917 resultados para Decolonization of Angola


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Individual planktonic microfossil species, or assemblage groups of different species, are often used to, qualitatively and/or quantitatively, reconstruct past (sub)surface-water conditions of the world's oceans and seas. Until now, little information has been available on the surface sediment distribution patterns and paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential of coccolith, calcareous dinoflagellate cyst and organic-walled dinoflagellate cyst assemblages of the South and equatorial Atlantic, especially at the species level. This paper (i) summarizes the distributions of these three phytoplanktonic microfossil groups in numerous Atlantic surface sediments from 20°N-50°S and 30°E-65°W and determines their relationship with the physicochemical and trophic conditions of the overlying (sub)surface-waters, and (ii) determines the synecology of the three phytoplankton groups by carrying out statistical analyses (i.e. detrended and canonical correspondence analyses) on all groups simultaneously. Ecological relationships are additionally strengthened by statistically comparing the distribution patterns of the phytoplankton groups with those of planktonic foraminifera (Pflaumann et al. 1996; Niebler et al. 1998), as the ecological preferences of the latter are much better known. Many of the analyzed phytoplanktonic microfossil species or groups of species in the surface sediments do show restricted distributions which primarily reflect the environmental conditions of the upper water masses above them (e.g. sea-surface temperature, productivity, stratification). The acquired 'reference' data sets are large and diverse enough to allow future development of transfer functions for the reconstruction of past surface-water conditions, and show that there is still an enormous paleoenvironmental reconstruction potential concealed in many fossil coccolith and dinoflagellate cyst assemblages.


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Surface samples, mostly from abyssal sediments of the South Atlantic, from parts of the equatorial Atlantic, and of the Antarctic Ocean, were investigated for clay content and clay mineral composition. Maps of relative clay mineral content were compiled, which improve previous maps by showing more details, especially at high latitudes. Large-scale relations regarding the origin and transport paths of detrital clay are revealed. High smectite concentrations are observed in abyssal regions, primarily derived from southernmost South America and from minor sources in Southwest Africa. Near submarine volcanoes of the Antarctic Ocean (South Sandwich, Bouvet Island) smectite contents exhibit distinct maxima, which is ascribed to the weathering of altered basalts and volcanic glasses. The illite distribution can be subdivided into five major zones including two maxima revealing both South African and Antarctic sources. A particularly high amount of Mg- and Fe-rich illites are observed close to East Antarctica. They are derived from biotite-bearing crystalline rocks and transported to the west by the East Antarctic Coastal Current. Chiorite and well-crystallized dioctaedral illite are typical minerals enriched within the Subantarctic and Polarfrontal-Zone but of minor importance off East Antarctica. Kaolinite dominates the clay mineral assemblage at low latitudes, where the continental source rocks (West Africa, Brazil) are mainly affected by intensive chemical weathering. Surprisingly, a slight increase of kaolinite is observed in the Enderby Basin and near the Filchner-Ronne Ice shelf. The investigated area can be subdivided into ten, large-scale clay facies zones with characteristic possible source regions and transport paths. Clay mineral assemblages of the largest part of the South Atlantic, especially of the western basins are dominated by chlorite and illite derived from the Antarctic Peninsula and southernmost South America and supported by advection within the Circumantarctic Deep Water flow. In contrast, the East Antarctic provinces are relatively small. Assemblages of the eastern basins north of 30°S are strongly influenced by African sources, controlled by weathering regimes on land and by a complex interaction of wind, river and deep ocean transport. The strong gradient in clay mineral composition at the Brazilian slope indicate a relatively low contribution of tropically derived assemblages to the western basins.


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Inoceramus occurs in every DSDP hole that penetrated Cretaceous sediments in the South Atlantic Ocean, and specimen occurrence has been mapped in detail for each core. Oxygen and carbon isotope measurements were completed on 18 Inoceramus specimens from Hole 530A. Textural evidence of diagenesis is accompanied by depletion in 18O. Paleotemperature results were obtained from 11 well-preserved specimens. Bottom water temperatures in the Angola Basin decreased from 23°C during the Coniacian to 13°C near the end of the Campanian.


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In this thesis, I offer an exploration of what it means to be Palestinian, and constructions of identity, belonging and community, through drawing on the experiences of younger generations of Palestinians who have not lived in Palestine. This project seeks to investigate how understanding of our own individual, familial and community’s history plays in shaping our own understandings of identity, place, belonging and indigeneity, as a younger generation of Palestinians now living and studying in the diaspora. In particular, this project examined how the process of remembering and sharing memories in community act as a form of resistance to 68 years of settler colonial violence and erasure of Palestinian land and peoples, asking what our responsibilities this therefore entails from each and every one of us.


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O presente artigo situa-se nos domínios de especialidade da Fonética e Fonologia. Pretende-se, com efeito, destacar algumas características fonético-fonológicas do português culto falado em Angola, nomeadamente no domínio do vocalismo, identificadas e recolhidas de enunciados orais de cidadãos angolanos e residentes em Angola, estudantes e profissionais com nível de instrução médio-alto. No falar português desses indivíduos constam elementos que se opõem a determinados usos e hábitos linguísticos normativos do Português europeu, recomendados como usos e hábitos oficiais. Procura-se, assim, demonstrar que, pelo menos em relação ao sistema vocálico, o português angolano das camadas cultas da população difere do Português europeu.


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Esta investigação debruça-se sobre a análise do Combate ao Analfabetismo em Angola e o processo de alfabetização levado a cabo pelo Estado e os Parceiros Sociais no meio rural, desde o Acordo de paz em 2002, e especificamente, sobre dos Programas, Estratégias e Planos de Alfabetização do Estado, no contexto do Sistema de Educação, preconizados nesse período. Em Angola a maior parte das ações de alfabetização são asseguradas pelos parceiros sociais do Estado, pelo que procedemos à identificação das Organizações, Associações Nacionais e Organizações Internacionais em processos de Alfabetização e aos Métodos de Alfabetização associados ao Plano Estratégico para a Revitalização da Alfabetização (2012). Os constrangimentos ao processo de alfabetização no meio rural foram analisados em três vertentes: do acesso à educação e alfabetização de jovens e adultos; dos professores e alfabetizadores, sua formação, recrutamento e fixação, e o da utilização da Língua Oficial e das Línguas Nacionais. A investigação teve por base uma metodologia do tipo qualitativo assente na recolha e análise bibliográfica e documental, constituindo um estudo interpretativo fruto de uma Revisão Bibliográfica Narrativa. A gratuitidade, a equidade e a qualidade do ensino em Angola, enquanto objetivos primordiais dos principais documentos reitores do Sistema de Educação, não estão a ser asseguradas ou cumpridas com a amplitude e a eficácia pretendidas. Não obstante as estratégias, os programas e os planos de alfabetização concebidos após 2002, a sua implementação não tem conseguido materializar-se enquanto instrumento facilitador de uma “segunda oportunidade” educativa para jovens e adultos analfabetos. Perpetuam-se problemas no acesso ao ensino no meio rural, particularmente no que respeita à gratuidade, aos fracos apoios e incentivos financeiros do Estado e à insuficiente aplicação de políticas de ação social escolar. Persistem também a escassez de professores e alfabetizadores, as suas dificuldades de caracter formativo e profissional, a limitação de recursos de que dispõem e de incentivos que os levem a fixar-se. A utilização das línguas maternas não se efetiva no processo ensino-aprendizagem, onde a sua pertinência é maior devido à identidade bantu das populações. Estes constrangimentos repercutem-se no insucesso escolar dos alunos e no aumento das taxas de abandono/desistência e comprometem o direito à educação. Apesar do esforço nacional, a afetação de recursos do orçamento destinado ao sector da educação, ao combate ao analfabetismo e à alfabetização de jovens e adultos é ainda inferior a metade do recomendado internacionalmente nesta área. / This study focuses on the analysis of the struggle against Illiteracy in Angola and on the literacy process undertaken by the State and the Social Partners in the rural areas, since the Peace Agreement in 2002, and specifically on the Programs, Strategies and Plans of Literacy of the State in the context of the Education System proclaimed on that period. In Angola most literacy actions are ensured by the social partners of the State, therefore we proceed to identify the Organizations, National Associations and International Organizations in processes of Literacy and the Methods of Literacy associated to the Strategic Plan for the Revitalization of Literacy(2012). The constraints on the process of literacy in rural areas were analyzed in three strands: the access to education and literacy for young people and adults; the teachers and literacy teachers, their school formation, recruitment and fixation, and the use of the Official Language and the National Languages. The study used a qualitative methodology based on bibliographic and documentary collection and analysis, constituting an interpretative study, which is the result of a bibliographic narrative review. Free, equal and quality education in Angola as primary objectives of the main guiding documents of the Education System, are not being provided or accomplished with the scope and effectiveness required. Despite the Strategies, the Programs and the Literacy Plans designed after 2002, its implementation has not been able to be materialized as a facilitator of a "second chance" education for young people and adult illiterates. Problems remain in the access to education in rural areas, particularly, as far as free education, weak support and financial incentives from the State and inadequate implementation of the policies of school social work are concerned. The shortage of teachers and literacy teachers, the difficulties related to their training and their profession, the limited resources available and incentives that lead them to settle down also persist. The use of the mother tongues is not effective in the teaching-learning process, where its pertinence is greater due to the bantu identity of the populations. These constraints have repercussions on the students' school failure and on the abandonment rates increase and compromise the right to education. Despite the national effort, the allocation of budget resources intended for the education sector, to fight illiteracy and to improve young people and adults’ literacy, is still less than half of the recommended internationally in this area.


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During the last years tropical forest has been a target of intense study especially due to its recent big scale destruction. Although a lot still needs to be explored, we start realizing how negative can the impact of our actions be for the ecosystem. Subsequently, the living community have been developing strategies to overcome this problem avoiding bottlenecks or even extinctions. Cooperative breeding (CB) has been recently pointed out as one of those strategies. CB is a breeding system where more than two individuals raise one brood. In most of the cases, extra individuals are offspring that delay their dispersal and independent breeding what allows them to help their parents raising their siblings in the subsequent breeding season. Such behavior is believed to be due, per example, to the lack of mates or breeding territories (ecological constraints hypothesis), a consequence of habitat fragmentation and/or disturbance. From this point, CB is easily promoted by a higher reproductive success of group vs pairs or single individuals. Accordingly, during this thesis I explore the early post-fledging survival of a cooperative breeding passerine, namely the impact of individual/habitat quality in its survival probability during the dependence period of the chicks. Our study species is the Cabanis’s greenbul (Phyllastrephus cabanisi), a medium-sized, brownish passerine, classified within the Pycnonotidae family. It is found over part of Central Africa in countries such as Angola, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mozambique and Kenya, inhabiting primary and secondary forests, as well as woodland of various types up to 2700m of altitude. Previous studies have concluded that PC is a facultative cooperative breeder. This study was conducted in Taita Hills (TH) at the Eastern Arc Mountains (EAM), a chain of mountains running from Southeast Kenya to the South of Tanzania. TH comprises an area of 430 ha and has been suffering intense deforestation reflecting 98% forest reduction over the last 200 years. Nowadays its forest is divided in fragments and our study was based in 5of those fragments. We access the post-fledging survival through radio-telemetry. The juvenile survey was done through the breeding females in which transmitters were placed with a leg-loop technique. Ptilochronology is consider to be the study of feather growth bars and has been used to study the nutritional state of a bird. This technique considers that the feather growth rate is positively proportional to the individual capability of ingesting food and to the food availability. This technique is therefore used to infer for individual/habitat quality. Survival was lowest during the first 5 days post-fledging representing 53.3%. During the next 15 days, risk of predation decreased with only 14.3% more deceased individuals. This represents a total of only 33% survived individuals in the end of the 50 days. Our results showed yet a significant positive relationship between flock size and post-fledging survival as well as between ptilochronology values and post-fledgling survival. In practice, these imply that on this population, as bigger the flock, as greater the post fledging survival and that good habitat quality or good BF quality, will lead to a higher juvenile survival rate. We believe that CB is therefore an adaptive behaviour to the lack of mates/breeding territory originated from the mass forest destruction and disturbance. Such results confirms the critical importance of habitat quality in the post-fledging survival and, for the first time, demonstrates how flock size influences the living probability of the juveniles and therefore how it impacts the (local) population dynamics of this species. In my opinion, future research should be focus in disentangle individual and habitat quality from each other and verify which relationship exist between them. Such study will allow us to understand which factor has a stronger influence in the post-fledging survival and therefore redirect our studies in that direction. In order to confirm the negative impact of human disturbance and forest fragmentation, it would be of major relevance to compare the reproductive strategies and reproductive success of populations living in intact forests and disturbed patches.


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Este artigo apresenta e analisa os resultados da pesquisa sobre a matéria da abolição legal da escravidão e o estatuto jurídico dos libertos, no Boletim do Governo-Geral da Provincia de Angola, mais tarde Boletim Official do Governo-geral da Provincia de Angola, entre 1845 e 1875, tentando apurar se e em que medida as normas abolicionistas e a restante legislação suplementar tiveram efectiva aplicação nas províncias ultramarinas portuguesas e, mais concretamente, em Angola, durante o século XIX. O artigo completa a I parte, publicada no segundo número da “E-Revista de Estudos Interculturais do CEI”, em que expus e analisei os resultados sobre a matéria do estatuto jurídico dos escravos e sua libertação por manumissão ou por via judicial, no mesmo periódico e em igual lapso temporal.


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O presente relatório apresenta as atividades de quatro meses passado na editora Publindústria, sediada no Porto, no quadro do meu Mestrado em Estudos editoriais na Universidade de Aveiro. Trata-se da execução de um amplo projecto editorial, já existente na editora, no mercado lusófono, mais precisamente no mercado literário angolana, da promoção dos novos negócios e da experimentação de um novo produto de matriz angolana. Desenvolveu-se um programa com os canais legais para a introdução dos produtos da Publindústria em Angola, no âmbito de mercado, e concretizou-se o projecto MyBook com a produção editorial de dois novos livros de autores angolanos.


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The red pandora, Pagellus bellottii Steindachner, 1882, is a tropical and subtropical demersal Sparidae (Porgies) that lives over hard or sandy bottoms in coastal marine waters. It mostly occurs at depths ranging from 10 to 50 metres. It is distributed in the eastern Atlantic, from the Strait of Gibraltar to Angola and the Canary Islands where it is occasionally recorded (Bauchot and Hureau, 1986; Franqueville, 1983). The species is also recorded in the southwestern Mediterranean, in the Alboran Sea, off the Algerian coasts and in the Gulf of Gabes (Oral, 2010). The records of the species in the eastern Mediterranean, Syrian and Israeli waters (Fricke, et al. 2014, Fig. 1) is questioned. We consider these records are misidentification of Pagrus pagrus (Linnaeus, 1758). Pagellus bellottii was also included in the checklist of the fishes from Portugal as a consequence of records coming from the Algarve region, about 36°59′ N, 8° W, the northernmost records in Atlantic waters (de Castro, 1967; Erzini et al., 1996; Carneiro et al., 2014; Carneiro com. pers.). Some specimens were also recorded in Spanish Mediterranean waters, in the Bay of Almería about 36°47′ N, 2°25′ W (Lucena, et al. 1982), the northernmost records for the Mediterranean waters. Herein, the first record of P. bellottii in the Bay of Biscay is reported.


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The current paper seeks to fulfill an internationalization action plan for Reynaers Aluminium Portugal (RAP) to address the Angolan construction market. Strong market opportunities have been spotted, namely: an increasingly well-succeeded presence of Reynaers’ customers; Reynaers portfolio responsive to an increasingly quality demanding Angolan market; strong support from the multinational chain. Aligned with a constant threat from the Portuguese economy RAP seeks to establish a stronger presence in Angola. Indeed the company has been approaching this market since 2008, resulting in the identification of key players and synergies spotted. For this purpose, the aim is to develop a Commercial and Marketing Plan while taking into consideration the results of the previous company interventions that reflect this market’s DNA.


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This dissertation examines four life writings by militant-authors of the Việt Minh and Front de la Libération Nationale (FLN): Ngô Văn Chiêu’s Journal d’un combattant Viet-Minh (1955), Đặng Văn Việt’s De la RC 4 à la N 4: la campagne des frontières (2000), Si Azzedine’s On nous appelait fellaghas (1976), and Saadi Yacef’s two-volume La Bataille d’Alger (2002). In describing the Vietnamese and Algerian Revolutions through the perspectives of combatants who participated in their respective countries’ national liberation struggles, the texts reveal that four key factors motivated the militants and led them to believe that independence was historically inevitable: (1) a philosophical, political, and ideological framework, (2) the support of multiple segments of the local population, (3) the effective use of guerrilla and psychological warfare, and (4) military, moral, and political assistance provided by international allies. By fighting for the independence of their countries and documenting their revolutionary experiences, the four militant-authors leave their mark on the world using both the sword and the pen.