999 resultados para Congrès


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Introduction : La sécrétion d'insuline est régulée par le glucose et également pardes hormones peptidiques libérées par le tractus digestif, comme la neurotensine(NT). La NT est un neuropeptide, sécrété notamment par les cellules N dela paroi de l'estomac, qui exerce des fonctions régulatrices complexes dans lesystème digestif. Notre laboratoire a récemment démontré que les cellulesendocrines du pancréas (les îlots de Langherans) expriment les trois récepteursconnus de la NT. Nous avons montré que la NT module la survie de la cellulebêta pancréatique (Coppola et al. 2008). Cette fonction met en jeu deux desrécepteurs de la NT, le NTSR2 et le NTSR3 qui forment, après stimulation parla NT, un complexe protéique régulateur de la survie des cellules (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2009) et également de la sécrétion d'insuline (Béraud-Dufour et al.2010).Matériels et méthodes : La caractérisation pharmacologique de l'effet NT sur lasécrétion d'insuline a été faite à l'aide de ligands spécifiques (agonistes ou antagonistes),dans des expériences d'imagerie calciques et d'exocytose. Nous avonsmesuré l'acivation des PKC par imagerie en temps réel. Afin de déterminer lerôle de la NT dans la physiologie générale nous avons utilisé des modèles in vitro(lignées de cellules INS-1E) et in vivo (souris invalidées NTSR1 et NTSR2).Résultats : Nous avons montré que les récepteurs NTSR2 et NTSR3 interviennentdans la modulation de la sécrétion d'insuline en fonction des conditionsphysiologiques : 1) la NT stimule la sécrétion dans des conditions basales deglucose. 2) elle inhibe la sécrétion dans des situations d'hyperglycémie. La NTmobilise plusieurs activités protéines kinases C (PKC) nécessaires à son rôlephysiologique (Béraud-Dufour et al. 2010).Par ailleurs, sur les modèles murins l'étude du métabolisme de souris transgéniquesinvalidées pour les gènes des NTSR1 et NTSR2 a permis de mettre en évidencel'implication de la NT dans la régulation de l'homéostasie du glucose. Invivo, nous avons observé que l'injection intra péritonéale de NT diminue la glycémieet que cet effet nécessite la présence du NTSR1. Nous avons observé quel'invalidation du gène du NTSR1 affecte la réponse des souris lors des tests detolérance au glucose et à l'insulineConclusion : Les résultats obtenus dans cette étude prouvent que le bon fonctionnementdu système neurotensinergique est nécessaire au maintien d'uneglycémie stable. La dérégulation de ce système pourrait être l'un des facteursimpliqué dans la survenue et/ou l'aggravation d'un diabète de type 2.


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Introduction: Surgical decision making in lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS) takes into account primarily clinical symptoms as well as concordant radiological findings. We hypothesized that a wide variation of operative threshold would be found in particular as far as judgment of severity of radiological stenosis is concerned. Patients and methods: The number of surgeons who would proceed to decompression was studied relative to the perceived severity of radiological stenosis based either on measurements of dural sac cross sectional area (DSCA) or on the recently described morphological grading as seen on axial T2 MRI images. A link to an electronic survey page with a set of ten axial T2 MRI images taken from ten patients with either low back pain or LSS were sent to members of three national or international spine societies. Those 10 images were randomly presented initially and re-shuffled on a second page including this time DSCA measurements in mm2, ranging from 14 to 226 mm2, giving a total of 20 images to appraise. Morphological grades were ranging from grade A to D. Surgeons were asked if they would consider decompression given the radiological appearance of stenosis and that symptoms of neurological claudication were severe in patients who were otherwise fit for surgery. Fisher's exact test was performed following dichotomization of data when appropriate. Results: A total of 142 spine surgeons (113 orthopedic spine surgeons, 29 neurosurgeons) responded from 25 countries. A substantial agreement was observed in operating patients with severe (grade C) or extreme (grade D) stenosis as defined by the morphological grade compared to lesser stenosis (A&B) grades (p<0.0001). Decision to operate was not dependent on number of years in practice, medical density in practicing country or specialty although more neurosurgeons would operate on grade C stenosis (p<0.005). Disclosing the DSCA measurement did not alter the decision to operate. Although 20 surgeons only had prior knowledge of the description of the morphological grading, their responses showed no statistically significant difference with those of the remaining 122 physicians. Conclusions: This study showed that surgeons across borders are less influenced by DSCA in their decision making than by the morphological appearance of the dural sac. Classifying LSS according to morphology rather than surface measurements appears to be consistent with current clinical practice.


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Infection of total hip arthroplasties (THA) leads to significant long-termmorbidity and high healthcare costs. We evaluated the differentreasons for treatment failure using different surgical modalities in a12-year prosthetic joint infection cohort study.Method: All patients hospitalized at our institution with infected THAwere included either retrospectively (1999-2007) or prospectively(2008-2010). THA infection was defined as growth of the same microorganismin ≥2 tissue or synovial fluid culture, visible purulence, sinustract or acute inflammation on tissue histopathology. Outcome analysiswas performed at outpatient visits, followed by contacting patients,their relatives and/or treating physicians afterwards.Results: During the study period, 117 patients with THA were identified.We exclude 2 patients due to missing data. The median age was69 years (range, 33-102 years); 42% were women. THA was mainlyperformed for osteoarthritis (n = 84), followed by trauma (n = 22),necrosis (n = 4), dysplasia (n = 2), rheumatoid arthritis (n = 1), osteosarcoma(n = 1) and tuberculosis (n = 1). 28 infections occurred early(≤3 months), 25 delayed (3-24 months) and 63 late (≥24 months aftersurgery). Infected THA were treated with (i) two-stage exchange in59 patients (51%, cure rate: 93%), (ii) one-stage exchange in 5 (4.3%,cure rate: 100%), (iii) debridement with change of mobile parts in18 (17%, cure rate: 83%), (iv) debridement without change of mobileparts in 17 (14%, cure rate: 53% ), (v) Girdlestone in 13 (11%, curerate: 100%), and (vi) two-stage exchange followed by removal in 3(2.6%). Patients were followed for a mean of 3.9 years (range, 0.1 to 9years), 7 patients died unrelated to the infected THA. 15 patients (13%)needed additional operations, 1 for mechanical reasons (dislocationof spacer) and 14 for persistent infection: 11 treated with debridementand retention (8 without change and 3 with change of mobile parts)and 3 with two-stage exchange. The mean number of surgery was 2.2(range, 1 to 5). The infection was finally eradicated in all patients, butthe functional outcome remained unsatisfactory in 20% (persistentpain or impaired mobility due to spacer or Girdlestone situation).Conclusions: Non-respect of current treatment concept leads totreatment failure with subsequent operations. Precise analysis of eachtreatment failures can be used for improving the treatment algorithmleading to better results.


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Introduction.- Pain and beliefs have an influence on the patient's course in rehabilitation and their relationships are complex. The aim of this study was to understand the relationships between pain at admission and the evolution of beliefs during rehabilitation as well as the relationships between pain and beliefs one year after rehabilitation.Patients and methods.- Six hundred and thirty-one consecutive patients admitted in rehabilitation after musculoskeletal trauma, were included and assessed at admission, at discharge and one year after discharge. Pain was measured by VAS (Visual Analogical Scale) and beliefs by judgement on Lickert scales. Four kinds of beliefs were evaluated: fear of a severe origin of pain, fear of movement, fear of pain and feeling of distress (loss of control). The association between pain and beliefs was assessed by logistic regressions, adjusted for gender, age, native language, education and bio-psycho-social complexity.Results.- At discharge, 44% of patients felt less distressed by pain, 34% are reinsured with regard to their fear of a severe origin of pain, 38% have less fear of pain and 33% have less fear of movement. The higher the pain at admission, the higher the probability that the distress diminished, this being true up to a threshold (70 mm/100) beyond which there was a plateau. At one year, the higher the pain, the more dysfunctional the fears.Discussion.- The relationships between pain and beliefs are complex and may change all along rehabilitation. During hospitalization, one could hope that the patient would be reinsured and would gain self-control again, if pain does not exceed a certain threshold. After one year, high pain increases the risk of dysfunctional beliefs. For clinical practice, these data suggest to think in terms of the more accessible "entrance door", act against pain and/or against beliefs, adpated to each patient.


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Introduction: Giant cell tumour (GCT) is a benign but locally aggressive primary osteolytic bone tumour, prone to local recurrence after surgery. Denosumab is a human antibody against RANKL, an over-expressed ligand present on normal multinucleated cells, responsible for bone destruction in GCT. We report the case of a patient with an advanced GCT of the distal radius. The lesion was treated with adjuvant denosumab , followed by curettage. Clinical case: A 28 years old patient presented with a classical honeycomb osteolytic lesion in the left distal radius. Core-needle biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of GCT. Due to the proximity to the radio-carpal joint and advanced scalloping of the metaphyseal cortical bone, joint-salvage surgery was not possible. We initiated a neo-adjuvant treatment with denosumab (XGEVA), 120mg/ week for 1 month, followed by monthly injections for 6 months. During this time, a substantial bone recorticalization, without progression of the size of the tumour was noted. No local or systemic side effects were observed. We performed intra-lesional (curettage) excision and bone grafting after 6 months. Histological analysis revealed islets (10%) of viable tumour cells within fibrous tissue. Post-op evolution was eventless. Discussion: While surgery remains the treatment of choice for GCT, joint-salvage may not always be possible in case of extensive epiphyseal involvement. The presence of osteoclast-like giant cells seems to make those lesions prone to the specific anti-RANKL treatment with denosumab. Denosumab appears to slow down tumour growth and promote recorticalization of eroded bone. It might allow less aggressive surgery in selected cases.


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Négocier le lancement pour la première fois une enquête par questionnaires et à grande échelle, sur les membres de 8 partis politiques marocains en plein congrès national, est une voie d'accès ethnographique privilégiée pour comprendre les modalités de prise de décision au sein de ces organisations. Cet article se penche sur les circonstances qui favorisent ou entravent l'ouverture du terrain. L'insertion dans des cercles de confiance, la « scientificité » du projet, la création d'un précédent par le premier parti à autoriser l'enquête semblent être les clés du succès. Toutefois, un refus révèle que tolérer une telle recherche revient pour les dirigeants à accepter avec plus ou moins d'enthousiasme une production « démocratisée » et hors contrôle de l'image de leur parti.


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Introduction: L'efficacité d'une séance de VNI est habituellement évaluée selon la réponse clinique, l'amélioration de l'acidose respiratoire et de l'hypercapnie. Le but de cette étude était d'évaluer l'intérêt de la mesure du CO2 en fin d'expiration (PETCO2) pour estimer la PaCO2 et son évolution dans le temps. Patients et Méthodes: Des patients de réanimation souffrant d'une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypercapnique (PaCO2 >45 mmHg) ont été inclus dans cette étude prospective. La PETCO2était mesurée à l'aide d'un capteur nasobuccal (SmartLine®, Oridion) au cours d'une séance de VNI de 60 minutes. Une gazométrie artérielle et la valeur de PETCO2 étaient enregistrées au début de la séance puis chaque 15 minutes. Des manoeuvres d'expiration complète passives et actives étaient effectuées à 30 et 60 minutes. Le gradient de CO2 (PaCO2- PETCO2) a été calculé pour l'ensemble des mesures, spécifiquement pour chaque manoeuvre d'expiration complète, ainsi qu'individuellement pour chaque patient. Ces grandeurs sont exprimées en moyenne et écart-type pour évaluer le biais et la dispersion observés entre PaCO2 et PETCO2. La différence entre chaque valeurs consécutives de gradient de CO2 (delta gradient de CO2) a été calculées par patient. Cette mesure quantifie la variation au cours du temps du gradient de CO2 pour un patient donné. Résultats: 11 patients ont été inclus (7 BPCO, 1 restrictif et 1 syndrome d'apnée du sommeil). Sur l'ensemble des mesures, le gradient de CO2 était de 14.7 + 10.6 mmHg, lors des manoeuvres d'expiration complètes active il était de 8.1 + 13.0 mmHg, et de 8.8 + 11.9 mmHg lors des expirations passives. Conclusion: Chez les patients présentant une insuffisance respiratoire aiguë hypercanique traitée par VNI, la mesure de la PETCO2 par capteur nasobuccal ne permet de prédire ni la valeur de PaCO2, ni son évolution dans le temps. Les manoeuvres d'expiration complète n'apportent aucune plus value.