999 resultados para Deformable face mask


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This paper presents a new face verification algorithm based on Gabor wavelets and AdaBoost. In the algorithm, faces are represented by Gabor wavelet features generated by Gabor wavelet transform. Gabor wavelets with 5 scales and 8 orientations are chosen to form a family of Gabor wavelets. By convolving face images with these 40 Gabor wavelets, the original images are transformed into magnitude response images of Gabor wavelet features. The AdaBoost algorithm selects a small set of significant features from the pool of the Gabor wavelet features. Each feature is the basis for a weak classifier which is trained with face images taken from the XM2VTS database. The feature with the lowest classification error is selected in each iteration of the AdaBoost operation. We also address issues regarding computational costs in feature selection with AdaBoost. A support vector machine (SVM) is trained with examples of 20 features, and the results have shown a low false positive rate and a low classification error rate in face verification.


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This commentary raises general questions about the parsimony and generalizability of the SIMS model, before interrogating the specific roles that the amygdala and eye contact play in it. Additionally, this situates the SIMS model alongside another model of facial expression processing, with a view to incorporating individual differences in emotion perception.


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This paper considers the application of weightless neural networks (WNNs) to the problem of face recognition and compares the results with those provided using a more complicated multiple neural network approach. WNNs have significant advantages over the more common forms of neural networks, in particular in term of speed of operation and learning. A major difficulty when applying neural networks to face recognition problems is the high degree of variability in expression, pose and facial details: the generalisation properties of a WNN can be crucial. In the light of this problem a software simulator of a WNN has been built and the results of some initial tests are presented and compared with other techniques


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This paper presents recent developments to a vision-based traffic surveillance system which relies extensively on the use of geometrical and scene context. Firstly, a highly parametrised 3-D model is reported, able to adopt the shape of a wide variety of different classes of vehicle (e.g. cars, vans, buses etc.), and its subsequent specialisation to a generic car class which accounts for commonly encountered types of car (including saloon, batchback and estate cars). Sample data collected from video images, by means of an interactive tool, have been subjected to principal component analysis (PCA) to define a deformable model having 6 degrees of freedom. Secondly, a new pose refinement technique using “active” models is described, able to recover both the pose of a rigid object, and the structure of a deformable model; an assessment of its performance is examined in comparison with previously reported “passive” model-based techniques in the context of traffic surveillance. The new method is more stable, and requires fewer iterations, especially when the number of free parameters increases, but shows somewhat poorer convergence. Typical applications for this work include robot surveillance and navigation tasks.


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The aim of this article is to reconsider the fiscal interpretation of opposition parlementaire to government policy. First, it suggests that the meaning of the remonstrances is blurred by specific constraints which make it very difficult to interpret these texts. Second, it analyses a variety of documents relating to Silhouette’s fiscal projects (1759) and shows that the real objective of the Parlement of Paris, which was never mentioned in its remonstrances, was to finance the Seven Years’ War by issuing paper-money. This reading reveals the influence of the British model of State finance, especially on the critical issue of credit, on both ministers and magistrates. In spite of this common reference, the government and the Parlement of Paris diverged in their reading of the fiscal crisis, and the political culture of the monarchy prevented the formation of a workable consensus.


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