970 resultados para Constitutional conventions


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[Narrative and the Diagrammatic. Preliminary Thoughts and Seven Theses.] This article proposes a view of narrative that does not depend on the traditional perspective of temporal sequence but emphasizes the spatial structure of literary narrative. Contrary to the prevalent treatment of space in narrative theory, the notion of spatiality in this context refers not to the space that is represented by the narrative (e.g. the setting and other spatial elements of the fictional world) but to the space that represents it: first, the graphic surface of the text; second, the (quasi-)spatial mental representation of its content that is produced in the process of reception. It is argued that these conditions form the primary ontological mode of narrative, whereas the temporal development of a story is an aesthetic illusion that has been specifically stimulated by the narrative conventions of approximately the past three centuries and must thus be considered a secondary effect. The diagrammatic, as a way of both depicting data and perceiving relations through spatial representation, thus forms a more adequate methodological approach to understanding narrative structure than approaches that are implicitly derived from the 'grammar' of narrative in the structuralist sense and its sequential logic.


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En aquest estudi es pretén analitzar la composició social i ideològica dels quatre consistoris municipals que es van formar a la ciutat de Lleida al Trienni Liberal. A l'inici d'aquesta nova etapa històrica ja es va comprovar com els individus (sobretot nobles) que van controlar l'Ajuntament de Lleida al sexenni absolutista posterior a la Guerra del Francés van perdurar, per tant, no es produir cap revolució. Tot i que poc a poc aquests elements més absolutistes i com a màxim més identificats amb el liberalisme més moderat i proper al tradicionalisme van anant deixant pas a una nova classe dirigent política procedent dels sectors socials més dinàmics (professions liberals i activitats comercials), la qual va fer-se amb el consistori lleidatà a l'any 1823, va ser el triomf dels "exaltats". Aquesta experiència va finalitzar amb la invasió dels Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluís i la posterior destrucció del règim constitucional.


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El bisbe Simón Renteria y Reyes va ocupar la Mitra de la diòcesi de Lleida durant el període 1819-1824. Al Trienni Liberal Renteria va esdevenir un eix molt important de l’absolutisme a la ciutat de Lleida ja que va oposar-se notablement a les reformes legislatives liberals, defensant una clara tendència al conservadorisme i al tradicionalisme dins de l’àmbit del pensament polític. Per aquest motiu va protestar contra les noves lleis i Decrets del govern liberal i va enviar tot un seguit de cartes i oficis amb l’objectiu de capgirar la política de les Corts Constitucionals. Fruit d’aquesta oposició al règim liberal les autoritats lleidatanes el van expulsar de la ciutat. També altres membres de l’Església van patir, en diferent grau, la repressió del poder liberal. Amb el retorn un altre cop de l’absolutisme a finals de l’any 1823 els religiosos que s’havien mantingut fidels al tradicionalisme van rebre diverses recompenses.


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En aquest treball d'investigació dedicat a la Milícia Nacional de la ciutat de Lleida durant el Trienni Liberal s'ha pretés estudiar la seva implantació, l'evolució, la dinàmica interna i la composició socioprofessional dels seus membres. La Milícia a l'inici del període liberal va tenir dificultats per formar-se. Aquest fet ens va indicar que no hi havia molt individus amb tendència liberal i que la major part de la població treballava en l'àmbit agrari, o sigui, no hi havia gaire comerç i els individus dedicats a les professionals liberals o no eren molts quantitativament o no tenien massa poder polític i econòmic. Tot i que la consolidació i l'actuació del bàndol reialista va potenciar l'organització de la Milícia a la ciutat lleidatana. Per aturar l'avanç dels seguidors absolutistes, l'abril de l'any 1821 es va crear una nova milícia, aquesta vegada de caire voluntari. La Milícia Local va triomfar perquè la seva principal característica residia en el voluntarietat. Les persones que es van apuntar ho van fer per motius derivats de les seves pròpies conviccions polítiques. Finalment apuntar que la Milícia Nacional a Lleida a les darreries del règim liberal va aconseguir mantenir el poder constitucional fins l'arribada dels Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluis.


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Davant del fracàs de la contrarevolució interior efectuada pels reialistes, a partir pràcticament de l’inici del sistema constitucional inaugurat per la revolució de Riego, els elements més absolutistes van organitzar mitjançant la celebració del Congrés de Verona la invasió del territori espanyol per les tropes franceses (els Cent Mil Fills de Sant Lluís). La reacció de les institucions locals lleidatanes, sobretot la Paeria (l’Ajuntament) no es va fer esperar. Ràpidament van rebutjar ferventment la imposició estrangera i van organitzar la resistència a l’interior de la ciutat. Aquesta resistència va topar amb la penúria econòmica de la hisenda municipal, motiu pel qual van haver de realitzar una guerra defensiva, que va tenir èxit, ja que van resistir la invasió fins a l’últim dia d’octubre de l’any 1823 i es van convertir, juntament amb ciutats com ara Barcelona o Tarragona, en els baluards del liberalisme.


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En el presente trabajo elaboraremos una relación actualizada de las publicaciones periódicas aparecidas en la Cataluña Occidental en el periodo comprendido entre 1808 y 1874. Las razones son dos. Por un lado, esta cronología nos parece correcta desde el punto de vista político, pues durante estos años se desarrolla la Revolución Liberal Burguesa que termina con el Antiguo Régimen absolutista y establece las bases de un Estado monárquico liberal y constitucional. Por otro lado, en Cataluña empieza a desarrollarse la Renaixença, un movimiento político y cultural particular de esta región española que determinará el contenido y las bases sociales del futuro nacionalismo catalán.


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En el presente trabajo se analiza la normativa electoral y su aplicación incluida en el articulado de la Constitución de 1812. Para ello en primer lugar se estudia el espíritu del proyecto electoral constitucional. Posteriormente se analiza su aplicación en los comicios para elegir las Cortes Ordinarias de 1813 en las dos realidades que contempla: los territorios de la metrópoli y los de ultramar. Analizada la normativa electoral, establecemos el Parlamento teórico resultante y su aplicación real. Finalmente, realizamos un análisis prosopográfico de los diputados elegidos en España y Cataluña, establecemos la morfología del parlamentario tipo y lo comparamos con los resultados de las dos realidades electorales apuntadas.


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En el presente trabajo vamos a analizar la trayectoria política de dos canónigos, Francisco Martínez Marina y José Espiga y Gadea, partidarios del liberalismo en una época de cambios en la cual, cada uno a su manera, contribuyó a la construcción del Estado liberal constitucional español. Tras las Cortes de Cádiz, estos importantes pensadores fueron perseguidos por el absolutismo y compartieron estancia en la Catedral de Lérida, el seno de la cual abandonaron para participar en las Cortes del Trienio Liberal (1820­-1823)


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La aprobación en junio de 2008 por el Parlamento Europeo de la Directiva de retorno —denominada también Directiva de la infamia o Directiva de expulsión— consolida el proceso de involución que sobre los derechos humanos se viene produciendo en la Unión Europea desde que el miedo a la inmigración irregular se incardinó en sus instituciones. Si bien las legislaciones de extranjería de los años ochenta contenían normas que regulaban el internamiento y la expulsión no es hasta la Directiva 2001/40/CE que comienza a tomar forma una política comunitaria centrada en la inmigración irregular y las expulsiones de migrantes. Las medidas de retorno son, dice la Comisión europea, “una piedra angular de la política de migración de la UE”. Desde entonces, la barbarie de los centros de retención e internamiento, el socavamiento de los derechos y la exclusión y criminalización de los migrantes extranjeros se han convertido en el caballo de batalla de las asociaciones defensoras de los derechos humanos. La erosión que las legislaciones y medidas de expulsión están provocado en los derechos y libertades y en las instituciones del Estado de derecho es inmensa. El retroceso y la erosión en los derechos y libertades es tan grande que ya no es posible continuar hablando sin más de Estados de derecho en la UE, sino más bien de máquinas administrativas para el internamiento y la expulsión, de “Estados expulsores”(1), donde las personas extranjeras son tratadas como semipersonas (2) e incluso como“no-personas” (3).


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A nyone traveling to the United States from countries other than New Zealand will be surprised by the prevalence of health-related advertisements on television, including ads for drugs. Typically, these TV ads follow a pattern: an ad for a burger at only 99 cents, followed by one for a proton-pump inhibitor, then an ad on healthy home-cooked food delivered directly to your home and an ad for a home-based abdominal workout DVD, followed by an ad for a lipid-lowering drug. There are, however, nuances. After 8 pm, the visitor might encounter an ad for the "little blue pill." This sequence sometimes includes an ad featuring antihistamines for allergic rhinitis in spring and one promoting antidepressants in the winter. Such direct-to-consumer advertising (DTCA) of prescription drugs is usual business in the United States and New Zealand but is prohibited in the rest of the world. Why? Because DTCA for prescribing drugs has pros and cons (discussed elsewhere,1-3 including in JGIM4) that are balanced differently in different countries. Constitutional factors-such as the First Amendment protections on speech, including commercial speech, in the United States5 -as well as patient and population safety considerations, which all differ across countries, modulate reactions to DTCA. Additionally, lack of robust data on the impact of DTCA on prescription drug use adds to the confusion. Evidence, though limited, suggests that DTCA increases drug sales. However, whether the increase in sales corrects existing underuse or encourages over/misuse is not clear.


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Cooperation and coordination are desirable behaviors that are fundamental for the harmonious development of society. People need to rely on cooperation with other individuals in many aspects of everyday life, such as teamwork and economic exchange in anonymous markets. However, cooperation may easily fall prey to exploitation by selfish individuals who only care about short- term gain. For cooperation to evolve, specific conditions and mechanisms are required, such as kinship, direct and indirect reciprocity through repeated interactions, or external interventions such as punishment. In this dissertation we investigate the effect of the network structure of the population on the evolution of cooperation and coordination. We consider several kinds of static and dynamical network topologies, such as Baraba´si-Albert, social network models and spatial networks. We perform numerical simulations and laboratory experiments using the Prisoner's Dilemma and co- ordination games in order to contrast human behavior with theoretical results. We show by numerical simulations that even a moderate amount of random noise on the Baraba´si-Albert scale-free network links causes a significant loss of cooperation, to the point that cooperation almost vanishes altogether in the Prisoner's Dilemma when the noise rate is high enough. Moreover, when we consider fixed social-like networks we find that current models of social networks may allow cooperation to emerge and to be robust at least as much as in scale-free networks. In the framework of spatial networks, we investigate whether cooperation can evolve and be stable when agents move randomly or performing Le´vy flights in a continuous space. We also consider discrete space adopting purposeful mobility and binary birth-death process to dis- cover emergent cooperative patterns. The fundamental result is that cooperation may be enhanced when this migration is opportunistic or even when agents follow very simple heuristics. In the experimental laboratory, we investigate the issue of social coordination between indi- viduals located on networks of contacts. In contrast to simulations, we find that human players dynamics do not converge to the efficient outcome more often in a social-like network than in a random network. In another experiment, we study the behavior of people who play a pure co- ordination game in a spatial environment in which they can move around and when changing convention is costly. We find that each convention forms homogeneous clusters and is adopted by approximately half of the individuals. When we provide them with global information, i.e., the number of subjects currently adopting one of the conventions, global consensus is reached in most, but not all, cases. Our results allow us to extract the heuristics used by the participants and to build a numerical simulation model that agrees very well with the experiments. Our findings have important implications for policymakers intending to promote specific, desired behaviors in a mobile population. Furthermore, we carry out an experiment with human subjects playing the Prisoner's Dilemma game in a diluted grid where people are able to move around. In contrast to previous results on purposeful rewiring in relational networks, we find no noticeable effect of mobility in space on the level of cooperation. Clusters of cooperators form momentarily but in a few rounds they dissolve as cooperators at the boundaries stop tolerating being cheated upon. Our results highlight the difficulties that mobile agents have to establish a cooperative environment in a spatial setting without a device such as reputation or the possibility of retaliation. i.e. punishment. Finally, we test experimentally the evolution of cooperation in social networks taking into ac- count a setting where we allow people to make or break links at their will. In this work we give particular attention to whether information on an individual's actions is freely available to poten- tial partners or not. Studying the role of information is relevant as information on other people's actions is often not available for free: a recruiting firm may need to call a job candidate's refer- ences, a bank may need to find out about the credit history of a new client, etc. We find that people cooperate almost fully when information on their actions is freely available to their potential part- ners. Cooperation is less likely, however, if people have to pay about half of what they gain from cooperating with a cooperator. Cooperation declines even further if people have to pay a cost that is almost equivalent to the gain from cooperating with a cooperator. Thus, costly information on potential neighbors' actions can undermine the incentive to cooperate in dynamical networks.


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Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (CHH) is a rare disorder caused by the deficient production, secretion or action of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH), which is the master hormone regulating the reproductive axis. CHH is clinically and genetically heterogeneous, with >25 different causal genes identified to date. Clinically, the disorder is characterized by an absence of puberty and infertility. The association of CHH with a defective sense of smell (anosmia or hyposmia), which is found in ∼50% of patients with CHH is termed Kallmann syndrome and results from incomplete embryonic migration of GnRH-synthesizing neurons. CHH can be challenging to diagnose, particularly when attempting to differentiate it from constitutional delay of puberty. A timely diagnosis and treatment to induce puberty can be beneficial for sexual, bone and metabolic health, and might help minimize some of the psychological effects of CHH. In most cases, fertility can be induced using specialized treatment regimens and several predictors of outcome have been identified. Patients typically require lifelong treatment, yet ∼10-20% of patients exhibit a spontaneous recovery of reproductive function. This Consensus Statement summarizes approaches for the diagnosis and treatment of CHH and discusses important unanswered questions in the field.


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We present a brief résumé of the history of solidification research and key factors affecting the solidification of fusion welds. There is a general agreement of the basic solidification theory, albeit differing - even confusing - nomenclatures do exist, and Cases 2 and 3 (the Chalmers' basic boundary conditions for solidification, categorized by Savage as Cases) are variably emphasized. Model Frame, a tool helping to model the continuum of fusion weld solidification from start to end, is proposed. It incorporates the general solidification models, of which the pertinent ones are selected for the actual modeling. The basic models are the main solidification Cases 1…4. These discrete Cases are joined with Sub-Cases: models of Pfann, Flemings and others, bringing needed Sub-Case variables into the model. Model Frame depicts a grain growing from the weld interface to its centerline. Besides modeling, the Model Frame supports education and academic debate. The new mathematical modeling techniques will extend its use into multi-dimensional modeling, introducing new variables and increasing the modeling accuracy. We propose a model: melting/solidification-model (M/S-model) - predicting the solute profile at the start of the solidification of a fusion weld. This Case 3-based Sub-Case takes into account the melting stage, the solute back-diffusion in the solid, and the growth rate acceleration typical to fusion welds. We propose - based on works of Rutter & Chalmers, David & Vitek and our experimental results on copper - that NEGS-EGS-transition is not associated only with cellular-dendritic-transition. Solidification is studied experimentally on pure and doped copper with welding speed range from 0 to 200 cm/min, with one test at 3000 cm/min. Found were only planar and cellular structures, no dendrites - columnar or equiaxed. Cell sub structures: rows of cubic elements we call "cubelettes", "cell-bands" and "micro-cells", as well as an anomalous crack morphology "crack-eye", were detected, as well as microscopic hot crack nucleus we call "grain-lag cracks", caused by a grain slightly lagging behind its neighbors in arrival to the weld centerline. Varestraint test and R-test revealed a change of crack morphologies from centerline cracks to grainand cell boundary cracks with an increasing welding speed. High speed made the cracks invisible to bare eye and hardly detectable with light microscope, while electron microscope often revealed networks of fine micro-cracks.


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Aquest treball analitza el contingut de la doctrina del Conseil Constitutionnel francès en relació amb les successives normes reguladores de l'Impost de solidaritat sobre la fortuna (ISF). Després de descriure els elements bàsics d'aquest impost i de la institució del Conseil Constitutionnel, s'analitzen els principis constitucionals en matèria tributària de capacitat econòmica i d'igualtat davant l'impost que són seleccionats per efectuar el control de constitucionalitat. Utilitzant aquests principis com a instrument d'habilitació, s'ha legitimat el patrimoni com a mostra de capacitat econòmica de les persones físiques, i la limitació de la quota de gravamen de l'ISF com a forma d'aplicar el principi de prohibició de confiscatorietat. Sobre la base de l'elaboració que s'ha fet del principi d'igualtat tributària, s'ha admès la introducció de beneficis fiscals a la regulació de l'ISF i les especificitats d'aquest impost que tributa respecte als elements personals.