972 resultados para Complement C3


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Macrophages play a crucial role in the maintenance and resolution of inflammation and express a number of pro- and anti-inflammatory molecules in response to stressors. Among them, the complement receptor 5a (C5aR) plays an integral role in the development of inflammatory disorders. Biliverdin and bilirubin, products of heme catabolism, exert anti-inflammatory effects and inhibit complement activation. Here, we define the effects of biliverdin on C5aR expression in macrophages and the roles of Akt and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) in these responses. Biliverdin administration inhibited lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced C5aR expression (without altering basal expression), an effect partially blocked by rapamycin, an inhibitor of mTOR signaling. Biliverdin also reduced LPS-dependent expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokines TNF-alpha and IL-6. Collectively, these data indicate that biliverdin regulates LPS-mediated expression of C5aR via the mTOR pathway, revealing an additional mechanism underlying biliverdin's anti-inflammatory effects.


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The increasing linguistic and cultural diversity of our contemporary world points to the salience of maintaining and developing Heritage Language of ethnic minority groups. The mutually constitutive effect between Heritage Language learning and ethnic identity construction has been well documented in the literature. Classical social psychological work often quantitatively structures this phenomenon in a predictable linear relationship. In contrast, poststructural scholarship draws on qualitative approaches to claim the malleable and multiple dynamics behind the phenomenon. The two schools oppose but complement each other. Nevertheless, both schools struggle to capture the detailed and nuanced construction of ethnic identity through Heritage Language learning. Different from the extant research, we make an attempt to ethno-methodologically unearth the nuisances and predicaments embedded in the reflexive, subtle, and multi-layered identity constructions through nuanced, inter-nested language practices. Drawing on data from the qualitative phase of a large project, we highlight some small but powerful moments abstracted from the interview accounts of five Chinese Australian young people. Firstly, we zoom in on the life politics behind the ‘seen but unnoticed’ stereotype that looking Chinese means being able to speak Chinese. Secondly, we speculate the power relations between the speaker and the listener through the momentary and inadvertent breaches of the taken-for-granted stereotype. Next, we unveil how learning Chinese has become an accountably rational priority for these young Chinese Australians. Finally, we argue that the normalised stereotype becomes visible and hence stable when it is breached – a practical accomplishment that we term ‘habitus realisation’.


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The major challenge of European Union’s agricultural industry is to ensure sustainable supply of quality food that meets the demands of a rapidly growing population, changing dietary patterns, increased competition for land use, and environmental concerns. Investments in research and innovation, which facilitate integration of external knowledge in food chain operations, are crucial to undertaking such challenges. This paper addresses how SMEs successfully innovate within collaborative networks with the assistance of innovation intermediaries. In particular, we explore the roles of innovation intermediaries in knowledge acquisition, knowledge assimilation, knowledge, transformation, and knowledge exploitation in open innovation initiatives from the wine industry through the theoretical lens of absorptive capacity. Based on two case studies from the wine industry, we identified seven key activities performed by innovation intermediaries that complement SMEs’ ability to successfully leverage external sources of knowledge for innovation purposes. These activities are articulation of knowledge needs and innovation capabilities, facilitation of social interactions, establishment of complementary links, implementation of governance structures, conflict management, enhancement of transparency, and mediation of communication. Our in-depth qualitative study of two innovation intermediaries in the wine industry has several important implications that contribute to research and practice.


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Background The evaluation of the hand function is an essential element within the clinical practice. The usual assessments are focus on the ability to perform activities of daily life. The inclusion of instruments to measure kinematic variables provides a new approach to the assessment. Inertial sensors adapted to the hand could be used as a complementary instrument to the traditional assessment. Material: clinimetric assessment (Upper Limb Functional Index, Quick Dash), antrophometric variables (eight and weight), dynamometry (palm preasure) was taken. Functional analysis was made with Acceleglove system for the right hand and computer system. The glove has six acceleration sensor, one on each finger and another one on the reverse palm. Method Analytic, transversal approach. Ten healthy subject made six task on evaluation table (tripod pinch, lateral pinch and tip pinch, extension grip, spherical grip and power grip). Each task was made and measure three times, the second one was analyze for the results section. A Matlab script was created for the analysis of each movement and detection phase based on module vector. Results The module acceleration vector offers useful information of the hand function. The data analysis obtained during the performance of functional gestures allows to identify five different phases within the movement, three static phase and tow dynamic, each module vector was allied to one task. Conclusion Module vector variables could be used for the analysis of the different task made by the hand. Inertial sensor could be use as a complement for the traditional assessment system.


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Welcome to Informed Learning. If you have opened this book, it is probably because you are interested in how people learn. It may also be because you are interested in how learners interact with their information environment and would like to help them do so in ways that help them learn better. What should we teach and how, so that our students will use information successfully, creatively and responsibly in their journey as lifelong learners? Informed learning provides a unique perspective on helping students become successful learners in our rapidly evolving information environments. It presents a new framework for informed learning, that will enable teachers, librarians, researchers and teacher-researchers to work together as they continue to respond to the need to help students use information to learn. Do you want to help your students engage with the information practices of their discipline or chosen profession? Are you looking for ideas to invigorate and refresh your curriculum? Are you looking for ways to help your students write better essays or search the internet more successfully? Are you looking for strategies to enhance your research supervision? Are you trying to discover how information literacy and information literacy education can contribute to academic curriculum? Informed Learning can help you. Informed learning is using information, creatively and reflectively, in order to learn. It is learning that draws on the different ways in which we use information in academic, professional and community life; and it is learning that draws on emerging understanding of our varied experiences of using information to learn. Indeed, we cannot learn without using information. It is problemetising the interdependence between information use and learning that is the foundation of this book. Most of the time we take for granted that aspect of learning which we call information use. What might happen to the learning experience if we attend to it? Informed Learning examines research into the experience of using information to learn in academic, workplace and community contexts, that can be used to inform learning and learning design at many levels. It draws on contemporary higher education teaching and learning theory to suggest ways forward for a learning agenda that values the need for engaging with the wider world of information. In doing so, it offers a new and unified framework for implementing curriculum that recognises the importance of successful, creative and reflective information use as a strategy for learning as well as a learning outcome; and proposes a research agenda that will continue to inform learning. Informed Learning reconceptualises information literacy as being about engaging in information practices in order to learn; engaging with the different ways of using information to learn. Based on the author’s work in developing the seven faces of information literacy, it proposes the need for teaching and learning to 1) bring about new ways of experiencing and using information, and 2) engage students with those information practices relevant to their discipline or profession. This book is written for a diverse audience of educators from many disciplines, curriculum designers, researchers, and administrators. While this book both establishes a new approach to learning design and an associated research agenda, it is also intended to be practical. I have sought to ground the ideas in practice through: • using Steve and Jane as academics from different disciplines on a journey; experiencing the implementation of informed learning; • using examples from the literature and personal experience; • using reflective questions towards the end of each chapter. In this book you will find many examples of how people experience information use as they go about learning in different contexts. The research reported here shows that as people go about learning they interact with information in different ways. They may be learning about a content area in a formal context, they may be engaged in informal learning as they go about their everyday work, or they may be learning through doing original research. The emphasis on experience and ways of seeing comes from the work of researchers into student learning such as Ference Marton, Paul Ramsden, Shirley Booth, Michael Prosser, Keith Trigwell and others who have shown that, if we are to help students learn, we must first be aware of how they experience those aspects of the world about which they are learning. Different ways of reading this book The first three chapters of this book establish the broad theoretical framework for informed learning; and the remaining chapters consider the out workings of this in a range of contexts. If you want to browse the general directions of this book, read the narratives at the start of each chapter. If you want to see how the book might influence your practice, read the narratives and the reflective questions at the end of each chapter. If you want to help your students become informed learners in their discipline or profession, focus on chapters one, two, three and five. If you are looking for help with students engaged in information practices such as internet searching or essay writing, focus on chapters one, three and four. If you are interested in informed learning in the community or workplace, focus on chapters one, two, three and six. If you want to help your research students become informed learners, focus on chapters one, two, three, seven and eight. If you are working with colleagues to promote information literacy education and are looking for ideas, read chapter nine. If you are interested in researching informed learning read chapter ten


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As critical infrastructure such as transportation hubs continue to grow in complexity, greater importance is placed on monitoring these facilities to ensure their secure and efficient operation. In order to achieve these goals, technology continues to evolve in response to the needs of various infrastructure. To date, however, the focus of technology for surveillance has been primarily concerned with security, and little attention has been placed on assisting operations and monitoring performance in real-time. Consequently, solutions have emerged to provide real-time measurements of queues and crowding in spaces, but have been installed as system add-ons (rather than making better use of existing infrastructure), resulting in expensive infrastructure outlay for the owner/operator, and an overload of surveillance systems which in itself creates further complexity. Given many critical infrastructure already have camera networks installed, it is much more desirable to better utilise these networks to address operational monitoring as well as security needs. Recently, a growing number of approaches have been proposed to monitor operational aspects such as pedestrian throughput, crowd size and dwell times. In this paper, we explore how these techniques relate to and complement the more commonly seen security analytics, and demonstrate the value that can be added by operational analytics by demonstrating their performance on airport surveillance data. We explore how multiple analytics and systems can be combined to better leverage the large amount of data that is available, and we discuss the applicability and resulting benefits of the proposed framework for the ongoing operation of airports and airport networks.


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This paper investigates the influence of structural sealant joints on the blast performance of laminated glass (LG) panels, using a comprehensive numerical procedure. A parametric study was carried out by varying the width, thickness and the Young’s modulus (E) of the structural silicone sealant joints and the behavior of the LG panel was studied under two different blast loads. Results show that these parameters influence the blast response of LG panels, especially under the higher blast load. Sealant joints that are thicker, have smaller widths and lower E values increase the flexibility at the supports and hence increase the energy absorption of the LG panel while reducing the support reactions. Results also confirmed that sealant joints designed according to current standards perform well under blast loads. Modeling techniques presented in this paper could be used to complement and supplement the guidance in existing design standards. The new information generated in this paper will contribute towards safer and more economical designs of entire facade systems including window glazing, frames and supporting structures.


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Interstitial fibrosis, a histological process common to many kidney diseases, is the precursor state to end stage kidney disease, a devastating and costly outcome for the patient and the health system. Fibrosis is historically associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD) but emerging evidence is now linking many forms of acute kidney disease (AKD) with the development of CKD. Indeed, we and others have observed at least some degree of fibrosis in up to 50% of clinically defined cases of AKD. Epithelial cells of the proximal tubule (PTEC) are central in the development of kidney interstitial fibrosis. We combine the novel techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR to identify and quantitate “real time” gene transcription profiles of purified PTEC isolated from human kidney biopsies that describe signaling pathways associated with this pathological fibrotic process. Our results: (i) confirm previous in-vitro and animal model studies; kidney injury molecule-1 is up-regulated in patients with acute tubular injury, inflammation, neutrophil infiltration and a range of chronic disease diagnoses, (ii) provide data to inform treatment; complement component 3 expression correlates with inflammation and acute tubular injury, (iii) identify potential new biomarkers; proline 4-hydroxylase transcription is down-regulated and vimentin is up-regulated across kidney diseases, (iv) describe previously unrecognized feedback mechanisms within PTEC; Smad-3 is down-regulated in many kidney diseases suggesting a possible negative feedback loop for TGF-β in the disease state, whilst tight junction protein-1 is up-regulated in many kidney diseases, suggesting feedback interactions with vimentin expression. These data demonstrate that the combined techniques of laser capture microdissection and multiplex-tandem PCR have the power to study molecular signaling within single cell populations derived from clinically sourced tissue.


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This paper reviews the innovations that have been introduced in the milling train at Rocky Point mill since 2001 and provides some operational, performance and maintenance comparisons of the technologies in use. The decision to install BHEM mills in the #2 and #3 mill positions to complement the six-roll mills in the #1 and #4 mill positions has proven a good one. Satisfactory performance is being obtained by these mills while maintenance costs are significantly less. Very good #1 mill extraction and final bagasse moisture content are being achieved. The innovation of using Hägglunds hydraulic drives at higher speed…


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Sessional Academics enhance students’ learning experience by bringing a diverse range of perspectives and expertise into the classroom. As industry specialists, research students, and recent graduates who have excelled in their courses, they complement the discipline expertise of career academics. With increasing casualization of the academic workforce, Sessional Academics now deliver the majority of face-to-face undergraduate teaching in Australian Universities. To enable them to realize their full potential as effective contributors to student learning and course quality, universities need to offer effective training and access to advice and support and facilitate engagement in university life. However, in the face of complex and diverse contexts, overwhelming numbers, and the transitory nature of sessional cohorts, few universities have developed a comprehensive, systematic approach. During the past three years at QUT, we have set out to develop a multifaceted approach to Sessional Academic support and development. In this paper I will explain why and how we have done so, and describe the range of strategies and programs we have developed. They include a central academic development program, which is structured and scaffolded with learning objectives and outcomes, and aligned with a graduate certificate in Academic Practice; a Sessional Academic Success program, which deploys experienced, school-based sessional academic success advisors to provide local support, build a sense of community, and offer discipline focused academic development; an online, dialogic communication strategy; and opportunities to present and be acknowledged for good learning and teaching practices. Together, these strategies have impacted on sessional academics’ confidence, learning and teaching capacity, reflection and engagement.


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The measurement of illicit drug metabolites in raw wastewater is increasingly being adopted as an approach to objectively monitor population-level drug use, and is an effective complement to traditional epidemiological methods. As such, it has been widely applied in western countries. In this study, we utilised this approach to assess drug use patterns over nine days during April 2011 in Hong Kong. Raw wastewater samples were collected from the largest wastewater treatment plant serving a community of approximately 3.5 million people and analysed for excreted drug residues including cocaine, ketamine, methamphetamine, 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and key metabolites using liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry. The overall drug use pattern determined by wastewater analysis was consistent with that have seen amongst people coming into contact with services in relation to substance use; among our target drugs, ketamine (estimated consumption: 1400–1600 mg/day/1000 people) was the predominant drug followed by methamphetamine (180–200 mg/day/1000 people), cocaine (160–180 mg/day/1000 people) and MDMA (not detected). The levels of these drugs were relatively steady throughout the monitoring period. Analysing samples at higher temporal resolution provided data on diurnal variations of drug residue loads. Elevated ratios of cocaine to benzoylecgonine were identified unexpectedly in three samples during the evening and night, providing evidence for potential dumping events of cocaine. This study provides the first application of wastewater analysis to quantitatively evaluate daily drug use in an Asian metropolitan community. Our data reinforces the benefit of wastewater monitoring to health and law enforcement authorities for strategic planning and evaluation of drug intervention strategies.


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Objectives: Research about the outcomes of schizophrenia and the factors that determine them in developing countries is still limited. In this study, we interviewed experienced Vietnamese psychiatrists to examine their perspectives on outcome determinants in their country. The qualitative approach aimed to complement existing epidemiological knowledge and contribute to debate around the hypothesis that recovery is better in developing countries. Methods: Fifteen Vietnamese psychiatrists working in five leading psychiatric facilities participated in semi-structured interviews. Thematic content analysis of their expressed views identified three themes related to important outcome determinants in Vietnam: access to contemporary treatment, established patient-level prognostic indicators, and sociocultural variables. Results: The improving accessibility of modern treatment (including new medications, specialist staff and facilities) and increasing community adoption of a medical perspective on mental illness were seen as factors leading to improved outcomes, particularly in urban areas. However, some psychiatrists also identified the potentially beneficial nature of some aspects of Vietnamese society and culture being eroded by modernization, including traditional family structures, forms of employment and lifestyles. Conclusions: The perspectives of psychiatrists in this study suggest that socioeconomic change may be exerting conflicting influences on the outcomes of schizophrenia in Vietnam and other developing countries. Their views have implications in terms of how adequate treatment and support for people with severe mental illness can be provided in the context of limited resources, staffing and formal treatment options. Further research is needed to establish current recovery rates and prospectively explore the impact of modernization on outcomes.


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A plane strain elastic interaction analysis of a strip footing resting on a reinforced soil bed has been made by using a combined analytical and finite element method (FEM). In this approach the stiffness matrix for the footing has been obtained using the FEM, For the reinforced soil bed (halfplane) the stiffness matrix has been obtained using an analytical solution. For the latter, the reinforced zone has been idealised as (i) an equivalent orthotropic infinite strip (composite approach) and (ii) a multilayered system (discrete approach). In the analysis, the interface between the strip footing and reinforced halfplane has been assumed as (i) frictionless and (ii) fully bonded. The contact pressure distribution and the settlement reduction have been given for different depths of footing and scheme of reinforcement in soil. The load-deformation behaviour of the reinforced soil obtained using the above modelling has been compared with some available analytical and model test results. The equivalent orthotropic approach proposed in this paper is easy to program and is shown to predict the reinforcing effects reasonably well.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to consider how biophilic urbanism complements and potentially enhances approaches for the built environment profession to holistically integrate nature into cities. Urban nature – also referred to as urban greening and green infrastructure – has increasingly been considered from many perspectives to address challenges such as population pressures, climate change and resource shortages. Within this context, the authors highlight how “biophilic urbanism” complements and may enhance approaches and efforts for urban greening. Design/methodology/approach – The paper provides a review of existing literature in “urban nature” to clarify and discuss the concept of biophilic urbanism. Drawing on this literature review, the authors present a systematic clustering and scaling of “biophilic elements” that could facilitate responding to twenty-first century challenges. Findings – Biophilic urbanism can be applied at multiple scales in urban environments, through a range of multi-functional features that address the pervasive false dichotomy of urban development and environmental protection. Biophilic urbanism can complement urban greening efforts to enable a holistic approach, which is conducive to comprehensive, intentional and strategic urban greening. Originality/value – This paper situates the emerging concept of biophilic urbanism within existing research from multiple disciplines, providing insight for how this can be applied in practice, particularly to the topical challenge of “urban renewal”.


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The two molecules in the asymmetric unit of adenosine-5'-carboxylic acid, C10H11N5O5, exist as zwitterions with N1 protonated and the carboxyl groups ionized. Both molecules are in an anti conformation with glycosyl torsion angles of -161.4(3) and -155.5(3)degrees. The ribose moieties adopt a C3-endo-C2-exo twist conformation. The pseudo-rotation parameters are P = 0.01(1) and 6.58(1)degrees, and tau(m) = 36.2(2) and 34.6(2)degrees, for molecules A and B, respectively. The carboxyl groups of A and B are not in the standard g(+), g(-) or t conformations. Both Watson-Crick sites, N1 and N6, of the adenine bases are involved in a pair of hydrogen bonds with the dissociated carboxyl groups, forming a cyclic tetramer. The adenine base of molecule A stacks on the ribose O4' atom of a symmetry-related B molecule at a distance of 2.88 Angstrom; the adenine base of B stacks in an analogous way at a distance of 2.91 Angstrom.