1000 resultados para Dl-pyroangolensolide
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:5 000], échelle de 600 mètres [= 12 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:477 000], 20000 mètres [= 4,2 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:8 533 000]
Échelle(s) : 1:600 000
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:2 440 000], échelle 100 kilomètres [= 4,1 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:2 746 000], échelle de 50 lieues communes de France [= 3,4 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:1 588 000], échelle 10 myriamètres [= 10,3 cm]
Digital libraries (DL) are seen as a hope to developing countries in their struggle for accessing bibliographic resources, especially in a context where the traditional distribution mechanisms failed tragically. Several difficulties are however faced by these countries to build and use digital libraries, due mainly to its high development costs and to the poor existing ICT resources in these countries. This paper discusses the importance of digital libraries for developing countries and introduces the main challenges they face in building and using such libraries. The current alternatives and major initiatives for making digital information accessible to developing countries are also addressed.
With the failure of the traditional mechanisms of distributing bibliographic materials into developing countries, digital libraries show up as a strong alternative in accomplishing such job, despite the challenges of the digital divide. This paper discusses the challenges of building a digital library (DL) in a developing country. The case of Cape Verde as a digital divide country is analyzed, in terms of current digital library usage and its potentiality for fighting the difficulties in accessing bibliographic resources in the country. The paper also introduces an undergoing project of building a digital library at the University Jean Piaget of Cape Verde.
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:34 865 000]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:563 000], échelle 30 milles romains de 70 au degré [= 7,9 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:410 000], échelle de 2500 mètres [= 6,2 cm]
Échelle(s) : [ca 1:3 235 000], 40 lieues communes de France de 25 au degré [= 5,5 cm]
Échelle(s) : 1:4 000, échelle d'un quart de millimètre par mètre
Échelle(s) : [Échelle non déterminable]