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Desde o final do século XIX e, até, o início do século XX, Belém na fala do intendente Antonio Lemos era conhecida como a “necrópole” paraense. Doenças e epidemias estavam no centro do debate das práticas médico-sanitárias. O higienismo de médicos tornou se discurso recorrente de intervenção no espaço cotidiano dos moradores, onde as campanhas de profilaxias foram alçadas enquanto responsáveis pela cura da cidade. As ações propostas por esculápios cientistas geraram tensões entre moradores e autoridades públicas diante a aliança do saber médico e o poder público, sobre a qual me propus analisar para explicar o dia-a-dia das medidas coercitivas, no intuito de entender essa aliança. Analisando artigos na imprensa, literatos, jornalistas, políticos, relatos médicos, mensagens de governo, relatórios, fotografias e charges foi possível acompanhar os significados atribuídos pelos contemporâneos em relação as epidemias da varíola, tuberculose e febre amarela, por exemplo, por parte dos saberes médico-sanitários. A belle époque em Belém deixou de ser nessa dissertação um cristal historiográfico, diante as adversidade do viver de sujeitos anônimos. Belém tornou-se um laboratório de experiências, os médicos propunham curá-la para alcançar o tão propalado desenvolvimento econômico ou progresso. A consolidação dessa aliança coube à responsabilidade do renomado sanitarista Oswaldo Cruz, que desembarcou, em 1910, na capital paraense para combater a febre amarela, com carta branca do governador João Coelho. Por outro lado, a cura da cidade ou “necrópole” paraense teve significados mais amplos, destacando-se o sepultamento do mal amarílico, como também, concomitantemente, o sepultamento da oligarquia do coronel Antonio Lemos.
O escritor, político, jornalista e diplomata paraense João Marques de Carvalho nasceu em Belém, capital do estado do Pará, no dia 6 de novembro de 1866, e faleceu em Nice, no sul da França, no dia 11 de abril de 1910, aos 43 anos. Além de parte de sua prosa de ficção publicada em livro, alguns de seus textos, entre contos, romances, lendas e ensaios críticos, encontram-se dispersos em páginas de determinadas folhas periódicas que circularam por Belém nas duas últimas décadas do século XIX (1880-1900), como o Diário de Belém, A Província do Pará, A República e A Arena. Considerando, portanto, esse universo de escritos divulgados em jornais locais, objetiva-se, com este trabalho, avaliar não apenas como Marques de Carvalho compreendeu a doutrina naturalista, a função da crítica e a produção literária no estado do Pará, como também analisar a representação do espaço ficcional lusitano e amazônico em seus contos e romances publicados na imprensa periódica belenense oitocentista.
A circulação da literatura na cidade de Belém do Pará no século XIX foi uma consequência das mudanças promovidas na capital pela expansão econômica, manifestada na urbanização do espaço público e na ampliação do mercado bibliográfico, responsável, ao lado da imprensa periódica, pelo contato da sociedade local com a produção literária estrangeira. A rápida popularização do folhetim no Brasil, com sua inerente força democrática, determinou uma rápida difusão dos nomes de alguns escritores nas capitais do país, da mesma forma que contribuiu para a criação de um mercado livreiro e permitiu a maciça circulação de obras de autores franceses e portugueses, os mais lidos no período, dentre os quais Camilo Castelo Branco. A popularidade do romancista luso em solo paraense pode ser identificada pela apresentação diária de seus textos em jornais locais como o Diário do Gram-Pará e pelos frequentes anúncios de seus romances para venda. Embora Camilo Castelo Branco seja um escritor conhecido do leitor de hoje, as informações sobre a obra do autor comumente se baseiam na expressão do romantismo presente em seus escritos, histórias de amor com fortes e por vezes intransponíveis obstáculos. Mas, a produção camiliana tem um alcance maior. Conhecedor do gênero humano e escritor muito habilidoso, Camilo Castelo Branco deu vida a personagens que ultrapassaram os limites do gênero romântico e desvendaram facetas capazes de provocar sentimentos contraditórios no leitor, cuja reação pode ser filtrada pelo espírito crítico do escritor português. E o escritor assim o fez em romances de grande circulação no século XIX, como A filha do doutor negro, mas pouco conhecidos pelo leitor de hoje, que merecem também ter seus elementos descobertos, como forma de revelar um Camilo Castelo Branco vivo em muitos romances a conhecer.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The foraging activity of Geotrigona mombuca Smith, 1863 was studied under natural conditions aiming to verify the influence of seasonal changes on daily flight activity and annual cycle of the colony. Daily flight activity was monitored for a year based on the observation and counting of foragers leaving and entering the hive, as well as the kind of material transported and meteorological factors such as day time, temperature and relative humidity. The influence of seasonal changes was evidenced by alterations on daily rhythm of flight activity and by differences on transportation of food resources, building material and garbage. These data indicate that forager behavior is related to daily microclimate conditions and it is synchronized with the requirements of colony annual cycle, which determines an intense pollen collection in the summer. Thus, the recomposition of the intranidal population in spring and summer can be ensured, which is characterized both for a higher intensity of flight activity and increase in garbage and resin transport, as well as the swarming process in the spring. In this way, an action targeting the preservation or management of the species in a natural environment should consider that survival and reproduction of the colony depends greatly on the amount of available pollen in late winter.
Intermittent hemodialysis (IHD) and continuous renal replacement therapies (CRRT) are used as Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) therapy and have certain advantages and disadvantages. Extended daily dialysis (EDD) has emerged as an alternative to CRRT in the management of hemodynamically unstable AKI patients, mainly in developed countries.Objectives: We hypothesized that EDD is a safe option for AKI treatment and aimed to describe metabolic and fluid control of AKI patients undergoing EDD and identify complications and risk factors associated with death.Study Selection: This is an observational and retrospective study describing introduction of EDD at our institution. A total of 231 hemodynamically unstable AKI patients (noradrenalin dose between 0.3 and 1.0 ucg/kg/min) were assigned to 1367 EDD session. EDD consisted of 6-8 h of HD 6 days a week, with blood flow of 200 ml/min, dialysate flows of 300 ml/min.Data Synthesis: Mean age was 60.6 +/- 15.8 years, 97.4% of patients were in the intensive care unit, and sepsis was the main etiology of AKI (76.2). BUN and creatinine levels stabilized after four sessions at around 38 and 2.4 mg/dl, respectively. Fluid balance decreased progressively and stabilized around zero after five sessions. Weekly delivered Kt/V was 5.94 +/- 0.7. Hypotension and filter clotting occurred in 47.5 and 12.4% of treatment session, respectively. Regarding AKI outcome, 22.5% of patients presented renal function recovery, 5.6% of patients remained on dialysis after 30 days, and 71.9% of patients died. Age and focus abdominal sepsis were identified as risk factors for death. Urine output and negative fluid balance were identified as protective factors.Conclusions: EDD is effective for AKI patients, allowing adequate metabolic and fluid control. Age, focus abdominal sepsis, and lower urine output as well as positive fluid balance after two EDD sessions were associated significantly with death.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação - FFC
In this study, the daily and seasonal influences of abiotic factors and the amount of floral resources on the foraging frequency of bees were determined. The experiments were performed, during 12 consecutive months, in the main floral sources used by bees in a secondary forest fragment. The foraging frequency of each bee species on flowers of each plant was recorded for 20-min periods, every hour. To verify whether the foraging activity is influenced by abiotic factors, Pearson's correlation analysis and linear regression tests were performed for the dominant bee species. Temperature and luminosity were the two main abiotic factors regulating foraging activities of bees. A positive correlation was found between the foraging frequency of most bees and these two variables. Conversely, the foraging activity was influenced neither by the relative humidity nor by the wind speed. The activity of each species depends on a combination of factors that include not only abiotic variables, but also the amount of floral resources available during the day, body size, and behavior of each visitor. After a certain period of the day, the scarcity of floral resources produced by most plants can stimulate the bees to forage in the flowers early in subsequent days, which may occur before the period in which the abiotic conditions are really favorable.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
This trial aimed to compare the dialysis complications occurring during different durations of extended daily dialysis (EDD) sessions in critically ill AKI patients. We included patients older than 18 years with AKI associated with sepsis admitted to the intensive care unit and using noradrenaline dose ranging from 0.3 to 0.7 mu g/kg/min. Patients were divided into two groups randomly: in G1, 6 h sessions were performed and, in G2, 10 h sessions were performed. Seventy-five patients were treated with 195 EDD sessions for 18 consecutive months. The prevalence of hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia was 82.6, 25.3, 20, and 10.6%, respectively. G1 and G2 were similar in male predominance and SOFA. There was no significant difference between the two groups in hypotension, filter clotting, hypokalaemia, and hypophosphataemia. However, the group treated with sessions of 10 hours showed higher refractory to clinical measures for hypotension and dialysis sessions were interrupted more often. Metabolic control and fluid balance were similar between G1 and G2. In conclusion, intradialysis hypotension was common in AKI patients treated with EDD. There was no difference in the prevalence of dialysis complications in patients undergoing different durations of EDD.
Euonymus japonica Thunb. (euonymus) plants were submitted for 9 months to two irrigation treatments using water from different sources: a control (C) water with electrical conductivity (EC) less than 1.2 dS.m(-1) and reclaimed wastewater (RW) with EC approximate to 4 dS.m(-1). At the end of the experiment, no differences in the total dry weight were observed between treatments, whereas the leaf dry mass increased (to the detriment of the root part in RW plants). Throughout the day, the stem water potential (Psi(stem)) of the RW plants was lower than in C, whereas stomatal conductance (g(S)) was slightly reduced in RW from 0800 HR to 1200 HR, but no significant variation in photosynthesis (P-n) or energy conversion efficiency (F'(v)/F'(m)) in photosystem II was detected through the effect of salinity. Gas exchange and fluorescence showed a tendency to increase after midday in plants treated with RW. The photosynthetic behavior and fluorescence of RW plants may have been related to the nitrogen and chlorophyll content of the leaves, confirming the resistance of the photosynthetic mechanism to salinity in this species in these conditions. The toxic effects produced by high concentrations of boron (B), sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) were offset by the effect of other ions like magnesium (Mg2+), potassium (K+), and phosphorus (P) in plants irrigated with RW, thus improving their physiological status without decreasing their ornamental value.