the best fits and the range of data quality. This magnetic pole is 33 degrees from the magnetic pole that is defined by the center of the arc of the ENA Ribbon. The IBEX ENA ribbon is seen in sight lines that are perpendicular to the ISMF as it drapes over the heliosphere. The similarity of the polarization and Ribbon directions for the local ISMF suggests that the local field is coherent over scale sizes of tens of parsecs. The ISMF vector direction is nearly perpendicular to the flow of local interstellar material (ISM) through the local standard of rest, supporting a possible local ISM origin related to an evolved expanding magnetized shell. The local ISMF direction is found to have a curious geometry with respect to the cosmic microwave background dipole moment.
The invasive brackish-water hydrozoan Blackfordia virginica is reported from estuaries and harbours in southeastern and southern Brazil. Medusae of the species were collected for the first time in Cananeia, Guaratuba Bay, and Babitonga Bay. They were also found in Paranagua Bay where they were previously known to occur. Based on material examined here, a comparative redescription is given of B. virginica, and its distribution worldwide is reviewed. The three nominal species of Blackfordia are assessed.
OBJECTIVE The aim of the study was to elucidate the cellular mechanism underlying the suppression of glucose-induced insulin secretion in mice fed a high-fat diet (HFD) for 15 weeks. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-C57BL6J mice were fed a HFD or a normal diet (ND) for 3 or 15 weeks. Plasma insulin and glucose levels in vivo were assessed by intraperitoneal glucose tolerance test. Insulin secretion in vitro was studied using static incubations and a perfused pancreas preparation. Membrane currents, electrical activity, and exocytosis were examined by patch-clamp technique measurements. Intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) was measured by microfluorimetry. Total internal reflection fluorescence microscope (TIRFM) was used for optical imaging of exocytosis and submembrane depolarization-evoked [Ca(2+)](i). The functional data were complemented by analyses of histology and gene transcription. RESULTS After 15 weeks, but not 3 weeks, mice on HFD exhibited hyperglycemia and hypoinsulinemia. Pancreatic islet content and beta-cell area increased 2- and 1.5-fold, respectively. These changes correlated with a 20-50% reduction of glucose-induced insulin secretion (normalized to insulin content). The latter effect was not associated with impaired electrical activity or [Ca(2+)](i) signaling. Single-cell capacitance and TIRFM measurements of exocytosis revealed a selective suppression (>70%) of exocytosis elicited by short (50 ms) depolarization, whereas the responses to longer depolarizations were (500 ms) less affected. The loss of rapid exocytosis correlated with dispersion of Ca(2+) entry in HFD beta-cells. No changes in gene transcription of key exocytotic protein were observed. CONCLUSIONS HFD results in reduced insulin secretion by causing the functional dissociation of voltage-gated Ca(2+) entry from exocytosis. These observations suggest a novel explanation to the well-established link between obesity and diabetes. Diabetes 59:1192-1201, 2010
P>Neuropeptides are produced from larger precursors by limited proteolysis, first by endopeptidases and then by carboxypeptidases. Major endopeptidases required for these cleavages include prohormone convertase (PC) 1/3 and PC2. In this study, quantitative peptidomics analysis was used to characterize the specific role PC1/3 plays in this process. Peptides isolated from hypothalamus, amygdala, and striatum of PC1/3 null mice were compared with those from heterozygous and wild-type mice. Extracts were labeled with stable isotopic tags and fractionated by HPLC, after which relative peptide levels were determined using tandem mass spectrometry. In total, 92 peptides were found, of which 35 were known neuropeptides or related peptides derived from 15 distinct secretory pathway proteins: 7B2, chromogranin A and B, cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript, procholecystokinin, proenkephalin, promelanin concentrating hormone, proneurotensin, propituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide, proSAAS, prosomatosatin, provasoactive intestinal peptide, provasopressin, secretogranin III, and VGF. Among the peptides derived from these proteins, similar to 1/3 were decreased in the PC1/3 null mice relative to wild-type mice, similar to 1/3 showed no change, and similar to 1/3 increased in PC1/3 null. Cleavage sites were analyzed in peptides that showed no change or that decreased in PC1/3 mice, and these results were compared with peptides that showed no change or decreased in previous peptidomic studies with PC2 null mice. Analysis of these sites showed that while PC1/3 and PC2 have overlapping substrate preferences, there are particular cleavage site residues that distinguish peptides preferred by each PC.
The human malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax is responsible for 25 - 40% of the similar to 515 million annual cases of malaria worldwide. Although seldom fatal, the parasite elicits severe and incapacitating clinical symptoms and often causes relapses months after a primary infection has cleared. Despite its importance as a major human pathogen, P. vivax is little studied because it cannot be propagated continuously in the laboratory except in non- human primates. We sequenced the genome of P. vivax to shed light on its distinctive biological features, and as a means to drive development of new drugs and vaccines. Here we describe the synteny and isochore structure of P. vivax chromosomes, and show that the parasite resembles other malaria parasites in gene content and metabolic potential, but possesses novel gene families and potential alternative invasion pathways not recognized previously. Completion of the P. vivax genome provides the scientific community with a valuable resource that can be used to advance investigation into this neglected species.
This paper proposes a novel way to combine different observation models in a particle filter framework. This, so called, auto-adjustable observation model, enhance the particle filter accuracy when the tracked objects overlap without infringing a great runtime penalty to the whole tracking system. The approach has been tested under two important real world situations related to animal behavior: mice and larvae tracking. The proposal was compared to some state-of-art approaches and the results show, under the datasets tested, that a good trade-off between accuracy and runtime can be achieved using an auto-adjustable observation model. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the first phase of a project attempting to construct an efficient general-purpose nonlinear optimizer using an augmented Lagrangian outer loop with a relative error criterion, and an inner loop employing a state-of-the art conjugate gradient solver. The outer loop can also employ double regularized proximal kernels, a fairly recent theoretical development that leads to fully smooth subproblems. We first enhance the existing theory to show that our approach is globally convergent in both the primal and dual spaces when applied to convex problems. We then present an extensive computational evaluation using the CUTE test set, showing that some aspects of our approach are promising, but some are not. These conclusions in turn lead to additional computational experiments suggesting where to next focus our theoretical and computational efforts.
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka baptismens framväxt, genombrott och utveckling under perioden 1850-1910. I anslutning till detta har jag även studerat baptismens etablering på nationell nivå. De frågeställningar som har utformats i anknytning till syftet har varit; När, varför och genom vilka uppkom baptismen i Piteå? Vilka människor kom att ansluta sig till baptismen i Piteå? Vilka orsaker fanns till baptismens förändring och utveckling på lokal nivå? Den metod som använts för att undersöka dessa aspekter har varit i huvudsak kvalitativ, där studiet av material i form av medlemsmatriklar, församlingsprotokoll, minnes- och årsskrifter samt relevant litteratur och avhandlingar använts. Resultatet av studien visar att den svenska baptiströrelsen har sin bakgrund i Amerika, England och Tyskland, och att den spreds till vårt land därifrån. En orsak till detta var gynnsamma samhällsförhållanden där läsar- och separatiströrelsen skapat en grogrund för baptisternas missionssträvanden under den första hälften av 1800-talet. I Piteå och Norrbotten etableras rörelsen i slutet av 1850-talet. Som förklaring till baptismens utveckling och förändring på lokal nivå har jag funnit att Piteå under perioden till övervägande del varit ett jordbrukssamhälle, vilket skapat en relativt låg grad av social rörlighet bland de unga anhängare som framför allt hämtades ur arbetarklassen. Utifrån tidigare studier av baptismen kan Piteå sägas vara ett exempel på ett samhälle där lojaliteten mot den äldre kyrkliga gemenskapen troligen levde kvar under perioden. Samtidigt hade församlingens idémässiga tankegods som folkrörelse en viktig social och ideologisk betydelse för individen, trots församlingens relativt små numerära framgångar.
Jag har med denna uppsats velat undersöka betydelsen av Fackskolan för huslig ekonomi i Uppsala,(FHE), för de ogifta borgarflickornas emancipation vad beträffar utbildningsmöjligÂheter. Detta har jag gjort genom att undersöka den sociala reÂkryteringen, där de rekryterade flickornas fäders yrÂken, samt en geografisk fördelning har upptecknats, frÃ¥n tiden dÃ¥ skolan grundades, 1895 och fram till 1910. Det undersökta materiÂalet, som är matriklar för rekryterade hushÃ¥llslärarinnor pÃ¥ FHE, är arkivmaterial som lagras pÃ¥ Landsarkivet i Uppsala, där FHE är arkivbildare.  Undersökningen visar att ca 65 % av eleverna var av medelklassfamilj, vilket vid jämförelse överrensstämmer med andra liknande skolor. Blanda annat visar min jämförande undersökning med Folkskollärarinneseminariet i Falun, (FFS), detta. Det som utmärker FHE är dock det höga antalet elever som kom frÃ¥n akademiker-och överklasshem, ca.30 % och det lÃ¥ga antalet med arbetarbakgrund,(2-4%), vilket visar pÃ¥ att skolan hade en övervägande borgerlig profil.
In this article, we discuss strategies for interaction in spoken discourse, focusing on ellipsis phenomena in English. The data comes from the VOICE corpus of English as a Lingua Franca, and we analyse education data in the form of seminar and workshop discussions, working group meetings, interviews and conversations. The functions ellipsis carries in the data are Intersubjectivity, where participants develop and maintain an understanding in discourse; Continuers, which are examples of back channel support; Correction, both self- and other-initiated; Repetition; and Comments, which are similar to Continuers but do not have a back channel support function. We see that the first of these, Intersubjectivity, is by far the most popular, followed by Repetitions and Comments. These results are explained as consequences of the nature of the texts themselves, as some are discussions of presentations and so can be expected to contain many Repetitions, for example. The speech event is also an important factor, as events with asymmetrical power relations like interviews do not contain so many Continuers. Our clear conclusion is that the use of ellipsis is a strong marker of interaction in spoken discourse.
Denna uppsats har för avsikt att beskriva och redogöra för området videoscenografi och hur en videoscenograf arbetar. Videoscenografer har 90- och 00-talets snabba utveckling av prestanda inom datakraften att tacka för sin funktion, i en värld som kräver alltmer av kreatören frågar jag mig hur videoscenografen ser på sin omvärld. Videoscenografen verkar i området mellan det konstnärliga, scentekniska och grafiska. Deras position är fortfarande under förvirring just eftersom deras arbetsfält är så brett. Uppsatsen klargör för läsaren vad det är de sysslar med inom en scenkonstproduktion och varför videoscenografin är en sak för framtiden. Video inom scenkonstproduktioner blir allt viktigare, samtidigt som dekormålares arbete blir allt mindre, men endå tvingas videoscenografen att utföra sitt arbete under trängda förhållanden, med full ljussättning på scen, eller samtidigt som repetitioner pågår där de riskerar att störa en kreativ process. Insynen i vad de sysslar med är högst begränsad eftersom det är ett ungt yrke, med så pass få utövare. Denna uppsats klargör för varför videoscenografens arbete är viktigt och varför de bör ges mer tid att utföra sitt arbete.
ARAUJO, Márcio V. ; ALSINA, Pablo J. ; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D. ; PEREIRA, Jonathan P.P. ; DOMINGOS, Elber C. ; ARAÚJO, Fábio M.U. ; SILVA, Jáder S. . Development of an Active Orthosis Prototype for Lower Limbs. In: INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING, 20., 2009, Gramado, RS. Proceedings… Gramado, RS: [s. n.], 2009