981 resultados para Craft festivals


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Over the past 15 years the Italian brewing scene showed interesting changes, especially with regard to the creation of many breweries with an annual production of less than 10,000 hectoliters. The beers produced by microbreweries are very susceptible to attack by spoilage micro-organisms that cause the deterioration of beer quality characteristics. In addition, most of the microbreweries do not practice heat treatments of stabilization and do not carry out quality checks on the product. The high presence of beer spoilage bacteria is an economic problem for the brewing industry because it can damage the brand and it causes high costs of product retrieval. This thesis project was aimed to study the management of the production process in the Italian microbreweries within a production less than 10,000 hl. In particular, the annual production, type of plant, yeast management, process management, cleaning and sanitizing of a representative sample of microbreweries were investigated. Furthermore was made a collection of samples in order to identify, with simple methods, what are spoilage bacteria more present in the Italian craft beers. 21% of the beers analysed were positive at the presence of lactic acid bacteria. These analytical data show the importance of understanding what are the weak points of the production process that cause the development of spoilage bacteria. Finally, the thesis examined the actual production of two microbreweries in order to understand the process management that can promote the growth of spoilage bacteria in beer and production plant. The analysis of the data for the two case studies was helpful to understand what are the critical points where the microorganisms are most frequently in contact with the product. The hygiene practices are crucial to ensure the quality of the finished product, especially in the case of non-pasteurized beer.


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La mia tesi approfondisce le dinamiche della cinefilia su Facebook: quali relazioni s'instaurano tra lo spettatore cinefilo, e dunque il suo particolare sguardo, e la moltitudine di frammenti di cinema dispersi nella rete; come si sono modificati i rapporti, gli atteggiamenti, i processi di negoziazione, le abitudini e soprattutto i discorsi dei cinefili al cospetto di tracce di cinema sui social network e in particolare su Facebook. Inoltreprovo a dimostrare che la cinefilia è un'esperienza costitutivamente autobiografica, cui il web permette il perpetuare potenzialmente infinito della (auto)narrazione di sé.


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Questa ricerca indaga la prospettiva investigativa di Carlos Martí Arís. È stato assunto il campo d’azione da lui prediletto, ovvero l’articolato rapporto che in architettura si instaura tra teoria e pratica, comprensivo delle svariate ricadute nel mondo dell’arte e della produzione umana in genere, che fanno del progetto architettonico un campo disciplinare complesso. La sua figura è però assunta in modo strumentale, come grimaldello per addentrarsi in un articolato ambito culturale, che se da un lato coincide con la sua città, Barcellona, dall’altro la trascende grazie a quei “ponti della conoscenza” che CMA interrottamente ha teso al suo intorno. Ci riferiamo alla sua costruzione teorica destinata a consolidare la storica reciprocità tra Italia e Spagna, le cui tematiche urbane e tipologiche ne sono la base, Milano e Barcellona ne sono gli estremi. Ci riferiamo al suo sguardo sull’esperienza del Movimento Moderno e il relativo tema della residenza. Ci riferiamo alla sua naturale vocazione al silenzio, che si oppone al fragoroso rumore della contemporaneità e affianca la discreta parola del mestiere: un modo per porsi all’ascolto. All’ascolto dell’altro e del mondo. Ci riferiamo, insomma, alla sua idea di architettura intesa come «territorio dissodato da tempi remoti»; come trama di corrispondenze sincroniche tra terre, tempi, fatti, uomini, vicini e lontani: condizione ideale per chi voglia disciogliere il proprio lavoro nei labirintici sentieri del mondo, indifferente al rischio di perdersi nell’oblio. Oggi, in cui il progetto architettonico risulta sempre più spesso veicolo di soggettive e arbitrarie sperimentazioni formali, la lezione di CMA indica una via d’uscita: un mo(n)do condiviso che all’arroganza opponga la discrezione, che persuada a celarsi nella tradizione e a porsi umilmente all’ombra dei maestri. Tradizione e Maestri, Eteronimi e Nomi, complementarità a cui CMA affida il suo progetto di anonimato, sovrapersonale e ostinatamente teso a rilevarne le relazioni inedite.


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Nella computer grafica, nell’ambito della modellazione geometrica, si fa uso delle operazioni booleane tra solidi per la manipolazione e la creazione di nuovi oggetti. Queste operazioni, quali unione, intersezione e differenza, vengono applicate alle superfici degli oggetti 3D esattamente come si fa su altri insiemi. In questo modo si riescono ad ottenere nuove forme complesse come combinazione delle altre, che sono in genere più semplici. Ciò che è stato realizzato in questo lavoro di tesi si colloca all’interno di un progetto preesistente, realizzato per consentire la manipolazione di modelli tridimensionali mediante l’utilizzo di operatori booleani: Mesh Glue. In questo lavoro, si è estesa la logica dell’applicazione degli operatori booleani, presente in Mesh Glue, per poter gestire anche scenari con mesh che presentano facce in tangenza. Inoltre, si è inserito Mesh Glue all’interno di un progetto più grande: Mesh Craft. Mesh Craft è un progetto che consiste in un ambiente di modellazione che utilizza come sistema di input il Leap Motion Controller, un dispositivo capace di identificare le dita di una mano e seguirne i movimenti con alta precisione.


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The aim of this thesis is to subtitle and analyze the subtitles of the animation movie directed by the Tomm Moore, Song of the Sea. It deals with the adventures of Saoirse, the last of the selkies, the mythological women who turned into seals, and his brother Ben to save the fairies and send them home. Although Italy is a “dubbing country”, I decided to subtitle the film not to affect the original audio track, as the Irish accent and Celtic melodies are a fundamental element in Song of the Sea. I chose this movie because it is a quality product (nominated in 2015 for "The Best Animation Movie”) which deserves to be commercialized outside film festivals. In a second phase, I analyzed my subtitles and compared them to amateur subtitles, created by the SRT Project group, to understand the strategies adopted and the basic differences between the two types of subtitling. My dissertation consists of three chapters. The first provides a general overview of audiovisual translation and language transfer methods, focusing on subtitling. The second chapter introduces the movie in an Irish context, and then analyzes the subtitling process, from the software used, to the translation strategies adopted. Finally, the third chapter describes the phenomenon of amateur subtitling, and the most important Italian communities of the current years. Moreover, I analyzed SRT Project fan translation, and asked them a set of questions about amateur subtitling and the translation of Song of the Sea, in order to understand this world and the fansubbing process. The Appendix includes my subtitles, as well as the questionnaire.


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This dissertation aims to examine the field of film festival subtitling by means of the analysis of two subtitling experiences. These experiences will be approached both on a methodological and on a practical level in order to analyse how subtitlers put theory into practice. This approach will also help underline the existing differences in work methodology as far as different work experiences are concerned. The subtitling experiences examined in this dissertation are part of my internships as a subtitler in two Italian film festivals, namely “Umbria Film Festival” and “900 Fest”. In this dissertation, I chose to focus on the subtitling of two of the audiovisual products I translated. These products are a German documentary titled Befreier und Befreite and a Danish fiction film titled Stille Hjerte. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 describes audiovisual translation at its most theoretical level, focusing on subtitling criteria and strategies. Chapter 2 examines the concept of film translation, focusing on the distinctive features of documentary translation as a specific genre. This chapter also presents the concept of film festival and provides information concerning the translation policies of festivals. Chapter 3 presents the festivals I worked for and details my internship experiences. Chapter 4 focuses on the German documentary and proposes a number of solutions to its main translation problems. Chapter 5 focuses on the Danish film and offers solutions to its translation problems. At the end of the dissertation, I will provide some comments on my internship experiences as well as on the practice of film festival subtitling.


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Pesiqta Rabbati is a unique homiletic midrash that follows the liturgical calendar in its presentation of homilies for festivals and special Sabbaths. This article attempts to utilize Pesiqta Rabbati in order to present a global theory of the literary production of rabbinic/homiletic literature. In respect to Pesiqta Rabbati it explores such areas as dating, textual witnesses, integrative apocalyptic meta-narrative, describing and mapping the structure of the text, internal and external constraints that impacted upon the text, text linguistic analysis, form-analysis: problems in the texts and linguistic gap-filling, transmission of text, strict formalization of a homiletic unit, deconstructing and reconstructing homiletic midrashim based upon form-analytic units of the homily, Neusner’s documentary hypothesis, surface structures of the homiletic unit, and textual variants. The suggested methodology may assist scholars in their production of editions of midrashic works by eliminating superfluous material and in their decoding and defining of ancient texts.


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I began my thesis planning to craft pieces of both fiction and nonfiction. I had very much enjoyed working on a travel essay during the fall semester, but I have always had an inherent interest in writing short stories, so I had hoped to explore both genres, using my previous work from a seminar in fiction and a travel writing class as a springboard. However, in writing “So Very Far Away,” my second nonfiction piece, which I developed from material that I was unableto keep in the essay “Lunch with the Americans,” I discovered that nonfiction was an incredibly freeing genre because the essential ingredients were already present. My personal experiences provided the basic elements of plot, character, and setting, yet I discovered new challenges as I attempted to present these experiences in a way that moved beyond mere memories and reflections and towards a larger meaning that would matter to others as well. I became sointrigued by this process of creating cohesive narratives through the editing and shaping of memories that I decided to focus completely on nonfiction for my thesis work and write a collection of essays about my time abroad.


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L’industrie cinématographique africaine d’aujourd’hui connaît de grandes avancées dans de nombreux pays d’Afrique. Seulement, autant certains pays africains connaissent de grandes avancées, autant d’autres pays voient leur industrie cinématographique traîner le pas. Le Cameroun est un exemple qui illustre à souhait ces pays qui sont à la traîne. Deux constats s’imposent à nous dans ce cas d’espèce. D’un côté, le Ministère de la Culture semble s’essouffler par le rôle qui lui incombe. De ce fait, il est de moins en moins actif et très peu représenté sur le terrain. De l’autre côté, nous observons çà et là de multiples activités. Des festivals, de long et court métrages organisés par des camerounais, ainsi que des rencontres cinématographiques mises sur pied en partenariat avec les représentations culturelles de pays étrangers en présence sur le territoire. Ces initiatives diverses malgré l’atmosphère peu favorable du pays parviennent à impulser une certaine dynamique. Notons tout de même que ces actions restent cantonnées dans les deux principales villes que sont Yaoundé et Douala. Après ce bref aperçu du tableau cinématographique camerounais, deux questions s’imposent à nous : Quelle appréciation peut-on faire du cinéma au Cameroun aujourd’hui ? Quel avenir pour celui-ci ? Telles sont les deux préoccupations auxquelles nous essaierons d’apporter quelques éléments de réponses dans cette étude. // Mots clés : cinéma, Cameroun, bilan, perspectives, initiatives, industrie cinématographique.


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Each January in Hancock, Michigan, the Heikinpäivä Midwinter Festival offers local residents three weeks of activities highlighting the continuing role Finnish culture has in the area. Utilizing a set of fading Finnish midwinter traditions surrounding the day of Heikki, or Henrik, this festival has grown from a brief day-long gathering to a long period of activity incorporating films, craft and cooking classes, religious services, and more traditional festival events such as a parade, games, feasting, music, and dancing. This festival has complex origins in more commonplace agricultural traditions brought from Finland by immigrants, which are often no longer commonly remembered in Finland to this day. In this paper, I will examine the complex history of this festival both through its Finnish origins and through its current incarnation in Michigan. Through this festival, we can see the role Finnish heritage has as a simultaneous marker of cultural pride and deprecation. The place Finnish heritage has as a tool in community and economic development in the City of Hancock and the wider region will also be explored. Finally, the function of the festival as a means of maintaining traditions seemingly doomed to fade with time will also be explored.


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Historical accounts of revolutionary movements oftentimes occlude the pleasures of countering hegemony or criticize the “frivolity” of what is perceived to be non-political activities. However, turn of the century Finnish-American socialist theater clubs and early twentieth century Finnish-American communist halls and their uncounted social groups and activities prove to be a rich resource in reconsidering the importance of acknowledging and understanding the role that pleasure has played and should play in political protest. Finnish-American radical activities, especially those condemned already at the time as hall socialism, are important historical precedents to today’s alter-globalization student festivals and protest concerts, midnight raves


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The 1913-14 Michigan copper strike is unlike many American labor actions of the period in that it did not include red flags or socialist anthems. Many of the most familiar photographs of the strike involve American flags, not red ones. Similarly, the songs mentioned in journalistic accounts of the strikers are American Civil War songs, not popular labor songs of the period. The few newly-written songs about the strike, published in the local newspapers, seem cautiously polite and espouse values such as patriotism, liberty and human rights. During a time when sections of the "friendly" press were concerned with labor presenting the correct image and avoiding unfavorable associations, the Copper Country strikers, and the W.F.M., seem to have been attempting to create a fresh narrative regarding what this strike was (and what it was not). This paper will consider elements of the Copper Country strike in the light of media coverage, prior to July 1913, of several American labor topics that might have influenced the way the strike was presented. Particular attention will be given to photographs, songs, and accounts from the 1912 Lawrence textile strike, as well as contemporaneous critiques of labor song lyrics. Most of this commentary will be drawn from the labor and socialist press, demonstrating that the 1913-14 Michigan copper strike occurred during a period in which the labor movement was struggling to craft and image that would display it as it wished to be seen. This paper has not yet been submitted.


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It has been said that “journalism is the first rough draft of history.” If that be the case, much of Montana’s history since 1970 was first written by Chuck Johnson. He has covered the activities of 20 regular sessions of the Legislature plus an untold number of Special Sessions, the Constitutional Convention, nine Governors, eight US Senators and seven US Congressmen. Primary elections, general elections, state and national Party Conventions have been seen by Montanans through Johnson’s prism. Big and little news about policy, insights about politics, and a sense of the people behind the news (and history) has flowed from Chuck Johnson’s pen. Johnson’s first decade as a journalist coincides substantially with the period of “In the Crucible of Change.” Having been one of those who wrote the first draft of much of the history in the series “In the Crucible of Change,” and as “Dean of Montana’s Capitol Reporters,” Chuck’s reflections and insights about the period are conveyed in this film with a maturity and understanding that can only come from one who has spent decades honing is craft to perfection. Chuck Johnson is a journalist who has covered Montana state government and politics since 1970. Since 1992, he has been bureau chief of the Lee Newspapers State Bureau in Helena, writing for the Lee daily newspapers: the Billings Gazette, The Montana Standard (Butte), Helena Independent Record, The Missoulian, and the Ravalli Republic (Hamilton). Johnson, a Great Falls native raised in Helena, was exposed to politics early on when he was taken up to the Legislature one night to watch the debate on the raging issue of the day--whether stores should be allowed to give trading stamps to customers. He received a B.A. in journalism and an M.A. history from the University of Montana. Johnson spent a year studying politics and economics at Oxford University in England on a Rotary Foundation scholarship. He previously was chief of the Great Falls Tribune Capitol Bureau and worked for the Associated Press, Missoulian and Helena Independent Record. Chuck and his wife Pat reside in Helena.


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Within the scope of Festival of Languages took place in 2009 the Conference Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax. Selected presentations are presented in this publication. The authors discuss topics such as anaphora in Svan, intonation in Georgien, pragmatics of subordinating clauses in Georgian, but also research on modern developments as SMS-communication in Georgian language area etc. DEUTSCH: Im Rahmen des Festivals der Sprachen fand im Jahre 2009 an der Universität Bremen die Tagung Advances in Kartvelian Morphology and Syntax statt. Ausgewählte Vorträge werden mit dieser Publikation vorgestellt. Die Autoren behandeln unter anderem Themen wie Ana-pher im Svanischen, Intonation im Georgischen, Pragmatik von Nebensätzen des Georgi-schen, aber auch Forschungen über moderne Entwicklungen wie die SMS-Kommunikation im georgischsprachigen Sprachraum usw. CONTENTS: NINO AMIRIDZE, TAMAR RESECK & MANANA TOPADZE GÄUMANN: Preface; KEVIN TUITE: The Kartvelian suffixal intransitive; MANANA KOBAIDZE: Towards the morphological and syntactical classification of Georgian verbs; RENÉ LACROIX: Origin of Sets I–II suffixes in South Caucasian through reanalysis; STAVROS SKOPETEAS & CAROLINE FÉRY: Prosodic cues for exhaustive interpretations: a production study on Georgian intonation; WINFRIED BOEDER: Anaphora in Svan; YASUHIRO KOJIMA : The position of rom and the pragmatics of subordinate clauses in Georgian; NATIA AMAGHLOBELI : Morphological aspects of Georgian SMS language.