905 resultados para Constitution of 1991


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Tese de doutoramento, Educação (História da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2015


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Tese de doutoramento, Antropologia (Antropologia da Religião e do Simbólico), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Ciências Sociais, 2015


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O presente relatório de estágio, definido como Trabalho Final de Mestrado, surge como resultado de um estágio profissional realizado no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Civil do Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa, e tem como objectivos primordiais, expor as actividades realizadas e reflectir os conhecimentos adquiridos durante o período de estágio. Após uma formação académica maioritariamente vocacionada para os aspectos teóricos e de natureza científica, tornou-se fundamental ao estagiário garantir um contacto real com a profissão de Engenheiro Civil antes do ingresso no mercado de trabalho. Foi com base nesse pressuposto que a opção do Trabalho Final de Mestrado incidiu sobre a realização de um estágio curricular em detrimento das restantes possibilidades. O período de estágio iniciou-se a 14 de Março de 2011 e incidiu sobre a área de Conservação, Restauro e Reabilitação de edifícios com valor patrimonial, sendo feito referência no capítulo 2 aos princípios importantes da intervenção neste tipo de edifícios. O capítulo 3 faz uma abordagem geral do que são as coberturas servindo de complemento ao capítulo 4, onde são abordados e analisados os processos e métodos construtivos envolvidos, contemplando a evolução construtiva da cobertura do Cruzeiro, no Convento de Cristo em Tomar. Nos restantes capítulos, 5 e 6, é feita a caracterização e constituição da estrutura de um edifício da segunda metade do século XVIII, e a análise estrutural feita ao edifício no Antigo Convento do Santíssimo Sacramento, em Lisboa, respectivamente. O capítulo 4 é complementado pelo Anexo A, sendo utilizado como referência ao esquema da estrutura artesanal encontrada na cobertura do Cruzeiro.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Contabilidade e Finanças Orientador: Professor Dr. António da Costa Oliveira


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica na Área de Especialização de Energia


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Publicidade e Marketing.


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ABSTRACT - This text is divided in two parts. Firstly, I deal with the evolution on Portuguese theatre from the post-second world war period until present day. I’m focusing on the experimentalism of the forties, characterized by an urge for renewal and modernization; the constitution of a highly politicized independent theatre movement, in the seventies; and the plurality of contemporary Portuguese theatre. Secondly, I deal with the alleged inability of Portuguese writers for playwriting, signalling the most significant names of the post Carnation Revolution, on the 25th of April 1974, to present days.


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Dissertação submetida ao departamento de Teatro da Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Teatro - especialização em Artes Performativas vertente Teatro-Música.


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Trabalho de Projeto para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Solicitadoria


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A presente dissertação tem com objetivo o desenvolvimento de um biossensor com base nos polímeros de impressão molecular para a deteção de uma molécula alvo, o ácido glutâmico que é convertido em glutamina pela glutamina sintetase, recorrendo à potenciometria. Nas células neoplásicas a glutamina não é sintetizada podendo-se considerar que o ácido glutâmico é um potencial agente anti-cancro. A técnica de impressão molécular utilizada foi a polimerização em bulk, combinando a acrilamida e a bis acrilamida com o ácido glutâmico. Para se verificar se a resposta potenciométrica obtida era de facto da molécula alvo foram preparados em paralelo com os sensores, materiais de controlo, ou seja, moléculas sem impressão molécular (NIP). Para se controlar a constituíção química dos vários sensores nomeadamente, do NIP e do polímero de impressão molecular (MIP) antes e após a remoção bem como a molécula foram realizados estudos de Espetroscopia de Infravermelhos de Transformada de Fourier (FTIR), Scanning electron microscope (SEM) e Espetroscopia de Raios X por dispersão em energia (EDS). Os materiais desenvolvidos foram aplicados em várias membranas que diferiam umas das outras, sendo seletivas ao ião. A avaliação das características gerais das membranas baseou-se na análise das curvas de calibração, conseguidas em meios com pHs diferentes, comparando os vários elétrodos. O pH 5 foi o que apresentou melhor resultado, associado a uma membrana que continha um aditivo, o p-tetra-octilphenol, e com o sensor com percentagem de 3%. Posto isto, testou-se em material biológico, urina, com as melhores características quer em termos de sensibilidade (18,32mV/década) quer em termos de linearidade (1,6x10-6 a 1,48x10-3 mol/L). Verificou-se ainda que aplicando iões interferentes na solução, estes não interferem nesta, podendo ser aplicados na amostra sem que haja alteração na resposta potenciométrica. O elétrodo é capaz de distinguir o ácido glutâmico dos restantes iões presentes na solução.


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The term res publica (literally “thing of the people”) was coined by the Romans to translate the Greek word politeia, which, as we know, referred to a political community organised in accordance with certain principles, amongst which the notion of the “good life” (as against exclusively private interests) was paramount. This ideal also came to be known as political virtue. To achieve it, it was necessary to combine the best of each “constitutional” type and avoid their worst aspects (tyranny, oligarchy and ochlocracy). Hence, the term acquired from the Greeks a sense of being a “mixed” and “balanced” system. Anyone that was entitled to citizenship could participate in the governance of the “public thing”. This implied the institutionalization of open debate and confrontation between interested parties as a way of achieving the consensus necessary to ensure that man the political animal, who fought with words and reason, prevailed over his “natural” counterpart. These premises lie at the heart of the project which is now being presented under the title of Res Publica: Citizenship and Political Representation in Portugal, 1820-1926. The fact that it is integrated into the centenary commemorations of the establishment of the Republic in Portugal is significant, as it was the idea of revolution – with its promise of rupture and change – that inspired it. However, it has also sought to explore events that could be considered the precursor of democratization in the history of Portugal, namely the vintista, setembrista and patuleia revolutions. It is true that the republican regime was opposed to the monarchic. However, although the thesis that monarchy would inevitably lead to tyranny had held sway for centuries, it had also been long believed that the monarchic system could be as “politically virtuous” as a republic (in the strict sense of the word) provided that power was not concentrated in the hands of a single individual. Moreover, various historical experiments had shown that republics could also degenerate into Caesarism and different kinds of despotism. Thus, when absolutism began to be overturned in continental Europe in the name of the natural rights of man and the new social pact theories, initiating the difficult process of (written) constitutionalization, the monarchic principle began to be qualified as a “monarchy hedged by republican institutions”, a situation in which not even the king was exempt from isonomy. This context justifies the time frame chosen here, as it captures the various changes and continuities that run through it. Having rejected the imperative mandate and the reinstatement of the model of corporative representation (which did not mean that, in new contexts, this might not be revived, or that the second chamber established by the Constitutional Charter of 1826 might not be given another lease of life), a new power base was convened: national sovereignty, a precept that would be shared by the monarchic constitutions of 1822 and 1838, and by the republican one of 1911. This followed the French example (manifested in the monarchic constitution of 1791 and in the Spanish constitution of 1812), as not even republicans entertained a tradition of republicanism based upon popular sovereignty. This enables us to better understand the rejection of direct democracy and universal suffrage, and also the long incapacitation (concerning voting and standing for office) of the vast body of “passive” citizens, justified by “enlightened”, property- and gender-based criteria. Although the republicans had promised in the propaganda phase to alter this situation, they ultimately failed to do so. Indeed, throughout the whole period under analysis, the realisation of the potential of national sovereignty was mediated above all by the individual citizen through his choice of representatives. However, this representation was indirect and took place at national level, in the hope that action would be motivated not by particular local interests but by the common good, as dictated by reason. This was considered the only way for the law to be virtuous, a requirement that was also manifested in the separation and balance of powers. As sovereignty was postulated as single and indivisible, so would be the nation that gave it soul and the State that embodied it. Although these characteristics were common to foreign paradigms of reference, in Portugal, the constitutionalization process also sought to nationalise the idea of Empire. Indeed, this had been the overriding purpose of the 1822 Constitution, and it persisted, even after the loss of Brazil, until decolonization. Then, the dream of a single nation stretching from the Minho to Timor finally came to an end.


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In the mid-twentieth century, Portugal took the first big step towards social awareness of the Safety and Health at Work. Still later, the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization were responsible for setting global guidelines that clarified the States for the way forward in inguito of safeguarding the common interests of workers, businesses and the state. All workers should be covered by the rules governing matters relating to Safety, imperative requirements established in the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic. These also include those soldiers from National Guard who, in contemporary social conjecture face in their everyday life situations worthy of heightened risk aquidade. Ensure the identification of risk factors to which they are exposed, is, first, a big boost in the way of preserving the safety of these employees, who daily selflessly and under the most adverse working conditions fulfill the mission of the Guarda Nacional Republicana. Adverse weather conditions, and violence at work are two examples of risk factors to which the military Guard are daily exposed, and hence arise many days of absence from the workplace. The purpose of this study is to identify the main risk factors to which the military from GNR are exposed during dismounted patrols, and also provide solutions on ways to mitigate and manage the risks presented. The cognitive distance traveled, throughout this study led us to demonstrate that it has been done by the GNR chain of Command, a huge effort to ensure through various forms (including emphasize the new Regulation of Uniforms), the resolution of the main factors that may jeopardize the integrity of the patrolmen, betting this Institution in the protection of the military that compose it, and the prevention of accidents at work through training and systematic monitoring that superiors expend with its employees.


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The momentum anomaly has been widely documented in the literature. However, there are still many issues where there is no consensus and puzzles left unexplained. One is that strategies based on momentum present a level of risk that is inconsistent with the diversification that it offers. Moreover, recent studies indicate that this risk is variable over time and mostly strategy-specific. This work project hypothesises and proves that this evidence is explained by the portfolio constitution of the momentum strategy over time, namely the covariance and correlation between companies in the top and down deciles and across them.


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This report is the outcome of an internship that took place in Centro de Arbitragem Comercial da Câmara de Comércio e Indústria Portuguesa and its completion is an essential part of the path towards obtaining the Master’s Degree in Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Nova de Lisboa. This report has been structured in two stages – firstly, the presentation of the Centro de Arbitragem Comercial, focusing on its field of expertise, organic structure, principles and advantages. Then, the description of the activities developed within the Secretariat over the several stages of the arbitration procedure – since the reception of the arbitration requirement in institutional proceedings, terms of reference in ad hoc procedures, through the monitoring of the arbitral tribunal sessions (preliminary hearings, submission of evidence and final allegations) and the notification of the arbitration award. The second stage of this report is related to the description of the functions and powers of the President of Centro de Arbitragem Comercial. Firstly, it defines those powers by analyzing the statutes and rules of proceedings of the Centro de Arbitragem, drawing comparisons between the above mention and the rules of proceedings of others arbitral institutional centres, some of them are international references. The report assesses and describes the presidential powers, such as: configuration and composition of the arbitral tribunal (including arbitrator’s replacements, excuses and refusals); deadline extensions; determination of procedural rules and decision-making on any procedural incidents which arise before the constitution of the arbitral tribunal; definition of arbitration costs and fees; joinder of parties and consolidation of proceedings admission; and appointment of an emergency arbitrator. Lastly, this report analyzes some decisions delivered by the President in the respective institutional procedures which took place in the Centre.