991 resultados para DL-PCBs


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New alicyclic Polyimides (PIs) were prepared from asymmetric alicyclic dianhydride, 5-(2,5-dioxotetrahydrofuryl)-3-methyl-cyclohexane-1,2-dicarboxylic anhydride (DOCDA) and the corresponding aromatic diamines such as p-phenylenediamine, m-phenylenediamine and oxydianiline etc. by the polycondensation in N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone (NMP) followed by chemical imidization as well as one step polyimidization in m-cresol in the presence of isoquinoline as a catalyst. The resulting PIs with glass transition temperatures ranging from 220 to 328 degrees C had the inherent viscosities within the range of 0.25 similar to 1.42 dL/g. These polymers were readily soluble in aprotic polar solvents such as NMP, dimethylacetamide (DMAc), dimethylesulfoxide (DMSO), etc. Furthermore, some of the polymers showed good solubility properties to common organic solvents like tetrahydrofurane and chlorform. Also, all of these polyimide films were tough, almost colourless, and transparent.


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A new amorphous comblike polymer (CBP) based on methylvinyl ether/maleic anhydride altering copolymer backbone and on oligooxyethylene side chain was synthesized. The dynamic mechanical properties of CBP and its Li salt complexes were investigated by means of DDV-11-EA type viscoelastic spectrometry. Results showed that there were two glass transitions (alpha-transition and beta-transition) in the temperature range from -100 to 100 degrees C. The beta-transition was assigned to oligo-PEO side chains and the temperature of beta-transition increases with increasing Li salt content. The alpha-transition was assigned to the main chain of CBP. The temperature of the alpha-transition (T-alpha) is also dependent upon the Li-salt content, but not monotonic. The value of T-alpha lies between 30-45 degrees C in the Li salt concentration range studied, near room temperature. It was found that the CBP-Li salt complexes showed an unusual dependence of ionic conductivity on Li salt content. There are two peaks in the plot of the ionic conductivity vs. Li salt concentration, which has been ascribed to the movability of the CBP main chain at ambient temperature. The temperature dependence bf the ionic conductivity indicated that the Arrhenius relationship was not obeyed, and the plot of log sigma against 1/(T - T-0) showed the unusual dual VTF behavior when using side chain glass transition temperature (T-beta) as T-0.


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In the present work we attempt to settle the controversy on the district wherein the radiation induced reaction preferentially occurs through examining the structural changes of the irradiated polyamide-1010 specimens on both the crystallographic and the supermolecular level by using WAXD and SAXS techniques. Experimental results indicated that the chain crosslinking and scission of the irradiated specimens occur mainly in the amorphous region and on the crystal surface (or interphase), and extend into the inner portion of the crystal with increasing radiation dose.


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In the copolymerization of styrene-butadiene and styrene-isoprene, a novel rare earth catalyst system (CF3CO2)(3)Ln/R(3-n)AlH(n)/(CH3)(3)CCH2Br (Ln = Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu; R = Me-, Et-, i-Bu-, and Oct-; n = 0 and 1) has been studied. The 1, 4 unit contents in the copolymers obtained are found to range from 64.4 to 99.6% with St contents of 5.2 to 59.9%, and intrinsic viscosities of 0.1 to 0.5 dl g(-1) measured by i.r., H-1 n.m.r. and C-13 n.m.r. spectra. From the calculated data of linked ratios, a change in the microstructure is induced by the styrene unit, probably adjacent to the butadiene or isoprene unit. An interesting result is that the ratios of styrene unit linked with 1, 2 or 3,4 units in the copolymers are far higher than in copolymers obtained with the nickel catalyst. The experimental results are discussed in terms of rare earth pi-allyl coordination and back-biting mechanism.


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An assay procedure utilizing pulsed amperometric detection at a platinum-particles modified electrode has been developed for the determination of cysteine and glutathione in blood samples following preliminary separation by reversed-phase liquid chromatography. A chemically modified electrode (CME) constructed by unique electroreduction from a platinum-salt solution to produce dispersed Pt particles on a glassy carbon surface was demonstrated to catalyze the electo-oxidation of sulfhydryl-containing compounds: DL-cysteine (CYS), reduced glutathione (GSH). When used as the sensing electrode in flow-system pulsed-amperometric detection (PAD), electrode fouling could be avoided using a waveform in which the cathodic reactivation process occurred at a potential of - 1.0 V vs. Ag/AgCl to achieve a cathodic desorption of atomic sulfur. A superior detection limit for these free thiols was obtained at a Pt particle-based GC electrode compared with other methods; this novel dispersed Pt particles CME exhibited high electrocatalytic stability and activity when it was employed as an electrochemical detector in FIA and HPLC for the determination of those organo-sulfur compounds.


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In order to raise the room temperature ionic conductivity and improve the mechanical strength of a PEO-based polymer electrolyte, a non-crystalline two-component epoxy network was synthesized by curing diglycidyl ether of polyethylene glycol (DGEPEG) with triglycidyl ether of glycerol (TGEG) in the presence of LiClO4 salt, which acts in this system as both a ring opening catalyst and a source of ionic carrier. The structure of the precursors, the curing process and the cured films have been characterized by C-13 NMR, IR, DSC and ionic conductivity measurement techniques. The electrolyte system exhibits an ionic conductivity as high as similar to 10(-5) S/cm at 25 degrees C and is mechanically self-supportable. The dependence of ionic conductivity was investigated as a function of temperature, salt content, MW of PEG segment in DGEPEG and the proportion of DGEPEG in DGEPEG/TGEG ratio.


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Gas-phase ion-molecular reactions of C-60 and C-70 with the ion system of acetone have been studied in this paper. The ions of protoned and acetylized C-60 and C-70 were formed by the reactions of C-60 and C-70 with some ions which existed in the ion system when mass spectrometer worked on chemical ionization conditions. The reactivity of C-70 is greater than that of C-60. Results of quantum chemical calculation for the adduct ions showed a sigma bond between the acyl carbon atom and C-60 may be Formed. These results will provide some valuable informations on the condense-phase acetylization of C-60.


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Radiation effects on polyamide-1010 specimens having various states of aggregation were studied using wide angle X-ray diffraction, electron spin resonance, calorific and sol measurement techniques. Experimental results indicated that chain crosslinking


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In an attempt to explore the effect of structural multiplicity of polymers on the mechanism of radiation crosslinking, the adaptability of the Charlesby-Pinner's equation and its various modified versions are examined. It is recognized that both chemical and morphological multiplicity of polymer structure results in the multiplicity of crosslinking mechanism, and that any single equation can only be applicable to a certain step of the whole radiation process.


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WAXD, SAXS, FTIR, DSC and density techniques have been used to investigate the crystal structure, crystal density rho(c), amorphous density rho(a), equilibrium heat of fusion DELTAH(m)degrees and equilibrium melting temperature T(m)degrees. By extrapolating the straight lines in the FTIR absorbance against density plot to zero intensity, rho(c) and rho(a) were estimated to be 1.098 and 1.003 g/cm3 respectively. The rho(c) obtained was too low in value. From X-ray diffraction patterns of uniaxially oriented fibres, the crystal structure of Nylon-1010 was determined. The Nylon-1010 crystallized in the triclinic system, with lattice dimensions: a = 4.9 angstrom, b = 5.4 angstrom, c = 27.8 angstrom, alpha = 49-degrees, beta = 77-degrees, gamma = 63.5-degrees. The unit cell contained one monomeric unit, the space group was P1BAR, and the correct value of rho(c) was 1.135 g/cm3. The degree of crystallinity of the polymer was determined as about 60% (at RT) using Ruland's method. SAXS has been used to investigate the crystalline lamellar thickness, long period, transition zone, the specific inner surface and the electron density difference between the crystalline and amorphous regions for Nylon-1010. The analysis of data was based upon a one-dimensional electron-density correlation function. DELTAH(m)degrees was estimated to be 244.0 J/g by extrapolation of DELTAH(m)degrees in the plot of heat of fusion against specific volume of semicrystalline specimens to the completely crystalline condition (V(sp)c = 1/rho(c)). Owing to the ease of recrystallization of melt-crystallized Nylon-1010 specimens, the well-known Hoffman's T(m)-T(c) method failed in determining T(m)degrees and a Kamide double extrapolation method was adopted. The T(m)degrees value so obtained was 487 K.


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本体聚合与溶液聚合相比,具有能耗低,反应平稳,转化率高等特点。杨彩云等用稀土催化剂对异戊二烯(Ip)进行本体聚合,聚合转化率达80%以上,聚合物中无疑胶,且分子量分布较窄(M_w/M?<2)。本文报道和讨论本体聚合放大试验胶样的生胶特性。 异戊二烯胶样(BLn-IR)本所自制。溶液钛催化聚异戊二烯IR-1Q为日本JSR生产。天然橡胶(NR)系海南岛3~#烟片。门尼粘度按GB1232测定。应力-应变性能(23℃),用DL-1000B型电子拉力机测定,拉速500mm/min。玻璃化温度(T_g)用PE DSC-2C型仪测定,升温速率


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New bis (2-methoxyethylcyclopentadienyl) yttrium and ytterbium tetrahydroborates (Ln = Y, 1; Yb, 2) have been synthesized in good yield by the reaction of bis (2-methoxyethylcyclopentadienyl) lanthanide chlorides (Ln = Y, Yb) with sodium borohydride in THF at room temperature. The title complexes were characterized by elemental analyses, MS, H-1 NMR and IR spectra. The crystal structures of 1 and 2 have been determined by X-ray diffraction. 1 crystallizes from THF-n-Hexane in space group Pna2(1) with unit cell parametert: a = 1.2390(3), b = 1.1339(2), c = 1.1919 (2) nm and V = 1.6745(6) nm3 with z = 4 for D(c) = 1.39 g.cm-3.The structure was solved by direct method and refined to final R = 0.061 (for 1730 observed reflections). The Space group of 2 is Pna2(1) with unit cell parameters: a = 1.2399(6), b = 1.1371(5), c = 1.1897(2) nm and V = 1.6773(1) nm3 with z = 4 for D(c) = 1.72 g.cm-3, R = 0.038 (for 2157 observed reflections). The X ray structures and IR reveal the bidentate yttrium and ytterbium tetrahydroborate complexes with the intramolecular coordination bonds between lanthanide metal and ligand oxygen atoms.


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The bioinorganic complexes of europium with N-acetyl-DL-alanine, N-acetyl-DL-valine, and DL-alanyl-DL-alanine have been synthesized and the Mossbauer spectra at room temperature have been measured for these solid state complexes. The Mossbauer parameters indicate that the water molecules in these complexes are not directly linked to the central europium ion and are outside the coordination sphere of europium and biological ligands, and that the chemical bond between the europium ion and the ligands may be predominantly ionic in character, with the possibility of partial covalent contribution.


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Thermogravimetric and derivative thermogravimetric investigations for three kinds of bioinorganic complexes of europium with N-acetyl-DL-alanine, N-acetyl-DL-valine and DL-alanyl-DL-alanine have been performed. It was found that the water molecules in these solid state complexes are not directly coordinated to the europium ion and that there may be three or four steps in the thermal decomposition process of these complexes after dehydration. The possible thermal decomposition reactions of these bioinorganic complexes have been suggested and discussed.