965 resultados para Communicable diseases in children.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the surgical outcomes of partial cricotracheal resection in children with severe congenital subglottic stenosis and define the effect of concomitant anomalies or syndromes affecting outcome. METHODS: Forty-one children with subglottic stenosis of congenital and mixed (acquired on congenital) etiologies who underwent partial cricotracheal resection were identified from a prospectively collected database. Children with congenital subglottic stenosis and concomitant anomalies/syndromes were compared to children with congenital subglottic stenosis with no syndromes or concomitant anomalies. Operation-specific decannulation rates and complication rates were the primary outcome measures. We performed a two-sample test of proportion using the STATA-10 software for categorical variables to detect differences in proportions. Significance was set at p value<0.05. RESULTS: Twenty-seven (66%) of 41 children had concomitant anomalies/syndromes and 14 (34%) had congenital subglottic stenosis without concomitant anomalies/syndromes. Four patients needed revision surgery in the concomitant anomaly group and two patients needed revision surgery in the non concomitant anomaly group before achieving decannulation. The operation-specific decannulation rate in the concomitant anomaly group was 85% and 86% in the non anomaly group. When compared to children without concomitant anomaly, children with concomitant anomalies were more likely to have delayed decannulation following partial cricotracheal resection. However, this difference was not found to be statistically significant. The complication and operation-specific decannulation rates after partial cricotracheal resection were comparable to children without concomitant anomalies. Mortality rate was 11% (three of 27 patients) in the group with associated congenital anomalies or syndromes. Two patients succumbed to the primary pathology and one patient died due to tracheostomy-tube obstruction. There was no post-operative death in the non anomaly group. CONCLUSION: Partial cricotracheal resection can be done safely and effectively in children with concomitant anomalies/syndromes to achieve decannulation. The post-operative course may be prolonged but the decannulation and the complication rates are comparable to those children with congenital subglottic stenosis without concomitant anomalies.


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As culture-based methods for the diagnosis of invasive fungal diseases (IFD) in leukemia and hematopoietic SCT patients have limited performance, non-culture methods are increasingly being used. The third European Conference on Infections in Leukemia (ECIL-3) meeting aimed at establishing evidence-based recommendations for the use of biological tests in adult patients, based on the grading system of the Infectious Diseases Society of America. The following biomarkers were investigated as screening tests: galactomannan (GM) for invasive aspergillosis (IA); β-glucan (BG) for invasive candidiasis (IC) and IA; Cryptococcus Ag for cryptococcosis; mannan (Mn) Ag/anti-mannan (A-Mn) Ab for IC, and PCR for IA. Testing for GM, Cryptococcus Ag and BG are included in the revised EORTC/MSG (European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer/Mycoses Study Group) consensus definitions for IFD. Strong evidence supports the use of GM in serum (A II), and Cryptococcus Ag in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) (A II). Evidence is moderate for BG detection in serum (B II), and the combined Mn/A-Mn testing in serum for hepatosplenic candidiasis (B III) and candidemia (C II). No recommendations were formulated for the use of PCR owing to a lack of standardization and clinical validation. Clinical utility of these markers for the early management of IFD should be further assessed in prospective randomized interventional studies.


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BACKGROUND: Drug therapy in high-risk individuals has been advocated as an important strategy to reduce cardiovascular disease in low income countries. We determined, in a low-income urban population, the proportion of persons who utilized health services after having been diagnosed as hypertensive and advised to seek health care for further hypertension management. METHODS: A population-based survey of 9254 persons aged 25-64 years was conducted in Dar es Salaam. Among the 540 persons with high blood pressure (defined here as BP >or= 160/95 mmHg) at the initial contact, 253 (47%) had high BP on a 4th visit 45 days later. Among them, 208 were untreated and advised to attend health care in a health center of their choice for further management of their hypertension. One year later, 161 were seen again and asked about their use of health services during the interval. RESULTS: Among the 161 hypertensive persons advised to seek health care, 34% reported to have attended a formal health care provider during the 12-month interval (63% public facility; 30% private; 7% both). Antihypertensive treatment was taken by 34% at some point of time (suggesting poor uptake of health services) and 3% at the end of the 12-month follow-up (suggesting poor long-term compliance). Health services utilization tended to be associated with older age, previous history of high BP, being overweight and non-smoking, but not with education or wealth. Lack of symptoms and cost of treatment were the reasons reported most often for not attending health care. CONCLUSION: Low utilization of health services after hypertension screening suggests a small impact of a patient-centered screen-and-treat strategy in this low-income population. These findings emphasize the need to identify and address barriers to health care utilization for non-communicable diseases in this setting and, indirectly, the importance of public health measures for primary prevention of these diseases.


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An increasing number of anterior cruciate ligament injuries are now seen in children and girls seem to be equally affected. Such neglected or untreated lesions could be the cause of early degenerative changes. Recently, many authors support the trend toward early surgical management in skeletally immature patients with complex meniscal tear or recurrent knee instability after proper rehabilitation. Improvement in pediatric knowledge and surgical techniques tend to support a tendency for more surgical treatment in children. The type of management is choosing according to history and physical examination. Magnetic resonance imaging is a useful tool not only for diagnosis but also for surgical treatment planning. We usually recommend anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in children with knee instability or with further damages to the joint.


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PURPOSE: The benefit of surgery on renal function in unilateral ureteropelvic junction stenosis (UPJS) is still debated. We evaluated renal function outcome after unilateral pyeloplasty in 53 children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 123I-hippuran renography performed at diagnosis and 5 to 15 years (mean +/- SD 7 +/- 3 years) after successful pyeloplasty. UPJS was prenatally detected in 26 children because of urinary tract infection in 17 and miscellaneous reasons in 10. Relative function (RF) and absolute function were measured on background corrected renograms. Absolute function of the affected and contralateral kidneys was determined by an accumulation index (AI), representing the percent injected dose extracted by each kidney 30 to 90 seconds after the heart peak. RESULTS: Preoperatively 33 of the 53 UPJS kidneys had a decreased AI but only 8 had a RF of less than 40%, which was improved in 7 at followup. In addition, the AI improved in 29 kidneys, of which 19 (36%) normalized. Of the UPJS kidneys 14 had an initially decreased AI that remained abnormal at followup. In these kidneys preoperative RF was less than 40% in all. At followup RF was greater than 40% in 4 children, in whom the AI of the UPJS kidney did not improve but the AI of the contralateral one decreased from supranormal to normal. Seven contralateral kidneys had a supranormal AI, whereas the AI remained normal in 3, of which the RF in the UPJS kidney remained at less than 40%. The AI and RF were normal in 20 UPJS kidneys and remained normal. CONCLUSIONS: When normal, the AI and RF reflected renal function outcome similarly. The AI added relevant information in UPJS kidneys with impaired function, showing compensation of the contralateral kidney.


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Résumé Les études épidémiologiques indiquent que la restriction intra-utérine confère un risque accru de développement de diabète de type 2 au cours de la vie. Certaines études ont documenté la présence d'une résistance à l'insuline chez les jeunes adultes ou les adolescents nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel. Comme la plupart des études ont impliqués des individus post-pubères et comme la puberté influence de manière marquée le métabolisme énergétique, nous avons évalué le devenir du glucose administré oralement dans un groupe incluant essentiellement des enfants pré-pubères ou en début de puberté avec restriction intra-utérine, et chez des enfants matchés pour l'âge et pour le poids. Tous les enfants ont eu une évaluation de leur composition corporelle par mesure des plis cutanés. Ils ont ensuite été étudiés dans des conditions standardisées et ont reçu 4 charges consécutives orales de glucose à raison de 180 mg/kg de poids corporel jusqu'à atteindre un état d'équilibre relatif. La dépense énergétique et l'oxydation des substrats ont été évaluées durant la quatrième heure par calorimétrie indirecte. Comparativement avec les enfants matchés pour l'âge et le poids, les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel avaient une plus petite stature. Leur dépense énergétique n'était pas significativement abaissée, mais leur oxydation du glucose était plus basse. Ces résultats indiquent que des altérations métaboliques sont présentes précocement chez les enfants nés petits pour l'âge gestationnel, et qu'elles sont possiblement reliées à des altérations de la composition corporelle. Abstract: Epidemiological studies indicate that intrauterine growth restriction confers an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus in subsequent life. Several studies have further documented the presence of insulin resistance in young adults or adolescent children born small for gestational age. Since most studies addressed postpubertal individuals, and since puberty markedly affects energy metabolism, we evaluated the disposal of oral glucose in a group including mainly prepubertal and early pubertal children with intrauterine growth restriction and in healthy age- and weight-matched control children. All children had an evaluation of their body composition by skinfold thickness measurements. They were then studied in standardized conditions and received 4 consecutive hourly loads of 180 mg glucose/kg body weight to reach a near steady state. Energy expenditure and substrate oxidation were evaluated during the fourth hour by indirect calorimetry. Compared to both age- and weight-matched children, children born small for gestational age had lower stature. Their energy expenditure was not significantly decreased, but they had lower glucose oxidation rates. These results indicate that metabolic alterations are present early in children born small for gestational age, and are possibly related to alterations of body composition.


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OBJECTIVES: This study aims at evaluating the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly and its evolution over time. METHODS: We present a systematic international literature review of the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly and its evolution over time. RESULTS: The estimated current prevalence of rheumatic diseases among people aged 65 and more varies between 41% and 53%, and is similar to estimated prevalence rates in studies performed before 1990 (35-55%). The prevalence is high and seems to increase rapidly with age. Furthermore, women suffer more frequently from rheumatic diseases than men. CONCLUSION: The selected studies included a large range of methods, making comparisons difficult. However, estimates of the prevalence of rheumatic diseases in the elderly appear to be homogeneous in different countries and stable since 1980.


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AIM: The aim of this cross-sectional study was to provide normative data (ordinal scores and timed performances) for gross and fine motor tasks in typically developing children between 3 and 5 years of age using the Zurich Neuromotor Assessment (ZNA). METHOD: Typically developing children (n=101; 48 males, 53 females) between 3 and 5 years of age were enrolled from day-care centres in the greater Zurich area and tested using a modified version of the ZNA; the tests were recorded digitally on video. Intraobserver reliability was assessed on the videos of 20 children by one examiner. Interobserver reliability was assessed by two examiners. Test-retest reliability was performed on an additional 20 children. The modelling approach summarized the data with a linear age effect and an additive term for sex, while incorporating informative missing data in the normative values. Normative data for adaptive motor tasks, pure motor tasks, and static and dynamic balance were calculated with centile curves (for timed performance) and expected ordinal scores (for ordinal scales). RESULTS: Interobserver, intraobserver, and test-retest reliability of tasks were moderate to good. Nearly all tasks showed significant age effects, whereas sex was significant only for stringing beads and hopping on one leg. INTERPRETATION: These results indicate that timed performance and ordinal scales of neuromotor tasks can be reliably measured in preschool children and are characterized by developmental change and high interindividual variability.


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Gastro-oesophageal reflux (GOR) is a common disorder in the pediatric population. In association with esophagitis, GOR may impair children's quality of life. Extra-oesophageal manifestations are of specific interest in oral medicine because the refluxate may reach impair both oral mucosa and hard dental tissues. Some oral symptoms are so specific that they should raise the attention for other GOR symptoms. Dental erosion is a potential risk in children with gastroesophageal reflux: the pediatrician should routinely refer children with gastroesophageal reflux to a pediatric dentist to diagnose erosions and if needed restore the teeth. Conversely, in the presence of unexplained dental erosions the dentist and/or the pediatrician should discuss the possibility of an occult GOR.


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Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is the most widely used technical instrument for evaluating bone mineral content (BMC) and density (BMD) in patients of all ages. However, its use in pediatric patients, during growth and development, poses a much more complex problem in terms of both the technical aspects and the interpretation of the results. For the adults population, there is a well-defined term of reference: the peak value of BMD attained by young healthy subjects at the end of skeletal growth. During childhood and adolescence, the comparison can be made only with healthy subjects of the same age, sex and ethnicity, but the situation is compounded by the wide individual variation in the process of skeletal growth (pubertal development, hormone action, body size and bone size). The International Society for Clinical Densitometry (ISCD) organized a Pediatric Position Development Conference to discuss the specific problems of bone densitometry in growing subjects (9-19 years of age) and to provide essential recommendations for its clinical use.