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We describe a preliminary investigation into large-scale atmospheric and surface moisture variations over North America. We compare large-scale hydrologic budgets in the Los Alamos general circulation model (GCM) to observed precipitation and vertically integrated atmospheric moisture fluxes derived from the National Meteorological Center's operational analyses. THe GCM faithfully simulates the integrated flux divergence and P-E differences. However, the integrated moisture content is too low, and precipitation and evaporation are too high. The model produces summertime soil moisture dryness, which supports previous studies showing increased droughts under warmer conditions.


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The paper aims to give the concept and functional approach of knowledge system with reference to the fisheries sector. The background and strategies to develop knowledge workers by translating the concept of knowledge system are presented. The job opportunities given in the paper strengthen the need of the development of knowledge workers through vocational education and training. The Vocational Education Programme in the backdrop can be effective both in the formal system of education through different models suggested and through the non-formal system. The modular courses varying from 50 hours and 2-3 weeks to 6 months or one year can be introduced in the formal system as pre-vocational modules (50-h duration) in IX-X classes in vocational institutions, and the non-governmental organizations/Krishi Vigyan Kendras/Indian Council of Agricultural Research may offer occupation-based modules (2-3 weeks to 6 months). The strategic approach for the development of knowledge system highlighting various issues is also suggested.


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Mangrove, a tidal wetland, is a good example of complex land and water system whose resource attributes is neither fully understood from an ecological perspective nor valued comprehensively in economic terms. With increased ecological and social perception of the functions of wetlands, the utility and relative values will increase. The perception, however, varies from society to society. It must be recognized that mangrove forests differ greatly in local conditions and in their ability to produce a wide variety of economic products. What may be highly productive strategy for one country may have little meaning to its neighbor. Therefore, it becomes essential that from among diversity of potential uses of the mangrove environment, specific uses will have to be decided, and management plan developed on site, or area specific basis. It is therefore necessary to arrive at a balance between the views of the ecologists and economists on the management of mangroves. Biological conservation should encompass resource management in the sense that integrity of the biological and physical attributes of the resource base should be sustained and man-induced management practices should not alter an ecosystem to the extent that biological production is eliminated. Sustained yield management for food, fiber and fuel would serve to sustain local fisheries while generating new economic enterprises. This requires the recognition of mangrove environment as a resource with economic value, and managed according to local conditions and national priorities.


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Retention of knowledge in the preparation of fish pickle, fish wafers and fish soup powder for an experimental group of 20 fisherwomen selected from three fishing villages was studied. The knowledge retention immediately after exposure and also at intervals of 15 days and 30 days after exposure differed significantly.


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The overall objective of the study was to develop a better understanding of how people perceived and responded to the fisheries management measures on Lake Victoria and were affected by them.


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Until the late 1990s the fisheries of Ugandan lakes had been managed by government where stakeholders were excluded from the decision-making process. In order to involve other stakeholders, co-management was adopted. Operationalising Co-management on landing sites has led to the formation of BMUs at gazetted landing sites. A BMU is made up of a BMU assembly and the BMU committee that it elects. A BMU committee should be: 30% boat owners; 30% boat barias 30% including fish processors, boat makers, local gear makers and repairers, fishing input dealers and managers and 10% fish mongers/traders; and if possible, 30% women. To operate at a particular landing site, one must be registered with the BMU. The BMU assembly is the supreme organ of a BMU empowered to elect, approve and remove the BMU committee


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Labeo victorianus Boulenger, the "ningu", is commercially the most important migratory fish of Lake Victoria, as well as being one of the most abundant of all species landed. Annual catch records of the Fisheries Departments of Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania show that a high yielding seasonal, floating gill net fishery is based on the concentration of sexually mature fish at the river mouths at the time of migration during the bi-annual floods. Migrating fish used also to be caught in high numbers at "kek" barrier traps across the river, as at Hainga on the Nzoia river. Since the heavy exploitation at the river mouth which occurred with the introduction of nylon gill nets in 1956.


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Most morphological characters diagnostic of the 13 Chinese species of the cyprinid genus Sinilabeo Rendahl, 1932, are identical to those of the genus Bangana Hamilton, 1822. Consequently, these 13 species are transferred to Bangana. A revised diagnosis is provided for the now-expanded genus Bangana, and a dichotomous key and taxonomic and nomenclatural notes are included for the following valid Chinese species: B. decora, B. dero, B. devdevi, B. discognathoides, B. lemassoni, B. lippa, B. rendahli, B. tonkinensis, B. tungting, B. wui, B. xanthogenys, B. yunnanensis, and B. zhui. Literature reports, by Chinese authors, of Sinilabeo dero from the upper Irrawady River basin, in Yunnan, are based on misidentifcations of B. devdevi. Sinilabeo cirrhinoides Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, and S. laticeps Wu and Lin in Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, are junior subjective synonyms of B. devdevi and B. lippa, respectively. Sinilabeo yunnanensis Wu, Lin, Chen, Chen and He, 1977, is an available name, and a lectotype is designated for the species. Bangana zhui ( Zheng and Chen, 1983) is a valid species distinct from B. yunnanensis.